

Contents are limited to items present on Nintendo Switch. Statistics are for PC/Mobile version and may not match.
1157 found.
Troop Role
Troop Type
Spell Effects
Spell Bonus
Release Date
Abhorath Legendary Karakoth Defender Daemon 15 Blue/​Purple Devour the World: Remove Gems, Heal, Increase Attack Arcane, Huge, Sacrifice 10/28/2014 () 20 29 12 41 0%
Abject of Despond Epic Sin of Maraj Warlock Daemon 12 Green/​Purple Fruits of Despair: Destroy Gems, Decrease Magic (all) Omen of Dark, Accursed, Mana Shield 01/03/2022 (0.0.0) 17 33 10 43 0%
Abynissia Mythic Blighted Lands Generator Daemon 22 Blue/​Yellow/​Purple Abyssal Rupture: Explode Gems, Summon, Create Any, Heal (all allies) Daemon Fireproof, Accursed, Queen's Grace 03/07/2019 () 19 32 15 47 0%
Acolyte Rare Karakoth Generator Human-Mystic 10 Blue/​Purple Unearth Secrets: Create Brown, Increase Random Stat Stone Link, Accursed, Necromancy 10/28/2014 () 16 27 13 40 0%
Adakite Epic Hellcrag Striker Dragon-Construct 12 Red/​Brown Curse of Night: Deal Damage, Explode Gems Ascension boss Huge, Stoneskin, Godslayer 08/01/2022 (0.0.0) 14 34 20 54 50%
Agave Rare Drifting Sands Striker Elemental-Wildfolk 10 Green/​Purple Desert Bloom: Deal Damage Enraged Bountyhunter, Indigestible, Spiny 07/20/2018 () 14 30 14 44 0%
Ahries Mythic Khaziel Assassin Construct 20 Red/​Yellow/​Brown Ram Sign: Deal Damage, Explode Gems Kill Clobber, Stoneskin, Celestial Barrier 03/04/2022 (0.0.0) 16 19 34 53 50%
Ahrimas Epic Karakoth Striker Mystic 12 Green/​Purple Ray of Decay: Deal Damage, Decrease Random Stat Ascension castle Daemonic Pact, Arcane, Siegebreaker 09/30/2019 () 19 25 15 40 0%
Alastair Epic Khetar Warrior Undead-Knight 12 Blue/​Red Resolve: Remove Gems, Increase Armor (all allies), Barrier Undead Slayer, Undying, Armored 10/28/2014 () 17 15 28 43 25%
Alchemist Rare Adana Generator Human 10 Red/​Brown Alchemy: Convert Any to Yellow, Generate Gold Merchant, Fire Link, Alert 10/28/2014 () 12 32 14 46 0%
Alderfather Legendary Forest of Thorns/Primal Rift Warmaster Elemental-Fey 18 Green/​Purple Forest Heart: Randomly: Convert Red to Purple, Convert Yellow to Skull, Summon Deep Vitality, Spell Armor, Magic Vines 11/23/2018 () 18 24 22 46 25%
Algorak the Slayer Epic Mist of Scales Striker Naga 12 Red/​Brown Marsh Trap: Deal Damage, Explode Gems Ascension boss Frenzy, Tough Scales, Godslayer 11/11/2019 () 21 19 17 36 30%
Amarok Mythic Broken Spire Assassin Elemental-Beast 24 Red/​Yellow/​Brown Molten Feast: Cause Devour (sometimes), Deal Damage, Create Red Kill Fireproof, Stoneskin, Volcanic Meteor 08/07/2020 () 19 19 28 47 50%
Amaru Rare Mist of Scales Striker Beast 10 Yellow/​Purple Medusa Eye: Deal Damage, Cause Cursed, Cause Stun, Cause Poison Bountyhunter, Arcane, Fast 11/15/2019 () 16 23 16 39 0%
Amira Epic Leonis Empire Assassin Wargare-Rogue 13 Red/​Purple Shadow Blades: Steal Magic, True Damage Blue target Mana Shield, Stealthy, Agile 03/07/2019 () 19 31 8 39 0%
Ancestor Brodir Epic Maugrim Woods Warmaster Undead-Wargare 14 Yellow/​Purple Spirit Pack: Create Blue, Create Green, Summon Wargare Bond, Undying, Fast 05/09/2022 (0.0.0) 19 29 10 39 0%
Ancient Golem Ultra-Rare Drifting Sands Warrior Mystic-Construct 12 Yellow/​Purple Sapphire Beam: Cause Dispel, True Damage, Explode Gems Construct Bond, Rocky Death, Impervious 10/16/2017 () 12 22 26 48 0%
Ancient Horror Ultra-Rare Karakoth Striker Daemon 10 Purple/​Brown Daemonic Feast: Deal Damage, Increase Random Stat Kill Accursed, Magic Link, Stone Spirit 10/28/2014 () 19 22 13 35 0%
Anglerfin Ultra-Rare Merlantis Assassin Merfolk-Beast 11 Blue/​Red Light Trap: Destroy Gems, Cause Devour (sometimes) Big Teeth, Icy Death, Tough Scales 08/22/2022 (0.0.0) 19 28 8 36 30%
Angry Mob Ultra-Rare Whitehelm Generator Human 13 Red/​Brown Riot: Randomly: Destroy Gems, Cause Burning, Summon, Deal Damage Human Bond, Alert, Bloodlust 11/19/2018 () 13 42 6 48 0%
Ankhekt Epic Khetar Striker Undead 12 Blue/​Brown Riddle of Bones: Deal Damage, Create Skull Ascension castle Grudge, Undying, Siegebreaker 03/18/2019 () 19 17 23 40 0%
Ankhnum Legendary Khetar Mage Divine-Monster 16 Blue/​Brown Curse Seal: Barrier, Deal Damage (all) Accursed, Mana Shield, Curse of Khet 12/07/2020 () 22 29 8 37 0%
Anointed One Epic Darkstone Warrior Human 12 Blue/​Red Frenzy: Convert Green to Red, Increase Attack, Heal Water Brand, Fast, Frenzy 12/13/2015 () 20 22 14 36 0%
Anthea Epic Divinion Fields Generator Centaur-Mystic 11 Blue/​Green Blossom: Create Green and Yellow, Cause Dispel (all) Centaur Bond, Agile, Air Link 03/07/2019 () 16 35 9 44 0%
Anubite Warrior Ultra-Rare Khetar Warmaster Monster-Mystic 13 Yellow/​Brown Seal the Tomb: Summon, Increase Armor (all allies), Remove Gems Warded, Defender, Life Drain 06/26/2016 () 15 24 19 43 0%
Apophisis Epic Khetar Warmaster Undead-Monster 12 Red/​Yellow Caduceus: Convert Green to Skull, Heal Venomous, Undying, Empowered 03/18/2019 () 17 25 19 44 0%
Apothecary Ultra-Rare Khaziel Generator Dwarf-Mystic 10 Blue/​Green Stone Draught: Convert Any to Brown, Cleanse (all allies) Stone Heart, Merchant, Fortitude 03/07/2019 () 13 29 19 48 0%
Aquaticus Mythic Merlantis Striker Elemental-Mystic 24 Blue/​Green/​Yellow Water Spout: Deal Damage, Explode Gems Water Heart, Spell Armor, Tsunami 10/21/2019 () 18 32 17 49 25%
Arachnaean Watcher Ultra-Rare Zhul'Kari Defender Elf-Knight 12 Purple/​Brown Gaze Of Arachnaea: Heal, Generate Mana (all allies) Snare, Dark Ancestry, Holy Armor 07/06/2020 () 15 21 27 48 40%
Arachnaean Weaver Mythic Zhul'Kari Warlock Elf-Monster 20 Green/​Yellow/​Purple Abyssal Strands: Cause Web (all), True Damage, Explode Gems Kill Stealthy, Impervious, Creeping Doom 08/03/2018 () 22 25 16 41 0%
Arachnataur Rare Zhul'Kari Striker Elf-Monster 10 Green/​Brown Spider Glyph: True Damage, Decrease Mana, Cause Web Web Snare, Stealthy, Dark Ancestry 07/15/2019 () 14 26 18 44 0%
Aransi the Guardian Epic Zhul'Kari Generator Beast-Knight 16 Green/​Red Guardian Web: Cause Poison, Create , Extra Turn (sometimes) Snare, Venomous, Armored 10/04/2021 (0.0.0) 19 17 23 40 25%
Arcane Golem Ultra-Rare Whitehelm/Hall of Guardians Defender Construct 13 Yellow/​Purple Arcane Strength: Explode Gems, Stun, Increase Attack Deep Strength, Spell Armor, Stoneskin 09/06/2018 () 19 13 22 35 25%
Arcanus Epic Silverglade Warrior Elf-Knight 12 Red/​Purple Arcane Blade: Cause Dispel, Deal Damage, Increase Magic, Enchanted Armored, Arcane, High Ancestry 04/23/2018 () 21 17 19 36 25%
Archdruid Ultra-Rare Forest of Thorns Support Elemental-Elf 13 Green/​Yellow Nature's Growth: Heal (ally), Increase Magic (ally) Elemental Wood Ancestry, Nature Pact, Nature Spirit 03/07/2019 () 18 32 6 38 0%
Archon Statue Rare Whitehelm Defender Divine-Construct 10 Green/​Brown Retribution: Deal Damage Caster damaged Undead Slayer, Stone Spirit, Stoneskin 10/28/2014 () 15 28 20 48 50%
Archproxy Yvendra Mythic Zhul'Kari Warmaster Divine-Elf 30 Yellow/​Purple/​Brown Weave of Doom: Create Yellow, Convert Yellow to , Cause Cursed, Cause Web, Cause Poison Dark Ancestry, Spell Armor, Doom of Arachnaea 10/01/2021 (0.0.0) 16 30 23 53 25%
Arctic Fox Common Stormheim Generator Beast 10 Green/​Green Hide in Snow: Create Blue Insulated, Stealthy, Chill Touch 09/24/2018 () 17 24 10 34 0%
Arcturion Epic Dhrak-Zum Generator Elemental-Daemon 12 Blue/​Green Ice Curse: Create Brown, Cause Frozen Water Heart, Insulated, Ice Armor 11/09/2020 () 20 21 15 36 65%
Argos Epic Pan's Vale Warlock Wildfolk-Mystic 12 Green/​Yellow Iridescent Bloom: Remove Gems, Cause Dispel, Decrease Mana Wildfolk Bond, Song of Light, Spell Armor 01/25/2021 () 17 33 10 43 25%
Armored Boar Common Grosh-Nak Striker Beast 8 Green/​Green Feral Tusk: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage Beast Bond, Grudge, Armored 03/07/2019 () 13 24 20 44 25%
Armored Boarlet Rare Grosh-Nak Striker Beast 10 Green/​Red Raging Snort: Deal Damage, Troop Order (sometimes), Troop Order Bountyhunter, Invigorated, Armored 10/09/2020 () 18 26 9 35 25%
Artema Legendary Divinion Fields Warrior Centaur 15 Yellow/​Brown Clear the Way: Explode Gems, Deal Damage Centaur Leader, Armor Piercing, Dexterous 03/07/2019 () 19 27 14 41 0%
Ascendance Epic Whitehelm Support Divine 8 Green/​Yellow Radiant Grace: Heal (all allies) Divine Bond, Revered, Armored 03/08/2022 (0.0.0) 15 31 17 48 25%
Asha Epic Dragon's Claw Generator Dragon-Mystic 12 Green/​Purple Dragon Lore: Convert Blue to Any, Enchanted (ally), Increase Magic Dragon Shield, Mana Shield, Magic Link 09/18/2017 () 17 29 15 44 0%
Astral Mother Mythic Divinion Fields Mage Divine-Centaur 24 Green/​Yellow/​Purple Astral Shot: True Damage (all), Remove Gems Centaur Bond, Impervious, Pool of Stars 08/06/2021 () 22 19 22 41 0%
Astral Spirit Ultra-Rare Divinion Fields Striker Undead-Centaur 11 Blue/​Yellow Astral Burst: True Damage, Remove Gems Undying, Centaur Bond, Empowered 03/07/2019 () 18 31 8 39 0%
Atlanta Epic Divinion Fields Mage Human-Rogue 13 Yellow/​Purple Rain of Arrows: Deal Damage (all) Centaur Slayer, Air Link, Armor Piercing 10/28/2014 () 19 25 17 42 0%
Aurai Common Forest of Thorns Assassin Fey-Beast 11 Green/​Green Sacred Dance: Deal Damage, Cause Leafstorm Nature Heart, Nimble, Nature Aura 03/29/2017 () 23 27 10 37 0%
Auspecia Epic Divinion Fields Support Centaur-Mystic 14 Blue/​Green Vision of the Stars: Heal (ally), Remove Gems Centaur Bond, Nature Heart, Air Heart 10/26/2020 () 15 31 17 48 0%
Autumnal Imp Legendary Primal Generator Elemental 12 Brown/​Brown Harvester's Moon: Deal Damage (all), Increase Magic, Destroy Gems Kill Elemental Bond, Stone Link, Fall 09/06/2015 () 16 32 18 50 0%
Avina Epic Ghulvania Assassin Human 11 Red/​Purple Stake: Deal Damage, Generate Souls Undead Undead Slayer, Warded, Armor Piercing 10/28/2014 () 15 31 17 48 0%
Axolotl Ultra-Rare Merlantis Generator Merfolk-Beast 10 Blue/​Yellow Deep Breath: Create Blue and Green, Submerged Regeneration, Fireproof, Water Link 06/22/2020 () 18 31 8 39 0%
Aziris Epic Khetar Warmaster Undead-Mystic 6 Red/​Purple Finger of Death: Create Skull, Generate Mana Undying, Necromancy, Magic Link 03/01/2015 () 17 12 32 44 0%
Azura Epic Merlantis Generator Merfolk-Mystic 14 Blue/​Purple Pool of Sorrow: Cause Dispel (all), Decrease Random Stat (all), Explode Gems Accursed, Fireproof, Arcane 10/20/2017 () 15 36 12 48 0%
Ba'el Epic Darkstone Warlock Daemon 11 Blue/​Brown Confusing Leap: Deal Damage (all), Troop Order (all), Troop Order Slippery, Accursed, Water Link 02/25/2019 () 12 38 15 53 0%
Baba Yaga Epic Urskaya Warlock Fey-Mystic 13 Green/​Purple Speak No Evil: Deal Damage, Cause Silence, Summon Magic Heart, Mana Shield, Arcane 03/07/2019 () 15 31 17 48 0%
Baby Dragon Common Dragon's Claw Warmaster Dragon 8 Red/​Red Tiny Fireball: Deal Damage, Transform Type (self) Alert, Fireproof, Fire Spirit 03/07/2019 () 14 24 14 38 0%
Bahir Epic Drifting Sands Assassin Monster 12 Blue/​Purple Constrict Prey: Deal Damage, Entangle (sometimes) Dragon, Monster Dragon Slayer, Monster Slayer, Banding Life 03/29/2021 () 15 23 25 48 0%
Baihu Epic Shentang Striker Divine-Beast 12 Blue/​Yellow West Wind Strike: Create Yellow, Deal Damage, Enchanted Divine Bond, Revered, Banding Magic 03/22/2021 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Baldr Epic Stormheim Warmaster Giant 12 Blue/​Red Bones of the Earth: Create Skull Giant Bond, Inscribed, Big 10/18/2021 (0.0.0) 19 29 10 39 0%
Bandit Common Pridelands Striker Human-Rogue 11 Purple/​Purple Grand Theft: Deal Damage, Take Resources, Generate Gold Rogue Bond, Greedy, Stealthy 03/07/2019 () 17 21 13 34 0%
Bane Jaw Epic Wild Plains Assassin Undead-Wargare 12 Purple/​Brown Bone Flail: Randomly: Deal Damage, Create Skull Purple target, Kill Bloodlust, Dark Hatred, Undying 07/29/2019 () 19 17 23 40 0%
Banshee Rare Ghulvania Generator Undead-Fey 12 Yellow/​Purple Scream: Deal Damage, Convert Blue to Red, Generate Souls Magic Link, Undying, Air Spirit 10/28/2014 () 12 30 21 51 0%
Baphomet Legendary Blighted Lands Assassin Daemon-Centaur 17 Red/​Purple Fiery Rampage: Deal Damage Burning Fireproof, Infernal Armor, Scalding Strike 12/14/2020 () 18 33 14 47 0%
Barbearius Epic Maugrim Woods Warrior Urska 11 Green/​Red Wallop: Explode Gems, Deal Damage Avenger, Regeneration, Impervious 06/28/2015 () 14 31 19 50 0%
Barghast Epic Sin of Maraj Striker Daemon-Beast 13 Red/​Brown Twin Flame: Deal Damage, Cause Burning, Cause Faerie Fire Fireproof, Fire Spirit, Omen of Fire 08/27/2018 () 19 23 17 40 0%
Basilisk Legendary Mist of Scales Assassin Monster-Beast 17 Blue/​Brown Serpent Song: True Damage Poison, Stun Tough Scales, Venomous, Petrification 06/01/2020 () 18 35 12 47 30%
Bastite Priestess Rare Khetar Generator Divine-Monster 12 Blue/​Yellow Ankh of Bast: Convert Green to Purple, Convert Yellow to Skull Monster Bond, Revered, Magic Link 03/07/2019 () 14 30 14 44 0%
Bat Swarm Rare Ghulvania Mage Beast 13 Red/​Brown Vampiric Swarm: True Damage (all), Transform (self) Alert, Life Drain, Stealthy 10/30/2017 () 18 30 5 35 0%
Baz Bonebeater Epic The Vault Striker Gnome 12 Red/​Yellow Bash It and Beat It: Deal Damage, Run Away Gnome Alert, Greedy, Frenzy 08/15/2021 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Beastmaster Torbern Legendary Urskaya/Werewoods Warmaster Beast-Human 18 Red/​Brown Call of the Wild: Convert Blue to Red, Convert Brown to Skull, Cause Hunter's Mark, Transform (self) Deep Vitality, Beast Bond, Master of Beasts 01/17/2020 () 23 22 13 35 0%
Beetle Blade Rare Drifting Sands/The Deep Hive Assassin Wildfolk 11 Yellow/​Brown Hive Swarm: Deal Damage Deep Strength, Song of Stone, Stealthy 03/27/2020 () 16 18 21 39 0%
Behemoth Legendary Pridelands Mage Monster 14 Blue/​Brown Lay Waste: Deal Damage (all), Destroy Gems Siege, Impervious, Immense 10/28/2014 () 16 27 22 49 0%
Berengari Epic Urskaya Striker Urska 12 Blue/​Red Inner Fury: Deal Damage, Enraged (ally) Ascension boss Big, Armored, Godslayer 04/29/2019 () 21 21 15 36 25%
Berserker Ultra-Rare Stormheim Striker Giant 12 Blue/​Red Berserk!: Deal Damage, Deal Damage (self), Increase Attack Frenzy, Big, Regeneration 02/01/2015 () 16 42 6 48 0%
Bile Blackheart Legendary Blackhawk/The Black Heart Generator Daemon-Rogue 17 Blue/​Red Blood Tithe: Explode Gems, Increase Attack, Heal, Increase Armor Deep Magic, Armored, Daemon's Mark 10/29/2021 (0.0.0) 16 32 18 50 25%
Birchthorn Epic Bright Forest Striker Elemental-Fey 12 Blue/​Green Take Root: Deal Damage, Entangle (sometimes) (all) Ascension boss, Kill Nature Heart, Barkskin, Godslayer 08/19/2019 () 17 23 21 44 32%
Bishop Ultra-Rare Whitehelm Support Divine-Human 12 Yellow/​Purple Divine Might: Increase Armor (ally), Increase Magic (ally) Divine Divine Bond, Revered, Air Spirit 03/07/2019 () 15 31 13 44 0%
Black Beast Ultra-Rare Zaejin Support Beast 12 Green/​Brown All You Can Eat: Cause Dispel (ally), Cause Devour (ally), Heal, Create Skull Cunning, Avenger, Regeneration 10/28/2014 () 15 34 15 49 0%
Black Björn Epic Urskaya Striker Urska 12 Green/​Brown Commanding Roar: Deal Damage Ascension castle Urska Shield, Armored, Siegebreaker 12/23/2019 () 17 23 21 44 25%
Blackfire Cannon Epic Dhrak-Zum Striker Construct 12 Red/​Brown Dragon Blast: Deal Damage Ascension castle Reinforced, Impervious, Siegebreaker 06/10/2019 () 19 21 19 40 0%
Blade Dancer Ultra-Rare Pan's Vale Warrior Wildfolk 11 Green/​Yellow Blade Dance: Deal Damage (all), Steal Magic Alert, Fast, Agile 10/28/2014 () 18 29 11 40 0%
Bladewing Ultra-Rare Suncrest/Stonesong Eyrie Assassin Stryx-Rogue 12 Blue/​Brown Winged Blade: Deal Damage, Lethal Damage (sometimes), Steal Magic Any storm Deep Magic, Arcane, Harpy Flock 06/21/2019 () 19 26 8 34 0%
Blast Cannon Ultra-Rare Khaziel Warlock Mech 12 Red/​Brown Ground Zero: Deal Damage, Cause Silence Mech Slayer, Stone Link, Impervious 10/28/2014 () 13 27 24 51 0%
Blightwing Rare Blighted Lands Striker Daemon-Beast 10 Green/​Brown Blighted Burn: Explode Gems, Deal Damage Burning, Disease Bountyhunter, Plague Touch, Aflame 04/03/2020 () 16 27 12 39 0%
Blind Guardian Ultra-Rare Darkstone Warlock Monster-Mystic 14 Yellow/​Purple Unseeing Eye: Decrease Mana, Explode Gems Magic Heart, Song of Darkness, Magic Link 05/11/2020 () 18 31 8 39 0%
Boar Rider Rare Zaejin Warrior Goblin-Beast 11 Green/​Purple Boar & Gore: Remove Gems, Deal Damage, Extra Turn Beast Bond, Defender, Nature Spirit 10/28/2014 () 16 28 12 40 0%
Bogstrider Common Mist of Scales Generator Elemental-Monster 8 Green/​Green Bog Slime: Destroy Gems, Cause Entangle Elemental Bond, Tangle, Barkskin 03/07/2019 () 14 27 13 40 32%
Bombardier Rare Khaziel Striker Dwarf 8 Red/​Brown Boom!: Explode Gems, Deal Damage, Cause Burning Dwarf Bond, Pyromania, Fortitude 10/28/2014 () 14 31 13 44 0%
Bombot Common Adana Mage Mech 10 Brown/​Brown Kaboom!: Explode Gems, Deal Damage (all), Lethal Damage (self) Mech Bond, Sturdy, Aflame 03/07/2019 () 14 14 24 38 0%
Bone Daemon Ultra-Rare Blighted Lands Warrior Undead-Daemon 12 Blue/​Brown Bone Spike: Deal Damage, Cause Bonestorm Storm skull Daemon Shield, Undying, Death Touch 03/07/2019 () 15 15 29 44 0%
Bone Dragon Legendary Khetar Warmaster Undead-Dragon 15 Purple/​Brown Strip Flesh: Create Skull, Decrease Armor, Increase Armor Undying, Accursed, Frozen Soul 05/31/2015 () 16 21 29 50 0%
Bone Golem Epic Silverglade/Silver Necropolis Defender Undead-Construct 14 Purple/​Brown Bone Break: Death Mark, Explode Gems, Increase Armor, Increase Attack Deep Shield, Undying, Stoneskin 04/12/2019 () 21 15 21 36 50%
Bone Naga Ultra-Rare Mist of Scales Mage Undead-Naga 11 Purple/​Brown Rattle Bones: Deal Damage (all) Undying, Venomous, Infernal Armor 03/07/2019 () 18 18 22 40 0%
Bone Scorpion Common Khetar Generator Undead-Beast 7 Brown/​Brown Bone Sting: Destroy Gems, Poison Undead Bond, Undying, Agile 03/07/2019 () 14 17 21 38 0%
Bone-Biter Epic Stormheim Striker Giant 12 Blue/​Red Grind Their Bones: Cause Devour (sometimes), Heal, Deal Damage Undead Undead Slayer, Big, Frenzy 05/18/2020 () 17 29 15 44 0%
Bonebinder Ultra-Rare Dhrak-Zum Warmaster Dwarf-Mystic 12 Green/​Purple Call of the Ancestors: Randomly: Create Doomskull, Summon Accursed, Necromancy, Fortitude 05/11/2018 () 19 22 13 35 0%
Bonebound Dredge Rare Dhrak-Zum Warmaster Undead-Dwarf 11 Purple/​Brown Restless Dead: Destroy Gems, Create Doomskull, Cause Bonestorm Bountyhunter, Plague Touch, Fortitude 11/20/2020 () 14 36 7 43 0%
Bonnie Rose Epic Blackhawk Striker Human-Rogue 12 Blue/​Red Plunder: Deal Damage, Generate Gold Invigorated, Fast, Water Spirit 03/07/2019 () 23 23 8 31 0%
Book of Secrets Rare Karakoth Warmaster Construct-Mystic 11 Blue/​Brown Papercut: Randomly: Summon, Random Positive Status Effect (all allies), Cause Random Status Effect (all), Deal Damage Bountyhunter, Inscribed, Mana Shield 09/04/2020 () 14 16 27 43 0%
Bor'Gakk Epic Grosh-Nak Striker Orc-Centaur 12 Green/​Red Orcish Charge: Deal Damage Ascension boss Orc Fury, Armored, Godslayer 03/04/2019 () 19 31 8 39 25%
Borealis Legendary Glacial Peaks Warlock Dragon 14 Blue/​Yellow Blizzard: Cause Frozen (all), Deal Damage Insulated, Ice Armor, Icy Cloak 05/25/2016 () 18 27 18 45 65%
Brawlmaster Bur'Nakh Epic Grosh-Nak Generator Orc 12 Blue/​Green Orcish Arena: Create Red, Increase Attack (all allies) Orc Orc Fury, Bloodlust, Armored 03/16/2020 () 19 29 10 39 25%
Brian the Clucky Epic Zaejin Warlock Beast-Knight 12 Green/​Red Bwark!: Decrease Random Stat (all) Bloodlust, Chaotic Wish, Armored 01/10/2022 (0.0.0) 20 22 14 36 25%
Brian the Lucky Epic Zaejin Support Human-Knight 12 Green/​Brown Cheers!: Increase Random Stat (all allies) Knight Bond, Goblin Slayer, Alert 10/28/2014 () 12 23 28 51 0%
Broker of Greed Epic Sin of Maraj Support Daemon-Rogue 13 Red/​Yellow Greed is Good: Increase Random Stat (ally), Take Resources (self), Explode Gems Greedy, Omen of Stone, Merchant 02/03/2020 () 17 33 10 43 0%
Brownie Common Bright Forest Generator Fey 7 Brown/​Brown Tinker: Destroy Gems, Create Purple Fey Bond, Revered, Stealthy 01/29/2018 () 14 30 10 40 0%
Bugbear Rare Zaejin Striker Goblin-Orc 11 Green/​Brown Mangle: Deal Damage, Extra Turn Orc Bond, Goblin Bond, Armored 03/07/2019 () 18 18 16 34 25%
Bul'Tauros Epic Divinion Fields Mage Centaur 11 Red/​Yellow Stampede: Deal Damage (all) Frenzy, Sturdy, Regeneration 02/15/2015 () 17 32 14 46 0%
Bulette Rare Wild Plains Assassin Beast-Monster 12 Yellow/​Brown Butt & Bite: Troop Order, Cause Devour (sometimes), Deal Damage Indigestible, Thick Head, Stoneskin 01/01/2018 () 16 16 23 39 50%
Bullserker Ultra-Rare Wild Plains Striker Tauros 11 Red/​Yellow Bull Strength: Deal Damage, Enraged (sometimes) (self) Kill Grudge, Fire Brand, Thick Hide 11/18/2019 () 18 19 19 38 19%
Bullygnoll Epic Wild Plains Assassin Tauros-Wargare 11 Red/​Brown Bloody Club: Randomly: Deal Damage, Increase Attack Red target, Kill Grudge, Burning Hatred, Armored 06/15/2020 () 21 23 12 35 25%
Bunni'Nog Legendary Pan's Vale Assassin Beast-Wildfolk 14 Purple/​Brown Death Awaits: Cause Devour (sometimes), Deal Damage, Heal Knight Thick Hide, Fast, Nasty Teeth 03/27/2016 () 20 36 6 42 19%
Bunnicorn Ultra-Rare Pan's Vale/The Warrens Generator Wildfolk-Beast 10 Green/​Brown Cute Impalement: Create Yellow, Cause Charm Deep Vitality, Agile, Swift 12/28/2018 () 19 26 8 34 0%
Burning Ocularen Epic Darkstone/All-Seeing Eye Striker Elemental-Monster 13 Green/​Yellow Burnt Out: Cause Burning, Deal Damage, Convert Red to Skull Deep Magic, Fireproof, Jinx 05/27/2022 (0.0.0) 17 31 12 43 0%
Caprinicus Epic Pan's Vale Striker Wildfolk-Mystic 12 Blue/​Purple Wild Incantation: Decrease Attack, Increase Magic, Deal Damage Ascension boss Wildfolk Bond, Mana Shield, Godslayer 07/23/2018 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Captain Macaw Legendary Blackhawk Assassin Stryx-Rogue 14 Blue/​Red Squawk the Plank: Deal Damage, Lethal Damage (sometimes), Submerged Submerged Rogue Bond, Greedy, Ship's Captain 01/13/2020 () 18 32 14 46 0%
Captain Skullbeard Epic Blackhawk Generator Undead-Rogue 11 Blue/​Green Hidden Treasure: Create Skull, Explode Gems Undying, Greedy, Water Spirit 03/07/2019 () 21 21 15 36 0%
Carlson Marshall Epic Adana Striker Human 12 Yellow/​Brown Technical Shot: Deal Damage Ascension boss Eagle Eye, Grudge, Godslayer 05/27/2019 () 21 23 12 35 0%
Carmella Epic Ghulvania Striker Undead 12 Blue/​Yellow Blood Kiss: Deal Damage, Heal Ascension boss Life Drain, Undying, Godslayer 06/11/2018 () 17 33 10 43 0%
Carnex Legendary Adana Warrior Mech 15 Red/​Purple Chain Reaction: Create Skull, Explode Gems, Increase Armor Armored, Impervious, Spiked Armor 10/28/2014 () 16 19 32 51 25%
Carrion Crow Ultra-Rare Khetar Striker Undead-Beast 12 Blue/​Brown Fresh Pickings: Deal Damage, Create Skull Undead, Kill Accursed, Undying, Icy Death 06/13/2022 (0.0.0) 19 28 7 35 0%
Cat Burglar Ultra-Rare Leonis Empire/City of Thieves Striker Raksha-Rogue 11 Green/​Purple Blades in the Dark: Deal Damage, Generate Gold, Extra Turn (sometimes) Kill Deep Magic, Extreme Greed, Stealthy 08/30/2019 () 22 19 11 30 0%
Cat Sith Ultra-Rare Bright Forest Warlock Fey-Beast 10 Yellow/​Purple Cat Curse: Decrease Random Stat, Steal Mana, Remove Gems Revered, Accursed, Stealthy 01/29/2018 () 19 24 11 35 0%
Catterfly Rare Bright Forest Generator Fey-Beast 11 Yellow/​Purple Catamorphosis: Create Green, Summon Bountyhunter, Fey Touch, Nature Link 01/28/2022 (0.0.0) 14 36 7 43 0%
Cedric Sparklesack Legendary The Vault Warmaster Gnome 16 Blue/​Yellow Shiny Distraction: Troop Order, Cause Charm, Summon Fast, Stealthy, Moneybags 02/20/2018 () 18 29 16 45 0%
