Sacred Guardian

Righteous Shield
(11 Yellow/Brown)
Deal [Magic + 2] damage to an Enemy, and gain [Magic + 2] Armor.
(Nimble, Revered, Armored)
MAX ⚔️9
Grave Knight

Shattering Blow
(11 Purple/Brown)
Eliminate all Armor from an Enemy, and deal [Magic + 4] damage.
(Undying, Stone Spirit, Reinforced)
MAX ⚔️9

Shadow Strike
(13 Blue/Purple)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to the strongest Enemy, boosted by all Enemy Life. [3:1]
(Water Link, Magic Spirit, Agile)
MAX ⚔️15
Pandaska Guard

(12 Blue/Red)
Explode 2 Gems. Deal [Magic + 2] damage to the first and last enemies.
(Urska Bond, Mana Shield, Fire Spirit)
MAX ⚔️9