The URL below provides a direct link to your My Collection page and can be shared with others.

(as Web page)

(as CSV file)

(as JSON file)
{{resource.ownedCount || 0}}  {{getResourceCountNeeded(resource)}}
Renown: {{kingdom.renown}}
{{task.value}} ∕ {{task.targetValue}}

My Collection

My Collection


  • Use the table to enter information about your troops and classes. Troops you do not own should be left at level 0.
  • You can track and filter to your highest-priority troops by using the check boxes.
  • Use the "Tools" menu for shortcuts (setting all visible troops to various levels, exporting data to a spreadsheet, and more).
  • When you are finished, use the "Checklist" menu or the pane to track the resources you have and need.


Level {{globals.level}} Hero ({{getKingdom(globals.homeKingdomId).name}})
Member of {{globals.guildName}} for {{globals.guildMembershipInDays}}d.
Currently undefeated in {{globals.winStreak}} battles.


0 found.
{{}} {{globals.kindNames[troop.kind]}} {{getTroopKingdomNames(troop)}} {{troop.role}} {{troop.type}} {{globals.rarities[troop.baseRarity-1].name}} {{troop.level ? troop.count : 0}} ∕ {{getTroopTotalForAscension(troop)}} {{globals.rarities[troop.rarity-1].name}} {{troop.count ? troop.level : 0}} {{troop.traitCount}} {{troop.invasions}} {{resource.cost}}
Last updated: 07/20/2022 © Lyya (
This is a fan site. All Gems of War contents are owned by Infinity Plus Two.
Game art images courtesy of -- check them out!