Celestasia Legendary Whitehelm Support Divine-Dragon 14 Blue/​Yellow Radiance: Create Any, Cleanse (ally), Heal (ally) Dragon Bond, Revered, Celestial Shield 03/29/2015 () 18 29 19 48 0%
Centaur Scout Common Divinion Fields Striker Centaur 7 Yellow/​Yellow Charge: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage Air Spirit, Agile, Fast 10/28/2014 () 14 27 13 40 0%
Centuragon Epic Divinion Fields Assassin Monster-Centaur 13 Red/​Brown Dark Skies: Cause Devour (sometimes), Convert Skull to Infernal Armor, Wild Magic, From Dark 11/22/2021 (0.0.0) 15 23 25 48 0%
Cernunnos Epic Glacial Peaks Striker Fey 13 Blue/​Red Frozen Blade: Deal Damage Chill Touch, Insulated, Mage Hunter 08/17/2020 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Chalcedony Epic Hellcrag Striker Daemon-Construct 12 Yellow/​Brown Petrifying Shot: Deal Damage, Create Brown Construct Stone Pact, Stoneskin, Pathfinder 07/18/2022 (0.0.0) 14 34 20 54 50%
Champion of Anu Mythic Sword's Edge Defender Human-Knight 22 Blue/​Red/​Yellow Justice Blade: Cause Stun, Cause Silence, Decrease Mana, Deal Damage Human Shield, Aegis, Blessing of Anu 03/02/2018 () 17 20 31 51 60%
Champion of Gaard Mythic Sword's Edge Defender Human-Knight 20 Green/​Red/​Yellow Mythic Defence: Increase Armor, Create Blue and Red Spell Block, Aegis, Blessing of Gaard 07/04/2019 () 19 20 27 47 50%
Chaos Hound Rare Shentang/Lyrasza's Lair Warmaster Undead-Beast 10 Green/​Yellow Infernal Bones: Randomly: Create Skull, Create Doomskull, Summon Deep Shield, Undying, Death Touch 02/21/2020 () 18 21 14 35 0%
Charonas Epic Maugrim Woods/Hell Gate Generator Daemon-Undead 13 Blue/​Brown Ferry Souls: Generate Souls, Explode Gems Deep Vitality, Undying, Necromancy 04/30/2021 () 17 44 0 44 0%
Chief Dargon Legendary Khetar/Fang Moor Defender Naga-Monster 13 Red/​Yellow Battle Cry: Increase Attack, Explode Gems Razor Teeth, Stoneskin, Deep Wounds 02/01/2019 () 18 29 16 45 50%
Chief Stronghorn Legendary Wild Plains Assassin Tauros 16 Blue/​Brown Chief's Challenge: Troop Order, Deal Damage Tauros Bond, Indigestible, For The Herd 01/01/2018 () 20 25 16 41 0%
Child of Summer Epic Bright Forest Generator Fey 12 Green/​Yellow Summer’s Call: Convert Brown to Red, Cause Firestorm Revered, Fireproof, Empowered 04/13/2020 () 15 38 10 48 0%
Chimera Ultra-Rare Pridelands Striker Monster 10 Green/​Red Triple Bite: Deal Damage, Cause Poison, Cause Burning Fire Brand, Sturdy, Arcane 10/28/2014 () 18 32 6 38 0%
Chromite Sphinx Epic Obsidian Depths Warlock No Troop Type 3 Yellow/​Brown Dark Riddle: Placeholder 08/05/2022 (0.0.0) 17 33 10 43 0%
Chupacabra Common Suncrest Assassin Monster 9 Yellow/​Yellow Goat Sucker: Cause Devour (sometimes), Deal Damage Beast Beast Slayer, Frenzy, Stealthy 03/07/2019 () 17 24 10 34 0%
Cindi Savagelips Epic The Vault Generator Gnome 12 Yellow/​Purple Vibrato and Vamoose: Explode Gems, Run Away Gnome Alert, Greedy, Air Link 08/15/2021 () 17 44 0 44 0%
Claw Dancer Ultra-Rare Pridelands Striker Raksha-Rogue 9 Red/​Brown Whirling Blade: Deal Damage, Extra Turn (sometimes) Kill Stealthy, Swift, Agile 12/18/2017 () 19 24 11 35 0%
Cloakmantle Ultra-Rare Grosh-Nak/Dripping Caverns Warlock Elemental-Monster 11 Blue/​Green Envelop: Destroy Gems, Cause Web Deep Vitality, Regeneration, Stealthy 04/02/2021 () 18 30 9 39 0%
Clockwork Knight Ultra-Rare Adana Generator Mech-Knight 11 Blue/​Yellow Gadget: Randomly: Increase Armor, Convert Red to Yellow, Convert Brown to Yellow, Convert Green to Yellow, Convert Blue to Yellow, Convert Purple to Yellow Mech Bond, Reinforced, Stoneskin 03/07/2019 () 18 13 26 39 50%
Clockwork Sphinx Rare Adana Support Mech 12 Purple/​Brown Prismatic Blast: Increase Armor (all allies), Destroy Gems Mech Shield, Arcane, Armored 04/16/2018 () 16 18 21 39 25%
Cloudstalker Epic Wild Plains Striker Tauros 12 Green/​Red Horn Bow: Deal Damage Ascension castle Tauros Bond, Agile, Siegebreaker 09/10/2018 () 19 28 10 38 0%
Cockatrice Rare Maugrim Woods Generator Monster 10 Yellow/​Brown Stone Song: Cause Entangle, Decrease Mana, Create Brown Nimble, Air Link, Entrapment 06/16/2015 () 12 32 16 48 0%
Cocoon Rare Zhul'Kari Warmaster Beast 8 Blue/​Purple Hatchlings: Randomly: Cause Web, Summon Life Drain, Slippery, Magic Link 12/10/2018 () 0 44 26 70 0%
Coin Purse Common The Vault Support Construct 7 Brown/​Brown Treasure: Generate Gold Greedy, Merchant, Valuable 09/06/2018 () 0 3 1 4 0%
Consort of Darkness Mythic Darkstone Assassin Daemon-Rogue 24 Red/​Purple/​Brown Dark Submission: Lethal Damage (sometimes), Create Skull, Decrease Armor, Decrease Attack, Decrease Magic, True Damage Kill Song of Darkness, Spell Block, Darkest Hunger 01/07/2022 (0.0.0) 16 30 23 53 50%
Copycat Ultra-Rare Glacial Peaks/Mirrored Halls Generator Fey 12 Green/​Yellow Mimic: Create Any, Summon (ally) Deep Vitality, Jinx, Air Link 11/08/2019 () 18 29 11 40 0%
Coral Golem Ultra-Rare Merlantis Defender Elemental-Construct 13 Blue/​Green Hidden Reef: Explode Gems, Submerged, Heal, Increase Armor Water Heart, Indigestible, Stoneskin 12/25/2017 () 15 24 19 43 50%
Corben Half-Elf Epic Leonis Empire Generator Elf-Rogue 12 Blue/​Yellow Crack the Code: Explode Gems, Generate Gold Rogue Bond, Extreme Greed, Stealthy 05/23/2022 (0.0.0) 17 44 0 44 0%
Corpse Mare Rare Ghulvania Generator Undead-Beast 10 Blue/​Yellow Beastly Visage: Destroy Gems, Steal Life Bountyhunter, Undying, Water Link 05/24/2019 () 14 26 18 44 0%
Corrupt Magus Rare Karakoth Warlock Human-Mystic 9 Red/​Purple Dark Curse: Cause Cursed, Decrease Random Stat Accursed, Daemonic Pact, Mana Shield 09/30/2019 () 16 27 12 39 0%
Corrupt Sorceress Ultra-Rare Darkstone Generator Human-Mystic 12 Purple/​Brown Extract Spirit: Randomly: Create Red, Summon Warded, Mana Shield, Daemonic Pact 03/07/2019 () 15 31 13 44 0%
Corrupt Troll Epic Darkstone Generator Elemental-Giant 12 Blue/​Red Corrupting Ichor: Create Green and Purple Troll Regeneration, Infernal Armor, Plague Touch 08/26/2019 () 17 33 10 43 0%
Corrupted Urska Ultra-Rare Urskaya Warmaster Daemon-Urska 12 Red/​Purple Corrupt Crystals: Explode Gems, Enraged, Create Skull Nimble, Frenzy, Infernal Armor 03/07/2019 () 22 18 13 31 0%
Couatl Epic Dragon's Claw Generator Dragon 12 Yellow/​Purple Prismatic Tornado: Randomly: Create Red, Create Brown, Create Yellow, Create Green, Create Blue, Create Purple Dragon Bond, Mana Shield, Agile 03/07/2019 () 19 31 8 39 0%
Courage Common Guardians Generator Elemental-Construct 13 Red/​Red Fire Surge: Create Red and Any, Increase Attack (all allies) Construct Bond, Frenzy, Virtue of Courage 09/12/2016 () 24 26 12 38 0%
Court Jester Ultra-Rare Sword's Edge Generator Human 12 Yellow/​Purple Juggling Knives: Destroy Gems, Create Red Nimble, Accursed, Agile 04/15/2019 () 19 24 11 35 0%
Crab Man Rare Bright Forest/Sunken Fleet Striker Elemental-Monster 11 Blue/​Yellow Crab Pincers: Deal Damage, Cause Bleed Deep Shield, Tough Scales, Aquatic 05/17/2019 () 16 18 21 39 30%
Craghound Ultra-Rare Hellcrag Striker Beast-Construct 12 Red/​Brown Rock Howl: Deal Damage, Create Construct Bond, Fireproof, Stoneskin 07/18/2022 (0.0.0) 19 29 6 35 50%
Crazed Troll Epic Shentang/Lyrasza's Lair Generator Elemental-Giant 12 Red/​Yellow Spread Madness: Create Blue and Purple Deep Vitality, Troll Regeneration, Frenzy 02/21/2020 () 15 36 12 48 0%
Creeper Common Blighted Lands Striker Daemon-Monster 7 Red/​Red Shred: Cause Disease, Deal Damage Monster Bond, Immune, Plague Touch 07/03/2016 () 14 17 21 38 0%
Crimson Agent Ultra-Rare Maugrim Woods Generator Human-Knight 12 Blue/​Red Eradicating Shot: Destroy Gems, Create Red Beast Slayer, Fast, Fire Link 07/26/2021 () 18 25 15 40 0%
Crimson Arrow Epic Shentang Assassin Urska-Rogue 12 Blue/​Green Leaping Strike: Deal Damage Less attack on target, Hunters mark Eagle Eye, Swift, Agile 10/01/2018 () 21 18 13 31 0%
Crimson Bat Legendary Ghulvania Mage Undead-Monster 15 Blue/​Red Blood Feast: True Damage (all), Heal Divine Slayer, Undying, Bloodsucking 10/28/2014 () 17 27 17 44 0%
Crypt Hound Epic Sword's Edge/Crypt Keepers Warlock Undead-Beast 13 Yellow/​Purple Death Howl: Randomly: Decrease Mana, Cause Death Mark (all), Cause Silence (all), Cause Cursed (all) Deep Vitality, Undying, Jinx 07/01/2022 (0.0.0) 17 33 10 43 0%
Crysturtle Rare Merlantis Generator Elemental-Beast 12 Blue/​Yellow Crystal Shell: Convert Any to Brown, Barrier (ally), Submerged Bountyhunter, Fireproof, Stoneskin 01/24/2020 () 15 19 21 40 50%
Cthyryzyx Epic Karakoth Striker Daemon 11 Blue/​Purple Insanity: Deal Damage, Increase Random Stat, Jumble Board Defender, Jinx, Death Touch 04/26/2015 () 17 46 0 46 0%
Cu Sith Ultra-Rare Bright Forest Striker Fey-Beast 12 Green/​Brown Harbinger: Deal Damage, Generate Souls Beast, Fey Fey Bond, Agile, Mana Shield 07/30/2018 () 19 24 11 35 0%
Cunning Common Guardians Assassin Raksha-Construct 11 Purple/​Purple Cunning Strike: Deal Damage Purple target Dark Hatred, Stoneskin, Gift of Cunning 12/16/2019 () 20 28 18 46 50%
Cursed Effigy Ultra-Rare Dhrak-Zum Defender Construct 11 Red/​Purple Cursed Treasure: Explode Gems, Cursed, Increase Armor, Generate Gold Cursed Touch, Accursed, Stoneskin 06/10/2019 () 18 19 19 38 50%
Cursed Gnome Common The Vault Generator Gnome 9 Brown/​Brown Malediction and Migrate: Create , Run Away Greedy, Accursed, Cursed Touch 12/13/2021 (0.0.0) 17 24 10 34 0%
Cyclops Rare Grosh-Nak Assassin Orc-Giant 11 Red/​Brown Clobber: Deal Damage Fire Brand, Orc Fury, Big 08/23/2015 () 18 27 9 36 0%
Cyrene Epic Merlantis Warlock Merfolk-Mystic 14 Yellow/​Purple Tide Curse: Decrease Mana, Decrease Magic, Cause Stun, Cause Entangle Merfolk Bond, Aquatic, Mana Shield 01/11/2021 () 17 33 10 43 0%
Czernobog Legendary Hellcrag Defender Daemon-Construct 14 Purple/​Brown Earth Tremor: Create Brown, Explode Gems Huge, Stoneskin, Dust Plume 07/18/2022 (0.0.0) 18 20 25 45 50%
Daemon Gnome Common The Vault Assassin Gnome-Daemon 50 Purple/​Purple Burn & Bolt: Cause Dispel, Lethal Damage, Run Away, One Shot Spells Accursed, Warded, Death Touch 08/15/2021 () 17 24 10 34 0%
Dandy Lion Ultra-Rare Forest of Thorns Warlock Elemental-Beast 10 Yellow/​Brown Pollen Roar: Randomly: Cause Leafstorm (self), Cause Disease (all), Cause Leafstorm, Cause Poison (all), Cause Entangle (all) Tangle, Barkskin, Agile 01/06/2020 () 18 31 8 39 32%
Dao Mythic Leonis Empire Warlock Elemental-Mystic 26 Red/​Purple/​Brown Malicious Wishes: Decrease Random Stat, Destroy Gems Elemental Bond, Magic Brand, Dao's Lamp 05/03/2021 () 17 28 23 51 0%
Dark Dryad Rare Forest of Thorns/Primal Rift Support Elemental-Fey 10 Purple/​Brown Corrupt Nature: Decrease Armor, Increase Random Stat Nimble, Deep Magic, Barkskin 11/23/2018 () 16 16 23 39 32%
Dark Golem Rare Obsidian Depths Generator No Troop Type 3 Red/​Purple Gloom Strike: Placeholder 08/05/2022 (0.0.0) 14 36 7 43 0%
Dark Knight Epic Ghulvania/Dark Court Warlock Fey-Knight 12 Purple/​Brown Dark Protection: Destroy Gems, Decrease Mana, Barrier Deep Shield, Armored, Death Touch 07/30/2021 () 19 17 23 40 25%
Dark Maiden Rare Zhul'Kari Generator Elf 10 Green/​Red Maiden's Touch: Convert Yellow to Any, Heal Nature Link, Snare, Dark Ancestry 10/28/2014 () 16 30 12 42 0%
Dark Master Rare Darkstone Warmaster Human-Knight 12 Red/​Purple Cat O'Nine Tails: Deal Damage, Summon, Increase Attack (all allies) Kill Knight Bond, Accursed, Armored 12/08/2015 () 16 23 16 39 25%
Dark Monolith Legendary Blighted Lands Defender Daemon-Construct 15 Red/​Brown Malice: Deal Damage Caster damaged Daemon Bond, Stoneskin, Absorb Power 03/07/2019 () 18 20 25 45 50%
Dark Priestess Ultra-Rare Ghulvania Warmaster Elf-Mystic 10 Green/​Purple Screaming Skulls: Cleanse (ally), Create Skull, Increase Attack (ally), Deal Damage (ally), True Damage (ally), Barrier (ally) Accursed, High Ancestry, Arcane 03/07/2019 () 15 31 13 44 0%
Dark Smith Ultra-Rare Karakoth/Duergaroth Warrior Dwarf 12 Yellow/​Brown Cunning Machination: Randomly: Create Block, Increase Armor (all allies), Destroy Gems, Deal Damage (all) Deep Vitality, Greedy, Fortitude 02/05/2021 () 19 24 11 35 0%
Dark Smith Drenza Mythic Khaziel Assassin Dwarf 24 Blue/​Purple/​Brown Cursed Strike: Increase Armor (all allies), Deal Damage, Destroy Gems Inscribed, Fortitude, Dark Smith's Curse 12/13/2021 (0.0.0) 17 21 30 51 0%
Dark Song Epic Grosh-Nak Striker Orc 12 Green/​Purple Mojo: Deal Damage, Decrease Random Stat, Steal Mana Daemon, Orc Accursed, Orc Cunning, Magic Link 08/23/2015 () 15 31 17 48 0%
Dark Troll Epic Karakoth Generator Elemental-Giant 12 Red/​Brown Engulf: Create Purple, Generate Souls Warded, Troll Regeneration, Death Touch 03/07/2019 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Darkborn Warlock Epic Nexus/Umbral Nexus Mage Elemental-Mystic 14 Red/​Purple Dark Dance: Deal Damage (all) Deep Magic, Arcane, Born of Darkness 12/03/2021 (0.0.0) 19 25 15 40 0%
Daughter of Ice Epic Glacial Peaks Generator Fey 12 Purple/​Brown Dance of Ice: Convert Red to Blue, Cause Icestorm Revered, Insulated, Empowered 07/01/2019 () 17 33 10 43 0%
Death Mythic Apocalypse Warlock Undead-Daemon 20 Blue/​Red/​Purple Danse Macabre: Cause Death Mark (all), Deal Damage (all) Necromancy, Undying, Aspect of Death 03/07/2019 () 18 18 31 49 0%
Deathblade Epic Blackhawk/The Black Heart Assassin Elf-Rogue 13 Blue/​Purple Dark Edge: Lethal Damage (sometimes), True Damage Deep Strength, Dark Ancestry, Stealthy 10/29/2021 (0.0.0) 15 23 25 48 0%
Deathclaw Epic Ghulvania Striker Undead-Beast 14 Yellow/​Purple Death Screech: Steal Life, Explode Gems Undead Undying, Magic Link, Pathfinder 05/02/2022 (0.0.0) 17 31 12 43 0%
Deck Hand Rare Blackhawk Generator Human-Rogue 11 Blue/​Red Swab the Deck: Create Purple, Convert Purple to Blue Rogue Bond, Avenger, Water Heart 03/07/2019 () 18 27 7 34 0%
Deep Borer Rare Khaziel Generator Mech-Dwarf 9 Blue/​Red Drill: Destroy Gems, Create Brown, Increase Armor Fortitude, Water Link, Armored 10/28/2014 () 14 21 21 42 25%
Deep Dwarf Rare Karakoth/Duergaroth Generator Dwarf 10 Blue/​Brown Calcify: Convert Green to Any, Create Block Deep Vitality, Fortitude, Stone Link 02/05/2021 () 14 36 7 43 0%
Deep Elven Rogue Rare Zhul'Kari/Eldrazhor Warlock Elf-Rogue 12 Blue/​Green Dark Whisper: Decrease Attack, Cause Random Status Effect Deep Shield, Dark Ancestry, Stealthy 10/02/2020 () 16 26 14 40 0%
Deep Golem Epic Karakoth/Duergaroth Defender Daemon-Construct 13 Purple/​Brown Fist of Stone: Explode Gems, Barrier, Heal Deep Shield, Inscribed, Stoneskin 02/05/2021 () 19 17 23 40 50%
Deep Huntsman Ultra-Rare Zhul'Kari/Eldrazhor Generator Elf-Beast 13 Green/​Brown Skittering Charge: Randomly: Explode Gems, Cause Cursed, Cause Web Deep Strength, Dark Ancestry, Spider Mount 10/02/2020 () 18 29 11 40 0%
Deep Magus Epic Zhul'Kari/Eldrazhor Mage Elf-Mystic 13 Yellow/​Purple Glyph of Shadows: Randomly: Deal Damage (all), Cause Cursed (all), Cause Web (all) Deep Magic, Dark Ancestry, Spell Armor 10/02/2020 () 19 25 15 40 25%
Defiance Common Guardians Assassin Urska-Construct 11 Brown/​Brown Defiant Strike: Deal Damage Brown target Buried Hatred, Stoneskin, Gift of Defiance 12/16/2019 () 24 22 16 38 50%
Dementicore Ultra-Rare Shentang/Lyrasza's Lair Warlock Monster 12 Yellow/​Purple Deep Song: Randomly: Decrease Mana, Steal Attack, Cause Silence Deep Vitality, Agile, Impervious 02/21/2020 () 19 24 11 35 0%
Deminaga Rare Sin of Maraj/Depths of Sin Generator Daemon-Naga 11 Green/​Red Scales of Sin: Create Purple, Generate Mana Deep Vitality, Sturdy, Infernal Armor 05/01/2020 () 16 27 12 39 0%
Desdaemona Epic Blighted Lands Assassin Daemon-Rogue 13 Green/​Red Spite and Malice: True Damage, Extra Turn (sometimes) Daemon, Yellow target Daemon Slayer, Stealthy, Armor Piercing 03/07/2019 () 21 29 7 36 0%
Desert Mantis Ultra-Rare Leonis Empire Generator Wildfolk-Monster 9 Yellow/​Brown Bug Eye: Create Yellow, Create Blue Monster Bond, Armored, Air Link 03/07/2019 () 15 22 22 44 25%
Desert Troll Epic Drifting Sands Generator Elemental-Giant 12 Green/​Brown Bury: Create Yellow Clobber, Troll Regeneration, Big 03/07/2019 () 17 27 17 44 0%
Desert Worm Ultra-Rare Drifting Sands Striker Monster 9 Red/​Yellow Quicksand: Deal Damage, Create Yellow Air Heart, Immune, Air Spirit 11/23/2020 () 19 27 8 35 0%
Despond Legendary Sin of Maraj Mage Daemon 16 Blue/​Purple Despairing Gaze: Deal Damage, Summon Omen of Ice, Impervious, Creeping Gloom 01/03/2022 (0.0.0) 22 29 8 37 0%
Destruct-o-bot Epic Adana/Tinker Town Assassin Dwarf-Mech 14 Red/​Yellow Overdrive: Randomly: Deal Damage, Lethal Damage (self) Deep Shield, Repair, Armored 08/28/2020 () 15 23 25 48 25%
Detect-o-bot Rare Adana/Tinker Town Support Mech 13 Red/​Purple Electrocharge: Generate Mana (all allies), Create Red, Lethal Damage (self) Deep Shield, Repair, Stealthy 08/28/2020 () 12 30 18 48 0%
Devourer Rare Zhul'Kari Warlock Beast 12 Purple/​Brown Corpse Nest: Cause Devour (sometimes), Decrease Mana Bountyhunter, Snare, Stalker 10/22/2021 (0.0.0) 16 26 14 40 0%
Dimetraxia Epic Darkstone Mage Dragon 13 Red/​Yellow Pyroblast: Deal Damage (all), Cause Burning (all) Dragon Bond, Fireproof, Pyromania 12/08/2015 () 19 25 15 40 0%
Dire Boar Rare Grosh-Nak Striker Beast 11 Green/​Yellow Dire Gore: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage Beast Bond, Fast, Bloodlust 07/09/2018 () 18 23 12 35 0%
Dire Cub Rare Maugrim Woods Support Beast 10 Red/​Brown Playful Howl: Randomly: Heal, Increase Attack, Random Positive Status Effect Bountyhunter, Fast, Stone Link 12/20/2019 () 21 21 9 30 0%
Dire Wolf Common Maugrim Woods Striker Beast 8 Green/​Green Mark Prey: Cause Hunter's Mark, Cause Entangle, Deal Damage, Extra Turn (sometimes) Nature Brand, Entrapment, Agile 06/16/2015 () 14 30 10 40 0%
Divine Ishbaala Legendary Leonis Empire Warmaster Divine-Human 18 Yellow/​Purple Divine Dance: Convert Red to Skull, Convert Green to Yellow, Enchanted (ally), Enchanted, Cleanse (all allies) Divine Bond, Revered, Radiant Aura 02/19/2018 () 18 32 14 46 0%
Diviner Ultra-Rare Shentang Generator Divine-Elf 13 Green/​Brown Divine Fan: Randomly: Convert Any to Yellow, Cleanse (all allies), Enchanted (all allies), Increase Magic (all allies) Elf Bond, Transcend, Sky Ancestry 02/16/2018 () 15 35 7 42 0%
Divinia Legendary Dragon's Claw Generator Divine-Dragon 15 Red/​Yellow Dragon Elixir: Explode Gems, Cleanse (all allies), Heal (all allies) Dragon Bond, Mana Shield, Dragon's Blessing 06/25/2018 () 18 31 14 45 0%
Djinn Rare Drifting Sands Support Elemental 10 Blue/​Yellow Wish: Randomly: Heal (ally), Create Any, Increase Magic (ally) Elemental Bond, Water Heart, Air Spirit 03/08/2016 () 12 30 18 48 0%
Dokkalfar Epic Zhul'Kari Warmaster Elf-Mystic 11 Purple/​Brown Dark Swarm: Deal Damage (all), Summon Sturdy, Dark Ancestry, Daemonic Pact 07/12/2015 () 14 32 17 49 0%
Domovoi Rare Urskaya Support Fey 9 Red/​Yellow Trickster: Heal (all allies), Random Positive Status Effect (ally) Fey Shield, Alert, Agile 03/07/2019 () 16 26 14 40 0%
Doom of Darkness Common Shentang Warlock Doom 25 Purple/​Purple Glyph of Darkness: Deal Damage, Cause Death Mark (all), Create Purple Inscribed, Invulnerable, Destiny of Darkness 10/24/2018 () 16 29 24 53 0%
Doom of Flame Common Blighted Lands Warlock Doom 25 Red/​Red Glyph of Flame: Deal Damage, Cause Death Mark (all), Create Red Inscribed, Invulnerable, Destiny of Flame 10/24/2018 () 25 20 15 35 0%
Doom of Ice Common Glacial Peaks Warlock Doom 25 Blue/​Blue Glyph of Ice: Deal Damage, Cause Death Mark (all), Create Blue Inscribed, Invulnerable, Destiny of Ice 10/24/2018 () 18 23 27 50 0%
Doom of Light Common Suncrest Warlock Doom 25 Yellow/​Yellow Glyph of Light: Deal Damage, Cause Death Mark (all), Create Yellow Inscribed, Invulnerable, Destiny of Light 10/24/2018 () 19 29 18 47 0%
Doom of Nature Common Bright Forest Warlock Doom 25 Green/​Green Glyph of Nature: Deal Damage, Cause Death Mark (all), Create Green Inscribed, Invulnerable, Destiny of Nature 10/24/2018 () 18 36 13 49 0%
Doom of Stone Common Dhrak-Zum Warlock Doom 25 Brown/​Brown Glyph of Stone: Deal Damage, Cause Death Mark (all), Create Brown Inscribed, Invulnerable, Destiny of Stone 10/24/2018 () 17 16 35 51 0%
Doomclaw Mythic Urskaya Assassin Daemon-Urska 24 Blue/​Green/​Brown Roar of Anguish: Deal Damage, Cause Devour Indigestible, Stone Spirit, Provocation 10/06/2017 () 25 22 13 35 0%
Doppelganger Rare Glacial Peaks/Mirrored Halls Warlock Fey 11 Blue/​Brown Duplicate: Transform, Cause Cursed Deep Vitality, Alert, Stealthy 11/08/2019 () 18 21 14 35 0%
Draakulis Mythic Ghulvania Mage Undead 20 Blue/​Green/​Red Vampiric Blade: Steal Life (all) Undying, Armored, King's Will 03/07/2019 () 22 16 25 41 25%
DRACOS 1337 Legendary Adana Warlock Mech-Dragon 15 Yellow/​Purple Disintegrate: Cause Stun, Cause Silence, Decrease Mana, Lethal Damage Mech Bond, Impervious, Technomancy 03/07/2019 () 17 16 30 46 0%
Dragon Cruncher Epic Drifting Sands Assassin Giant 12 Green/​Red Munch: Cause Devour (sometimes), Heal, Deal Damage Dragon Dragon Slayer, Big, Impervious 06/19/2016 () 21 25 10 35 0%
Dragon Eggs Common Dragon's Claw Warmaster Dragon 10 Yellow/​Yellow Hatch: Summon, Heal Dragon Bond, Fireproof, Spawn 03/07/2019 () 0 37 30 67 0%
Dragon Knight Ultra-Rare Sword's Edge Striker Human-Knight 12 Red/​Brown Dragon Blade: Deal Damage, Deal Damage (all) Dragon Slayer, Alert, Armored 03/07/2019 () 18 15 24 39 25%
Dragon Spirit Epic Dragon's Claw Mage Dragon-Mystic 12 Yellow/​Purple Spirit Breath: Deal Damage (all), Enchanted (all allies) Arcane, Mana Shield, Spell Armor 05/17/2021 () 19 25 15 40 25%
Dragon Turtle Ultra-Rare Blackhawk Defender Dragon-Beast 10 Green/​Red Snap: Deal Damage, Submerged Dragon Shield, Huge, Stoneskin 10/02/2017 () 14 20 25 45 50%
Dragonette Rare Dragon's Claw Warlock Dragon 8 Green/​Purple Dragon Sting: Deal Damage, Cause Random Status Effect Sturdy, Fast, Magic Spirit 03/07/2019 () 12 36 12 48 0%
Dragonian Monk Ultra-Rare Dragon's Claw Support Mystic-Dragon 11 Yellow/​Brown Meditate: Destroy Gems, Barrier Mystic Bond, Warded, Fast 03/07/2019 () 18 24 15 39 0%
Dragonian Rogue Ultra-Rare Dragon's Claw Generator Dragon-Rogue 12 Blue/​Purple Hidden Dragon: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage Rogue Bond, Stealthy, Arcane 03/07/2019 () 18 24 15 39 0%
Dragonian Sage Ultra-Rare Dragon's Claw Support Dragon-Mystic 11 Blue/​Red Wisdom of Ages: Increase Magic (ally), Generate Mana (ally), Barrier (sometimes) (ally), Enchanted (sometimes) (ally) Dragon Dragon Bond, Fire Heart, Spell Armor 11/02/2020 () 15 19 24 43 25%
Dragonmoth Ultra-Rare Dragon's Claw Striker Dragon-Beast 12 Green/​Yellow Infrared: Deal Damage, Explode Gems Nimble, Nature Spirit, Agile 03/07/2019 () 15 32 11 43 0%
Dragotaur Rare Dragon's Claw Warrior Dragon-Centaur 11 Green/​Brown Storm Call: Destroy Gems, Increase Attack, Increase Armor Dragon Dragon Bond, Dragon Boon, Armored 03/07/2019 () 18 16 18 34 25%
Drake Rare Grosh-Nak Striker Dragon-Beast 11 Yellow/​Brown Tail Slam: Deal Damage Beast Bond, Big, Aflame 03/07/2019 () 13 23 23 46 0%
Drake Rider Ultra-Rare Grosh-Nak Generator Orc-Dragon 11 Purple/​Brown Raze: Convert Yellow to Red, Deal Damage Orc Armor, Fireproof, Loyal Mount 08/23/2015 () 15 22 22 44 0%
Draugr Rare Silverglade/Silver Necropolis Generator Undead-Elf 14 Green/​Brown Necrosis: Decrease Mana, Create Purple Deep Strength, Accursed, Undying 04/12/2019 () 16 14 26 40 0%
Draxxius Epic Karakoth Warmaster Undead-Mystic 12 Blue/​Purple Killing Word: Convert Brown to Skull, Cause Cursed, Cause Death Mark Dwarf Mystic Bond, Undying, Empowered 12/06/2021 (0.0.0) 19 29 10 39 0%
Dread Steed Rare Ghulvania Generator Undead-Beast 11 Red/​Yellow Unholy Charge: Cause Death Mark, Create Purple Bountyhunter, Undying, Armored 07/31/2020 () 14 36 7 43 25%
