

Contents are limited to items present on Nintendo Switch. Statistics are for PC/Mobile version and may not match.

Адский Кряж

Царство статуй

Обитатели этого королевства были давным-давно обращены в камень Медузой.
Мистический Лавовый
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Conversation Character

A Herald's Favor

Meet with the Herald of Torpor.

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Герой: One evening, the Herald of Chaos approached me.
Герой: You never want to talk without a reason. What's up?
Герольд Хаоса: Indeed. I have received a message from one of my kin - the Herald of Torpor.
Герой: Torpor? You're a cheery bunch, aren't you. What does he want?
Герой: He seeks an audience with you. I would counsel caution though.
Герольд Хаоса: [QUEST9609_STARTCONV_3]
  • Travel to the Blighted Lands.
    Мастер драки Бур'Нак: Intruders! Stop them!
    Orc Patrol: Мастер драки Бур'Нак, Кулак Зорна, Орк, Всадник на дрейке
  • Defeat the Daemon Guardians.
    Страж Хельгор: Halt in the name of the king!
    Infernal Patrol: Врата душ, Страж Хельгор, Адская кошка, Суккуб
Герой: It was difficult to get a read on our ally, the Herald of Chaos.
Герой: You seem nervous. Is something wrong?
Герольд Хаоса: As you well know, the Heralds are not to be trusted.
Герой: Present company exlcuded, of course, eh?
Герой: Yes. Torpor is... different though. I will let him tell you his story.
Герой: Present company exlcuded, of course, eh?
Герой: Yes. Torpor is... different though. I will let him tell you his story.
Герольд Хаоса: [QUEST9609_ENDCONV_3]
Conversation Character

A Herald's Secret

Stay safe while talking to the Herald of Torpor.

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Герой: The Herald of Torpor was waiting for us.
Герой: We received your message. Why did you ask us here?
Герольд торпора: I would request a favor of you, hero.
Герольд торпора: But I would NOT do so without offering you something first.
Герольд торпора: Do you agree? A gift in exchange for hearing my story?
  • Defeat a wave of Daemons.
    Эриния: Look! Mortals!
    Roaming Daemons: Эриния, Костяной демон, Адская гончая, Ползун
  • Defeat another wave of Daemons.
    Бафомет: Souls to devour!
    Wandering Daemons: Бафомет, Ламашту, Квазит, Ползун
Герой: The Heralds of the Blighted Lands were strange...
Герой: Why not just ask me this favor?
Герольд торпора: I would prefer if we establish a bond of trust first.
Герольд торпора: It is difficult to trust those who have served the Infernal King, I understand.
Герольд торпора: So, come! And I will show you this gift.
Conversation Character

A Herald's Past

Travel with the Herald of Torpor.

Завершите это приключение, чтобы открыть новое испытание.
Герой: As we traveled, Torpor told us his story...
Герой: Chaos tells me you are old?
Герольд торпора: Older than him. And for thousands of years, I have sought to be free.
Герольд торпора: My city fell in the early days of the Great Blight. The Infernal King found me there.
Герольд торпора: I was, in fact, the first Herald.
  • Travel north.
    Фел'Драс: Gore them!
    Boars Galore: Фел'Драс, Бронесвин, Дикий кабан, Броневепрь
  • Defeat Orcs blocking your way.
    Вар'Дрок: I challenge you!
    Orcs in the Way: Вар'Дрок, Боевой волк, Орк-ветеран, Варг
Герой: Despite Chaos' earlier warnings, Torpor seemed honorable.
Герой: Will you tell me about this favor now?
Герольд торпора: Not yet... As I have said, first I will prove myself to you.
Герольд торпора: I will show you something of great value. It will be yours for the taking.
Герольд торпора: It was from my home, before the Infernal King came.
Conversation Character

A Herald's Tears

Retrieve the Tears of the Sisters.

