Endless Song
(9 Green/Yellow)
Stun an enemy and drain their Mana by 7. Gain [Magic + 1] Attack.
(Monster Bond, Impervious, Fast)
MAX ⚔️10
Pride Guard
Break the Line
(12 Green/Red)
Deal [Magic + 2] damage to an enemy, boosted by all ally Armor. [4:1]
(Raksha Bond, Alert, Armored)
MAX ⚔️13
The Devoted
Orpheus' Will
(12 Blue/Yellow)
Create 7 Gems of a chosen type. Cleanse all allies and give them [Magic + 1] Armor.
(Divine Bond, Revered, Air Spirit)
MAX ⚔️7
- Duke of Lions
3 unique Leonis Empire troops