Droggo Rare Dragon's Claw Generator Dragon-Beast 9 Red/​Brown Slobber: Cause Charm, Create Blue Bountyhunter, Dragon Bond, Raksha Slayer 10/21/2019 () 18 18 16 34 0%
Drowned Sailor Ultra-Rare Bright Forest/Sunken Fleet Generator Elemental-Undead 12 Red/​Purple Drenched Strike: Convert Yellow to Blue, Death Mark (sometimes) Deep Shield, Undying, Empowered 05/17/2019 () 18 15 24 39 0%
Druid Ultra-Rare Maugrim Woods Striker Wargare-Mystic 12 Blue/​Green Thorn Whip: Deal Damage Water Link, Revered, Fast 06/16/2015 () 11 35 18 53 0%
Dryad Rare Forest of Thorns Generator Fey-Elemental 10 Blue/​Yellow Nature's Gift: Heal (ally), Create Green, Barrier (ally) Fey Bond, Revered, Nature Link 10/28/2014 () 13 22 26 48 0%
Dullahan Legendary Ghulvania Assassin Undead-Knight 18 Red/​Brown Midnight Ride: Randomly: Deal Damage, Lethal Damage Necromancy, Undying, Head Hunter 10/21/2019 () 18 20 25 45 0%
Durgan Ironfall Epic Khaziel Support Dwarf 12 Red/​Yellow Forge of Victory: Increase Armor, Increase Magic, Create Brown Dwarf Shield, Stone Spirit, Fortitude 02/15/2021 () 15 31 17 48 0%
Dust Devil Rare Drifting Sands Warlock Elemental 10 Yellow/​Brown Dervish: Deal Damage (all), Troop Order Elemental Bond, Air Link, Empowered 03/08/2016 () 16 26 14 40 0%
Dwarf Lord Rare Khaziel Striker Dwarf 9 Blue/​Brown Ancestral Axe: Deal Damage, Increase Armor (all allies) Kill Dwarf Bond, Reinforced, Fortitude 10/28/2014 () 14 23 21 44 0%
Dwarven Gate Common Khaziel Defender Dwarf-Construct 10 Blue/​Blue Password: Increase Armor, Barrier (all allies), Generate Mana (all allies) Dwarf Dwarf Shield, Repair, Stoneskin 07/31/2017 () 0 33 34 67 50%
Dwarven Hunter Ultra-Rare Khaziel Striker Dwarf 11 Green/​Brown Lock and Load: Cause Dispel, Deal Damage Beast Beast Slayer, Armor Piercing, Fortitude 01/08/2018 () 18 26 13 39 0%
Dwarven Miner Common Khaziel Generator Dwarf 8 Brown/​Brown Dig: Destroy Gems, Generate Gold Greedy, Stone Link, Impervious 10/28/2014 () 14 30 10 40 0%
Dwarven Slayer Ultra-Rare Stormheim Striker Dwarf 18 Red/​Yellow Glorious Death: Deal Damage, One Shot Spells, Lethal Damage (self) Dwarf Bond, Frenzy, Impervious 07/10/2016 () 19 26 8 34 0%
Dwarven Zombie Rare Dhrak-Zum Generator Undead-Dwarf 11 Yellow/​Brown Rust and Decay: Decrease Armor, Convert Green to Brown Regeneration, Life Drain, Undying 05/11/2018 () 18 21 14 35 0%
Dynamite Goat Ultra-Rare Zaejin Generator Beast 12 Green/​Red Explosive Delivery: Troop Order, Explode Gems Thick Hide, Fireproof, Fire Link 05/04/2020 () 19 24 11 35 19%
Eagle Owl Rare Suncrest Striker Beast 10 Red/​Yellow Sky Claws: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage Bountyhunter, Armor Piercing, Fast 04/22/2022 (0.0.0) 18 26 9 35 0%
Earth Dreamer Ultra-Rare Forest of Thorns Support Elemental-Fey 13 Green/​Brown Crown of Leaves: Increase Attack, Heal Elemental, Elf Elemental Bond, Barkskin, Nature Link 06/21/2021 () 15 19 24 43 32%
Earthcaller Epic Wild Plains Striker Tauros-Mystic 12 Blue/​Green Totem Call: Deal Damage Ascension boss Nature Heart, Mana Shield, Godslayer 01/07/2019 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Egg Thief Ultra-Rare Dragon's Claw Generator Human-Rogue 12 Green/​Red Snatch: Destroy Gems, Generate Gold, Summon Greedy, Stealthy, Agile 11/12/2018 () 19 29 6 35 0%
Eir Stoneshatter Epic Glacial Peaks Striker Fey 12 Blue/​Yellow Icy Blessing: Deal Damage, Create Blue Ascension castle, Kill Water Heart, Insulated, Siegebreaker 08/17/2020 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Eldritch Guardian Epic Karakoth Striker Daemon-Construct 12 Blue/​Purple Guardian Strike: Deal Damage, Increase Armor, Heal Ascension boss, Kill Daemon Shield, Infernal Armor, Godslayer 05/25/2020 () 19 19 21 40 0%
Eldritch Minion Epic Karakoth Generator Daemon 12 Blue/​Red Supplication: Convert Brown to Purple, Generate Mana (sometimes) Cursed Touch, Accursed, Empowered 04/18/2022 (0.0.0) 17 44 0 44 0%
Elemaugrim Mythic Dragon's Claw Mage Daemon-Dragon 25 Red/​Purple/​Brown Last Shadow: Deal Damage (all), Create Purple Magic Heart, Impervious, Darkness 03/07/2019 () 20 23 23 46 0%
Elf-Eater Epic Grosh-Nak Assassin Giant 12 Blue/​Brown Crunch: Cause Devour (sometimes), Heal, Deal Damage Elf Elf Slayer, Big, Regeneration 08/23/2015 () 14 37 12 49 0%
Elven Bard Rare Silverglade Support Elf-Mystic 11 Green/​Yellow Enchanting Melody: Enchanted (ally), Generate Mana (ally), Increase Magic (ally) Elf Bond, High Ancestry, Revered 03/07/2019 () 18 27 7 34 0%
Elwyn Epic Pan's Vale Striker Human 12 Green/​Yellow Power Chord: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage Greedy, Song of Light, Alert 10/28/2014 () 15 29 19 48 0%
Emperina Epic Khaziel Support Dragon 13 Red/​Brown Breath of Life: Cleanse (ally), Heal (ally), Increase Attack (ally) Dwarf Slayer, Fire Link, Aflame 10/28/2014 () 15 29 17 46 0%
Emperinazara Legendary Khaziel/Emperinazar Warmaster Goblin-Naga 16 Green/​Brown Praise Emperina: Randomly: Heal (all allies), Summon, Extra Turn Deep Magic, Song of Bones, Emperina's Blessing 11/13/2020 () 20 25 16 41 0%
Emperor Khorvash Legendary Leonis Empire Warrior Human-Monster 15 Blue/​Brown Crown of Anu: True Damage, Cause Stun, Decrease Mana Leader, Armored, Lion's Wrath 03/07/2019 () 18 20 25 45 25%
Emperor Liang Legendary Shentang Support Elf 16 Yellow/​Purple Proclamation: Destroy Gems, Heal, Increase Magic Transcend, Sky Ancestry, Emperor's Blessing 02/16/2018 () 18 32 14 46 0%
Enchantress Ultra-Rare Silverglade Mage Elf-Mystic 12 Yellow/​Purple Arcane Blast: Deal Damage (all), Enchanted (ally) Mystic Bond, High Ancestry, Magic Spirit 03/07/2019 () 15 35 8 43 0%
Enraged Kurandara Mythic Urskaya Assassin Daemon-Boss 35 Green/​Red/​Purple Ultimate Oblivion: Deal Damage (all), Convert Yellow to Doomskull, Cause Doomstorm Fire Link, Invulnerable, Curse of Damnation 09/21/2020 () 16 19 34 53 0%
Envoy of Pride Epic Sin of Maraj Striker Daemon 12 Yellow/​Purple Display Superiority: Deal Damage, Steal Magic (all) Ascension boss, Kill Omen of Death, Accursed, Godslayer 02/03/2020 () 21 25 10 35 0%
Envy Rare Sin of Maraj Striker Daemon 12 Green/​Red Green Eyes: Deal Damage Anti-Magic, Stealthy, Omen of Nature 08/24/2018 () 16 30 9 39 0%
Erinyes Epic Blighted Lands Warmaster Daemon 14 Yellow/​Brown Eternal Punishment: Summon, Convert Any to Purple Accursed, Dark Death, Jinx 11/27/2017 () 19 25 15 40 0%
Essencia Legendary Dragon's Claw Support Dragon-Mystic 14 Blue/​Yellow Spirit Augury: Explode Gems, Summon Dragon Bond, Song of Light, Dragon Seer 05/17/2021 () 20 20 23 43 0%
Eternal Sentinel Epic Hellcrag Warlock Construct 11 Yellow/​Purple Frozen Time: Cause Frozen, Create and , Extra Turn Construct Shield, Construct Bond, Stoneskin 07/18/2022 (0.0.0) 17 33 10 43 50%
Ethereal Sentry Rare Whitehelm/Hall of Guardians Support Construct 10 Yellow/​Brown Deny Passage: Increase Attack (ally), Cause Lightstorm Deep Shield, Armored, Spell Block 09/06/2018 () 14 17 24 41 25%
Ettin Rare Broken Spire Generator Giant-Mystic 9 Blue/​Brown Sunder: Destroy Gems, Increase Attack Big, Jinx, Empowered 10/28/2014 () 12 35 10 45 0%
Euryali Mythic Mist of Scales Mage Divine-Naga 22 Blue/​Green/​Yellow Cloud of Death: True Damage (all), Summon Naga, Undead Naga Bond, Indigestible, Poison Gaze 08/04/2017 () 21 26 17 43 0%
Excavator Rare Khaziel Generator Dwarf 11 Purple/​Brown Drill Down: Destroy Gems, Create Red Bountyhunter, Rocky Death, Fortitude 06/28/2019 () 16 30 9 39 0%
Executioner Rare Darkstone Assassin Human 10 Green/​Red Execute: Deal Damage, Lethal Damage Human Bond, Bloodlust, Death Touch 10/15/2018 () 21 21 9 30 0%
Exploadstool Epic Zaejin/Amanithrax Generator Elemental 14 Green/​Yellow Detonating Spores: Explode Gems, Poison (sometimes) Deep Vitality, Poison Spores, Impervious 07/04/2019 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Faemark Epic Forest of Thorns Striker Elf 12 Green/​Red Perfect Thrust: Deal Damage, Cleanse (sometimes) (all allies), Cause Dispel (sometimes) (all) Ascension boss, Kill Wood Ancestry, Agile, Godslayer 01/06/2020 () 21 23 12 35 0%
Faerie Gobmother Mythic Zaejin Mage Fey-Goblin 22 Green/​Red/​Purple Wish Granted: Randomly: Extra Turn, Create , Deal Damage (all), Heal (all allies) Goblin Bond, Spell Armor, Wishing Well 03/07/2022 (0.0.0) 22 16 25 41 25%
Falconer Ultra-Rare Leonis Empire Warmaster Beast-Human 11 Green/​Yellow Seek: Cause Hunter's Mark, Summon, Create Red Beast Bond, Fast, Fire Link 08/07/2017 () 19 22 13 35 0%
Fallen Valdis Mythic Dhrak-Zum Mage Undead-Mystic 24 Blue/​Purple/​Brown Smite the Heavens: Deal Damage (all), Cause Silence, Explode Gems Divine Dark Death, Undying, Grim Curse 10/05/2018 () 22 29 12 41 0%
Famine Mythic Apocalypse Assassin Daemon-Mystic 24 Green/​Yellow/​Brown Locust Swarm: Decrease Mana (all), Deal Damage Accursed, Reinforced, Aspect of Famine 06/16/2016 () 16 19 34 53 0%
Fangblade Rare Mist of Scales Striker Naga-Knight 10 Yellow/​Brown Tainted Spear: Deal Damage, Cause Disease, Cause Poison Bountyhunter, Naga Shield, Armored 06/08/2018 () 16 18 21 39 25%
Faunessa Epic Pan's Vale Support Wildfolk-Mystic 12 Yellow/​Purple Beguile: Heal (all allies), Deal Damage Magic Link, Alert, Empowered 09/20/2015 () 15 31 17 48 0%
Fel'Dras Epic Grosh-Nak Striker Orc 13 Blue/​Red Primal Arrow: Deal Damage, Summon (sometimes) Orc Cunning, Mystic Slayer, Armor Piercing 03/07/2019 () 19 27 12 39 0%
Fell Dragon Epic Blighted Lands/Fell Roost Assassin Daemon-Dragon 13 Yellow/​Purple Toxic Flame: Deal Damage Deep Magic, Magic Spirit, Magic Link 06/05/2020 () 15 23 25 48 0%
Fell Dragon Egg Ultra-Rare Blighted Lands/Fell Roost Warlock Daemon-Dragon 11 Red/​Yellow Dark Spawn: Cause Disease, Summon Deep Shield, Dragon Shield, Aflame 06/05/2020 () 18 22 17 39 0%
Fenrir Epic Maugrim Woods Support Wargare-Beast 12 Blue/​Green Call of the Pack: Increase Attack (ally), Heal (ally) Beast Beast Bond, Leader, Nature Spirit 10/04/2015 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Ferit Epic Karakoth Warlock Human-Rogue 10 Purple/​Brown Backstab: Deal Damage, Decrease Mana Daemon Slayer, Magic Link, Arcane 10/28/2014 () 19 28 10 38 0%
Ferocity Common Guardians Assassin Tauros-Construct 11 Red/​Red Ferocious Strike: Deal Damage Red target Burning Hatred, Stoneskin, Gift of Ferocity 12/16/2019 () 25 21 15 36 50%
Festival Cow Common Wild Plains Support Beast 9 Yellow/​Yellow Moo!: Heal (all allies), Increase Armor (all allies), Increase Attack (all allies), Increase Magic (all allies), Cause Dispel (self), Lethal Damage (self) Tauros Bond, Revered, Nature Link 01/07/2019 () 14 27 10 37 0%
Fey Cap Rare Bright Forest Warlock Elemental-Fey 11 Green/​Red Fey Spore: Deal Damage (all), Cause Disease Fey Virulence, Indigestible, Barkskin 01/29/2018 () 16 23 16 39 32%
Finesse Common Guardians Assassin Stryx-Construct 11 Yellow/​Yellow Finesse Strike: Deal Damage, Generate Mana (all allies) Yellow target, Any storm Stormy Hatred, Stoneskin, Gift of Finesse 12/16/2019 () 19 33 15 48 50%
Finley Epic Pridelands Generator Human 10 Green/​Yellow Fair Trade: Convert Skull to Any, Generate Gold Human Bond, Merchant, Alert 10/28/2014 () 12 38 15 53 0%
Fire Bomb Common Broken Spire Generator Elemental 4 Red/​Red Implosion: Explode Gems, Deal Damage, Cause Dispel (self), Lethal Damage (self) Elemental Bond, Fire Spirit, Empowered 11/20/2017 () 14 20 20 40 0%
Fire Giant Ultra-Rare Stormheim Assassin Elemental-Giant 12 Yellow/​Brown Inner Fire: Deal Damage, Create Red Burning, Kill Giant Bond, Big, Fire Link 09/25/2017 () 19 26 8 34 0%
Fire Lizard Rare Broken Spire Generator Elemental-Beast 11 Red/​Yellow Belch Fire: Deal Damage, Cause Burning, Create Red Beast Bond, Fireproof, Pyromania 03/07/2019 () 16 23 16 39 0%
Fire Spirit Rare Broken Spire/Fire Rift Generator Elemental 12 Yellow/​Brown Dancing Flames: Convert Any to Deep Vitality, Fireproof, Embers 02/04/2022 (0.0.0) 14 36 7 43 0%
Fireborn Eagle Rare Nexus Striker Elemental-Beast 11 Red/​Yellow Fiery Wings: Cause Burning, Deal Damage, Create , Extra Turn (sometimes) Kill Fireproof, Fire Heart, Born of Fire 12/13/2021 (0.0.0) 18 26 9 35 0%
Fireborn Warrior Rare Nexus Warrior Elemental-Knight 11 Blue/​Red Festival of Fire: Increase Armor, Burning, Cause Burning Fireproof, Armored, Born of Fire 11/15/2021 (0.0.0) 14 16 27 43 25%
First Mate Axelubber Epic Blackhawk Generator Orc-Rogue 12 Green/​Purple Seas of Blood: Convert Blue to Red, Cause Bleed Orc Fury, Greedy, Empowered 01/13/2020 () 23 21 10 31 0%
Fist of Zorn Epic Grosh-Nak Warmaster Orc-Mystic 12 Red/​Purple Skull Blast: Convert Yellow to Skull, Increase Attack Orc Bond, Orc Armor, Empowered 03/04/2019 () 19 27 12 39 0%
Flame Cannon Ultra-Rare Adana Mage Mech 12 Red/​Yellow Wide Burst: Deal Damage (all), Cause Burning Siege, Armored, Aflame 11/09/2014 () 15 15 30 45 25%
Flame Maiden Rare Stormheim Striker Elemental-Giant 11 Red/​Brown Flame Mace: Deal Damage, Remove Gems Bountyhunter, Fireproof, Aflame 01/01/2021 () 18 26 9 35 0%
Flame of Anu Mythic Leonis Empire Striker Divine-Beast 24 Blue/​Red/​Yellow Fiery Roar: Deal Damage Divine Bond, Fireproof, Flaming Mane 11/06/2020 () 23 25 14 39 0%
Flame Troll Epic Broken Spire Generator Elemental-Giant 12 Blue/​Purple Burning Fist: Create Red Fire Heart, Troll Regeneration, Aflame 11/20/2017 () 15 33 15 48 0%
Flaming Oni Mythic Zaejin Generator Daemon-Goblin 22 Green/​Red/​Brown Goblin Horde: Summon, Explode Gems, Extra Turn Song of Fire, Fireproof, Red Rage 11/05/2021 (0.0.0) 19 32 15 47 0%
Flaming Skeleton Ultra-Rare Ghulvania Striker Elemental-Undead 11 Red/​Purple Burning Cleave: Deal Damage, Convert Red to Aflame, Undying, Fireproof 05/02/2022 (0.0.0) 19 29 6 35 0%
Flesh Golem Ultra-Rare Ghulvania Generator Undead-Construct 12 Red/​Purple Pulverize: Heal, Explode Gems, Decrease Magic (all) Necromancy, Big, Undying 10/28/2014 () 15 35 8 43 0%
Flora Fawn Rare Silverglade Generator Beast 10 Green/​Yellow Child of Nature: Create Green, Enchanted (ally) Bountyhunter, Inscribed, Nature Link 06/03/2022 (0.0.0) 14 36 7 43 0%
Florian Ultra-Rare Bright Forest Generator Elemental-Fey 14 Purple/​Brown Deadly Bloom: Decrease Mana, Create Green Fey Bond, Nature Heart, Nature's Death 01/29/2018 () 15 31 13 44 0%
Fomorian Ultra-Rare Stormheim Generator Giant 12 Green/​Brown Titanic Smash: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage, Cause Stun Frenzy, Knockout, Huge 09/23/2019 () 18 31 8 39 0%
Forest Guardian Legendary Maugrim Woods Warmaster Divine-Beast 18 Green/​Yellow Nature's Ally: Convert Purple to Skull, Convert Brown to Green, Barrier Beast Beast Bond, Invigorated, Lord of Beasts 03/07/2019 () 18 38 8 46 0%
Forest Troll Epic Forest of Thorns Generator Elemental-Giant 12 Blue/​Brown Smother: Create Green Tangle, Troll Regeneration, Barkskin 08/14/2017 () 17 31 12 43 32%
Forgemistress Ultra-Rare Silverglade Striker Elf 11 Red/​Brown Elemental Craft: Deal Damage, Enchanted (sometimes) (all allies) Elemental Elf Shield, High Ancestry, Banding Armor 04/12/2021 () 19 26 9 35 0%
Fortress Gate Common Broken Spire Defender Construct 9 Brown/​Brown Reinforce: Increase Armor Defender, Reinforced, Impervious 10/28/2014 () 0 39 31 70 0%
Fountain of Stars Mythic Bright Forest Support Construct-Fey 25 Blue/​Red/​Yellow River of Stars: Convert Green to , Convert Brown to Skull, Cleanse Fey Magic Heart, Stoneskin, Blessed Waters 10/04/2021 (0.0.0) 17 36 15 51 50%
Fredi Fretfiddler Epic The Vault Warmaster Gnome 12 Blue/​Yellow Distort and Depart: Create Skull, Run Away Gnome Alert, Greedy, Omen of Dark 08/15/2021 () 19 29 10 39 0%
Freki the Wild Epic Maugrim Woods Assassin Wargare 13 Blue/​Red Devious Trap: True Damage, Hunter's Mark (sometimes), Bleed (sometimes) Purple target, Daemon, Beast Daemon Slayer, Beast Slayer, Bloodlust 07/20/2020 () 15 23 25 48 0%
Freya Epic Glacial Peaks Striker Fey 12 Yellow/​Purple Moonbeam Shot: Deal Damage, Cause Frozen Ascension boss Fast, Armor Piercing, Godslayer 03/19/2018 () 21 25 10 35 0%
Frost Archer Rare Glacial Peaks Striker Fey 10 Blue/​Red Frost Arrow: Deal Damage, Cause Frozen, Frozen (sometimes) Frozen Insulated, Agile, Swift 03/19/2018 () 18 23 12 35 0%
Frost Giant Rare Stormheim Striker Elemental-Giant 9 Blue/​Brown Frost Axe: Deal Damage, Cause Frozen Giant Bond, Water Spirit, Big 02/01/2015 () 18 23 12 35 0%
Frost Lizard Ultra-Rare Glacial Peaks Generator Elemental-Beast 11 Blue/​Yellow Ice Shard: Deal Damage, Cause Frozen, Create Blue Beast Bond, Insulated, Shatter 03/07/2019 () 18 29 11 40 0%
Frostfeather Legendary Glacial Peaks Mage Elemental-Beast 16 Blue/​Green Ice Song: Deal Damage (all), Cursed (sometimes) (all) Storm blue Insulated, Arcane, Icy Rebirth 07/01/2019 () 18 25 20 45 0%
Frostfire Troll Epic Stormheim/Frostfire Keep Generator Elemental-Giant 12 Green/​Yellow Ice on Fire: Create Blue and Red Deep Vitality, Troll Regeneration, Big 12/13/2019 () 17 33 10 43 0%
Frostfire Witch Ultra-Rare Stormheim/Frostfire Keep Striker Elemental-Elf 11 Blue/​Purple Frostfire Bolt: Randomly: Deal Damage, Cause Frozen, Cause Burning Deep Magic, High Ancestry, Arcane 12/13/2019 () 15 29 15 44 0%
Frostfire Wraith Rare Stormheim/Frostfire Keep Defender Elemental-Undead 11 Blue/​Yellow Spirit Rush: Steal Life Deep Shield, Undying, Ice Armor 12/13/2019 () 18 14 21 35 65%
Frostling Common Glacial Peaks Warlock Elemental-Beast 8 Blue/​Blue Frost Web: Cause Frozen, Cause Web, Generate Mana Invigorated, Stalker, Shatter 03/07/2019 () 14 24 14 38 0%
Frozen Shieldbreaker Ultra-Rare Dhrak-Zum Striker Undead-Dwarf 12 Blue/​Brown Frozen Aura: Cause Cursed, Cause Frozen, Deal Damage Chill Touch, Fortitude, Ice Fragment 08/23/2021 () 19 29 6 35 0%
Fundingus Epic Zaejin Generator Elemental-Goblin 14 Green/​Red Purple Spores: Randomly: Explode Gems, Summon, Extra Turn Immune, Plague Touch, Poison Spores 02/01/2021 () 17 44 0 44 0%
Fungomancer Ultra-Rare Zaejin/Amanithrax Warlock Elemental-Mystic 13 Purple/​Brown Choking Spores: Deal Damage, Transform (sometimes), Cause Disease Disease Deep Magic, Poison Spores, Arcane 07/04/2019 () 15 31 13 44 0%
Fury Ultra-Rare Maugrim Woods/Hell Gate Striker Daemon 12 Green/​Red Punish the Wicked: Deal Damage, Generate Souls, Cause Death Mark Kill Deep Magic, Song of Bones, Fast 04/30/2021 () 19 29 6 35 0%
Gaard's Avatar Mythic Whitehelm Mage Divine-Knight 24 Red/​Yellow/​Brown Gaard's Wrath: Deal Damage (all), Cause Silence, Cause Burning Daemon, Undead Divine Bond, Reinforced, Divine Right 03/07/2019 () 17 19 32 51 0%
Gael Spiritwhisperer Epic Sin of Maraj Warlock Human-Mystic 12 Yellow/​Purple Commune with Spirits: Deal Damage, Transform (sometimes) Daemon Arcane, Necromancy, Spell Armor 09/14/2020 () 17 33 10 43 25%
Game Warden Common Sword's Edge Warmaster Human 10 Brown/​Brown Scout It Out: Convert Green to Skull Human Bond, Armor Piercing, Stealthy 03/08/2022 (0.0.0) 14 24 14 38 0%
Gar'Nok Legendary Grosh-Nak Warmaster Orc 15 Red/​Yellow To War!: True Damage (all allies), Create Red, Create Brown, Summon Orc Orc Armor, General, Orclord 08/23/2015 () 18 27 18 45 0%
Gargantaur Mythic Grosh-Nak Assassin Daemon-Orc 22 Red/​Purple/​Brown Daemonic Spear: Deal Damage Huge, Impervious, Dark Fury 01/05/2018 () 19 32 15 47 0%
Gargoyle Epic Whitehelm/Hall of Guardians Assassin Construct 14 Red/​Brown Rock Barrage: Deal Damage, Explode Gems Deep Shield, Spell Armor, Stoneskin 09/06/2018 () 21 21 15 36 25%
Garuda Legendary Suncrest Mage Elemental-Stryx 15 Red/​Yellow Fiery Rain: Cause Firestorm, Deal Damage (all), Increase Magic Naga Slayer, Fireproof, Soaring 03/07/2019 () 18 27 18 45 0%
Gate of Souls Ultra-Rare Blighted Lands Defender Daemon-Construct 10 Blue/​Red Siphon Defense: Cause Cursed, True Damage, Increase Armor Reinforced, Infernal Armor, Stoneskin 03/30/2020 () 0 33 40 73 50%
Gelatinous Cube Epic Karakoth Assassin Monster 14 Yellow/​Purple Dissolve: Cause Devour (sometimes), Deal Damage Web, Entangle Sturdy, Indigestible, Regeneration 08/06/2018 () 15 36 12 48 0%
Gemhammer Epic Dhrak-Zum Assassin Dwarf 12 Green/​Brown Monster Strike: Deal Damage, Decrease Attack Monster Monster Slayer, Fortitude, Empowered 05/11/2018 () 19 28 10 38 0%
General Suladin Epic Leonis Empire Warrior Human 12 Yellow/​Brown War Strategy: Deal Damage Ascension castle Human Shield, Armored, Siegebreaker 08/05/2019 () 19 21 19 40 25%
Genie's Lamp Legendary The Vault Support Construct 7 Yellow/​Yellow Treasure: Generate Gold Greedy, Merchant, Valuable 09/06/2018 () 0 7 5 12 0%
Ghiralee Epic Adana Striker Human 13 Blue/​Yellow Reverse Engineering: Steal Random Stat, Deal Damage Mech Mech Slayer, Mech Bond, Reinforced 02/14/2016 () 15 23 24 47 0%
Ghoul Common Ghulvania Striker Undead 8 Brown/​Brown Bite: Deal Damage, Destroy Gems, Decrease All Stats Human Slayer, Stone Link, Undying 10/28/2014 () 11 28 17 45 0%
Giant Crab Common Merlantis Striker Beast 10 Blue/​Blue Pincers: Deal Damage, Troop Order Cunning, Beast Shield, Armored 10/20/2017 () 14 17 21 38 25%
Giant Spider Ultra-Rare Zhul'Kari Generator Beast 13 Blue/​Green Swarm: Convert Any to Purple, Summon Magic Link, Big, Venomous 03/15/2015 () 12 35 13 48 0%
Giant Toad Common Darkstone Striker Beast 9 Green/​Green Tongue Lashing: Deal Damage, Troop Order Beast Bond, Big, Regeneration 03/07/2019 () 14 31 7 38 0%
Giant Toadstool Common Zaejin Warlock Monster 9 Purple/​Purple Spore Shot: Create Any, Transform Monster Bond, Defender, Venomous 03/07/2019 () 14 31 7 38 0%
Gimlet Stormbrew Epic Khaziel Generator Dwarf 12 Red/​Yellow Stone Brew: Convert Green to Brown, Enraged, Heal Stone Heart, Fortitude, Empowered 10/29/2018 () 19 27 12 39 0%
Glade Warden Common Forest of Thorns Striker Elf 7 Green/​Green Piercing Shot: Deal Damage, Remove Gems Wood Ancestry, Nature Spirit, Armor Piercing 10/28/2014 () 17 24 10 34 0%
Glass Golem Epic Glacial Peaks/Mirrored Halls Defender Fey-Construct 12 Blue/​Yellow Reflective Shield: Explode Gems, Reflect, Increase Armor Deep Shield, Armored, Mana Shield 11/08/2019 () 15 19 29 48 25%
Glaycion Legendary Dhrak-Zum Defender Daemon-Monster 20 Purple/​Brown Flash Freeze: Convert Yellow to Blue, Convert Red to Doomskull, Cause Frozen Insulated, Ice Armor, Rancor 05/11/2018 () 18 24 22 46 65%
Glitterclaw Legendary Bright Forest Warlock Fey-Dragon 14 Blue/​Green Faerie Blast: Deal Damage, Convert Blue to Green, Cause Faerie Fire (all) Fireproof, Arcane, Spark 01/29/2018 () 17 28 18 46 0%
Gloom Leaf Legendary Forest of Thorns Warrior Fey-Elemental 14 Green/​Red Corruption: Steal Armor (all), Steal Attack (all) Huge, Impervious, Thorns 10/28/2014 () 18 25 20 45 0%
Glory Gnome Common The Vault Generator Gnome 7 Blue/​Blue Lance and Leave: Destroy Gems, Run Away Nimble, Avenger, Armored 10/24/2018 () 14 14 24 38 25%
Glutmaw Ultra-Rare Sin of Maraj Assassin Daemon-Beast 11 Blue/​Brown Rabid Glutton: Cause Cursed, Cause Stun, Cause Devour (sometimes), Create Blue, Create Brown Regeneration, Spell Armor, Omen of Death 05/06/2019 () 19 26 8 34 25%
Gluttony Ultra-Rare Sin of Maraj Assassin Daemon 12 Blue/​Green Eternal Hunger: Explode Gems, Cause Devour Big, Indigestible, Omen of Nature 08/24/2018 () 18 26 13 39 0%
Gnoll Rare Wild Plains Assassin Wargare 9 Green/​Red Savage Swing: Randomly: Deal Damage Brown target Bloodlust, Buried Hatred, Armored 10/15/2015 () 16 21 18 39 25%
Gob-Chomper Epic Broken Spire Assassin Giant 12 Yellow/​Brown Chomp: Cause Devour (sometimes), Heal, Deal Damage Goblin Goblin Slayer, Big, Empowered 01/10/2016 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Goblette Rare Zaejin Support Goblin 11 Blue/​Green Flora and Fumes: Randomly: Cause Entangle, Extra Turn, Generate Mana Bountyhunter, Nimble, Nature Heart 05/08/2020 () 16 27 12 39 0%