Завершите приключение, чтобы получить прибавку к доходу в этом королевстве.
Герой: The thing you're going to show me. It's here?
Герольд торпора: Indeed it is. It is called the Tears of the Sisters. It is up ahead.
Герой: It is a vial containing a tear from each of the 3 sisters who ruled my home.
Герольд торпора: It has great magical power. And I freely give it to you.
Герой: Torpor gestured towards a rocky cave.
Герольд торпора: [QUEST9612_STARTCONV_3]
  • Approach the Tears' hiding place.
    Камнехалк: Stop!
    A Blocked Path: Камнехалк, Древний голем, Дрейк, Виверн
  • Defeat the Tears' Guardian.
    Eternal Sentinel: None may see the Tears!
    The Tears' Guardians: Eternal Sentinel, Камнехалк, Бюлетта, Хлестун
Герой: This is it, eh? The Tears of the Sisters. It's beautiful.
Герольд торпора: Indeed. And it is yours. It is all that remains of the city of Zhand.
Герой: Today, that city is known only as Hellcrag.
Герольд торпора: And now, I will ask you my favor...
Герой: I nodded. He seemed decent, for a servant of the Daemon King.
Герольд торпора: And now, I will ask you my favor...
Герой: I nodded. He seemed decent, for a servant of the Daemon King.
Герольд торпора: [QUEST9612_ENDCONV_3]
Conversation Character

A City's Loss

Learn about the Herald of Torpor's favor.

Завершите это приключение, чтобы открыть новое испытание.
Герольд торпора: The Herald of Torpor drew a deep breath.
Герой: For many centuries, I have sought to be free.
Герольд торпора: And I think I have finally figured out a way.
Герольд торпора: I must liberate my ancient home city, and end its curse.
Герольд торпора: But the Daemon, Czernobog, now lives there, and I need your help.
  • Escape from this place.
    Камнехалк: Return the Tears!
    Pass the Guards: Камнехалк, Камнехалк, Бюлетта, Каменный дух
  • Defeat pursuers.
    Eternal Sentinel: Stop, thieves!
    Rocky Pursuit: Гончая кряжей, Гончая кряжей, Гончая кряжей, Eternal Sentinel
Герольд торпора: His request was a noble one.
Герой: I will tell you about this city, and this Daemon.
Герольд торпора: It is now known as Hellcrag, City of Statues.
Герольд торпора: Everything, everyone there, was cursed and turned to stone.
Герольд торпора: It was abandoned for many centuries until Czernobog came.
Conversation Character

A City's Life

Begin your journey to Hellcrag.

Завершите приключение, чтобы получить прибавку к доходу в этом королевстве.
Герой: Another Daemon? It was like old times...
Герой: Very well. We'll help. But I still have many questions.
Герольд торпора: Thank you. The stories they tell of you are true.
Герой: Not ALL of them, I hope! Lead the way, and tell me more as we go.
Герой: As you wish. It all started back in the Great Blight, when my people fled the city...
Герольд торпора: [QUEST9614_STARTCONV_3]
  • Defeat the stone creatures.
    Каменный зомби: Crush them!
    Rocky Ambush: Каменный зомби, Гончая кряжей, Горгон, Голем
  • Learn more of the stone creatures.
    Petrified Golem: Turn them to stone!
    Stone Menagerie: Petrified Golem, Каменный зомби, Живой кварц, Каменный тролль
Герой: We continued traveling south.
Герой: So the Infernal King cursed the city?
Герольд торпора: No. He simply overran it. We were terribly outnumbered and fled.
Герой: Then who DID curse it?
Герой: One of the three sisters who ruled the city. Her name was Medusa.
Герой: Then who DID curse it?
Герой: One of the three sisters who ruled the city. Her name was Medusa.
Герольд торпора: [QUEST9614_ENDCONV_3]
Conversation Character

A City's Curse

Continue to Hellcrag.

