Lava Elemental

Lava Rage
(10 Red/Brown)
Explode a gem. Deal [Magic + 5] damage to the first enemy, boosted by Red Gems destroyed. Burn them. [3x]
(Fireproof, Pyromania, Stoneskin)
MAX ⚔️10

Flaming Hooves
(10 Yellow)
Create 5 Red Gems, boosted by Burning enemies. [3x]
(Cunning, Fireproof, Aflame)
MAX ⚔️9
Twisted Hero

Fallen Valor
(10 Red/Yellow)
Create 5 Red and 5 Purple Gems. Give [Magic + 1] points of a random Skill to a random Ally.
(Undead Bond, Doom, Undying)
MAX ⚔️10

Twin Flame
(13 Red/Brown)
Deal [Magic + 3] damage to an enemy and the enemy below. Burn and Faerie Fire them both.
(Fireproof, Fire Spirit, Omen of Fire)
MAX ⚔️14
- Lord of Daemons
2 unique Blighted Lands troops