Goblin Common Zaejin Striker Goblin 6 Green/​Green Hide & Sneak: Deal Damage, Extra Turn Greedy, Human Slayer, Nature Link 10/28/2014 () 14 24 17 41 0%
Goblin Bomber Ultra-Rare Zaejin Generator Goblin 10 Red/​Brown Pop Goes the Weasel: Explode Gems, Extra Turn Greedy, Jinx, Fireproof 03/08/2022 (0.0.0) 18 29 11 40 0%
Goblin King Legendary Zaejin Warmaster Goblin 14 Green/​Brown Goblin Feast: Heal, Remove Gems, Summon, Extra Turn Sturdy, Regeneration, Goblord 10/28/2014 () 14 38 16 54 0%
Goblin Rocket Ultra-Rare Zaejin Striker Goblin-Mech 11 Red/​Yellow Blast Off!: Explode Gems, Deal Damage, Extra Turn Fire Link, Fireproof, Aflame 08/09/2015 () 13 31 18 49 0%
Goblin Shaman Rare Zaejin Generator Goblin-Mystic 10 Purple/​Brown Spirits & Spells: Create Green, Heal (ally), Extra Turn Goblin Bond, Accursed, Sturdy 10/28/2014 () 14 32 12 44 0%
Gog and Gud Legendary Broken Spire Warrior Giant 17 Green/​Brown Decisions, Decisions: Randomly: Deal Damage, Take Resources (self), Deal Damage (all), Generate Gold Giant Bond, Huge, Pillage and Plunder 03/07/2019 () 16 27 22 49 0%
Gold Ring Rare The Vault Support Construct 7 Green/​Green Treasure: Generate Gold Greedy, Merchant, Valuable 09/06/2018 () 0 4 2 6 0%
Golem Common Karakoth Defender Monster-Construct 8 Brown/​Brown Slam: Explode Gems, Decrease Armor (all) Inscribed, Stoneskin, Stone Link 10/28/2014 () 15 26 19 45 50%
Gor'Thrum Epic Grosh-Nak Generator Orc-Mystic 12 Purple/​Brown Spirits of Thunder: Destroy Gems, Explode Gems Orc Bond, Orc Armor, Warded 10/07/2019 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Gorbil Ultra-Rare Zaejin Assassin Beast 11 Yellow/​Brown Chow Down: Convert Blue to Brown, Cause Devour (sometimes) Beast Bond, Cunning, Big Teeth 05/21/2018 () 19 24 11 35 0%
Gorgon Ultra-Rare Wild Plains Defender Tauros-Monster 11 Red/​Brown Bull Rush: Explode Gems, Deal Damage, Troop Order Fire Heart, Fast, Stoneskin 10/15/2015 () 17 19 21 40 50%
Gorgotha Legendary Khaziel Defender Daemon 15 Yellow/​Brown Doomstones: Explode Gems, Cleanse Fireproof, Daemonic Pact, Granite Skin 10/28/2014 () 16 31 18 49 75%
Grand Inquisitor Epic Whitehelm Striker Divine-Human 13 Red/​Yellow Rites of Faith: Deal Damage, Barrier Divine Bond, Daemon Slayer, Air Spirit 03/07/2019 () 19 25 15 40 0%
Grave Knight Ultra-Rare Ghulvania Assassin Undead-Knight 11 Purple/​Brown Shattering Blow: Decrease Armor, Deal Damage Undying, Stone Spirit, Reinforced 01/18/2015 () 15 18 26 44 0%
Grave Seer Epic Sword's Edge/Crypt Keepers Generator Undead-Mystic 12 Red/​Yellow Dark Vision: Convert Green to Purple, Enchanted Deep Vitality, Undying, Empowered 09/14/2018 () 17 23 21 44 0%
Gravitas Epic Whitehelm Striker Divine-Knight 11 Blue/​Yellow Slayer of Evil: Deal Damage, Decrease Mana, Cursed (sometimes) Daemon, Undead Divine Shield, Revered, Holy Armor 12/02/2019 () 17 23 21 44 40%
Greed Rare Sin of Maraj Support Daemon 10 Green/​Purple Treasure Hoard: Generate Gold, Heal, Extra Turn Greedy, Omen of Stone, Empowered 08/24/2018 () 18 23 12 35 0%
Green Golem Ultra-Rare Forest of Thorns/Primal Rift Defender Elemental-Construct 10 Green/​Yellow Nature Core: Explode Gems, Entangle, Heal Tangle, Deep Shield, Stoneskin 11/23/2018 () 18 15 24 39 50%
Green Seer Epic Forest of Thorns Generator Fey 10 Yellow/​Purple Augury: Convert Any to Green, Cause Entangle Fey Bond, Revered, Alert 05/24/2015 () 12 32 20 52 0%
Green Slime Epic Karakoth Generator Elemental-Monster 11 Blue/​Green Sludge: Create Green, Convert Green to Purple, Increase Random Stat Nature Link, Sturdy, Jinx 11/15/2015 () 17 44 0 44 0%
Griff Stonefeather Epic Dhrak-Zum Striker Dwarf-Beast 12 Blue/​Yellow Thunder Hammer: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage Grudge, Shock, Fortitude 11/05/2018 () 19 29 10 39 0%
Griffon Knight Rare Sword's Edge Generator Knight-Beast 9 Blue/​Brown Death Dive: Deal Damage, Create Yellow Nimble, Water Spirit, Armored 10/28/2014 () 16 23 16 39 25%
Grimcorn Ultra-Rare Silverglade Assassin Beast-Mystic 12 Blue/​Purple Impure Strike: Deal Damage, Cause Cursed Cursed Accursed, Jinx, Arcane 06/17/2019 () 15 31 13 44 0%
Grimmoira Epic Glacial Peaks Warlock Fey-Mystic 12 Blue/​Purple Overdue Fees: Take Resources, Generate Gold, Decrease Mana, Cause Frozen Insulated, Mana Shield, Water Link 06/07/2021 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Gruz the Undefeated Legendary Darkstone Warrior Human 14 Green/​Red Thumbs Down: Deal Damage, Cause Cursed, Cause Bleed Human Slayer, Armored, Victory Lap 08/26/2019 () 20 25 16 41 25%
Guardian of the Fields Ultra-Rare Divinion Fields Defender Beast-Knight 12 Green/​Purple Proud Stance: Increase Armor (ally), Barrier Magic Shield, Armored, Fast 11/04/2019 () 15 19 24 43 25%
Guardian Pillar Epic Striker No Troop Type 3 Red/​Red Everwatch: Placeholder 08/26/2022 (0.0.0) 0 0 0 0 0%
Hag Rare Darkstone Warlock Human-Mystic 8 Green/​Purple Toil and Trouble: Cause Random Status Effect, Increase Random Stat (ally) Nature Heart, Jinx, Sturdy 12/08/2015 () 14 27 16 43 0%
Half-Mane Rare Pridelands Striker Raksha 10 Red/​Yellow Kitten Claws: Deal Damage More attack on target Bountyhunter, Agile, Swift 11/30/2018 () 18 23 12 35 0%
Halfgrim Half-Giant Epic Stormheim Striker Giant-Human 12 Blue/​Brown Crush Rocks: Deal Damage Ascension boss Stone Heart, Big, Godslayer 09/24/2018 () 17 29 15 44 0%
Hammerclaw Ultra-Rare Merlantis/Sea of Sorrow Defender Merfolk-Monster 12 Green/​Brown Crab Hammer: Randomly: Heal, Increase Attack, Explode Gems Nimble, Deep Strength, Stoneskin 10/19/2018 () 19 13 22 35 50%
Hammerhead Common Blackhawk Striker Merfolk 10 Blue/​Blue Shark Attack: Deal Damage Damaged Thick Head, Water Spirit, Water Link 10/02/2017 () 17 21 13 34 0%
Harpy Rare Suncrest/Stonesong Eyrie Support Stryx 13 Green/​Brown Harpy Song: Heal (all allies), Decrease Mana (all), Increase Magic, Deal Damage, Extra Turn Any storm Deep Vitality, Song of Stone, Harpy Flock 06/21/2019 () 18 26 9 35 0%
Harpy Eagle Ultra-Rare Suncrest Striker Beast 11 Blue/​Green Soaring Dive: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage, Troop Order Eagle Eye, Agile, Swift 07/22/2019 () 18 26 13 39 0%
Harpy Mage Epic Suncrest/Stonesong Eyrie Generator Stryx-Mystic 14 Red/​Yellow Storm of Claws: Cause Duststorm, Explode Gems, Cause Silence Deep Vitality, Deadly Flock, Swift 06/21/2019 () 19 29 10 39 0%
Hatir & Skroll Mythic Maugrim Woods Warmaster Elemental-Beast 23 Blue/​Red/​Purple Feral Balance: Randomly: Convert Green to , Convert Yellow to Doomskull, Summon Beast Bond, Impervious, Feral Inspiration 07/19/2021 () 16 30 23 53 0%
Hatir Ascendant Mythic Maugrim Woods Warmaster Beast-Boss 24 Blue/​Red/​Purple Lunar Imbalance: Create Green, Convert Green to , Summon Beast Bond, Impervious, Lunar Inspiration 08/15/2021 () 16 30 23 53 0%
Haunted Guardian Ultra-Rare Sword's Edge Generator Undead-Knight 13 Blue/​Purple Spectral Slashes: Explode Gems, Increase Armor, Barrier Chill Touch, Undying, Armored 11/16/2020 () 18 29 11 40 25%
Hawthorn Epic Nexus Warrior Elemental 12 Green/​Brown Nature's Path: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage Armored, Born of Nature, Pathfinder 11/15/2021 (0.0.0) 20 22 14 36 25%
Heart of Rage Legendary The Vault Support Construct 6 Red/​Red Raging Heart: Enraged (all allies), Enraged (all) Fire Brand, Grudge, Stoneskin 09/14/2020 () 20 20 23 43 50%
Helgor the Guardian Epic Blighted Lands Defender Daemon-Knight 16 Red/​Yellow Burning Bulwark: Increase Armor, Heal, Create , Extra Turn (sometimes) Aflame, Spell Armor, Infernal Armor 09/06/2021 () 19 17 23 40 25%
Hellcackle Epic Zaejin Striker Daemon-Goblin 12 Red/​Purple Hex and Heckle: Deal Damage, Extra Turn Ascension boss Stealthy, Arcane, Godslayer 05/21/2018 () 15 31 17 48 0%
Hellcat Epic Blighted Lands Generator Daemon-Beast 12 Yellow/​Purple Horrid Strike: Convert Any to Red, Deal Damage Daemon Bond, Fireproof, Aflame 07/03/2016 () 19 27 12 39 0%
Hellclaw Hunter Rare Pridelands/Indrajit's Palace Striker Daemon-Raksha 12 Green/​Purple Deadly Grace: Deal Damage, unknown(StormRedPurple) Deep Vitality, Fast, Agile 06/11/2021 () 18 26 9 35 0%
Hellclaw Mage Ultra-Rare Pridelands/Indrajit's Palace Generator Daemon-Raksha 13 Blue/​Red Fire from the Dark: Create Red, Create Purple, Cause Cursed, Cause Burning Deep Vitality, Pyromania, Fireproof 06/11/2021 () 18 29 11 40 0%
Hellclaw Rager Epic Pridelands Assassin Daemon-Raksha 12 Green/​Red Hellclaw's Fury: Deal Damage, Enraged (sometimes) (self) Elemental, Kill Elemental Slayer, Bloodlust, Agile 05/30/2022 (0.0.0) 15 23 25 48 0%
Hellclaw Warrior Epic Pridelands/Indrajit's Palace Warrior Daemon-Raksha 13 Red/​Yellow Infernal Fang: Increase Attack, Heal, unknown(StormRedPurple) Deep Shield, Pyromania, Infernal Armor 06/11/2021 () 20 19 17 36 0%
Hellhound Rare Blighted Lands Striker Daemon-Beast 10 Green/​Red Hell Mouth: Randomly: Deal Damage, Cause Burning, Cause Disease Beast Bond, Frenzy, Aflame 03/08/2016 () 18 26 9 35 0%
Hellspawn Ultra-Rare Karakoth Assassin Daemon 11 Yellow/​Brown Writhe: Deal Damage, Cause Disease Death mark Daemon Bond, Regeneration, Life Drain 01/22/2018 () 18 29 11 40 0%
Hellstone Gate Common Hellcrag Defender Daemon-Construct 9 Red/​Red Daemonic Barrier: Increase Armor, Barrier Daemon Daemon Shield, Impervious, Stoneskin 07/18/2022 (0.0.0) 0 33 34 67 50%
Herald of Blight Epic Blighted Lands Striker Daemon-Knight 13 Green/​Purple Accursed Blade: Cause Cursed, Cause Disease, Destroy Gems, Deal Damage Leader, Armored, Death Touch 07/25/2022 (0.0.0) 17 31 12 43 25%
Herald of Chaos Epic Blighted Lands Warrior Daemon-Knight 14 Purple/​Brown Hex Blade: Deal Damage, Decrease Random Stat, Destroy Gems Leader, Armored, Death Touch 03/08/2016 () 19 19 22 41 25%
Herald of Damnation Epic Blighted Lands Generator Daemon-Knight 12 Red/​Brown Hell Gaze: Convert Blue to Purple, Cause Cursed, Cause Burning Death Touch, Armored, Empowered 12/14/2020 () 19 17 23 40 25%
Herald of Torpor Epic Hellcrag Warlock Daemon-Knight 12 Blue/​Purple Night of Terror: Destroy Gems, Decrease Attack Accursed, Daemonic Pact, Armored 07/18/2022 (0.0.0) 20 22 14 36 25%
Herald of Woe Epic Blighted Lands Warrior Daemon-Knight 13 Yellow/​Brown Woeful Countenance: Destroy Gems, Increase Attack, Increase Armor Leader, Armored, Death Touch 09/07/2020 () 20 22 14 36 25%
Herdmaster Ultra-Rare Divinion Fields Generator Centaur 12 Yellow/​Purple Ancient Lore: Explode Gems, Cleanse (all allies) Centaur Bond, Leader, Air Link 10/28/2014 () 18 24 13 37 0%
Herne Epic Divinion Fields Warrior Centaur 12 Blue/​Red Proud Bearing: Deal Damage, Destroy Gems Ascension castle Centaur Shield, Barkskin, Siegebreaker 06/18/2018 () 19 25 15 40 32%
Heronath Rare Suncrest Support Stryx-Mystic 10 Green/​Yellow Nature's Mask: Cause Leafstorm, Increase Armor (all allies) Stryx Stryx Bond, Revered, Air Spirit 03/07/2019 () 14 30 12 42 0%
Hex Rat Epic Mist of Scales/Dark Pits Mage Wildfolk-Mystic 13 Purple/​Brown Chaos Bolt: Deal Damage, Death Mark (sometimes) Cursed Cursed Touch, Deep Magic, Shock 03/08/2019 () 17 27 17 44 0%
High King Irongut Mythic Zaejin Assassin Goblin 24 Blue/​Yellow/​Brown In the Pot: Cause Devour (sometimes), Deal Damage, Extra Turn Regeneration, Plague Touch, Just a Bite 12/07/2018 () 18 35 14 49 0%
High Paladin Ultra-Rare Whitehelm Warrior Divine-Knight 13 Blue/​Red Divine Glory: Deal Damage Divine Shield, Knight Shield, Holy Armor 03/07/2019 () 18 16 23 39 40%
High Priestess Ch'azka Legendary Suncrest Mage Divine-Stryx 16 Yellow/​Purple Dawn Rays: Deal Damage (all), Blessed Stryx Bond, Revered, Endless Dawn 06/06/2022 (0.0.0) 22 29 8 37 0%
Hind Ultra-Rare Silverglade Striker Fey-Centaur 12 Green/​Yellow Nature's Spear: Generate Mana, Deal Damage, Extra Turn (sometimes) Centaur Bond, Nature Spirit, Agile 11/06/2017 () 18 29 11 40 0%
Hippocampus Rare Merlantis Support Merfolk-Beast 11 Green/​Yellow Strong Current: Destroy Gems, Heal (ally) Blue target Merfolk Bond, Fast, Water Spirit 10/20/2017 () 14 32 12 44 0%
Hippogryph Rare Forest of Thorns Assassin Beast 9 Green/​Yellow Swoop: Deal Damage Hunters mark Nimble, Air Spirit, Agile 10/28/2014 () 21 23 7 30 0%
Hive Mind Legendary Dhrak-Zum/Illithia Support Monster 15 Yellow/​Purple Mind Crush: Decrease Magic, Increase Random Stat (all allies) Deep Magic, Spell Armor, Psychic Pulse 07/24/2020 () 20 20 23 43 25%
Hoagi Humbucker Epic The Vault Warrior Gnome 12 Yellow/​Brown Strum and Scram: Increase Armor, Increase Attack, Run Away Gnome Alert, Greedy, Infernal Armor 08/15/2021 () 20 22 14 36 0%
Hoard Mimic Mythic Dragon's Claw Support Monster-Construct 22 Green/​Yellow/​Brown Deadly Treasure: Randomly: Generate Gold, Cause Devour, Decrease Armor (all), Deal Damage, Heal Armored, Impervious, Golden Hoard 03/08/2022 (0.0.0) 17 36 15 51 25%
Hobgoblin Ultra-Rare Zaejin Warrior Goblin 11 Green/​Red Hack and Slash: Deal Damage, Extra Turn Siege, Nature Brand, Agile 05/17/2015 () 17 26 13 39 0%
Holy St. Astra Legendary Whitehelm Support Divine-Human 14 Green/​Yellow Divine Spark: Heal (all allies), Increase Armor (all allies), Cause Lightstorm, Enchanted Human Revered, Spell Armor, Inspire Hope 11/19/2018 () 16 38 12 50 25%
Honor Common Guardians Generator Elemental-Construct 13 Brown/​Brown Stone Surge: Create Brown and Any, Increase Armor (all allies) Construct Bond, Stoneskin, Virtue of Honor 09/12/2016 () 20 19 27 46 50%
Horned Asp Rare Khetar/Fang Moor Striker Naga-Beast 11 Red/​Purple Venom Splash: Deal Damage, Cause Poison, Cause Bleed Razor Teeth, Deep Magic, Swift 02/01/2019 () 16 26 14 40 0%
Horned Guardian Rare Wild Plains/The Labyrinth Defender Tauros-Construct 11 Green/​Red Guard the Maze: Increase Armor, Barrier, Troop Order Deep Shield, Thick Head, Stoneskin 01/08/2021 () 16 18 21 39 50%
Horned Hag Epic Darkstone Warmaster Daemon-Mystic 13 Red/​Purple Hellish Cackle: Randomly: True Damage, Summon Daemonic Pact, Arcane, Spell Block 02/14/2022 (0.0.0) 17 31 12 43 50%
Horned Wyrm Rare Dragon's Claw/Wyrmrun Warrior Dragon 12 Blue/​Yellow Spine Whip: Deal Damage, Create Skull Kill Deep Shield, Tough Scales, Bone Pile 09/03/2021 () 14 16 27 43 30%
Horse Lord Ultra-Rare Divinion Fields Striker Centaur 12 Green/​Red Hoof to the Rear: Deal Damage, Cause Stun, Troop Order Nature Heart, Fast, Agile 02/04/2019 () 18 29 11 40 0%
Hound of Yao Guai Rare Shentang Defender Daemon 10 Red/​Purple Skull Crack: Explode Gems, Increase Attack Bountyhunter, Thick Hide, Song of Bones 03/26/2021 () 16 18 21 39 19%
Huanglong Mythic Shentang Mage Divine-Dragon 24 Blue/​Yellow/​Purple Heavenly Breath: Deal Damage (all), Increase Attack, Extra Turn, Barrier, Enchanted, Blessed Dragon Bond, Golden Armor, Dragon King 04/02/2021 () 22 16 25 41 70%
Humility Common Guardians Generator Elemental-Construct 13 Yellow/​Yellow Air Surge: Create Yellow and Any, Increase Random Stat (all allies) Construct Bond, Regeneration, Virtue of Humility 09/12/2016 () 13 43 17 60 0%
Hydra Legendary Wild Plains Mage Monster 16 Blue/​Red Thousand Bites: Deal Damage (all) Water Heart, Huge, Many Heads 10/15/2015 () 20 34 9 43 0%
Hyena Common Wild Plains Warmaster Beast 9 Red/​Red Haunting Laugh: Deal Damage, Summon (sometimes) Kill Beast Bond, Frenzy, Stealthy 01/01/2018 () 17 21 13 34 0%
Hyndla Frostcrown Legendary Stormheim Warmaster Elemental-Giant 15 Blue/​Green Winter's Call: Deal Damage, Cause Frozen, Summon Insulated, Huge, Giant Queen 03/12/2018 () 16 38 12 50 0%
Ice Goblin Ultra-Rare Dhrak-Zum Warlock Goblin 11 Blue/​Red Ice Bomb: Explode Gems, Cause Frozen, Extra Turn Greedy, Shatter, Insulated 05/11/2018 () 19 24 11 35 0%
Ice Golem Epic Glacial Peaks Defender Elemental-Construct 13 Blue/​Brown Ice Blast: Explode Gems, Frozen, Heal Construct Bond, Chill Touch, Stoneskin 03/07/2019 () 17 23 21 44 50%
Ice Orca Rare Glacial Peaks Striker Elemental-Beast 11 Blue/​Green Waterspout: Cause Devour (sometimes), Deal Damage, Cause Frozen Frozen Bountyhunter, Insulated, Ice Armor 08/06/2021 () 17 24 12 36 65%
Ice Troll Epic Dhrak-Zum Generator Elemental-Giant 12 Yellow/​Purple Hoarfrost: Create Blue and Brown, Create Brown Insulated, Icy Death, Troll Regeneration 05/14/2018 () 15 22 17 39 0%
Ice Witch Epic Stormheim Striker Fey-Mystic 10 Yellow/​Purple Aura of Ice: Deal Damage, Cause Frozen, Increase Magic (all allies) Kill Magic Link, Alert, Arcane 02/01/2015 () 14 34 17 51 0%
Ice Worm Common Dhrak-Zum Generator Monster 8 Blue/​Blue Delve: Deal Damage, Create Blue Water Heart, Insulated, Water Spirit 05/11/2018 () 17 21 13 34 0%
Ice Wraith Rare Stormheim Striker Elemental-Undead 10 Blue/​Brown Chill Touch: Steal Mana, Deal Damage, Cause Frozen Frozen Bountyhunter, Chill Touch, Undying 03/16/2018 () 16 14 26 40 0%
Icespire Shaman Ultra-Rare Stormheim Mage Giant-Mystic 12 Blue/​Yellow Sleet and Hail: Deal Damage Big, Insulated, Water Heart 12/20/2021 (0.0.0) 18 18 22 40 0%
Ifrit Epic Drifting Sands Mage Elemental 13 Red/​Yellow Burning Sands: Deal Damage (all), Cause Burning Fire Link, Insulated, Aflame 03/13/2016 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Igneus Epic Broken Spire Generator Giant-Mystic 12 Purple/​Brown Geomancy: Deal Damage, Convert Red to Brown Ascension boss Stone Spirit, Stoneskin, Godslayer 09/03/2018 () 19 15 25 40 50%
Illithian Colossus Ultra-Rare Dhrak-Zum/Illithia Defender Monster-Giant 13 Blue/​Brown Tentacle Slam: Decrease Magic, Increase Armor, Heal Deep Vitality, Regeneration, Stoneskin 07/24/2020 () 15 21 27 48 50%
Illithian Servitor Epic Dhrak-Zum/Illithia Mage Monster-Mystic 14 Blue/​Purple Dark Portal: Deal Damage (all), Steal Magic (all) Deep Vitality, Magic Spirit, Spell Armor 07/24/2020 () 19 25 15 40 25%
Imp of Love Legendary Primal Warlock Elemental 12 Red/​Red Love Struck: Randomly: Deal Damage (all), Cause Charm, Blessed (sometimes) (all allies), Increase Magic (all allies) Caster damaged Elemental Bond, Fire Link, Compassion 02/07/2016 () 14 43 9 52 0%
Incubus Ultra-Rare Blighted Lands Warlock Daemon 10 Red/​Purple Bewitch: Cause Charm Daemon Bond, Warded, Daemonic Pact 03/07/2019 () 13 27 9 36 0%
Indolator of Sloth Epic Sin of Maraj Defender Daemon-Knight 12 Blue/​Purple Slow Demise: Decrease Mana (all), Increase Armor, Heal Cursed Touch, Omen of Ice, Armored 09/14/2020 () 19 17 23 40 25%
Indrajit Legendary Pridelands/Indrajit's Palace Mage Daemon-Raksha 16 Red/​Purple Flurry of Claws: Deal Damage Deep Magic, Spell Armor, Hellfire 06/11/2021 () 22 26 11 37 25%
Infernal King Legendary Blighted Lands Warmaster Daemon 18 Yellow/​Purple Inferno: Convert Green to Skull, Convert Brown to Red, Deal Damage (all) Fireproof, Aflame, Immortal 03/08/2016 () 20 25 16 41 0%
Infernus Mythic Broken Spire Mage Divine-Elemental 24 Red/​Yellow/​Purple Eruption: Deal Damage, Explode Gems Elemental Shield, Fiery Death, Conflagration 03/07/2019 () 18 26 23 49 0%
Innkeeper Common Sword's Edge Support Human 9 Yellow/​Yellow On The House: Decrease Magic (all allies), Increase Attack (all allies) Human Bond, Regeneration, Air Link 03/07/2019 () 14 31 7 38 0%
Ironbark Epic Forest of Thorns Warrior Elemental 12 Green/​Red Tangled Fist: Deal Damage, Cause Entangle Ascension castle Nature's Death, Barkskin, Siegebreaker 03/26/2018 () 17 23 21 44 32%
Ironhawk Mythic Adana Warmaster Construct-Mech 25 Blue/​Yellow/​Brown Rocket Barrage: Create Doomskull, Explode Gems Reinforced, Impervious, Artillery Support 02/05/2021 () 16 30 23 53 0%
Ironjaw Epic Sin of Maraj/Depths of Sin Defender Daemon-Construct 13 Red/​Purple Jaws of Destruction: Destroy Gems, Heal, Increase Armor Deep Shield, Aflame, Stoneskin 05/01/2020 () 19 15 25 40 50%
Ishtara Mythic Dragon's Claw Mage Divine-Dragon 25 Red/​Yellow/​Purple Radiant Explosion: Deal Damage (all), Create Yellow Revered, Holy Armor, Divine Roar 10/02/2020 () 22 16 25 41 40%
Ixchel Epic Suncrest Striker Stryx 12 Blue/​Purple Cyclone Blast: Deal Damage, Cause Lightstorm Ascension castle Stryx Bond, Agile, Siegebreaker 12/24/2018 () 19 27 12 39 0%
Jackelope Rare Glacial Peaks Generator Beast 10 Yellow/​Purple Thunderstruck: Cause Mana Burn, Convert Yellow to Blue Alert, Air Spirit, Agile 05/25/2016 () 14 36 7 43 0%
Jaguar Warrior Ultra-Rare Suncrest Warrior Raksha 11 Blue/​Red Ritual Kill: Deal Damage, Increase Attack, Heal Kill Raksha Bond, Frenzy, Agile 03/07/2019 () 20 20 10 30 0%
Jakal the Guardian Epic Khetar Generator Undead-Knight 16 Blue/​Purple Icy Doom: Cause Death Mark, Create , Extra Turn (sometimes) Chill Touch, Undying, Armored 08/30/2021 () 17 44 0 44 25%
Jarl Firemantle Legendary Stormheim Generator Elemental-Giant 15 Red/​Brown Fire Hammer: Create Red, Create Yellow, Deal Damage Leader, Huge, Fiery Cloak 02/01/2015 () 18 34 10 44 0%
Jewel Gnome Common The Vault Support Gnome 9 Yellow/​Yellow Plunder and Part: Remove Gems, Run Away Greedy, Valuable, Agile 12/11/2018 () 20 21 7 28 0%
Jotnar Stormshield Mythic Stormheim Warrior Divine-Giant 22 Blue/​Red/​Yellow Thunder Javelin: True Damage Giant Giant Bond, Huge, Storm Shield 03/07/2019 () 17 30 21 51 0%
Judge of the Dead Legendary Maugrim Woods/Hell Gate Mage Daemon-Undead 16 Purple/​Brown Soul Arbiter: Deal Damage (all) Deep Magic, Undying, Soul Verdict 04/30/2021 () 22 29 8 37 0%
Justice Common Guardians Generator Elemental-Construct 13 Blue/​Blue Ice Surge: Create Blue and Any, Heal (all allies), Increase Attack (all allies) Construct Bond, Armored, Virtue of Justice 09/12/2016 () 16 17 37 54 25%
Kalika Mythic Nexus Mage Elemental-Mystic 24 Blue/​Green/​Red Elemental Control: Deal Damage Elemental Bond, Spell Armor, Rising Star 12/03/2021 (0.0.0) 22 16 25 41 25%
Kartek the Climber Epic Pridelands Striker Raksha 12 Purple/​Brown Clear the Wall: Deal Damage, Decrease Armor (all) Ascension castle Leader, Agile, Siegebreaker 11/26/2018 () 23 21 10 31 0%
Keeper of Lore Epic Karakoth Warlock Human-Mystic 13 Purple/​Brown Forbidden Knowledge: Decrease Magic, Explode Gems Magic Heart, Inscribed, Daemonic Pact 08/31/2020 () 17 33 10 43 0%
Keeper of Souls Legendary Khetar Warmaster Undead 15 Purple/​Brown Soul Strike: Convert Any to Skull Necromancy, Undying, Soul Legion 10/28/2014 () 18 24 22 46 0%
Keghammer Epic Stormheim Assassin Dwarf 12 Yellow/​Brown Giant Slayer: Deal Damage, Decrease Magic Giant Giant Slayer, Fortitude, Empowered 02/01/2015 () 17 32 10 42 0%
Kelpie Rare Ghulvania/Dark Court Striker Fey-Monster 12 Blue/​Yellow Drowned Soul: Decrease Mana, Cause Devour (sometimes), Deal Damage Deep Vitality, Fireproof, Aquatic 07/30/2021 () 18 26 9 35 0%
Kendrala Bloodjewel Epic Blackhawk Striker Elf-Rogue 12 Blue/​Red Batten the Hatches!: Deal Damage, Generate Mana Ascension boss, Kill Rogue Bond, Wood Ancestry, Godslayer 07/02/2018 () 21 24 10 34 0%
Kerberos Legendary Maugrim Woods Assassin Daemon-Beast 16 Purple/​Brown Underworld: Cause Devour, Deal Damage Necromancy, Arcane, Gate Guardian 06/16/2015 () 19 33 12 45 0%
Ketras the Bull Mythic Wild Plains Warrior Divine-Tauros 22 Green/​Red/​Brown Blood Hunger: Deal Damage Tauros Bond, Armored, Raging Bull 03/07/2019 () 22 22 19 41 25%
Kharybdis Legendary Merlantis Assassin Beast-Giant 15 Blue/​Red Pincer of Doom: Cause Devour (sometimes), Deal Damage Aquatic, Armored, Titanic 01/11/2021 () 14 34 20 54 25%
Khatib Tahir Epic Leonis Empire Support Human 12 Blue/​Red Grace of Anu: Heal (ally), Increase Attack (ally) Human Human Bond, Revered, Water Link 08/05/2019 () 15 36 12 48 0%
Khopeshi Common Leonis Empire Warlock Human 7 Blue/​Blue Hook Blade: Cause Stun, Troop Order Human Bond, Clobber, Armored 03/07/2019 () 14 17 21 38 25%