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Герой: Tell us more about the three sisters and the curse.
Герольд торпора: They were Naga - Stheno, Euryali, and Medusa. They WERE wise and fair.
Герой: When the Daemons attacked, Stheno & Euryali fled north. Only Medusa stayed.
Герольд торпора: And the only way she could protect the city was the Curse of Stone.
Герой: We were all silent as we imagined a city of statues.
Герольд торпора: [QUEST9615_STARTCONV_3]
  • Avoid flying stone creatures.
    Nabassu: How the mighty has fallen!
    Falling Rocks: Nabassu, Nabassu, Гаргулья, Гаргулья
  • Approach Hellcrag's Gates.
    Nabassu: We've been waiting for you, Torpor!
    To the Gates: Nabassu, Гончая кряжей, Petrified Golem, Hellstone Gate
Герой: What do you plan to do once we confront this Daemon?
Герольд торпора: The city will be free! It will be MINE!
Герой: I will lift the curse, and I will RULE there!
Герольд торпора: The Infernal King will have no power over me!
Герой: That reponse scared me a little.
Герольд торпора: The Infernal King will have no power over me!
Герой: That reponse scared me a little.
Герольд торпора: [QUEST9615_ENDCONV_3]
Conversation Character

A City's Guardian

Enter Hellcrag.

Завершите приключение, чтобы получить прибавку к доходу в этом королевстве.
Герой: Hellcrag finally stood before us.
Герой: It was silent as a grave, yet strangely beautiful.
Герольд торпора: It has been too long since I gazed upon this place.
Герой: And the Daemon, Czernobog is in here somewhere?
Герольд торпора: At the very top of the mountain.
Герой: Hasten! We have no time to waste!
  • Open Hellcrag's Gates.
    Камнехалк: None may pass!
    Gates of Hellcrag: Hellstone Gate, Камнехалк, Голем, Камнехалк
  • Defeat Hellcrag's Guardian.
    Xenith: Torpor... At last!
    Xenith Awaits: Hellstone Gate, Petrified Golem, Nabassu, Xenith
Герой: The strange Daemon at the gates was dead.
Герой: But it felt like we'd been.. careless.
Герой: The strange Daemon at the gates was dead.
Герой: But it felt like we'd been.. careless.
Герольд торпора: Come! We must ascend the mountain now!
Герой: Why didn't you warn us about this guardian Daemon?
Герольд торпора: What? Xenith? Do not concern yourself.
Герой: Czernobog awaits.
Conversation Character

A Daemon's Legacy

Discover if this was a trap.

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Герой: Something felt wrong here.
Герой: Wait, before we go any further...
Герольд торпора: But Czernobog awaits us! We can defeat him!
Герой: Is there something you're not telling us, Torpor?
Герольд торпора: No! You must follow me! I demand it!
  • Hold off the stone Daemons.
    Nabassu: Surround them!
    Daemon Wave: Камнехалк, Гончая кряжей, Stone Mefyt, Nabassu
  • Confront the Herald of Torpor.
    Герольд торпора: No, you must trust me!
    Challenging the Herald: Гончая кряжей, Гончая кряжей, Гончая кряжей, Герольд торпора
Герой: That didn't turn out as planned...
Герой: I'm sorry, Torpor, I think this adventure is over.
Герой: That didn't turn out as planned...
Герой: I'm sorry, Torpor, I think this adventure is over.
Герольд торпора: No! You do not understand! This is MY CITY!
Герой: Regardless, I'm concerned you're leading us into a trap.
Герольд торпора: You still do not trust me, after I gave you the Tears?
Conversation Character

A Daemon's Call

Decide what to do next.

