Rock Troll
Rock Smash
(12 Red/Purple)
Double the number of Brown on the Board. Then create 3 Brown Gems. [1:1]
(Indigestible, Knockout, Stoneskin)
MAX ⚔️13
Rock Spirit
(11 Purple/Brown)
Destroy a row and column. Deal [Magic + 4] scatter damage, boosted by Brown Gems destroyed. [4x]
(Elemental Bond, Alert, Stoneskin)
MAX ⚔️9
Stone Giant
(10 Blue/Green)
Remove all Red Gems. Deal [Magic + 3] damage to a random Enemy, boosted by Gems removed. [3:1]
(Giant Bond, Big, Stoneskin)
MAX ⚔️10
Obsidian Golem
(12 Purple/Brown)
Explode a Gem. Deal [Magic + 1] damage to the first Enemy, boosted by Red Gems destroyed. If the Enemy is a Construct, deal triple damage. [4x]
(Construct Slayer, Big, Stoneskin)
MAX ⚔️10
- Elemental General
4 unique Elemental troops - Lord of the Spire
2 unique Broken Spire troops