King Avelorn Legendary Forest of Thorns Mage Elf 16 Blue/​Green Woodland Ruler: Deal Damage (all), Summon Beast, Elf, Elemental Nature Spirit, Wood Ancestry, Elven Kin 03/11/2019 () 20 24 18 42 0%
King Bloodhammer Legendary Dhrak-Zum Warmaster Undead-Dwarf 16 Red/​Brown King's Edge: Deal Damage, Convert Blue to Doomskull Dwarf Bond, Undying, Dwarven Doom 05/11/2018 () 20 25 16 41 0%
King Bloodwood Mythic Forest of Thorns Warrior Elemental-Fey 23 Green/​Yellow/​Brown Raking Limb: Deal Damage, Steal Life (all) Elemental Bond, Barkskin, Bloody Boughs 11/01/2019 () 16 26 27 53 32%
King Gobtruffle Legendary Zaejin/Amanithrax Generator Elemental-Goblin 18 Blue/​Green Mushroom Mania: Deal Damage (all), Create Green and Brown, Extra Turn Deep Vitality, Poison Spores, Spore Cloud 07/04/2019 () 18 27 18 45 0%
King Heliodor Legendary Nexus Warmaster Elemental 18 Red/​Brown Stone Dominion: True Damage, Troop Order, Create Stoneskin, Born of Stone, Blessing of Stone 11/15/2021 (0.0.0) 20 25 16 41 50%
King Highforge Legendary Khaziel Warmaster Dwarf 15 Red/​Brown 1000 Year Grudge: Cause Stun, Deal Damage, Summon Dwarf Dwarf Bond, Fortitude, Stone Loyalty 07/31/2017 () 18 32 14 46 0%
King Mikhail Legendary Urskaya Warrior Urska-Knight 17 Yellow/​Brown Urska Might: Explode Gems, Deal Damage (all) Leader, Armored, Angry Bear 03/07/2019 () 20 18 24 42 25%
King Minos Legendary Wild Plains/The Labyrinth Mage Tauros 15 Blue/​Green Aerial Charge: Deal Damage, Cause Stun, Troop Order (all) Deep Vitality, Greedy, Maze Master 01/08/2021 () 22 29 8 37 0%
King Oberron Legendary Bright Forest Support Fey 14 Green/​Red Crown of Summer: Heal (all allies), Increase Magic (all allies), Cause Firestorm, Enchanted Fey Fey Bond, Fireproof, Lord of Summer 03/21/2022 (0.0.0) 20 20 23 43 0%
King of Thieves Legendary Leonis Empire/City of Thieves Warrior Human-Rogue 16 Red/​Purple King of Treasure: Deal Damage, Increase All Stats Deep Strength, Extreme Greed, Pickpocket 08/30/2019 () 22 22 16 38 0%
King Silenus Legendary Pan's Vale Warrior Wildfolk 14 Red/​Yellow Slash & Burn: Deal Damage, Steal Magic, Cause Burning (all) Wildfolk Wildfolk Shield, Impervious, Wild Mana 10/09/2017 () 16 27 22 49 0%
King's Crown Epic The Vault Support Construct 7 Purple/​Purple Treasure: Generate Gold Greedy, Merchant, Valuable 09/06/2018 () 0 6 4 10 0%
Kitsune Rare Maugrim Woods Striker Beast 7 Green/​Purple Fox Fire: Deal Damage Invigorated, Nature Heart, Stealthy 03/08/2022 (0.0.0) 18 26 9 35 0%
Knight Captain Ultra-Rare Sword's Edge Support Human-Knight 12 Green/​Brown Rally Troops!: Barrier (ally), Increase Armor (ally) Knight Knight Bond, Alert, Armored 02/10/2020 () 15 22 22 44 25%
Knight Coronet Ultra-Rare Sword's Edge Defender Human-Knight 12 Blue/​Yellow Cleave: Remove Gems, Deal Damage Leader, Water Spirit, Stoneskin 10/28/2014 () 15 19 26 45 50%
Kobold Rare Khaziel/Emperinazar Striker Goblin-Naga 12 Yellow/​Brown Bone Hunt: Randomly: Deal Damage, Extra Turn, Create Skull Deep Vitality, Fast, Stone Link 11/13/2020 () 18 26 9 35 0%
Kobold Knight Ultra-Rare Khaziel/Emperinazar Defender Goblin-Naga 13 Blue/​Yellow Dragon Bash: Randomly: Cause Stun, Deal Damage, Extra Turn, Increase Armor Deep Shield, Alert, Tough Scales 11/13/2020 () 15 21 27 48 30%
Kobold Magi Epic Khaziel/Emperinazar Mage Goblin-Naga 13 Red/​Yellow Dragon Lightning: Randomly: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage (all), Extra Turn, Increase Magic Deep Magic, Arcane, Spell Armor 11/13/2020 () 19 25 15 40 25%
Kobra Epic Mist of Scales Striker Naga-Mystic 13 Blue/​Yellow Rapacious Spirit: Deal Damage, Summon Naga Bond, Sturdy, Venomous 11/11/2019 () 17 23 21 44 0%
Kraken Legendary Blackhawk Assassin Monster 17 Green/​Purple Depths Below: Deal Damage, Create Blue, Cause Devour Thick Head, Huge, Tentacles 03/07/2019 () 18 27 18 45 0%
Krampus Legendary Maugrim Woods Assassin Monster 15 Green/​Red Unwanted Gift: Randomly: Deal Damage, Submerged, Transform Type, Troop Order, Cause Devour Accursed, Cursed Touch, Lump of Coal 12/16/2019 () 22 25 12 37 0%
Kruarg the Dread Legendary Grosh-Nak Warmaster Daemon-Monster 15 Green/​Red Abyssal Portal: Deal Damage, Summon (sometimes) Daemon Bond, Impervious, Voracious 03/07/2019 () 22 16 22 38 0%
Kryshound Ultra-Rare Dhrak-Zum Generator Construct-Beast 13 Yellow/​Brown Crystal Chomp: Decrease Armor, True Damage, Create Blue Stone Heart, Stoneskin, Stone Link 09/16/2019 () 18 15 24 39 50%
Krystenax Legendary Silverglade Mage Dragon 16 Blue/​Green Bejeweled: Deal Damage (all), Remove Gems, Summon Nimble, Stoneskin, Crystallize 03/07/2019 () 18 20 25 45 50%
Kuotani Rare Merlantis Striker Merfolk 10 Green/​Brown Trident Strike: Deal Damage, Submerged Merfolk Bond, Slippery, Grudge 10/20/2017 () 18 23 12 35 0%
Kurandara Mythic Urskaya Assassin Daemon 26 Green/​Red/​Purple Demonic Oblivion: Deal Damage, Convert Yellow to Doomskull, Cause Doomstorm Fire Link, Impervious, Curse of Ruin 08/24/2020 () 16 19 34 53 0%
Lady Anariel Epic Forest of Thorns Support Elf-Mystic 13 Blue/​Purple Elven Star: Create Blue, Create Green, Heal (all allies) Elf Bond, Wood Ancestry, Nature Spirit 03/07/2019 () 17 36 8 44 0%
Lady Estelle Epic Bright Forest Support Fey-Mystic 13 Red/​Yellow Constellation Blessing: Create Green, Create Red, Blessed, Increase Magic Fey Bond, Fireproof, Song of Fire 10/11/2021 (0.0.0) 15 31 17 48 0%
Lady Garnetia Epic Dragon's Claw Striker Dragon-Knight 12 Blue/​Red Power Within: Deal Damage, Increase Random Stat Ascension boss Dragon Shield, Tough Scales, Godslayer 11/12/2018 () 17 21 23 44 30%
Lady Ironbeard Epic Khaziel Assassin Dwarf-Knight 12 Blue/​Brown Shield Bash: Deal Damage, Increase Armor Less armor on target Dwarf Bond, Fortitude, Armored 03/07/2019 () 15 21 27 48 25%
Lady Morana Legendary Sword's Edge/Crypt Keepers Defender Undead-Knight 17 Blue/​Red Final Judgement: Deal Damage, Lethal Damage (sometimes) Undying, Ice Armor, Chilling Aura 09/14/2018 () 18 22 24 46 65%
Lady Sapphira Epic Whitehelm Assassin Undead 13 Yellow/​Brown Blood Thief: True Damage, Heal, Increase Attack Undying, Life Drain, Chill Touch 10/28/2014 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Lamashtu Epic Blighted Lands Generator Daemon-Knight 12 Red/​Yellow Calculated Assault: Convert Yellow to Purple, Deal Damage Fireproof, Infernal Armor, Empowered 09/09/2019 () 19 21 19 40 0%
Lamia Ultra-Rare Mist of Scales Warlock Naga-Mystic 8 Blue/​Red Charm: Cause Charm, Generate Mana Kill Water Brand, Venomous, Empowered 10/28/2014 () 13 35 13 48 0%
Lamprey Ultra-Rare Merlantis Assassin Monster 12 Blue/​Green Watery Maw: Cause Devour (sometimes), Deal Damage Blue target Merfolk Slayer, Indigestible, Stealthy 10/20/2017 () 19 18 18 36 0%
Lance Knight Common Sword's Edge Generator Human-Knight 7 Blue/​Blue Joust: Destroy Gems, Increase Armor Knight Bond, Water Link, Reinforced 10/28/2014 () 14 17 21 38 0%
Lapina Explorer Ultra-Rare Pan's Vale Striker Wildfolk 13 Blue/​Yellow Tricky Blow: Randomly: Destroy Gems, Troop Order, Deal Damage Wildfolk Bond, Spell Armor, Agile 06/03/2019 () 19 22 13 35 25%
Lapina Knight Epic Pan's Vale/The Warrens Warrior Wildfolk-Knight 12 Red/​Yellow Clever Strike: Deal Damage, Random Positive Status Effect (all allies) Deep Shield, Agile, Armored 12/28/2018 () 17 21 23 44 25%
Lasher Ultra-Rare Khaziel Striker Elemental-Monster 12 Green/​Brown Dozen Lashes: Deal Damage Thick Head, Stoneskin, Stone Link 04/20/2020 () 18 19 19 38 50%
Lava Elemental Ultra-Rare Broken Spire Defender Elemental 10 Red/​Brown Lava Rage: Explode Gems, Deal Damage, Cause Burning Fireproof, Pyromania, Stoneskin 03/07/2019 () 15 21 27 48 50%
Lava Scorpion Ultra-Rare Broken Spire/Fire Rift Warrior Elemental-Beast 12 Red/​Purple Burning Sting: Deal Damage, Increase Armor Deep Shield, Embers, Magma Hide 02/04/2022 (0.0.0) 19 24 11 35 0%
Lava Troll Epic Broken Spire Generator Elemental-Giant 12 Blue/​Yellow Molten Flow: Create Red and Brown Fireproof, Troll Regeneration, Stoneskin 07/08/2019 () 17 19 25 44 50%
Leanansidhe Legendary Ghulvania/Dark Court Mage Fey-Mystic 16 Yellow/​Purple Dark Dismay: Decrease Mana, Deal Damage Deep Magic, Spell Armor, Dark Infusion 07/30/2021 () 22 29 8 37 25%
Leio Mythic Pridelands Defender Raksha-Beast 21 Green/​Yellow/​Purple Lion Sign: Deal Damage, Increase Armor Spell Armor, Holy Armor, Celestial Aegis 07/01/2022 (0.0.0) 14 37 20 57 25%
Lemure Rare Maugrim Woods/Hell Gate Warlock Daemon 12 Red/​Brown Melt Flesh: Decrease Random Stat, Remove Gems Deep Shield, Regeneration, Spell Armor 04/30/2021 () 16 26 14 40 25%
Leocorn Epic Pridelands Support Beast-Mystic 10 Blue/​Red Noble Enchantment: Create , Extra Turn (sometimes), Enchanted (ally) Beast Bond, Wild Magic, Spell Armor 11/01/2021 (0.0.0) 15 31 17 48 25%
Leonis Tower Mythic Leonis Empire Defender Tower 16 Blue/​Yellow/​Brown Roaring Defense: Deal Damage, Cause Stun, Barrier Stoneskin, Invulnerable, Lion's Roar 08/15/2021 () 23 18 21 39 50%
Leprechaun Ultra-Rare Bright Forest Generator Fey 12 Green/​Purple Golden Luck: Explode Gems, Generate Gold Greedy, Nature Link, Empowered 12/17/2018 () 15 32 11 43 0%
Leshy Common Urskaya Warlock Elemental-Fey 8 Brown/​Brown Forest Ward: Cause Entangle (all allies), Cause Entangle (all), Destroy Gems Fey Shield, Nimble, Nature Link 03/07/2019 () 14 27 13 40 0%
Leviathan Legendary Merlantis Mage Merfolk-Dragon 15 Blue/​Brown Wave Crash: Cause Dispel (all), Deal Damage (all), Troop Order Thick Head, Indigestible, Deep Water 10/20/2017 () 22 24 14 38 0%
Lightborn Paladin Ultra-Rare Nexus/Umbral Nexus Defender Elemental-Knight 12 Blue/​Yellow Lance of Light: Heal, Destroy Gems Deep Shield, Holy Armor, Born of Light 12/03/2021 (0.0.0) 15 21 27 48 40%
Lil' Johnny Bronze Epic Blackhawk Warmaster Human-Rogue 12 Yellow/​Brown Hook Me Up: Create Skull, Generate Treasure Maps Greedy, Merchant, Impervious 03/07/2019 () 19 29 10 39 0%
Limpet-bot Epic Adana Generator Mech 10 Blue/​Brown Chain Blast: Randomly: Convert Any to , Create , Explode Gems Mech Bond, Sturdy, Armored 03/28/2022 (0.0.0) 17 44 0 44 25%
Lion Prince Rare Leonis Empire Warrior Knight-Beast 11 Red/​Yellow Commanding Charge: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage Knight Bond, Knockout, Armored 03/07/2019 () 14 16 27 43 25%
Living Quartz Ultra-Rare Khaziel Warmaster Elemental 12 Red/​Brown Quartz Strike: Create Skull Stone Brand, Stoneskin, Stone Fragment 08/16/2021 () 19 29 6 35 50%
Lord Archimedus Epic Forest of Thorns Mage Monster-Beast 13 Yellow/​Brown Thunderous Screech: Deal Damage (all), Cause Silence Beast Bond, Alert, Regeneration 04/11/2022 (0.0.0) 19 25 15 40 0%
Lord Belanor Epic Forest of Thorns Striker Elf-Beast 13 Green/​Brown Noble Leap: Deal Damage Elf Bond, Wood Ancestry, Fast 08/10/2020 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Lord Ehrondil Epic Silverglade Striker Elf-Mystic 12 Blue/​Yellow Ancient Magic: Deal Damage Ascension boss High Ancestry, Arcane, Godslayer 04/01/2019 () 17 25 19 44 0%
Lord Ember Epic Dragon's Claw Generator Dragon-Knight 12 Purple/​Brown Draconic Glory: Convert Any to Red, Increase Magic (all allies) Dragon Shield, Leader, Armored 06/25/2018 () 17 21 23 44 25%
Lord Ironbeard Epic Khaziel Assassin Dwarf 12 Blue/​Yellow Heroic Deeds: Deal Damage Red target Monster Slayer, Fortitude, Stoneskin 03/07/2019 () 19 26 17 43 50%
Loyalty Common Guardians Generator Elemental-Construct 13 Green/​Green Nature Surge: Create Green and Any, Heal (all allies) Construct Bond, Nature Spirit, Virtue of Loyalty 09/12/2016 () 15 39 17 56 0%
Lucifria Epic Blighted Lands Striker Daemon-Rogue 12 Blue/​Purple Hell Strike: Deal Damage, Cause Burning (all) Ascension boss Pyromania, Fast, Godslayer 03/30/2020 () 19 25 15 40 0%
Luna Legendary Pan's Vale/The Warrens Mage Wildfolk-Mystic 16 Green/​Yellow Trickster Moon: Randomly: Deal Damage (all), Cause Random Status Effect (all), Random Positive Status Effect (all allies) Deep Magic, Agile, Hidden Trap 12/28/2018 () 18 34 12 46 0%
Lust Legendary Sin of Maraj Warlock Daemon-Mystic 15 Blue/​Purple Dark Desire: Randomly: Cause Charm, Transform Omen of Dark, Mana Shield, Temptation 08/24/2018 () 18 29 16 45 0%
Luther Epic Broken Spire Support Human-Knight 11 Blue/​Brown Call to Arms: Increase Attack (all allies) Leader, Grudge, Armored 10/28/2014 () 15 29 19 48 25%
Lyrasza Legendary Shentang/Lyrasza's Lair Mage Urska-Mystic 16 Blue/​Purple Pandamonium: Randomly: Deal Damage (all), Jumble Board, Extra Turn, Explode Gems Deep Magic, Magic Link, Unstable Mind 02/21/2020 () 16 32 18 50 0%
Lyriath Ultra-Rare Suncrest Support Stryx 12 Yellow/​Brown Mocking Song: Heal, Increase Magic, Summon Alert, Song of Light, Air Link 03/23/2020 () 15 31 13 44 0%
Mad Prophet Common Drifting Sands Support Human-Mystic 18 Purple/​Purple Foresight: Generate Mana (all allies), Increase Magic (all allies), One Shot Spells Human Bond, Doom, Accursed 06/19/2016 () 10 33 14 47 0%
Magma Dragon Legendary Broken Spire/Fire Rift Mage Elemental-Dragon 16 Red/​Brown Magma Breath: Deal Damage (all) Deep Magic, Embers, Magma Storm 02/04/2022 (0.0.0) 22 29 8 37 0%
Magnus Legendary Darkstone Mage Human 16 Purple/​Brown Plague Flask: Deal Damage (all), Cause Poison (all), Cause Disease (all) Greedy, Impervious, Experiment 02/05/2018 () 18 27 18 45 0%
Maid of Envy Ultra-Rare Sin of Maraj Striker Daemon 12 Green/​Purple Jealous Rage: Deal Damage, Decrease Mana Full mana Daemon Shield, Omen of Dark, Arcane 04/05/2021 () 19 29 6 35 0%
Malcandessa Epic Zhul'Kari Generator Elf-Mystic 12 Blue/​Purple Malicious Spell: Convert Yellow to Green, Cause Web, Cause Poison Magic Heart, Dark Ancestry, Empowered 02/17/2020 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Mambasira Mythic Mist of Scales Striker Daemon-Naga 24 Green/​Purple/​Brown Twirling Blades: Deal Damage Naga Bond, Spell Armor, Rising Venom 09/04/2020 () 23 25 14 39 25%
Mammoth Common Urskaya Striker Beast 10 Brown/​Brown Primitive Force: Decrease Armor, True Damage, Remove Gems Beast Bond, Insulated, Big 01/15/2018 () 14 30 10 40 0%
Man-at-Arms Rare Sword's Edge Support Human-Knight 11 Blue/​Brown Defense Link: Increase Attack (ally), Increase Armor (ally), Barrier (ally) Bountyhunter, Knight Shield, Armored 04/19/2019 () 16 16 23 39 25%
Manticore Ultra-Rare Leonis Empire Warrior Monster 9 Green/​Yellow Endless Song: Cause Stun, Decrease Mana, Increase Attack Monster Bond, Impervious, Fast 03/07/2019 () 18 31 8 39 0%
Manticore Cub Rare Leonis Empire Warlock Monster 10 Yellow/​Purple Little Song: Cause Charm, Decrease Mana Monster Bond, Air Heart, Spell Armor 06/08/2020 () 16 26 14 40 25%
Manticore Protector Epic Leonis Empire Striker Monster-Knight 12 Red/​Yellow Aria of Battle: Deal Damage, Decrease Mana (all) Ascension boss Leader, Holy Armor, Godslayer 06/08/2020 () 17 31 12 43 40%
Mantis Shrimp Epic Merlantis Striker Merfolk 13 Blue/​Red Claw Punch: True Damage, Troop Order, Submerged Clobber, Depth Charge, Fast 09/17/2018 () 17 21 23 44 0%
Marid Epic Drifting Sands Striker Human-Rogue 13 Blue/​Brown Dirty Trick: Deal Damage, Cause Random Status Effect, Generate Treasure Maps Merchant, Stone Link, Stealthy 03/08/2016 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Marilith Epic Mist of Scales Generator Daemon-Naga 12 Green/​Red Sword Dance: True Damage (all), Destroy Gems, Increase Attack Siege, Fire Link, Frenzy 05/15/2016 () 23 23 8 31 0%
Marsh Raptor Ultra-Rare Mist of Scales Striker Monster 11 Green/​Yellow Take Down: Deal Damage, Create Blue Kill Monster Bond, Water Link, Venomous 02/21/2016 () 19 29 6 35 0%
Marsh Strangler Rare Mist of Scales Striker Elemental 10 Green/​Purple Strangler: Deal Damage Elemental Bond, Entrapment, Nature Spirit 03/07/2019 () 14 27 16 43 0%
Matron Dragotani Legendary Dragon's Claw Generator Dragon-Centaur 15 Purple/​Brown Fields of Ice: Create Blue, Deal Damage Fireproof, Dragon Boon, Arcane Resistance 04/06/2020 () 16 27 22 49 75%
Matron Velenne Legendary Zhul'Kari/Eldrazhor Assassin Elf 17 Green/​Purple Queen's Lament: Lethal Damage (sometimes) Deep Vitality, Dark Ancestry, Dark Web 10/02/2020 () 18 35 12 47 0%
Mecha Gnome Common The Vault Warlock Mech-Gnome 9 Brown/​Brown Grind and Go: Steal Armor, Run Away Repair, Armored, Impervious 10/21/2019 () 17 13 21 34 25%
Mecha Rat Rare Adana Warmaster Mech-Beast 10 Green/​Yellow Squeaky Gear: Remove Gems, Generate Gold, Summon (sometimes) Bountyhunter, Sturdy, Armored 02/28/2020 () 16 16 23 39 25%
Mechamare Ultra-Rare Whitehelm Generator Mech-Beast 12 Blue/​Green Iron Hoof: Convert Red to Green, Convert Yellow to Brown Stone Heart, Armored, Fast 04/04/2022 (0.0.0) 18 29 11 40 25%
Mechataur Epic Wild Plains/The Labyrinth Warrior Tauros-Mech 13 Red/​Yellow Grinding Bellow: Deal Damage, Cause Silence Deep Shield, Invention, Armored 01/08/2021 () 20 22 14 36 25%
Mechweaver Ultra-Rare Zhul'Kari Generator Mech-Beast 11 Green/​Red Barbed Web: Create , Destroy Gems Snare, Venomous, Armored 04/25/2022 (0.0.0) 18 29 11 40 25%
Medea Legendary Karakoth Mage Human-Mystic 16 Red/​Purple Dark Pact: Deal Damage (all), Enchanted, Barrier Daemon, Mystic Mystic Bond, Daemonic Pact, Aura of Power 08/06/2018 () 18 27 18 45 0%
Medusa Mythic Mist of Scales Striker Naga-Monster 24 Yellow/​Purple/​Brown Stone Gaze: True Damage, Convert Any to Block Stone Spirit, Impervious, Stone Curse 08/08/2022 (0.0.0) 23 25 14 39 0%
Megavore Mythic Blackhawk Assassin Merfolk-Monster 24 Blue/​Red/​Brown Deep Terror: Decrease Armor (all), Deal Damage, Submerged Huge, Impervious, Death Below 09/07/2018 () 24 17 20 37 0%
Meira Dawn Epic Maugrim Woods Striker Human-Knight 12 Red/​Purple Crimson Will: Deal Damage Beast Beast Slayer, Immune, Fire Spirit 07/26/2021 () 17 27 16 43 0%
Merchant Prince Ultra-Rare Darkstone Generator Human 8 Blue/​Brown Stolen Wealth: Destroy Gems, Generate Gold Human Bond, Greedy, Merchant 03/07/2019 () 15 32 11 43 0%
Mercy Epic Whitehelm Generator Divine 12 Blue/​Green Divine Grace: Heal (ally), Convert Purple to Yellow, Cleanse (all allies) Divine Bond, Revered, Empowered 02/28/2016 () 15 29 19 48 0%
Merknight Ultra-Rare Merlantis Defender Merfolk-Knight 12 Blue/​Brown Guard the Reef: Explode Gems, Heal, Barrier, Submerged Water Heart, Armored, Water Link 01/20/2020 () 18 22 18 40 25%
Merlion Ultra-Rare Merlantis Warlock Merfolk-Beast 13 Blue/​Red Roaring Seas: Deal Damage, Cause Silence Silence Beast Bond, Frenzy, Impervious 10/20/2017 () 22 22 8 30 0%
Mermaid Rare Merlantis Striker Merfolk 10 Blue/​Yellow Dark Song: Deal Damage, Explode Gems Bountyhunter, Rogue Slayer, Mana Shield 09/21/2018 () 18 26 9 35 0%
Mershark Rare Merlantis/Sea of Sorrow Striker Merfolk 12 Blue/​Red Shark Harpoon: True Damage Deep Vitality, Bloodlust, Fast 10/19/2018 () 18 26 9 35 0%
Mervorax Rare Merlantis Generator Merfolk-Monster 12 Yellow/​Brown Sea Spray: Deal Damage, Create Blue Depth Charge, Fireproof, Razor Teeth 04/08/2019 () 18 18 16 34 0%
Metztli Epic Suncrest Warlock Undead-Stryx 13 Purple/​Brown Night Blossom: Decrease Mana, Death Mark (sometimes), Cause Darkstorm Any storm Song of Darkness, Dark Death, Undying 02/22/2021 () 17 33 10 43 0%
Midge Swarm Rare Wild Plains Mage Beast 11 Green/​Brown Million Stings: Deal Damage (all) Regeneration, Venomous, Plague Touch 09/10/2018 () 16 27 12 39 0%
Mimic Ultra-Rare Blackhawk Support Monster-Construct 11 Purple/​Brown Surprise!: Randomly: Generate Gold, Deal Damage, Cause Devour, Heal, Explode Gems, Increase Magic Greedy, Reinforced, Stealthy 03/07/2019 () 18 13 26 39 0%
Mind Eater Rare Dhrak-Zum/Illithia Striker Monster 11 Red/​Purple Devour Intellect: Deal Damage, Steal Magic Deep Vitality, Monster Bond, Agile 07/24/2020 () 18 26 9 35 0%
Minogor Ultra-Rare Wild Plains Assassin Tauros-Beast 13 Green/​Red Dominate: Deal Damage Less attack on target Grudge, Bloodlust, Armor Piercing 03/07/2019 () 24 19 8 27 0%
Mist Stalker Rare Mist of Scales Striker Monster 10 Red/​Purple Mist Strike: True Damage, Cause Poison, Increase Magic Kill Magic Link, Stealthy, Fire Spirit 10/28/2014 () 17 26 11 37 0%
Mistralus Mythic Stormheim Mage Elemental-Fey 25 Blue/​Yellow/​Brown Hurricane: Deal Damage, Jumble Board, Extra Turn Air Heart, Spell Armor, Enchanted Wind 04/03/2020 () 18 34 15 49 25%
Mithrilion Mythic Khaziel Defender Construct 24 Blue/​Green/​Red Mithril Fist: Increase Armor, Explode Gems, Barrier Inscribed, Spell Block, Mithril Armor 07/02/2021 () 14 34 23 57 50%
Moa Common Divinion Fields Striker Beast 7 Yellow/​Yellow Stomp: Cause Stun, Deal Damage Air Heart, Fast, Knockout 03/07/2019 () 17 27 7 34 0%
Moira Cragheart Epic Dhrak-Zum Striker Dwarf 12 Blue/​Brown Titan's Doom: Deal Damage, Convert Green to Doomskull Ascension boss Giant Slayer, Fortitude, Godslayer 09/16/2019 () 17 29 15 44 0%
Moloch Legendary Whitehelm Warlock Daemon 14 Red/​Yellow Curse of Weakness: Decrease Mana, True Damage Fireproof, Fire Link, Suppression 10/28/2014 () 18 22 24 46 0%
Moneylender Rare Leonis Empire Generator Human 12 Yellow/​Brown Moneybags: Create Red Alert, Grudge, Merchant 02/19/2018 () 18 26 9 35 0%
Mongo Epic Wild Plains Support Tauros 13 Yellow/​Brown Random Crash: Randomly: Cause Devour, Transform Type (self), Cause Random Status Effect (all), Explode Gems, Increase All Stats (ally), Deal Damage Clobber, Big, Impervious 03/07/2019 () 17 23 21 44 0%
Monkey Disciple Rare Shentang Support Divine-Wildfolk 11 Blue/​Green Divine Gift: Create Red, Create Yellow, Heal (all allies) Nature Brand, Agile, Swift 02/16/2018 () 18 26 9 35 0%
Monster Muncher Epic Leonis Empire Assassin Giant 12 Purple/​Brown Gnaw: Cause Devour (sometimes), Heal, Deal Damage Monster Monster Slayer, Big, Rocky Death 11/13/2017 () 17 23 19 42 0%
Moon Mage Epic Silverglade Mage Elf 9 Blue/​Purple Moonlight Call: Deal Damage (all) Water Spirit, Spell Armor, High Ancestry 03/08/2022 (0.0.0) 19 25 15 40 25%
Moon Phoenix Epic Silverglade Mage Beast-Mystic 12 Yellow/​Purple Lunar Fire: Deal Damage (all), Create Kill Regeneration, Wild Magic, From Dark 10/25/2021 (0.0.0) 19 25 15 40 0%
Moon Rabbit Epic Shentang Generator Beast-Mystic 12 Green/​Purple Lunar Eclipse: Convert Blue to Yellow, Blessed, Heal (all allies) Beast Bond, Spell Armor, Empowered 02/11/2019 () 17 31 12 43 25%
Moonsinger Ultra-Rare Maugrim Woods Generator Wargare 12 Blue/​Yellow Wolf Blade: Convert Purple to Green, Cause Hunter's Mark Wargare Bond, Armored, Empowered 10/14/2019 () 18 22 18 40 25%
Morterra Epic Khetar Striker Human-Mystic 12 Green/​Purple Mortality: Deal Damage, Summon Ascension boss Necromancy, Mana Shield, Godslayer 04/09/2018 () 15 36 12 48 0%
Morthani's Will Epic Ghulvania Warlock Divine-Undead 11 Blue/​Purple Spirit Sword: Steal Armor, Decrease Mana, Generate Mana, True Damage Inscribed, Undying, Armored 06/05/2016 () 15 15 31 46 25%
Mortlach Stoutbeard Epic Khaziel Striker Dwarf 12 Red/​Yellow Bar Brawl: Deal Damage, Troop Order (all) Ascension boss Frenzy, Fortitude, Godslayer 06/24/2019 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Mosasaurus Ultra-Rare Blackhawk Assassin Monster 12 Blue/​Red Gaping Maw: Cause Devour (sometimes), Deal Damage Submerged Frenzy, Big, Water Link 12/04/2017 () 19 22 13 35 0%
Moshu the Guardian Epic Shentang Generator Elf-Knight 16 Yellow/​Purple Arcane Sight: Enchanted (ally), Create , Extra Turn (sometimes) Cursed Touch, Sky Ancestry, Magic Heart 09/20/2021 (0.0.0) 19 25 15 40 0%
Moth Mage Ultra-Rare Drifting Sands/The Deep Hive Mage Wildfolk-Mystic 12 Purple/​Brown Lightning Chrysalis: Deal Damage (all), Extra Turn (sometimes), Generate Mana (sometimes) Deep Magic, Stone Spirit, Spell Armor 03/27/2020 () 18 24 15 39 25%
