Sabertooth Lion

Saber Strike
(8 Blue/Green)
Deal [Magic + 3] damage to an Enemy. If the Enemy dies, gain 5 Magic.
(Beast Bond, Nature Spirit, Alert)
MAX ⚔️14

Scorching Blast
(11 Green/Red)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to an Enemy and Burn them.
(Elemental Bond, Pyromania, Fireproof)
MAX ⚔️19
Rift Lynx

(12 Red/Purple)
Deal [Magic + 2] true damage to an Enemy. Knock them to last position.
(Bountyhunter, Fire Spirit, Stealthy)
MAX ⚔️16

Ultimate Savagery
(24 Red/Yellow/Brown)
Deal [Magic + 2] damage to the 2 weakest enemies, boosted by all ally and enemy Attack. If one of the enemies dies, then kill the other one.
(Raksha Bond, Fiery Death, Pride Prowess)
MAX ⚔️31
- Beast Captain
3 unique Beast troops - King of Cats
4 unique Pridelands troops