
Blade Waltz
(11 Blue/Green)
Deal [Magic + 1] damage to the first enemy, boosted by the enemy's Mana cost. [1:1]
(Elf Bond, High Ancestry, Armored)
MAX ⚔️8

Sacred Dance
(11 Green)
Deal [Magic + 3] damage to an enemy. If there are 13 or more Green Gems, deal triple damage. Create a Leafstorm.
(Nature Heart, Nimble, Nature Aura)
MAX ⚔️7
Dragon Turtle

(10 Green/Red)
Deal [Magic + 6] damage to the first enemy, then Submerge myself.
(Dragon Shield, Huge, Stoneskin)
MAX ⚔️8
Dragon Turtle

(10 Green/Red)
Deal [Magic + 6] damage to the first enemy, then Submerge myself.
(Dragon Shield, Huge, Stoneskin)
MAX ⚔️8