Mother of Darkness Mythic Darkstone Assassin Daemon-Rogue 24 Blue/​Red/​Brown Darkness Eternal: True Damage, Create Purple, Summon (sometimes) Kill Dark Death, Stealthy, Blood Mark 02/07/2020 () 23 26 13 39 0%
Mummified King Ultra-Rare Khetar Striker Undead 11 Yellow/​Purple Embalm: Deal Damage, Cause Death Mark (ally) Undying, Necromancy, Arcane 03/07/2019 () 18 11 29 40 0%
Mushroom Man Rare Zaejin/Amanithrax Defender Elemental 11 Green/​Brown Fungal Fury: Enraged, Increase Attack, Heal (all allies) Deep Vitality, Barkskin, Poison Spores 07/04/2019 () 16 27 12 39 32%
Musketeer Common Adana Striker Human 6 Red/​Red Snipe: Deal Damage Human Bond, Fast, Fire Spirit 10/28/2014 () 17 21 13 34 0%
Myzmer Common Karakoth Assassin Daemon-Monster 11 Purple/​Purple Hypnotize: Deal Damage, Cause Darkstorm Magic Heart, Warded, Magic Aura 03/29/2017 () 17 28 21 49 0%
Nabassu Ultra-Rare Hellcrag Striker Daemon-Construct 12 Blue/​Red Dark Guardian: Steal Armor, Deal Damage Thick Head, Stone Pact, Stoneskin 07/18/2022 (0.0.0) 19 29 6 35 50%
Naga Queen Ultra-Rare Mist of Scales Generator Naga 12 Green/​Brown Snake Charm: Convert Yellow to Red, Heal (all allies) Naga Bond, Water Link, Venomous 05/15/2016 () 18 29 11 40 0%
Nagatrap Rare Mist of Scales Striker Elemental-Monster 12 Blue/​Green Lay in Wait: Cause Devour (sometimes), Deal Damage Naga Bountyhunter, Venomous, Big 09/17/2021 (0.0.0) 18 26 9 35 0%
Narwhale Rare Blackhawk Striker Beast 10 Blue/​Purple Sea Splitter: Destroy Gems, True Damage, Submerged Chaotic Wish, Aquatic, Water Link 01/17/2022 (0.0.0) 18 26 9 35 0%
Nature Weird Rare Nexus Mage Elemental 11 Green/​Yellow Razor Leaves: Deal Damage (all) Bountyhunter, Agile, Born of Nature 12/17/2021 (0.0.0) 18 30 5 35 0%
Natureborn Hunter Epic Nexus Generator Elemental 12 Blue/​Green Guiding Light: Create , Extra Turn (sometimes) Nature Heart, Barkskin, Born of Nature 07/04/2022 (0.0.0) 17 44 0 44 32%
Natureborn Warden Common Nexus Striker Elemental 10 Green/​Green Fete of Nature: Deal Damage Nature Heart, Armor Piercing, Born of Nature 11/15/2021 (0.0.0) 14 19 19 38 0%
Natureborn Wolf Ultra-Rare Nexus Striker Elemental-Beast 11 Green/​Red Thorny Howl: Cause Entangle, Deal Damage, Create , Extra Turn (sometimes) Kill Nimble, Barkskin, Born of Nature 11/15/2021 (0.0.0) 19 29 6 35 32%
Nax Epic Pan's Vale Support Wildfolk-Mystic 12 Purple/​Brown Pan's Eye: Cleanse (ally), Increase Random Stat (ally), Increase Magic (ally) Wildfolk Wildfolk Bond, Fast, Mana Shield 10/09/2017 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Necrezza Epic Khetar Warlock Human-Mystic 12 Red/​Purple Necrolysis: Cause Bonestorm, Cause Dispel (all), Summon Stryx Slayer, Undead Shield, Necromancy 03/07/2019 () 17 25 19 44 0%
Necrocorn Ultra-Rare Silverglade/Silver Necropolis Support Undead-Beast 10 Red/​Purple Dark Blessing: Cleanse (ally), Blessed (ally), Create Any Deep Vitality, Undying, Fast 04/12/2019 () 18 18 22 40 0%
Nereida Epic Merlantis Striker Merfolk 12 Blue/​Purple Tsunami Dragon: Deal Damage Ascension castle Water Spirit, Spell Armor, Siegebreaker 01/20/2020 () 17 27 16 43 25%
Nether Wyrm Ultra-Rare Dragon's Claw/Wyrmrun Warmaster Dragon 14 Green/​Red Void Blast: Decrease Mana, Create Skull Deep Vitality, Tough Scales, Bone Pile 09/03/2021 () 19 29 6 35 30%
Netherhound Rare Karakoth Generator Daemon-Beast 11 Red/​Brown Abyssal Hunt: Deal Damage, Cause Hunter's Mark, Create Purple Accursed, Fireproof, Fast 05/25/2020 () 14 36 7 43 0%
Nexus Portal Legendary Nexus Generator Elemental-Construct 16 Purple/​Brown Planar Rift: Create , Summon Elemental Bond, Inscribed, Elemental Aura 11/15/2021 (0.0.0) 16 32 18 50 0%
Night Hag Epic Darkstone Warlock Undead-Mystic 13 Blue/​Purple Hag's Curse: Randomly: Decrease Attack, Decrease Magic, Transform Mystic Bond, Accursed, Undying 03/07/2019 () 17 36 8 44 0%
Night Spider Ultra-Rare Zhul'Kari Generator Beast-Rogue 13 Green/​Purple Midnight Poison: Create Blue, Create Purple, Cause Poison Rogue Rogue Bond, Venomous, Stealthy 12/21/2020 () 18 29 11 40 0%
Night Terror Rare Zhul'Kari Striker Monster 8 Red/​Brown Shriek: Deal Damage, Steal Magic Monster Bond, Life Drain, Magic Spirit 10/28/2014 () 18 30 5 35 0%
Night-Slayer Epic Pridelands Striker Raksha 12 Blue/​Red Stalk the Night: Deal Damage Ascension boss Nimble, Stealthy, Godslayer 12/09/2019 () 21 23 12 35 0%
Nightarrow Rare Blackhawk/The Black Heart Assassin Elf-Rogue 12 Purple/​Brown Black Arrow: Lethal Damage (sometimes), Deal Damage Deep Vitality, Dark Ancestry, Stealthy 10/29/2021 (0.0.0) 21 21 9 30 0%
Nightmare Common Blighted Lands Generator Daemon-Beast 10 Yellow/​Yellow Flaming Hooves: Create Red Cunning, Fireproof, Aflame 08/20/2018 () 20 21 7 28 0%
Nightshade Rare Sword's Edge/Crypt Keepers Warlock Divine-Undead 10 Purple/​Brown Chaos Ward: Randomly: Cause Darkstorm, Cause Disease (all), Cause Frozen (all), Cause Stun (all) Death Touch, Necromancy, Undying 09/14/2018 () 16 27 12 39 0%
Nightwing Epic Divinion Fields Generator Beast-Mystic 12 Blue/​Purple Star Shower: Deal Damage, Create Yellow, Create Purple Ascension boss Regeneration, Stealthy, Godslayer 02/04/2019 () 17 33 10 43 0%
Nimue Legendary Merlantis Warmaster Merfolk-Mystic 18 Green/​Purple Siren Song: Convert Yellow to Skull, Convert Red to Purple, Cause Silence Magic Heart, Accursed, Poison Tide 09/17/2018 () 18 32 14 46 0%
Nobend Brothers Epic Zaejin Warlock Goblin-Rogue 13 Red/​Brown Go Crazy: Randomly: Deal Damage (all), Extra Turn, Decrease Attack (all), Explode Gems Fire Heart, Jinx, Agile 05/22/2016 () 17 33 10 43 0%
Nocturnia Legendary Blighted Lands/Fell Roost Striker Daemon-Dragon 16 Purple/​Brown Breath of Darkness: True Damage, Cause Burning, Cause Disease, Summon Deep Magic, Arcane, Hidden Nest 06/05/2020 () 14 34 20 54 0%
Northrender Common Stormheim Generator Human 9 Brown/​Brown Winter Fury: Increase Attack, Create Blue Water Brand, Insulated, Chill Touch 07/10/2016 () 17 24 10 34 0%
Nosferatu Epic Ghulvania Warrior Undead 13 Purple/​Brown Blood Rite: Randomly: True Damage, Transform (self) Storm purple Life Drain, Stealthy, Undying 10/30/2017 () 17 31 12 43 0%
NUTCRKR 1225 Legendary Adana Generator Mech-Knight 15 Blue/​Brown Crack Those Nuts: Decrease Armor, Explode Gems Mech Shield, Impervious, Armor Supply 12/25/2020 () 18 20 25 45 0%
Nyar'Mel Legendary Karakoth/Duergaroth Striker Daemon 17 Red/​Purple Realm of Confusion: True Damage, Explode Gems, Create Block Death Touch, Daemonic Pact, Psychic Backlash 02/05/2021 () 14 34 20 54 0%
Nymph Rare Pan's Vale Warlock Fey-Elemental 6 Yellow/​Purple Entangle: Cause Entangle, Decrease Armor Fey Bond, Nature Link, Regeneration 10/28/2014 () 13 36 11 47 0%
Nyx Ultra-Rare Pan's Vale Generator Elemental-Fey 14 Green/​Purple Watery Grave: Decrease Mana, Create Blue Fey Bond, Water Heart, Fireproof 03/07/2019 () 19 26 8 34 0%
Obregonia Legendary Drifting Sands Mage Elemental-Dragon 16 Green/​Red Needle Breath: Deal Damage (all), Cause Bleed (all) Huge, Spiny, Rain of Spines 03/29/2021 () 22 24 13 37 0%
Obsidian Golem Ultra-Rare Broken Spire Defender Elemental-Construct 12 Purple/​Brown Igneous: Explode Gems, Deal Damage Construct Construct Slayer, Big, Stoneskin 03/07/2019 () 15 18 26 44 50%
Obsidiaxas Legendary Obsidian Depths Mage No Troop Type 3 Purple/​Brown Black Breath: Placeholder 08/05/2022 (0.0.0) 22 29 8 37 0%
Obsidius Mythic Dhrak-Zum Mage Daemon-Elemental 24 Red/​Purple/​Brown Shatter Earth: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage Rocky Death, Stoneskin, Earthquake 06/03/2019 () 18 19 30 49 50%
Ochre Jelly Epic Grosh-Nak/Dripping Caverns Warmaster Elemental-Monster 13 Green/​Yellow Acid Spray: Create , Create Skull Deep Vitality, Regeneration, Impervious 04/02/2021 () 19 29 10 39 0%
Ocularen Epic Darkstone/All-Seeing Eye Generator Monster 12 Blue/​Green Behold: Deal Damage, Convert Brown to Green Alert, Deep Magic, Jinx 09/06/2018 () 21 25 10 35 0%
Ocularen Leech Ultra-Rare Darkstone/All-Seeing Eye Warrior Monster 13 Green/​Red Leech: Explode Gems, Steal Attack Life Drain, Deep Magic, Fast 09/06/2018 () 18 24 15 39 0%
Ograk Shaman Ultra-Rare Broken Spire Warlock Giant-Mystic 14 Red/​Purple Zonk!: Decrease Mana, Create Brown Accursed, Big, Warded 03/09/2020 () 18 31 8 39 0%
Ogre Common Broken Spire Generator Giant 6 Blue/​Blue Boulder: Explode Gems Frenzy, Big, Regeneration 10/28/2014 () 19 30 14 44 0%
Ogress Rare Broken Spire Defender Giant 11 Green/​Brown Knock Knock!: Troop Order (self), Cause Stun, Explode Gems Bountyhunter, Stoneskin, I've Got A Door! 02/12/2021 () 16 18 21 39 50%
Ogryn Common Grosh-Nak Assassin Orc-Giant 11 Red/​Red Rampage: Deal Damage, Cause Firestorm Fire Heart, Fireproof, Fire Aura 03/29/2017 () 30 22 13 35 0%
Old Man Oakroot Epic Bright Forest Warrior Fey 13 Green/​Yellow Erode Stone: Decrease Armor, Deal Damage Ascension castle Nature's Death, Barkskin, Siegebreaker 07/30/2018 () 17 21 23 44 32%
Oneiros Legendary Divinion Fields Warlock Daemon-Centaur 16 Red/​Purple Night Terror: Decrease Mana (all), Cause Faerie Fire (all), Cause Burning (all), Summon Fireproof, Wild Magic, Psychic Affliction 11/22/2021 (0.0.0) 14 34 20 54 0%
Onyx Gargoyle Ultra-Rare Obsidian Depths Striker No Troop Type 3 Blue/​Purple Night Claw: Placeholder 08/05/2022 (0.0.0) 19 29 6 35 0%
Orc Common Grosh-Nak Warrior Orc 10 Red/​Red Enrage: Increase Attack, Convert Green to Brown, Enraged Orc Armor, Armored, Fire Link 08/23/2015 () 13 27 17 44 25%
Orc Veteran Ultra-Rare Grosh-Nak Warrior Orc 12 Green/​Red War Cry: Create Red, Deal Damage Less attack on target Orc Armor, Fire Brand, Armored 03/07/2019 () 19 18 18 36 25%
Orion Legendary Divinion Fields Assassin Fey-Centaur 11 Green/​Yellow Wild Hunt: Deal Damage, Increase Magic, Cause Hunter's Mark Siege, Alert, True Shot 10/28/2014 () 18 23 23 46 0%
Orion's Herald Common Divinion Fields Warmaster Centaur 16 Green/​Green Orion's Horn: Summon, Heal (all allies), One Shot Spells Centaur Bond, Agile, Air Link 06/18/2018 () 17 24 10 34 0%
Orrery Legendary Divinion Fields Mage Construct-Mystic 18 Blue/​Yellow Planets Align: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage (all) Inscribed, Impervious, Astronomy 10/26/2020 () 22 29 8 37 0%
Ostryx Ultra-Rare Suncrest Support Stryx-Mystic 12 Yellow/​Purple Head in the Sand: Destroy Gems, Increase Armor (all allies), Increase Magic Mystic Mystic Bond, Chaotic Wish, Arcane 02/07/2022 (0.0.0) 15 19 24 43 0%
Owl Rider Ultra-Rare Forest of Thorns Striker Elf-Beast 12 Green/​Yellow Air Lance: Deal Damage, Destroy Gems Kill Elf Bond, Wood Ancestry, Air Link 03/26/2018 () 19 22 13 35 0%
Owlbear Rare Forest of Thorns Striker Beast-Monster 10 Green/​Brown Screech: Deal Damage, Decrease Attack Beast Bond, Frenzy, Regeneration 10/28/2014 () 14 31 13 44 0%
Owleth Rare Suncrest Warlock Stryx-Mystic 10 Green/​Purple Dark Omen: Cause Darkstorm, Decrease Random Stat (all) Stryx Bond, Accursed, Magic Spirit 03/07/2019 () 18 23 12 35 0%
P4-NTH4 Epic Adana Assassin Mech-Beast 13 Green/​Red Silent Gears: True Damage, Lethal Damage (sometimes) Mech Bond, Armored, Agile 02/24/2020 () 21 12 23 35 25%
Paladin Rare Whitehelm Striker Divine-Knight 11 Green/​Yellow Justice: Deal Damage Dragon Slayer, Air Link, Reinforced 10/28/2014 () 14 18 23 41 0%
Pan Mythic Pan's Vale Striker Wildfolk-Beast 24 Green/​Yellow/​Brown Golden Horn: Deal Damage, Troop Order Wildfolk Bond, Impervious, Totem of the Vale 12/04/2020 () 23 26 13 39 0%
Pandaska Guard Rare Shentang Striker Urska 12 Blue/​Red Bam-Bam-Boo!: Explode Gems, Deal Damage Urska Bond, Mana Shield, Fire Spirit 02/26/2018 () 16 27 12 39 0%
Pandaska Mage Ultra-Rare Shentang Warlock Urska-Mystic 12 Red/​Purple Quell the Flame: Deal Damage, Decrease Mana Urska Bond, Fireproof, Arcane 08/24/2020 () 19 29 6 35 0%
Parrot Rare Blackhawk Warlock Beast 12 Blue/​Yellow Squawk: Deal Damage, Cause Silence Bountyhunter, Beast Bond, Alert 03/16/2018 () 16 27 12 39 0%
Patience Epic Whitehelm Striker Divine-Mystic 12 Yellow/​Purple Angelic Bolt : Deal Damage Ascension boss Divine Bond, Revered, Godslayer 04/27/2020 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Pavos Dawnwind Epic Suncrest Striker Stryx-Mystic 12 Blue/​Yellow Brilliant Display: Deal Damage, Blessed (sometimes) (self) Ascension boss, Any storm Stryx Bond, Mana Shield, Godslayer 07/22/2019 () 17 29 15 44 0%
Peasant Common Sword's Edge Generator Human 3 Blue/​Blue Pitchfork: Destroy Gems Greedy, Water Heart, Jinx 10/28/2014 () 14 28 14 42 0%
Pegasus Rare Divinion Fields Striker Beast 8 Green/​Yellow Swift Wing: Deal Damage, Remove Gems Nimble, Fast, Arcane 10/28/2014 () 16 27 12 39 0%
Penglong Epic Shentang Mage Divine-Dragon 14 Red/​Yellow Orb of Penglong: Deal Damage (all) Dragon Bond, Revered, Holy Armor 02/16/2018 () 17 25 19 44 40%
Penguin Common Stormheim Assassin Beast 11 Blue/​Blue Flipper Slap: Deal Damage, Cause Icestorm Water Heart, Insulated, Ice Aura 03/29/2017 () 21 29 12 41 0%
Penitent Common Whitehelm Warlock Human 8 Blue/​Blue Flagellate: Cause Death Mark, Deal Damage (self) Accursed, Human Bond, Doom 03/07/2019 () 14 34 4 38 0%
Persistence Common Guardians Assassin Wargare-Construct 11 Green/​Green Persistent Strike: Cause Devour, Deal Damage Green target Toxic Hatred, Stoneskin, Gift of Persistence 12/16/2019 () 23 29 11 40 50%
Peryton Common Dragon's Claw Assassin Monster 11 Yellow/​Yellow Aerial Strike: Deal Damage, Cause Lightstorm Air Heart, Alert, Wind Aura 03/29/2017 () 23 27 10 37 0%
Pet Gnome Common The Vault Warmaster Gnome 10 Green/​Green Snatch and Sprint: Summon, Run Away Cunning, Beast Bond, Agile 05/11/2018 () 17 23 10 33 0%
Petrahulk Ultra-Rare Hellcrag Defender Daemon-Construct 11 Purple/​Brown Stone Grasp: Create , Heal, Troop Order Stone Heart, Stone Brand, Stoneskin 08/01/2022 (0.0.0) 15 21 27 48 50%
Petrified Golem Rare Hellcrag Support Construct 11 Green/​Brown Eternal Vigil: Explode Gems, Barrier Construct Bond, Inscribed, Stoneskin 07/18/2022 (0.0.0) 12 30 18 48 50%
Pharaoh Hound Rare Khetar Generator Beast 10 Red/​Brown Royal Guard: Create Purple, Create Red, Barrier (ally) Bountyhunter, Warded, Skull Death 04/13/2018 () 18 26 9 35 0%
Pharaoh Nefertani Mythic Khetar Assassin Undead 24 Red/​Yellow/​Brown Talon of Horus: Deal Damage, Cause Cursed (all), Cause Disease (all) Necromancy, Undying, Pharaoh's Curse 11/30/2020 () 16 19 34 53 0%
Pharos-Ra Mythic Khetar Assassin Divine-Undead 24 Blue/​Purple/​Brown Solar Eclipse: Deal Damage, Convert Yellow to Purple, Generate Souls Undead Bond, Undying, Necro Master 03/07/2019 () 18 17 32 49 0%
Phoenicia Mythic Suncrest Mage Elemental-Stryx 24 Green/​Red/​Yellow Rising Sun: Deal Damage (all) Storm red Fire Spirit, Fireproof, Sun Flare 01/04/2019 () 19 31 16 47 0%
Piper Rare Pan's Vale Striker Wildfolk 11 Yellow/​Purple Merry Jig: Decrease Armor, Increase Magic, True Damage Alert, Agile, Arcane 07/23/2018 () 14 32 12 44 0%
Pirate Rare Blackhawk Support Human-Rogue 11 Blue/​Yellow Yarr!: Increase Attack, Generate Gold Rogue Greedy, Rogue Bond, Water Link 03/07/2019 () 16 26 14 40 0%
Piscea Mythic Merlantis Generator Merfolk 24 Blue/​Red/​Brown Fish Sign: Destroy Gems, Create Blue, Cause Devour Aquatic, Tough Scales, Celestial Strength 02/04/2022 (0.0.0) 19 32 15 47 30%
Pixie Rare Bright Forest Warlock Fey 8 Green/​Purple Burning Wings: Cause Faerie Fire, Extra Turn Nature Heart, Mana Shield, Agile 01/29/2018 () 18 26 9 35 0%
Plague Mythic Apocalypse Warlock Daemon-Fey 20 Blue/​Green/​Purple Outbreak: Decrease Random Stat (all), Cause Disease (all), Cause Poison (all) Virulence, Impervious, Aspect of Plague 07/07/2016 () 17 28 23 51 0%
Plague Rat Ultra-Rare Mist of Scales/Dark Pits Generator Wildfolk 12 Green/​Red Toxic Spill: Explode Gems, Cause Disease, Cause Poison Cursed Touch, Deep Vitality, Impervious 03/08/2019 () 15 32 11 43 0%
Plaguecrafter Ultra-Rare Blackhawk/The Black Heart Warlock Elf-Rogue 11 Blue/​Green Lethal Dose: Cause Disease (all), Lethal Damage (sometimes) Deep Vitality, Immune, Wood Ancestry 10/29/2021 (0.0.0) 18 31 8 39 0%
Plainsjumper Rare Divinion Fields Generator Beast 10 Red/​Brown Bucking Kick: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage Bountyhunter, Swift, Agile 02/08/2019 () 16 27 12 39 0%
Poison Master Rare Mist of Scales Generator Naga 12 Blue/​Purple Venom Flask: Explode Gems, Cause Poison Sturdy, Alert, Venomous 10/28/2014 () 12 32 16 48 0%
Possessed Urska Rare Urskaya Striker Daemon-Urska 10 Purple/​Brown Daemon Shards: Explode Gems, Deal Damage, Cause Cursed Accursed, Plague Touch, Daemonic Pact 12/23/2019 () 21 17 12 29 0%
Pox Hare Rare Pan's Vale Striker Wildfolk 10 Green/​Brown Bloody Harvest: Deal Damage, Cause Disease Bountyhunter, Plague Touch, Immune 05/07/2021 () 18 26 9 35 0%
Pride Epic Sin of Maraj Striker Daemon 13 Red/​Purple Hubris: Steal Magic, Deal Damage Less magic on target, Less attack on target, Less life on target, Less armor on target Omen of Death, Death Touch, Impervious 08/24/2018 () 19 19 21 40 0%
Pride Guard Epic Leonis Empire Warrior Raksha-Knight 12 Green/​Red Break the Line: Deal Damage Raksha Bond, Alert, Armored 03/07/2019 () 19 17 23 40 25%
Pride Hunter Common Pridelands Warrior Raksha 8 Red/​Red Roar: Deal Damage, Cause Silence Raksha Bond, Stealthy, Fire Spirit 10/28/2014 () 14 28 11 39 0%
Priest's Chalice Ultra-Rare The Vault Support Construct 7 Blue/​Blue Treasure: Generate Gold Greedy, Merchant, Valuable 09/06/2018 () 0 5 3 8 0%
Priestess Common Whitehelm Support Divine-Human 9 Yellow/​Yellow Protection: Cleanse (ally), Increase Armor (ally), Barrier (ally) Divine Bond, Revered, Regeneration 10/28/2014 () 13 30 14 44 0%
Prince Azquila Epic Suncrest Warrior Stryx-Knight 13 Blue/​Yellow Wrath of the Sky: Cause Lightstorm, Deal Damage, Increase Attack (all allies) Kill Naga Slayer, Stryx Shield, Holy Armor 03/07/2019 () 17 21 23 44 40%
Prince Barislav Epic Urskaya Assassin Urska-Knight 14 Blue/​Yellow Bear Axe: Deal Damage, Enraged (sometimes) (self) Daemon Urska Shield, Armored, Fast 09/21/2020 () 15 23 25 48 25%
Prince Ethoras Epic Bright Forest Warmaster Elf-Knight 13 Green/​Red Familiar: Randomly: Deal Damage, Summon Fey Fey Slayer, High Ancestry, Dragon Boon 01/29/2018 () 19 19 21 40 0%
Princess Elspeth Epic Silverglade Warmaster Elf-Mystic 12 Blue/​Yellow Royal Demand: Create Any, Lethal Damage (ally), Summon (sometimes), Summon Ally death Greedy, High Ancestry, Empowered 03/07/2019 () 17 36 8 44 0%
Princess Fizzbang Epic Zaejin Generator Goblin-Mystic 13 Blue/​Purple Wizz-Bang: Randomly: Explode Gems, Extra Turn, Increase Random Stat (ally) Goblin Goblin Bond, Stealthy, Nature Spirit 09/04/2017 () 19 31 8 39 0%
Psion Legendary Darkstone Warlock Daemon 15 Blue/​Purple Mind Wipe: True Damage (all), Decrease Mana (all) Magic Link, Alert, Siphon 12/08/2015 () 14 34 20 54 0%
Puka Ultra-Rare Divinion Fields/Wild Court Generator Fey 14 Green/​Yellow Fey Prank: Decrease Mana, Create Red Deep Vitality, Revenge, Jinx 10/21/2019 () 19 26 8 34 0%
Pyggra Epic Broken Spire Generator Monster 12 Red/​Yellow Multiply: Create Red, Explode Gems, Summon Fire Heart, Fireproof, Fiery Death 09/03/2018 () 17 29 15 44 0%
Pyrohydra Epic Wild Plains Warrior Elemental-Monster 12 Green/​Red Spit Fire: Deal Damage (all), Cause Burning Scalding, Tough Scales, Pyromania 03/15/2021 () 20 22 14 36 30%
Qilin Legendary Shentang Warmaster Divine-Beast 18 Red/​Yellow Omen of Change: Convert Purple to Red, Convert Brown to Skull, Blessed (ally), Blessed Revered, Song of Light, Celestial Sage 02/11/2019 () 16 32 18 50 0%
Quasit Common Blighted Lands Warlock Daemon 9 Purple/​Purple Hex: Decrease Random Stat Daemon Bond, Warded, Venomous 03/08/2016 () 17 24 10 34 0%
Quatramanus Epic Whitehelm Striker Construct 13 Purple/​Brown Fist Barrage: Explode Gems, Deal Damage Construct Banding Attack, Spell Armor, Stoneskin 04/19/2021 () 17 31 12 43 25%
Queen Aurora Mythic Silverglade Support Divine-Beast 24 Green/​Yellow/​Purple Rainbow Spirit: Barrier (all allies), Heal (all allies), Create Any Warded, Arcane, Rainbow Link 03/07/2019 () 17 36 15 51 0%
Queen Beetrix Legendary Drifting Sands/The Deep Hive Generator Wildfolk-Mystic 16 Blue/​Green Hornet's Nest: Create Green, Create Brown, True Damage (all), Extra Turn (sometimes), Generate Mana Deep Vitality, Arcane, Royal Honey 03/27/2020 () 18 29 16 45 0%
Queen Grapplepot Legendary Zaejin Mage Goblin 17 Green/​Yellow Goblin Party: Deal Damage (all), Extra Turn Goblin Goblin Shield, Nature Heart, Second Helping 09/04/2017 () 16 34 16 50 0%
Queen Mab Legendary Glacial Peaks Mage Fey 15 Blue/​Purple Nevermore: Cause Mana Burn (all), Extra Turn (sometimes) Insulated, Arcane, Winter Veil 05/25/2016 () 16 34 16 50 0%
Queen Moonclaw Legendary Wild Plains Warmaster Wargare-Mystic 16 Green/​Purple Clan Feast: Randomly: Create Skull, Summon Nature Heart, Mana Shield, Clan Hunt 11/18/2019 () 20 29 12 41 0%
Queen of Sin Mythic Sin of Maraj Warmaster Daemon-Mystic 20 Blue/​Green/​Yellow Ultimate Sin: Randomly: True Damage, Summon, Blessed Daemon Arcane, Spell Armor, Succumb 04/05/2019 () 18 33 16 49 25%
Queen Sheggra Mythic Warmaster Dragon-Boss 14 Red/​Brown Mega-Lava Strike: Create Red, Convert Red to Skull Huge, Pyromania, Molten 08/15/2021 () 25 51 44 95 0%
Queen Titania Legendary Bright Forest Mage Fey-Mystic 16 Red/​Purple Summer Dream: Deal Damage (all), Extra Turn (sometimes) Fey Bond, Fireproof, Summer Veil 01/29/2018 () 18 32 14 46 0%
Queen Xochi Legendary Suncrest/Stonesong Eyrie Mage Stryx-Mystic 16 Yellow/​Brown Rapacious Storm: Deal Damage (all), Explode Gems Any storm Deep Magic, Spell Armor, Storm Flock 06/21/2019 () 22 25 12 37 25%
Queen Ysabelle Legendary Sword's Edge Support Human-Knight 15 Blue/​Green Royal Decree: Increase Armor (ally), Increase Attack (ally), Deal Damage, Generate Mana (all allies) Knight Bond, Armored, For the People 03/07/2019 () 20 20 23 43 25%
Queen's Herald Epic Sword's Edge Warrior Human-Knight 12 Purple/​Brown Heraldic Symbol: Deal Damage, Summon Ascension boss Human Bond, Armored, Godslayer 04/30/2018 () 19 21 19 40 25%
Quetzalma Mythic Suncrest Mage Divine-Stryx 26 Green/​Yellow/​Purple Daybreak: Deal Damage (all), Create Yellow, Remove Gems Stryx Bond, Song of Light, Eternal Dawn 02/15/2021 () 22 16 25 41 0%
Quickpaw Jack Epic Blackhawk Striker Wildfolk-Rogue 13 Green/​Red Sneaky Cutlass: Take Resources (all), Deal Damage, Generate Gold Greedy, Fast, Agile 05/13/2019 () 19 25 15 40 0%
Ragnagord Epic Divinion Fields Generator Wildfolk 14 Red/​Brown Blitz 'Em: Explode Gems Wildfolk Bond, Fast, Fire Spirit 12/21/2014 () 19 27 12 39 0%
Raksha Free-Blood Ultra-Rare Pridelands Striker Raksha 11 Blue/​Brown Cat Cleaver: Deal Damage, Explode Gems, Generate Gold Greedy, Bloodlust, Armored 11/26/2018 () 19 21 13 34 25%
Rakshanin Ultra-Rare Pridelands Assassin Raksha-Knight 11 Yellow/​Brown Crouching Tiger: Deal Damage Fast, Alert, Stealthy 04/24/2016 () 19 21 13 34 0%
Ranger Rare Maugrim Woods Striker Wargare 10 Green/​Yellow Lightning Arrow: Deal Damage, Deal Damage (all) Wargare Bond, Air Spirit, Armor Piercing 06/16/2015 () 17 22 17 39 0%
Rattigar Rare Mist of Scales/Dark Pits Striker Wildfolk 10 Green/​Brown Frantic Slashes: Deal Damage, Cause Random Status Effect Cursed Touch, Deep Vitality, Swift 03/08/2019 () 16 26 14 40 0%
Raven Epic Mist of Scales Striker Human-Rogue 10 Blue/​Red Final Strike: Deal Damage, Extra Turn (sometimes), Generate Mana Kill Naga Slayer, Stealthy, Water Spirit 10/28/2014 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Reaver Common Zhul'Kari Striker Elf 8 Green/​Green Double Slice: Deal Damage Web Dark Ancestry, Nature Spirit, Agile 10/28/2014 () 18 17 18 35 0%