Завершите приключение, чтобы получить прибавку к доходу в этом королевстве.
Герой: Torpor left us there.
Герой: He stormed off towards the peak.
Герой: Did we do the right thing?
Герольд Хаоса: The Heralds cannot be trusted.
Герой: Perhaps...
Герой: But I trusted you, Chaos, and it worked out okay.
  • Form a barricade.
    Камнехалк: We will not stop!
    Beyond the Barricade: Petrified Golem, Каменный дух, Гаргулья, Гончая кряжей
  • Defend against the Daemons.
    Каменный зомби: We will never stop!
    Another Daemon Wave: Каменный зомби, Кватраманус, Каменный тролль, Терраксис
Герой: As we were about to turn and leave...
Герой: ...we heard a terrible sound from up the mountain.
Герой: As we were about to turn and leave...
Герой: ...we heard a terrible sound from up the mountain.
Герой: That sounds like Torpor. He may be in trouble.
Герольд Хаоса: Or it may be another trap.
Герой: I appreciate your caution, old friend...
Герой: But I can't leave Torpor to his fate.
Conversation Character

A Daemon's Triumph

Follow the Herald of Torpor.

Завершите это приключение, чтобы открыть новое испытание.
Герой: There were clear signs a battle was raging up ahead.
Герой: Will you trust me, Chaos?
Герольд Хаоса: I owe you my life. Where you go, I follow.
Герой: Thank you, my friend.
Герой: And I will have your back if you are betrayed.
  • Fight through Hellcrag.
    Nabassu: Rip them to shreds!
    Hellcrag's Streets: Гончая кряжей, Nabassu, Каменный червь, Каменный великан
  • Climb the summit.
    Adakite: First the Herald, now you?!
    The Stone Dragon: Камнехалк, Adakite, Eternal Sentinel, Каменный тролль
Герой: We found Torpor on the path to the peak.
Герой: Torpor! You've been wounded!
Герой: We found Torpor on the path to the peak.
Герой: Torpor! You've been wounded!
Герольд торпора: It was Czernobog... He is too... powerful...
Герой: Which way did he go?
Герой: Towards... the summit...
Conversation Character

A Daemon's Demise

Help defeat Chernabog.

Complete this quest to unlock the Herald of Torpor.
Герой: That is the biggest Daemon I have ever seen.
Герой: I understand now...
Герой: ...Why they call him the Daemon of the Mountain.
Герольд торпора: I will help you, if I can.
Герой: We prepared to face Czernobog.
  • Defeat Chernabog.
    Czernobog: This is MY Mountain!
    Daemon of the Mountain: Камнехалк, Гончая кряжей, Nabassu, Czernobog
Герой: Czernobog is defeated!
Герой: Czernobog is defeated!
Герой: I'm sorry for doubting you, Torpor.
Герой: You were nothing but honest with us.
Герольд торпора: Worry not. We are a difficult folk to trust.
Герой: I felt Torpor smile. We had made a new ally.
Conversation Character

Geomancer Training

Learn how to become a Geomancer with the Herald of Torpor.

Unlock the Geomancer Hero Class
Герой: Your city is beauitiful, Torpor.
Герольд торпора: Yes. And it will be even more so one day.
Герой: I have learnt much about stone over the centuries.
Герольд торпора: May I teach you some of it? That you may help me?
Герой: My Geomancer training was about to begin.
  • Learn about igneous rock.
    Герольд торпора: From fire we learn power!
    Igneous Intent: Вулканический голем, Урсувий, Лавовый тролль, Лавовый элементаль
  • Learn about sedimantary rock.
    Герольд торпора: From pressure we learn strength!
    Sedimentary Struggle: Древний голем, Каменный дух, Песчаный скороход, Пустынный червь
  • Learn about metamorphic rock.
    Герольд торпора: From change we learn wisdom!
    Metamorphic Mayhem: Яростность, Непокорность, Хитрость, Настойчивость
  • Learn about gemstones.
    Герольд торпора: From time we learn beauty!
    Gems of War: Омраченный урск, Хрустальная черепаха, Хрустальная гончая, Кристенакс
Герой: They were very profound lessons, my friend.
Герой: They were very profound lessons, my friend.
Герольд торпора: Stone is a very profound material.
Герой: It has much to teach us, and much power.
Герольд торпора: You have learned its lessons well.
Герой: My Geomancer training was complete.
Последнее обновление: 20.07.2022
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