Red Ahriman Epic Dragon's Claw Mage Daemon-Dragon 13 Red/​Brown Incantation: Explode Gems, Deal Damage Fireproof, Tough Scales, Fire Link 12/27/2021 (0.0.0) 19 25 15 40 30%
Red Cap Rare Divinion Fields/Wild Court Striker Fey 10 Red/​Purple Bloodletting: True Damage, Faerie Fire (sometimes) (all) Deep Magic, Revenge, Fast 10/21/2019 () 21 21 9 30 0%
Red Charlotte Epic Blackhawk Striker Rogue 12 Red/​Brown Quick Blade: Deal Damage, Generate Mana Ascension castle Greedy, Fire Heart, Siegebreaker 05/13/2019 () 21 23 12 35 0%
Redthorn Epic Forest of Thorns/Primal Rift Striker Elemental 12 Blue/​Purple Rose Whip: Deal Damage Deep Magic, Infernal Armor, Stealthy 11/23/2018 () 19 27 12 39 0%
Regent Khalif Legendary Leonis Empire Mage Human-Mystic 14 Red/​Purple Book of Secrets: Randomly: Increase Magic, Heal, Deal Damage (all) Greedy, Arcane, Dao's Puppet 05/10/2021 () 22 29 8 37 0%
Remnant Common Darkstone Warrior Undead 7 Red/​Red Anguish: Explode Gems, Increase Random Stat Thick Head, Undying, Regeneration 03/07/2019 () 14 21 17 38 0%
Researcher Ultra-Rare Adana Support Human 12 Blue/​Yellow Hydraulic Fluid: Increase Armor, Explode Gems Mech Mech Shield, Invention, Repair 06/14/2021 () 15 19 24 43 0%
Revenant Rare Khetar Assassin Undead 12 Blue/​Purple Vengeance: Deal Damage, Cause Death Mark Water Brand, Undying, Arcane 10/28/2014 () 16 12 30 42 0%
Rex Warrior Rare Pridelands Striker Raksha 10 Blue/​Red Ferocity: Deal Damage, Cleanse, Increase Attack Kill Frenzy, Avenger, Regeneration 10/28/2014 () 19 22 13 35 0%
Rhinotaur Ultra-Rare Wild Plains/The Labyrinth Generator Tauros-Wildfolk 13 Green/​Brown Maddening Charge: Randomly: Explode Gems, Troop Order Deep Vitality, Bloodlust, Thick Hide 01/08/2021 () 18 29 11 40 19%
Rhynaggor Epic Broken Spire Warrior Elemental-Beast 12 Yellow/​Brown Slaughterfest: Deal Damage, Generate Mana Kill Stone Heart, Bloodlust, Thick Hide 12/03/2018 () 17 25 19 44 19%
Rhynax Rare Broken Spire Striker Elemental-Beast 10 Green/​Brown Gorefest: Deal Damage Beast Bond, Sturdy, Stone Spirit 10/28/2014 () 14 36 8 44 0%
Ridgeback Rare Wild Plains Generator Monster 12 Green/​Yellow Spike Tail: Troop Order, Explode Gems Bountyhunter, Spiny, Tough Scales 08/02/2019 () 16 18 21 39 30%
Rift Lynx Rare Pridelands Striker Beast 12 Red/​Purple Blink: True Damage, Troop Order Bountyhunter, Fire Spirit, Stealthy 03/16/2018 () 21 25 7 32 0%
Roc Common Drifting Sands Warrior Beast 15 Yellow/​Yellow Talon Strike: Deal Damage, Increase Attack, Heal, One Shot Spells Nimble, Grudge, Armored 03/08/2016 () 14 24 14 38 25%
Rock Spirit Ultra-Rare Drifting Sands Defender Elemental 11 Purple/​Brown Earthquake: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage (all) Elemental Bond, Alert, Stoneskin 03/07/2019 () 13 19 29 48 50%
Rock Squid Rare Grosh-Nak/Dripping Caverns Defender Elemental-Monster 11 Blue/​Brown Rock Tentacles: Remove Gems, Increase Armor Deep Shield, Sturdy, Stoneskin 04/02/2021 () 16 18 21 39 50%
Rock Troll Epic Khaziel Generator Elemental-Giant 12 Red/​Purple Rock Smash: Create Brown Indigestible, Knockout, Stoneskin 07/14/2016 () 17 19 25 44 50%
Rock Worm Common Khaziel Generator Monster 8 Brown/​Brown Burrow: Deal Damage, Create Brown Cunning, Stone Heart, Stone Spirit 10/28/2014 () 14 34 7 41 0%
Rogueling Ultra-Rare Zaejin Striker Goblin-Rogue 12 Green/​Purple Stab and Slash: Deal Damage, Extra Turn Goblin Bond, Greedy, Stealthy 09/28/2020 () 19 29 6 35 0%
Rok'Gar the Guardian Epic Grosh-Nak Warmaster Orc-Knight 16 Yellow/​Brown Strong as Stone: Convert Blue to Skull, Create , Extra Turn (sometimes) Clobber, Orc Fury, Armored 09/27/2021 (0.0.0) 19 29 10 39 25%
Rover-300 Ultra-Rare Adana Generator Mech-Beast 12 Blue/​Red Muzzle Flash: Explode Gems, Create Yellow Mech Shield, Repair, Spell Armor 05/27/2019 () 18 15 24 39 25%
Rowanne Epic Forest of Thorns Mage Fey-Elemental 12 Blue/​Green Thorns: Deal Damage (all) Nature Heart, Water Spirit, Reinforced 10/28/2014 () 17 23 19 42 0%
Royal Assassin Ultra-Rare Mist of Scales Assassin Naga-Rogue 12 Blue/​Brown Assassin's Mark: Deal Damage Venomous, Stealthy, Swift 10/12/2020 () 19 28 8 36 0%
Royal Engineer Ultra-Rare Adana Warmaster Human 13 Blue/​Brown Gear Lock: Randomly: Increase Armor (all allies), Summon Mech Bond, Human Bond, Fire Link 03/07/2019 () 18 22 18 40 0%
Rubitressa Epic Pan's Vale Striker Wildfolk 12 Blue/​Green Song of War: Steal Armor, Increase Attack, Deal Damage Ascension castle Alert, Fast, Siegebreaker 11/25/2019 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Runesmith Ultra-Rare Khaziel Support Dwarf-Mystic 10 Red/​Purple Forge Fire: Increase Attack (ally), Increase Armor (ally) Dwarf Bond, Fortitude, Fire Link 04/10/2016 () 14 32 12 44 0%
S.O.L.A.R Ultra-Rare Adana Warrior Mech 12 Yellow/​Brown Solar Flare: Randomly: True Damage, Cause Burning, Heal, Increase Attack Reinforced, Fireproof, Armored 01/18/2021 () 19 24 11 35 25%
Sabellius Epic Dragon's Claw Mage Dragon-Rogue 14 Purple/​Brown Acid Blast: Decrease Armor, Deal Damage (all) Greedy, Huge, Stealthy 06/20/2022 (0.0.0) 19 25 15 40 0%
Sabertooth Lion Rare Pridelands Striker Beast 8 Blue/​Green Saber Strike: Deal Damage, Increase Magic Kill Beast Bond, Nature Spirit, Alert 10/28/2014 () 16 32 7 39 0%
Sacred Guardian Ultra-Rare Whitehelm Defender Divine-Beast 11 Yellow/​Brown Righteous Shield: Deal Damage, Increase Armor Nimble, Revered, Armored 10/28/2014 () 14 27 22 49 25%
Sacred Treasure Mythic The Vault Support Construct 7 Red/​Red Treasure: Generate Gold Greedy, Merchant, Valuable 09/06/2018 () 0 8 6 14 0%
Sacrifice Common Guardians Generator Elemental-Construct 13 Purple/​Purple Arcane Surge: Create Purple and Any, Cause Dispel (ally), Lethal Damage (ally), Increase Magic (all allies) Construct Bond, Necromancy, Virtue of Sacrifice 09/12/2016 () 16 29 25 54 0%
Sacrificial Priest Ultra-Rare Karakoth Warmaster Human-Mystic 11 Yellow/​Purple Sacrifice: Cause Dispel (ally), Lethal Damage (ally), Deal Damage (all), Summon Daemon Bond, Necromancy, Fast 05/08/2016 () 19 29 6 35 0%
Saga Epic Glacial Peaks Mage Fey-Mystic 13 Blue/​Green Ice Bolt: Deal Damage (all) Water Spirit, Insulated, Song of Ice 03/07/2022 (0.0.0) 19 25 15 40 0%
Saguaro Legendary Drifting Sands Warrior Elemental-Wildfolk 15 Green/​Yellow Succulent: Deal Damage, Heal, Increase Attack Indigestible, Infernal Armor, Spiky 07/16/2018 () 21 21 15 36 0%
Salamander Epic Pridelands Striker Elemental-Beast 11 Green/​Red Scorching Blast: Deal Damage, Cause Burning Elemental Bond, Pyromania, Fireproof 11/01/2015 () 19 29 10 39 0%
Sand Cobra Common Leonis Empire Warlock Beast 6 Brown/​Brown Cobra Spit: Cause Disease, Cause Poison, Cause Stun Beast Bond, Agile, Stone Link 03/07/2019 () 14 30 10 40 0%
Sand Scuttler Rare Drifting Sands Defender Monster 16 Red/​Yellow Sand Castle: Increase Armor, Heal, One Shot Spells Monster Shield, Regeneration, Armored 02/12/2018 () 18 18 16 34 25%
Sand Shark Ultra-Rare Drifting Sands Assassin Monster 12 Red/​Brown Underbite: Cause Devour, Deal Damage Cunning, Frenzy, Doom 03/08/2016 () 19 28 8 36 0%
Sandrunner Ultra-Rare Drifting Sands Striker Monster 11 Yellow/​Brown Claw, Claw, Bite: Deal Damage Monster Bond, Bloodlust, Swift 02/18/2019 () 18 19 19 38 0%
Sanguinia Epic Ghulvania Assassin Undead 13 Yellow/​Purple Vampiric Touch: Steal Life Undead Bond, Life Drain, Undying 05/20/2019 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Sapphire Knight Ultra-Rare Silverglade Generator Elf-Knight 11 Blue/​Yellow Elven Shield: Convert Blue to Yellow, Increase Armor (all allies) Elf Shield, High Ancestry, Armored 08/03/2020 () 18 29 11 40 25%
Satyr Common Pan's Vale Striker Wildfolk-Rogue 8 Green/​Green Ambush: Decrease Armor, Increase Magic, Deal Damage, Extra Turn Wildfolk Bond, Stealthy, Swift 10/28/2014 () 14 30 10 40 0%
Satyr Hunter Ultra-Rare Pan's Vale Generator Wildfolk 12 Green/​Brown Eye of the Goat: Destroy Gems, Increase Attack Alert, Eagle Eye, Agile 11/25/2019 () 18 24 15 39 0%
Satyr Musician Ultra-Rare Pan's Vale Warlock Wildfolk 12 Yellow/​Brown Sonata: Steal Magic, Deal Damage, Cause Silence Wildfolk Bond, Alert, Air Spirit 03/07/2019 () 18 29 11 40 0%
Savage Hunter Rare Wild Plains Assassin Wargare 9 Green/​Brown Hunting Season: Randomly: Deal Damage, Cause Hunter's Mark Green target Eagle Eye, Toxic Hatred, Bloodlust 03/07/2019 () 21 21 9 30 0%
Scale Guard Common Mist of Scales Striker Naga 8 Red/​Red Twin Fang: Deal Damage, Cause Poison Poison Sturdy, Frenzy, Swift 10/28/2014 () 13 24 20 44 0%
Scarab Knight Epic Drifting Sands/The Deep Hive Defender Wildfolk-Knight 12 Green/​Brown Scarab Shield: Barrier, Increase Armor, Extra Turn (sometimes), Generate Mana (sometimes) Deep Shield, Immune, Stoneskin 03/27/2020 () 17 17 27 44 50%
Scarabi Ultra-Rare Drifting Sands Striker Monster 12 Yellow/​Purple Double Sting: Deal Damage, Cause Stun, Cause Poison Toxic, Fast, Agile 08/12/2019 () 18 18 22 40 0%
Scarlett Epic Maugrim Woods Assassin Human-Knight 11 Green/​Red Beast Slayer: Deal Damage Beast Beast Slayer, Fire Spirit, Armored 06/16/2015 () 15 33 15 48 25%
Scavenger Rare Zaejin Striker Monster 10 Green/​Brown Ink Cloud: Deal Damage, Create Purple Bountyhunter, Monster Bond, Stone Spirit 03/16/2018 () 14 32 12 44 0%
Scorpius Mythic Drifting Sands Assassin Monster 28 Yellow/​Purple/​Brown Royal Venom: Deal Damage, Lethal Damage (sometimes), One Shot Spells Poison Venomous, Impervious, Desert King 11/03/2017 () 22 26 15 41 0%
Scurvy Seadog Epic Blackhawk Generator Wargare-Rogue 12 Red/​Yellow Avast!!!: Convert Green to Blue, Generate Gold Greedy, Rogue Bond, Empowered 07/02/2018 () 19 27 12 39 0%
Scylla Legendary Blackhawk Assassin Merfolk-Monster 15 Blue/​Purple Whirlpool: Deal Damage, Lethal Damage, Submerged (all allies) Huge, Arcane, Deadly Waters 12/04/2017 () 18 34 12 46 0%
Sea Troll Epic Darkstone Generator Elemental-Giant 12 Green/​Purple Drown: Create Blue Giant Bond, Immune, Troll Regeneration 04/03/2016 () 17 36 8 44 0%
Sea Witch Epic Merlantis/Sea of Sorrow Generator Merfolk-Mystic 13 Blue/​Purple Dark Waters: Create Blue, Create Brown, Enraged (ally), Submerged (ally), Heal (ally) Elemental Slayer, Deep Magic, Mana Shield 10/19/2018 () 19 27 12 39 0%
Second Claw Anhur Epic Pridelands Support Raksha-Knight 14 Red/​Yellow Flying Wedge: Destroy Gems, Increase Attack, Increase Magic Raksha Bond, Armored, Banding Magic 05/03/2021 () 15 27 21 48 25%
Sekhma Legendary Pridelands Warmaster Raksha-Mystic 18 Red/​Purple Call of the Sun: Convert Blue to Skull, Convert Brown to Yellow, Deal Damage Raksha Bond, Insulated, Sun's Glory 03/07/2019 () 20 29 11 40 0%
Senita Epic Drifting Sands Striker Elemental-Wildfolk 12 Green/​Red Needle: Enraged, True Damage Indigestible, Spiny, Stealthy 07/16/2018 () 21 27 9 36 0%
Sentry Bot Common Adana Support Mech 10 Yellow/​Yellow Alarm Alarm: Increase Armor (ally), Destroy Gems Mech Bond, Alert, Armored 03/07/2019 () 13 14 30 44 25%
Ser Cygnea Epic Sword's Edge Defender Human-Knight 9 Purple/​Brown Protect the Meek: Heal, Barrier, Deal Damage Knight Shield, Warded, Holy Armor 12/11/2017 () 17 20 30 50 40%
Serpent Common Stormheim Generator Beast 7 Blue/​Blue Spit Venom: Cause Poison, Create Red, Heal Cunning, Agile, Venomous 02/01/2015 () 17 24 10 34 0%
Servant of the Dao Ultra-Rare Leonis Empire Defender Elemental 12 Purple/​Brown Rocky Bite: Deal Damage, Increase Armor Clobber, Stone Brand, Stoneskin 05/10/2021 () 15 21 27 48 50%
Setauri Ultra-Rare Khetar/Fang Moor Warmaster Naga 12 Blue/​Red Skull Bash: Create Skull, Cause Bleed Deep Shield, Razor Teeth, Tough Scales 02/01/2019 () 18 22 18 40 30%
Settite Warrior Ultra-Rare Khetar Mage Monster-Knight 13 Green/​Brown Temple Guard: Increase Armor (ally), Deal Damage (all) Stone Heart, Avenger, Reinforced 06/26/2016 () 18 18 22 40 0%
Shade of Kurandara Epic Urskaya Assassin Undead-Daemon 14 Red/​Brown Ghostly Oblivion: Deal Damage, Cause Doomstorm Regeneration, Song of Doom, Undying 08/03/2020 () 15 23 25 48 0%
Shade of Zorn Mythic Grosh-Nak Striker Undead-Orc 24 Blue/​Red/​Purple Undying Rage: Deal Damage, Summon (sometimes) Kill Stealthy, Undying, Zorn's Fury 07/04/2019 () 25 23 12 35 0%
Shadow Dragon Legendary Sword's Edge Generator Dragon 14 Yellow/​Purple Evernight: True Damage, Convert Yellow to Purple, Cause Poison (all) Magic Link, Sturdy, Darkfall 10/28/2014 () 16 36 14 50 0%
Shadow-Hunter Epic Pridelands Assassin Raksha-Rogue 13 Blue/​Purple Shadow Strike: Deal Damage Water Link, Magic Spirit, Agile 01/04/2015 () 21 28 7 35 0%
Shadowbeast Rare Darkstone Striker Beast-Rogue 11 Purple/​Brown Shadow Claw: Deal Damage, Cause Random Status Effect (sometimes) (all) Kill Bountyhunter, Song of Darkness, Stealthy 03/11/2022 (0.0.0) 18 26 9 35 0%
Shadowblade Ultra-Rare Zhul'Kari Striker Elf-Rogue 9 Blue/​Purple Knife in the Dark: True Damage, Generate Mana Dark Ancestry, Stealthy, Agile 03/07/2019 () 15 29 15 44 0%
Shahbanu Vespera Mythic Drifting Sands Support Elemental-Mystic 26 Blue/​Yellow/​Purple Three Wishes: Increase Random Stat (ally), Create Any, Create Elemental Bond, Warded, Genie's Lamp 12/06/2019 () 17 36 15 51 0%
Shaman of Set Epic Khetar/Fang Moor Generator Naga-Mystic 12 Blue/​Green Flurry of Feathers: Create Red, Cause Bleed Deep Vitality, Razor Teeth, Water Heart 02/01/2019 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Sharkey Ultra-Rare Blackhawk Mage Merfolk-Rogue 12 Blue/​Brown Anchors Aweigh: Deal Damage (all) Merfolk Bond, Big, Water Spirit 03/07/2019 () 18 17 22 39 0%
Sharptooth Epic Drifting Sands Striker Monster 12 Red/​Brown Brutal Feast: Deal Damage, Extra Turn, Generate Mana Ascension castle Bloodlust, Tough Scales, Siegebreaker 02/18/2019 () 21 23 12 35 30%
Shayle Epic Nexus Generator Elemental 10 Yellow/​Brown Rite of Earth: Create Thick Head, Song of Stone, Born of Stone 11/15/2021 (0.0.0) 17 44 0 44 0%
Sheggra Legendary Broken Spire Warmaster Elemental-Dragon 14 Red/​Brown Lava Strike: Create Red, Convert Red to Skull Huge, Pyromania, Molten 10/28/2014 () 14 30 22 52 0%
Shimmerscale Epic Bright Forest Striker Fey-Dragon 12 Red/​Yellow Floral Fire: Deal Damage, Convert Brown to Red Fey Bond, Mana Shield, Tough Scales 08/19/2019 () 17 25 19 44 30%
Ship Cannon Common Blackhawk Striker Construct 8 Brown/​Brown Broadside: Deal Damage Construct Bond, Reinforced, Armored 03/07/2019 () 14 13 27 40 25%
Shocktopus Epic Blackhawk Generator Merfolk-Mech 12 Green/​Yellow Octo-Shock: Destroy Gems, True Damage Depth Charge, Water Link, Armored 02/15/2018 () 18 18 22 40 25%
Shoggorath Legendary Grosh-Nak/Dripping Caverns Striker Elemental-Monster 16 Blue/​Purple Enduring Scream: Cause Silence, True Damage, Explode Gems Deep Magic, Accursed, Gibbering Madness 04/02/2021 () 14 34 20 54 0%
Sibyl of Lust Ultra-Rare Sin of Maraj Generator Daemon-Mystic 9 Red/​Purple Dark Fire: Explode Gems Daemon Alert, Omen of Dark, Swift 12/31/2018 () 18 31 8 39 0%
Sifu Yuan Epic Shentang Striker Elf 12 Red/​Yellow Chi Strike: Deal Damage, Enchanted (ally), Enchanted Ascension castle Elf Bond, Sky Ancestry, Siegebreaker 10/01/2018 () 19 31 8 39 0%
Sileni Guard Rare Pan's Vale Defender Wildfolk-Knight 12 Red/​Brown Fiery Defense: Decrease Attack, Increase Armor, Barrier Wildfolk Wildfolk Shield, Grudge, Armored 07/13/2020 () 16 18 21 39 25%
Silent Sentinel Legendary Whitehelm/Hall of Guardians Defender Construct-Mystic 15 Blue/​Yellow Quiet Resistance: Heal, Explode Gems, Enchanted (sometimes) (all allies) Spell Armor, Stoneskin, Serenity 09/06/2018 () 20 20 22 42 25%
Silver Drakon Common Silverglade Striker Dragon 9 Purple/​Purple Sliver of Ice: Deal Damage, Cause Frozen, Create Blue More magic on target Dragon Bond, Insulated, Water Link 03/07/2019 () 13 30 14 44 0%
Silver Oak Ultra-Rare Silverglade Support Elemental-Mystic 9 Blue/​Brown Bring to Life: Heal (ally), Blessed (ally), Enchanted (ally) Inscribed, Revered, Barkskin 04/01/2019 () 13 26 22 48 32%
Sir Alamir Epic Whitehelm Generator Human-Knight 13 Blue/​Red Holy Fire: Create Red, Create Yellow, Deal Damage, Cause Burning Undead Slayer, Reinforced, Holy Armor 11/30/2020 () 17 44 0 44 40%
Sir Ebonheart Epic Sword's Edge Striker Knight 12 Red/​Purple Dark Blade: Steal Armor, Deal Damage Ascension castle Knight Shield, Infernal Armor, Siegebreaker 04/15/2019 () 17 19 25 44 0%
Sir Gwayne Epic Sword's Edge Warmaster Human-Knight 14 Red/​Yellow Rally the Troops: Create Blue, Create Brown, Summon Knight Bond, General, Armored 03/07/2019 () 17 19 25 44 25%
Sir Mordayne Epic Blighted Lands Striker Daemon-Knight 12 Blue/​Red Infernal Rupture: Steal Mana, Deal Damage Ascension castle Bloodlust, Infernal Armor, Siegebreaker 08/20/2018 () 17 21 23 44 0%
Sir Quentin Hadley Legendary Sword's Edge Warmaster Knight-Beast 18 Yellow/​Brown Griffin Strike: Convert Purple to Yellow, Convert Green to Skull, Deal Damage Knight Shield, Armored, Griffon Commander 02/10/2020 () 18 20 25 45 25%
Sir Snothelm Epic Zaejin Warrior Goblin-Knight 13 Blue/​Green Achoo!: Deal Damage, Cause Entangle, Cause Web, Extra Turn Immune, Virulence, Armored 03/07/2019 () 17 17 27 44 25%
Sir Wulfric Epic Maugrim Woods Warrior Wargare-Knight 12 Blue/​Brown Lunar Blade: Deal Damage, Increase Armor (all allies) Ascension castle Wargare Shield, Armored, Siegebreaker 05/28/2018 () 15 25 23 48 25%
Siren Rare Pan's Vale Striker Fey-Elemental 9 Green/​Purple Lure: Deal Damage, Create Any Revered, Alert, Empowered 10/28/2014 () 16 26 14 40 0%
Sister Ebony Epic Darkstone Assassin Human-Rogue 13 Purple/​Brown Mask of Ice and Shadow: Deal Damage, Barrier (sometimes) (self) Blue target Arcane, Stealthy, Mana Shield 10/19/2020 () 15 23 25 48 0%
Sister of Nightmares Rare Darkstone Striker Human-Rogue 12 Green/​Purple Deadly Vial: Deal Damage, Cause Random Status Effect, Cause Poison Bountyhunter, Stealthy, Swift 06/18/2021 () 17 26 10 36 0%
Sister of Shadows Ultra-Rare Darkstone Striker Human-Rogue 12 Red/​Purple Twin Blades: Deal Damage, Extra Turn (sometimes) Kill Mana Shield, Stealthy, Arcane 02/05/2018 () 19 22 13 35 0%
Sister Superior Rare Whitehelm Support Divine-Human 6 Green/​Yellow Ward Off Evil: Cleanse (all allies), Cause Dispel, Cause Stun, Extra Turn Daemon, Undead Bountyhunter, Revered, Empowered 05/11/2018 () 16 27 12 39 0%
Skadi Mythic Glacial Peaks Warlock Divine-Fey 20 Blue/​Yellow/​Purple Changing Seasons: Cause Frozen, Cause Mana Burn, Troop Order, Summon Insulated, Arcane, Snowstorm 12/22/2017 () 17 34 17 51 0%
Skeleros Epic Wild Plains Warmaster Undead-Tauros 12 Red/​Purple Bone Crusher: Create Skull Undead Bond, Magic Brand, Undying 10/18/2015 () 19 15 25 40 0%
Skeleton Common Khetar Warmaster Undead 10 Purple/​Purple Wake the Dead: Create Skull, Increase Armor, Extra Turn Undead Bond, Knight Slayer, Undying 10/28/2014 () 14 13 27 40 0%
Skroll Reborn Mythic Maugrim Woods Warmaster Beast-Boss 24 Blue/​Red/​Purple Solar Imbalance: Create Yellow, Convert Yellow to Doomskull, Summon Beast Bond, Impervious, Solar Inspiration 08/15/2021 () 16 30 23 53 0%
Skrymir the Lofty Epic Stormheim Support Elemental-Giant 14 Yellow/​Purple Cloud Song: Cleanse (ally), Barrier (ally), Heal (ally), Troop Order (ally) Alert, Huge, Bright Death 03/12/2018 () 15 33 15 48 0%
Skulk Fang Common Mist of Scales Striker Naga-Rogue 8 Purple/​Purple Blade of Fangs: Cause Poison, Deal Damage Venomous, Sturdy, Stealthy 01/21/2019 () 17 20 14 34 0%
Sky Goat Ultra-Rare Pan's Vale Striker Beast 12 Yellow/​Brown Butt from Above: Deal Damage, Cause Stun Thick Head, Thick Hide, Chaotic Wish 02/28/2022 (0.0.0) 19 29 6 35 19%
Sky Scorpion Ultra-Rare Drifting Sands Warlock Beast 10 Green/​Yellow Wings of Venom: Cause Poison (all), Decrease Mana (all), Remove Gems, One Shot Spells Venomous, Regeneration, Air Link 08/09/2021 () 18 31 8 39 0%
Slayer Ghost Rare Dhrak-Zum Warrior Undead-Dwarf 11 Blue/​Yellow Grave Axe: Deal Damage, Convert Skull to Doomskull Dwarf Shield, Frenzy, Undying 05/11/2018 () 21 21 9 30 0%
Sledgepaw Legendary Mist of Scales/Dark Pits Warrior Wildfolk-Giant 13 Yellow/​Brown Shredding Fist: Destroy Gems, Cause Cursed, Cause Stun, Cause Bleed Deep Strength, Armored, Mutant Regeneration 03/08/2019 () 16 29 20 49 25%
Sloth Common Sin of Maraj Warlock Daemon 10 Purple/​Purple Lethargy: Decrease Mana (all allies), Decrease Mana (all), Heal Insulated, Omen of Ice, Chill Touch 08/24/2018 () 20 21 7 28 0%
Sluagh Ultra-Rare Ghulvania/Dark Court Generator Fey-Monster 14 Red/​Purple Bleached Bones: Decrease Mana, Create Yellow Deep Vitality, Magic Heart, Infernal Armor 07/30/2021 () 18 28 12 40 0%
Smash-o-bot Ultra-Rare Adana/Tinker Town Warrior Mech 13 Blue/​Red Command: Attack: Explode Gems, Deal Damage, Lethal Damage (self) Deep Strength, Repair, Armored 08/28/2020 () 19 24 11 35 25%
Smashedmouth Legendary Zaejin Warrior Goblin-Giant 14 Green/​Red Titanic Cleave: Deal Damage, Decrease Mana, Troop Order, Extra Turn Grudge, Armored, Broken Jaw 09/28/2020 () 18 20 25 45 25%
Snake Charmer Ultra-Rare Leonis Empire Generator Human 11 Blue/​Green Mesmerize: Create Purple, Summon Beast Bond, Sturdy, Magic Link 08/13/2018 () 15 31 13 44 0%
Snow Guardian Ultra-Rare Glacial Peaks Striker Fey-Construct 12 Green/​Brown Snowballs!: Deal Damage, Cause Frozen, Create Blue Kill Insulated, Water Spirit, Arcane 03/07/2019 () 19 29 6 35 0%
Snow Panther Rare Glacial Peaks Generator Beast 10 Green/​Yellow Snow Vision: Create Blue, Cause Frozen Insulated, Stealthy, Fast 03/25/2019 () 21 23 7 30 0%
Snow Sprite Common Glacial Peaks Warlock Fey 6 Blue/​Blue Chill: Deal Damage, Cause Frozen Fey Bond, Insulated, Shatter 05/25/2016 () 14 31 10 41 0%
Snow-Hunter Epic Glacial Peaks Assassin Raksha-Rogue 12 Red/​Brown Tracking: Deal Damage, Cause Hunter's Mark Hunters mark Raksha Bond, Icy Death, Stealthy 08/21/2017 () 21 21 15 36 0%
Snowy Owl Common Stormheim Generator Beast 8 Yellow/​Yellow Night Vision: Destroy Gems, Create Any Nimble, Insulated, Magic Link 03/07/2019 () 17 24 10 34 0%
Snowy Owlbear Ultra-Rare Urskaya Striker Beast-Monster 11 Blue/​Brown Snowy Screech: Enraged (sometimes) (self), Deal Damage, Cause Frozen, Decrease Attack Less attack on target, More attack on target Beast Bond, Insulated, Thick Hide 03/01/2021 () 19 29 6 35 19%
Sol'Zara Legendary Grosh-Nak Assassin Orc-Mystic 15 Green/​Purple Spirit Fury: Generate Souls, Deal Damage More life on target Necromancy, Orc Cunning, Soul Ritual 12/11/2017 () 17 29 16 45 0%
Solari Ultra-Rare Whitehelm Generator Divine 12 Blue/​Yellow Touch of the Divine: Deal Damage, Cursed (sometimes), Death Mark (sometimes), Generate Mana (all allies) Undead Revered, Warded, Song of Light 04/27/2020 () 18 32 6 38 0%
Soldier of Wrath Rare Sin of Maraj Warrior Daemon 10 Blue/​Red Abyss Strike: True Damage Bountyhunter, Infernal Armor, Omen of Fire 01/04/2019 () 16 18 21 39 0%
Soothsayer Rare Wild Plains Generator Tauros-Mystic 9 Green/​Brown Spirit's Call: Destroy Gems, Increase All Stats (all allies) Stone Link, Accursed, Empowered 10/15/2015 () 12 36 12 48 0%
Soul Gnome Common The Vault Striker Gnome 9 Purple/​Purple Drain and Dash: Steal Life, Run Away Life Drain, Warded, Necromancy 09/04/2018 () 13 23 20 43 0%
Southrender Rare Stormheim Striker Human 7 Blue/​Yellow Thunder Axe: Deal Damage Frenzy, Air Heart, Sturdy 03/08/2022 (0.0.0) 18 26 9 35 0%
Sparkgrinder Epic Adana Support Dwarf 12 Red/​Yellow Upgrade: Increase Attack (ally), Increase Armor (ally) Mech Elemental Slayer, Mech Bond, Fortitude 10/28/2014 () 12 25 27 52 0%
Spearmaster Ultra-Rare Shentang Warrior Elf 12 Red/​Brown Aerial Drive: Destroy Gems, True Damage Armored, Transcend, Sky Ancestry 02/16/2018 () 18 22 18 40 25%
Spectral Colossus Ultra-Rare Sword's Edge Defender Undead-Knight 13 Blue/​Yellow Spectral Shield: Destroy Gems, Increase Armor, unknown(CauseMirror) (self) Knight Shield, Undying, Armored 03/14/2022 (0.0.0) 15 21 27 48 25%
Spectral Knight Ultra-Rare Sword's Edge/Crypt Keepers Assassin Undead-Knight 12 Red/​Purple Spectral Force: True Damage Any status effect Chill Touch, Armored, Undying 09/14/2018 () 18 15 24 39 25%
Spell-Paw Ultra-Rare Pridelands Generator Raksha-Mystic 11 Yellow/​Purple Cat's Eye Sigil: Convert Blue to Red, Barrier, Increase Armor Raksha Bond, Revered, Song of Fire 12/09/2019 () 18 26 13 39 0%
Spellblade Rare Shentang Striker Elf 12 Blue/​Yellow Enchanted Blade: Deal Damage, Enchanted (ally) Air Spirit, Transcend, Sky Ancestry 02/16/2018 () 18 21 14 35 0%
Spider Knight Common Zhul'Kari Striker Elf-Knight 7 Purple/​Purple Silken Sword: Cause Web, Deal Damage Dark Ancestry, Armored, Venomous 03/07/2019 () 14 19 19 38 25%
Spider Queen Ultra-Rare Zhul'Kari Warlock Elf-Daemon 9 Green/​Purple Web: Decrease Mana, Decrease Armor, Cause Web Leader, Dark Ancestry, Venomous 11/23/2014 () 19 26 8 34 0%
Spider Swarm Common Zhul'Kari Striker Beast 6 Red/​Red Spider Bite: Cause Poison, Deal Damage Slippery, Sturdy, Venomous 03/08/2016 () 11 28 17 45 0%
Spinnerette Epic Zhul'Kari Mage Daemon-Beast 10 Red/​Purple Shadow Weave: Deal Damage (all), Cause Web Regeneration, Slippery, Snare 12/11/2017 () 19 29 10 39 0%
Spirit Fox Ultra-Rare Maugrim Woods Warlock Fey-Beast 9 Green/​Purple Ghost Paw: Decrease Mana, True Damage, Remove Gems Accursed, Stealthy, Empowered 06/12/2016 () 18 32 6 38 0%
Spiritdancer Ultra-Rare Maugrim Woods Warmaster Wargare-Mystic 13 Blue/​Purple Spirit Conduit: Convert Any to Green, Summon Wargare Bond, Nature Heart, Call Nature 05/28/2018 () 18 31 8 39 0%
Spiritmane Ultra-Rare Pridelands Support Raksha-Mystic 11 Green/​Purple Prophecy: Increase Attack (ally), Increase Magic (ally) Raksha Raksha Bond, Mana Shield, Fire Link 03/05/2018 () 18 29 11 40 0%
Spooky Imp Legendary Primal Warlock Elemental 14 Purple/​Purple Trick or Treat: Randomly: Transform, Deal Damage (all), Increase Magic (all allies) Elemental Bond, Magic Link, Boo! 04/17/2016 () 18 32 14 46 0%
Spring Emissary Epic Bright Forest Support Fey-Mystic 13 Blue/​Green Flowering Wisdom: Increase Magic (ally), Generate Mana (ally), Blessed (sometimes) (ally), Enchanted (sometimes) (ally) Fey Fey Bond, Fire Link, Nature Link 01/04/2021 () 15 31 17 48 0%
Spring Imp Legendary Primal Mage Elemental 12 Green/​Green Pollenate: Deal Damage (all), Cause Entangle (all), Increase Magic Kill Elemental Bond, Nature Link, Seedling 04/17/2016 () 18 34 12 46 0%
Star Gazer Rare Divinion Fields Support Divine-Centaur 9 Green/​Purple Blessing: Remove Gems, Increase Attack (ally) Revered, Magic Spirit, Empowered 10/28/2014 () 12 34 16 50 0%
Starflower Legendary Pan's Vale Mage Wildfolk-Mystic 15 Yellow/​Purple Deadly Familiar: Deal Damage (all), Summon, Transform Fey Arcane, Spell Armor, Fey Link 06/03/2019 () 18 36 9 45 25%
Statue of St. Veritas Epic Whitehelm Defender Divine 12 Blue/​Brown Blessing of Stone: Deal Damage, Barrier (sometimes) (all allies) Ascension castle, Caster damaged Divine Shield, Stoneskin, Siegebreaker 05/07/2018 () 17 19 25 44 50%
Steam Turret Rare Adana Mage Mech 10 Yellow/​Brown Barrage: Deal Damage (all) Mech Bond, Fire Spirit, Reinforced 10/28/2014 () 12 14 35 49 0%
Steel Cobra Ultra-Rare Mist of Scales Striker Construct-Beast 13 Red/​Brown Triple Venom: Deal Damage, Cause Poison Repair, Armored, Chaotic Wish 02/21/2022 (0.0.0) 19 29 6 35 25%
Stheno Epic Bright Forest Generator Fey-Naga 13 Green/​Yellow Serpent Dreams: Create Green and Red Naga Bond, Sturdy, Mana Shield 06/27/2022 (0.0.0) 17 44 0 44 0%
Stone Giant Ultra-Rare Broken Spire Defender Elemental-Giant 10 Blue/​Green Destruction: Remove Gems, Deal Damage Giant Bond, Big, Stoneskin 10/29/2014 () 14 31 17 48 50%
Stone Mefyt Rare Hellcrag Warlock Daemon-Construct 9 Green/​Brown Poison Stone: Create and , Poison Bountyhunter, Sturdy, Stoneskin 08/19/2022 (0.0.0) 16 26 14 40 50%
Stone Viper Ultra-Rare Mist of Scales Generator Beast-Construct 12 Green/​Brown Stone Fangs: Create Yellow, Convert Yellow to Brown Venomous, Stoneskin, Swift 08/08/2022 (0.0.0) 18 29 11 40 50%
Stone Zombie Rare Hellcrag Generator Undead-Construct 10 Blue/​Brown Crypt of Despair: Randomly: Convert Block to , Explode Gems Stone Heart, Undying, Stoneskin 08/15/2022 (0.0.0) 14 36 7 43 50%
Stone-Biter Epic Broken Spire Striker Giant 12 Red/​Brown Ogre Smash!: Deal Damage, Increase All Stats Ascension castle, Kill Leader, Big, Siegebreaker 07/08/2019 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Stone-Shaker Epic Pridelands Warrior Beast 12 Red/​Yellow Horn Buster: Deal Damage, Explode Gems Ascension castle Beast Shield, Armored, Siegebreaker 03/05/2018 () 17 23 21 44 25%
Stoneborn Lion Ultra-Rare Nexus Striker Elemental-Beast 11 Blue/​Brown Petrifying Roar: Cause Stun, Deal Damage, Create , Extra Turn (sometimes) Kill Thick Head, Stoneskin, Born of Stone 11/15/2021 (0.0.0) 19 22 13 35 50%
Stonehammer Mythic Khaziel Defender Divine-Dwarf 22 Blue/​Yellow/​Brown Ancient Wrath: Cause Stun (all), Cause Burning (all), Create Red and Brown, Heal Stone Heart, Fortitude, Unbreakable 03/07/2019 () 14 37 20 57 80%
Storm Knight Ultra-Rare Stormheim Warrior Giant-Knight 12 Red/​Yellow Howling Blow: Destroy Gems, Increase Attack, True Damage Blue target Frozen Hatred, Insulated, Armored 12/28/2020 () 19 21 14 35 25%
Stormchaser Epic Wild Plains Generator Tauros-Mystic 13 Green/​Yellow Lightning Spear: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage (all) Elemental Tauros Bond, Song of Fire, Arcane 11/08/2021 (0.0.0) 17 44 0 44 0%
Stormsinger Epic Suncrest Generator Elemental-Stryx 10 Yellow/​Purple Deluge: Randomly: Convert Any to Blue, Cause Icestorm, Cause Leafstorm, Cause Firestorm, Cause Lightstorm, Cause Darkstorm Stryx Bond, Air Heart, Mana Shield 10/08/2018 () 15 31 17 48 0%
Street Thief Rare Leonis Empire/City of Thieves Generator Human-Rogue 12 Blue/​Brown Snatch Wealth: Take Resources (all), Generate Gold, Create Purple Deep Strength, Extreme Greed, Agile 08/30/2019 () 18 27 7 34 0%
Stringfiddler Epic Zaejin Generator Goblin 14 Green/​Purple Eardrum Burster: Cause Silence, Explode Gems, Extra Turn Goblin Bond, Alert, Song of Nature 10/28/2019 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Strygik Epic Suncrest Warrior Stryx-Knight 12 Red/​Yellow Wise Warrior: Deal Damage (all), Cause Lightstorm Stryx Shield, Armored, Air Spirit 12/11/2017 () 19 21 19 40 25%
Succubus Rare Blighted Lands Warlock Daemon 9 Red/​Purple Kiss of Death: Decrease Mana, Cause Death Mark Accursed, Life Drain, Daemonic Pact 03/08/2016 () 16 27 12 39 0%
Sulfur Slime Ultra-Rare Broken Spire Generator Elemental-Monster 11 Blue/​Red Gaseous Eruption: Create Yellow, Convert Yellow to Red, Decrease Random Stat Aflame, Chaotic Wish, Fire Link 01/24/2022 (0.0.0) 18 29 11 40 0%
Summer Imp Legendary Primal Generator Elemental 12 Yellow/​Yellow Sunburst: Deal Damage (all), Create Red, Increase Magic Kill Elemental Bond, Air Link, Sunshine 04/30/2015 () 20 25 11 36 0%
Summer Knight Rare Bright Forest Defender Fey-Knight 12 Red/​Yellow Flame Armor: Destroy Gems, Increase Armor, Increase Attack, Barrier Fireproof, Fey Touch, Holy Armor 01/29/2018 () 16 18 21 39 40%
Summoner Rare Grosh-Nak Warmaster Orc-Mystic 13 Red/​Purple Bolster: Summon, Heal (all allies) Orc Armor, Jinx, Daemonic Pact 08/23/2015 () 14 27 16 43 0%
Suna Mythic Bright Forest Warlock Divine-Fey 20 Green/​Red/​Purple Bask: Steal Life, Steal Magic Fey Bond, Fireproof, Sun Fire 07/06/2018 () 19 34 13 47 0%
Sunbird Ultra-Rare Suncrest Mage Elemental-Beast 12 Red/​Purple Resurrection: Deal Damage (all), Lethal Damage (self), Summon Fire Heart, Regeneration, From Ashes 08/28/2017 () 15 35 7 42 0%
Sunsail Common Pridelands Generator Beast 9 Green/​Green Infected Bite: Cause Disease, Convert Yellow to Brown, Deal Damage Beast Bond, Immune, Stone Link 03/07/2019 () 14 27 13 40 0%
Sunweaver Epic Wild Plains Support Undead-Tauros 12 Blue/​Yellow Ancient's Glory: Increase Attack (ally), Increase Armor (ally), Heal (ally), Generate Mana (ally) Monster Slayer, Undying, Water Spirit 10/15/2015 () 18 28 18 46 0%
Swamp Rat Ultra-Rare Mist of Scales Striker Elemental-Beast 12 Purple/​Brown Swamp Ambush: True Damage, Submerged Regeneration, Venomous, Swift 06/01/2020 () 19 29 6 35 0%
Swamplash Epic Mist of Scales Assassin Elemental-Monster 12 Green/​Brown Twisting Vines: Deal Damage, Cause Entangle Entangle Monster Bond, Nature Link, Huge 07/26/2015 () 15 36 12 48 0%
Swanmay Epic Suncrest Warmaster Beast-Human 14 Red/​Yellow Deceptive Beauty: Generate Mana (all allies), Convert Yellow to Skull Revered, Mana Shield, Lycanthropy 07/05/2021 () 19 29 10 39 0%
Sword Maiden Ultra-Rare Silverglade Striker Elf 7 Red/​Purple Riposte: Deal Damage Magic Heart, High Ancestry, Agile 03/08/2022 (0.0.0) 19 29 6 35 0%
Swordmaster Rare Silverglade Striker Elf-Knight 11 Blue/​Green Blade Waltz: Deal Damage Elf Bond, High Ancestry, Armored 03/07/2019 () 16 18 21 39 25%
Sycorax Mythic Blackhawk Generator Elemental-Mystic 25 Blue/​Green/​Brown Sea of Magic: Create Any, Heal Troll Regeneration, Impervious, Troll Blood 06/05/2020 () 19 32 15 47 0%
Sylfrostenath Epic Dragon's Claw Mage Dragon 13 Blue/​Green Frost Breath: Deal Damage (all), Frozen Huge, Insulated, Tough Scales 04/06/2020 () 17 21 23 44 30%
Sylph Ultra-Rare Suncrest Mage Stryx-Fey 11 Yellow/​Purple Feather Frenzy: Deal Damage (all) Stryx Bond, Frenzy, Fast 03/07/2019 () 26 17 6 23 0%
Sylvanimora Legendary Forest of Thorns Mage Dragon 17 Green/​Brown Tremor: Explode Gems, Deal Damage (all) Dragon Boon, Huge, Dragon Vines 03/07/2019 () 16 32 18 50 0%
Sylvasi Epic Pan's Vale Generator Fey-Wildfolk 13 Green/​Red Mischief: Steal Attack, Convert Blue to Purple Fey Touch, Barkskin, Agile 12/07/2014 () 17 32 9 41 32%
Tai-Pan Epic Mist of Scales Generator Naga 12 Blue/​Green Venom Lance: Convert Brown to Red, Cause Poison, Deal Damage Naga Bond, Venomous, Empowered 06/04/2018 () 21 21 15 36 0%
Tal'Rae Epic Zhul'Kari Assassin Elf-Mystic 12 Blue/​Red Witch Strike: Deal Damage, Cause Web Web Dark Ancestry, Stalker, Arcane 03/07/2019 () 17 29 15 44 0%
Taloca Legendary Suncrest Mage Elemental-Stryx 16 Blue/​Yellow Thunderstrike: Deal Damage (all) Any storm Revered, Alert, Lightning Bolt 10/08/2018 () 18 24 22 46 0%
Tankbot 2000 Epic Adana Defender Mech 11 Red/​Brown Gear Strike: Steal Armor, True Damage Fire Brand, Reinforced, Stoneskin 04/12/2015 () 14 17 32 49 50%
Tannenbaum Legendary Silverglade Warrior Elemental-Fey 16 Green/​Yellow Tinsel Twist: Deal Damage, Cause Entangle, Troop Order Barkskin, Impervious, Tinsel Terror 12/24/2021 (0.0.0) 18 20 25 45 32%
Tarantella Epic Zhul'Kari Striker Elf-Mystic 12 Yellow/​Purple Void Saber: Deal Damage Ascension boss Spell Armor, Dark Ancestry, Godslayer 12/10/2018 () 19 25 15 40 25%
Tartarus Legendary Sin of Maraj/Depths of Sin Warrior Daemon 15 Yellow/​Purple Hellish Rebuke: Deal Damage, Generate Souls Deep Magic, Daemon Shield, Darken Souls 05/01/2020 () 20 27 14 41 0%
Tassarion Epic Glacial Peaks Generator Elf-Mystic 18 Yellow/​Purple Forbidden Lore: Create Any, Increase Magic (all allies), One Shot Spells Elf Bond, High Ancestry, Arcane 05/25/2016 () 12 39 12 51 0%
Tau Epic Sword's Edge Striker Raksha 11 Blue/​Yellow Stalk Prey: Deal Damage, Increase All Stats Kill Knight Slayer, Dragon Slayer, Empowered 10/28/2014 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Tauraeus Mythic Wild Plains Mage Tauros-Beast 24 Green/​Red/​Yellow Bull Sign: Deal Damage (all), Troop Order Thick Head, Thick Hide, Celestial Temper 04/01/2022 (0.0.0) 22 16 25 41 19%
Tauros Common Wild Plains Striker Tauros 9 Green/​Green Trample: Deal Damage Caster damaged Nature Link, Frenzy, Thick Hide 10/15/2015 () 14 31 8 39 19%
TED-1000 Epic Adana Warrior Mech 12 Green/​Brown Mecha Rage: Deal Damage, Enraged Ascension castle Mech Shield, Armored, Siegebreaker 04/16/2018 () 17 17 27 44 25%
Templar Rare Whitehelm Generator Human-Knight 10 Blue/​Brown Shield Wall: Convert Red to Green, Increase Armor (all allies) Defender, Water Link, Armored 10/28/2014 () 14 18 26 44 25%
Terra Wyrm Epic Dragon's Claw/Wyrmrun Defender Dragon 13 Yellow/​Brown Crystal Blast: Increase Attack, Increase Armor, Explode Gems Deep Strength, Stoneskin, Bone Pile 09/03/2021 () 19 17 23 40 50%
Terraxis Epic Broken Spire Mage Daemon 13 Red/​Yellow Petrify: Convert Blue to Brown, Deal Damage (all) Siege, Fire Link, Stone Spirit 06/14/2015 () 19 29 12 41 0%
Tesla Legendary Adana Mage Human 15 Blue/​Red Overload: True Damage (all) Mech Bond, Invention, Overclock 03/07/2019 () 18 24 22 46 0%
Tezca Epic Suncrest Support Wildfolk-Mystic 12 Green/​Purple Ruby Staff: Increase Attack (ally), Heal (ally), Cleanse (ally), Increase Magic (ally) Red target Wildfolk Bond, Stryx Slayer, Arcane 03/07/2019 () 19 27 12 39 0%
Thaumaris Epic Dragon's Claw Striker Dragon 12 Blue/​Purple Draconic Breach: Deal Damage, Explode Gems Ascension castle Dragon Bond, Spell Armor, Siegebreaker 10/21/2019 () 17 27 17 44 25%
Thaumataur Rare Divinion Fields Warlock Centaur-Mystic 12 Red/​Purple Darkstar Blast: Deal Damage, Decrease Mana Magic Heart, Accursed, Mana Shield 06/29/2020 () 16 26 14 40 0%
The Archdeva Mythic Whitehelm Support Divine-Human 20 Red/​Yellow/​Purple Chosen of the Gods: Increase Attack (ally), Increase Armor (ally), Heal (ally), Generate Mana (ally), One Shot Spells Air Spirit, Revered, Sanctuary 03/05/2021 () 17 36 15 51 0%
The Archduke Mythic Blighted Lands Assassin Daemon 25 Blue/​Red/​Brown Damned Blade: Lethal Damage (sometimes), Deal Damage, Summon (sometimes) Kill Warded, Infernal Armor, Darklord Rising 05/07/2021 () 16 19 34 53 0%
The Burrow Warden Epic Pan's Vale Warrior Wildfolk 13 Blue/​Green Seeking Shot: Decrease Attack, Heal Frenzy, Armored, Eagle Eye 08/02/2021 () 20 22 14 36 25%
The Chariot Legendary Adana Support Construct 6 Green/​Green Draw the Chariot: Increase Armor (all allies), Extra Turn (sometimes) Inscribed, Revered, Good Tarot 05/16/2022 (0.0.0) 20 20 23 43 0%
The Deep King Legendary Merlantis/Sea of Sorrow Warrior Merfolk 15 Blue/​Brown Watery Ambush: True Damage, Submerged Deep Vitality, Bloodlust, Jaws 10/19/2018 () 20 24 18 42 0%
The Devil Legendary Blighted Lands Warlock Construct 6 Red/​Red Draw the Devil: Cause Cursed, Extra Turn (sometimes) Inscribed, Accursed, Bad Tarot 10/25/2021 (0.0.0) 14 34 20 54 0%
The Devoted Rare Leonis Empire Generator Divine-Human 12 Blue/​Yellow Orpheus' Will: Create Any, Cleanse (all allies), Increase Armor (all allies) Divine Bond, Revered, Air Spirit 03/07/2019 () 14 32 9 41 0%
The Dragon Soul Legendary Dragon's Claw Generator Dragon-Mystic 16 Red/​Purple Fallen Stars: Explode Gems, Deal Damage (all), Generate Souls Dragon Dragon Bond, Huge, Rebirth 03/07/2019 () 18 32 14 46 0%
The Emperor Legendary Leonis Empire Support Construct 6 Blue/​Blue Draw The Emperor: Increase All Stats, Extra Turn (sometimes) Inscribed, Revered, Good Tarot 04/26/2021 () 19 21 24 45 0%
The Flesh Horror Legendary Ghulvania Warrior Undead-Monster 16 Blue/​Purple Crushing Weight: Decrease Armor, Deal Damage Thick Hide, Undying, He of Many Parts 10/31/2021 (0.0.0) 18 20 25 45 19%
The Fool Legendary Zaejin Warlock Construct 6 Brown/​Brown Draw the Fool: Jumble Board, Troop Order (all), Extra Turn (sometimes) Inscribed, Accursed, Bad Tarot 02/28/2022 (0.0.0) 14 34 20 54 0%
The Frostfire King Legendary Stormheim/Frostfire Keep Mage Elemental-Elf 16 Blue/​Red Crown of Ice and Fire: Deal Damage, Cause Burning, Cause Frozen Deep Magic, High Ancestry, Frostfire Aura 12/13/2019 () 18 25 20 45 0%
The Gemini Mythic Ghulvania Warlock Undead-Mystic 24 Red/​Yellow/​Purple Twin Sign: Cause Cursed, Cause Bleed, Steal Life Spell Armor, Undying, Celestial Hunger 05/06/2022 (0.0.0) 17 28 23 51 25%
The Ghost Queen Legendary Ghulvania Assassin Undead 16 Green/​Brown Wraith Song: Steal Mana, Steal Life Undead Bond, Undying, Haunted Crown 10/31/2020 () 14 34 20 54 0%
The Gray King Mythic Ghulvania Warlock Undead 22 Blue/​Purple/​Brown The Gray March: Destroy Gems, True Damage, Decrease Mana, Cause Silence, Cause Frozen Undead Shield, Undying, King's Legion 10/04/2019 () 21 21 22 43 0%
The Great Maw Legendary Drifting Sands Assassin Monster 24 Yellow/​Brown Sandstorm: Cause Devour, Create Yellow, Create Brown, One Shot Spells Frenzy, Huge, Hunger 03/08/2016 () 18 35 12 47 0%
The Great Wyrm Legendary Dragon's Claw/Wyrmrun Mage Dragon 16 Red/​Yellow Shattering Screech: Deal Damage (all) Deep Magic, Tough Scales, Bone Feast 09/03/2021 () 22 29 8 37 30%
The Infernal Machine Ultra-Rare Sin of Maraj/Depths of Sin Warmaster Daemon-Construct 12 Blue/​Purple Infernal Siege: Randomly: Create Skull, Summon, Create Doomskull Deep Shield, Warded, Armored 05/01/2020 () 18 15 24 39 25%
The Lord of Slaughter Mythic Wild Plains Warmaster Wargare-Construct 27 Blue/​Green/​Red Flail of Doom: Create Brown, Convert Brown to Doomskull, Cause Bleed, Cause Death Mark Armored, Song of Doom, Savage Strike 07/03/2020 () 16 30 23 53 25%
The Lovers Legendary Nexus Support Construct 6 Red/​Red Draw the Lovers: Heal, Extra Turn (sometimes) Revered, Inscribed, Good Tarot 11/15/2021 (0.0.0) 20 20 23 43 0%
The Magician Legendary Silverglade Support Construct 6 Purple/​Purple Draw the Magician: Enchanted (ally), Enchanted, Extra Turn (sometimes) Inscribed, Revered, Good Tarot 12/13/2021 (0.0.0) 20 20 23 43 0%
The Maraji Queen Legendary Bright Forest/Sunken Fleet Warmaster Elemental-Construct 15 Blue/​Red Cursed Waves: Cause Cursed (all), Convert Green to Doomskull Deep Vitality, Barkskin, Drowned Crew 05/17/2019 () 18 22 24 46 32%
The Mirror Queen Legendary Glacial Peaks/Mirrored Halls Assassin Fey 15 Yellow/​Purple Mirror Realm: Deal Damage, Summon Deep Magic, Fey Bond, Mirror Image 11/08/2019 () 18 32 14 46 0%
The Moon Legendary Maugrim Woods Warlock Construct 6 Purple/​Purple Draw the Moon: Unknown(CauseLycanthropy), Create , Extra Turn (sometimes) Inscribed, Accursed, Bad Tarot 07/12/2021 () 14 34 20 54 0%
The Possessed King Mythic Darkstone Warlock Daemon-Human 26 Blue/​Green/​Purple Dark Possession: Deal Damage (all), Transform Type Daemon Dark Covenant, Accursed, Unstable Possession 11/02/2018 () 22 21 20 41 0%
The Scourge of Honor Mythic Sin of Maraj Mage Daemon-Wildfolk 22 Green/​Red/​Brown Vermin Plague: True Damage (all), Generate Mana Immune, Omen of Nature, Rat Swarm 01/01/2021 () 22 16 25 41 0%
The Silent One Legendary Pan's Vale Warlock Daemon 14 Blue/​Yellow Hush: Cause Silence (all), Cause Silence (self) Water Link, Daemonic Pact, Silence! 10/28/2014 () 20 25 16 41 0%
The Silvermaiden Epic Silverglade Defender Elf-Knight 12 Blue/​Purple Glorious Dawn: Cleanse, Barrier, Destroy Gems, Increase Armor, Heal Leader, High Ancestry, Holy Armor 03/07/2019 () 15 21 27 48 40%
The Sparkinator Mythic Adana Defender Mech 22 Blue/​Red/​Yellow AI Malfunction: Steal Armor (all), Create , Explode Gems Armored, Spell Armor, Firewall 05/23/2022 (0.0.0) 23 18 21 39 25%
The Star Legendary Bright Forest Support Construct 6 Yellow/​Yellow Draw The Star: Increase Magic (ally), Extra Turn (sometimes) Inscribed, Revered, Good Tarot 09/27/2021 (0.0.0) 20 20 23 43 0%
The Sun Legendary Suncrest Support Construct 6 Yellow/​Yellow Draw The Sun: Heal (all allies), Extra Turn (sometimes) Inscribed, Revered, Good Tarot 02/08/2021 () 20 20 23 43 0%
The Wendigo Legendary Divinion Fields/Wild Court Mage Fey-Monster 16 Green/​Red Hunting Grounds: Deal Damage (all), Blessed (sometimes) (all allies) Kill Deep Magic, Revenge, Hunter's Moon 10/21/2019 () 18 29 16 45 0%
The Werestag Legendary Forest of Thorns Striker Beast-Monster 16 Green/​Yellow Spirit Antlers: True Damage, Create Doomskull Beast Bond, Lycanthropy, Moon Fever 06/21/2021 () 14 34 20 54 0%
The Widow Queen Legendary Zhul'Kari Mage Elf 16 Green/​Purple Tangled Web: Cause Dispel (ally), Lethal Damage (ally), Deal Damage (all), Summon Elf Bond, Dark Ancestry, Webweaver 04/02/2018 () 18 34 12 46 0%
The Wild King Mythic Pan's Vale Warmaster Wildfolk 22 Blue/​Green/​Yellow Incite Fury: Enraged (all allies), Increase Attack (all allies), Create Skull and Yellow Wildfolk Bond, Song of Bones, Wild Cunning 06/03/2022 (0.0.0) 16 30 23 53 0%
The Wild Queen Mythic Pan's Vale Warmaster Elemental-Wildfolk 22 Green/​Purple/​Brown Savage Dance: Decrease Attack, Increase Attack, Create Green and Skull Wildfolk Bond, From Bones, Wild Frenzy 05/04/2018 () 19 32 15 47 0%
The World Legendary Mist of Scales Support Construct 6 Green/​Green Draw the World: Heal (ally), Extra Turn (sometimes) Inscribed, Revered, Good Tarot 08/01/2022 (0.0.0) 20 20 23 43 0%
The Worldbreaker Mythic Divinion Fields Mage Dragon-Centaur 30 Green/​Red/​Yellow Vorpal Blade: Explode Gems, Deal Damage (all) Indigestible, Infernal Armor, Insane Growth 11/24/2017 () 20 25 20 45 0%
Thorn Knight Ultra-Rare Forest of Thorns Striker Elf-Knight 10 Green/​Purple Thorn Blade: Deal Damage, Cause Entangle, Remove Gems Knight Bond, Wood Ancestry, Armored 03/07/2019 () 14 18 27 45 25%
Thrall Common Darkstone Generator Human 6 Purple/​Purple Suffering: Extra Turn (sometimes), Deal Damage (self), Destroy Gems Human Bond, Magic Heart, Magic Link 12/08/2015 () 13 38 4 42 0%
Thunderforge Epic Khaziel Support Dwarf-Construct 11 Blue/​Brown Temper Steel: Increase Attack (ally), Increase Armor (ally) Dwarf Invention, Fortitude, Stoneskin 06/24/2019 () 0 36 40 76 50%
Tian Yi Mythic Shentang Warrior Wildfolk-Mystic 20 Blue/​Red/​Yellow Heavenly Strike: Deal Damage, Cause Stun, Summon Less attack on target Jinx, Agile, Monkey Magic 02/01/2019 () 25 23 12 35 0%
Tigraki Warrior Rare Leonis Empire Striker Raksha-Knight 12 Red/​Brown Break Morale: True Damage Bountyhunter, Undead Slayer, Armored 08/17/2018 () 16 18 21 39 25%
Tihamata Mythic Dragon's Claw Mage Elemental-Dragon 20 Green/​Red/​Yellow Reign of Fire: Deal Damage (all), Create Tough Scales, Wild Magic, Absorb Spell 12/20/2021 (0.0.0) 22 16 25 41 30%
TINA-9000 Mythic Adana Warrior Mech 24 Green/​Red/​Brown Lightning Fire: True Damage, Increase Armor Invention, Spell Block, Electrified Plating 03/01/2019 () 18 19 30 49 50%
Tink Steamwhistle Legendary Adana/Tinker Town Warmaster Dwarf-Mech 16 Yellow/​Brown Dwarven Ingenuity: Heal (all allies), Increase Armor (all allies), Summon Deep Vitality, Fortitude, Flux Capacitor 08/28/2020 () 20 25 16 41 0%
Tinseltail Legendary Bright Forest Support Fey-Dragon 15 Green/​Red Candy Blossom: Increase Magic (all allies), Deal Damage (all), Explode Gems, Heal (all allies) Nature Heart, Mana Shield, Sour Candy 12/17/2018 () 20 27 14 41 0%
Toadsqueezer Epic Zaejin Striker Goblin 12 Blue/​Red Unstable Concoction: Randomly: Deal Damage, Extra Turn, Explode Gems, Enchanted (all allies) Ascension castle Arcane, Impervious, Siegebreaker 10/28/2019 () 19 29 10 39 0%
Tomb Knight Ultra-Rare Khetar Defender Undead-Knight 13 Blue/​Yellow Cobra Shield: Destroy Gems, Increase Attack, Increase Armor, Barrier Venomous, Undying, Tough Scales 12/07/2020 () 15 21 27 48 30%
Tomb Robber Epic Leonis Empire/City of Thieves Warmaster Human-Rogue 13 Blue/​Purple Steal from the Dead: Create Skull, Summon (sometimes) Ally death Deep Shield, Extreme Greed, Agile 08/30/2019 () 19 27 12 39 0%
Tomb Spider Epic Zhul'Kari Warlock Beast 12 Red/​Brown Snaring Hunt: Cause Web, Cause Hunter's Mark, Deal Damage, Death Mark (sometimes) Slippery, Stalker, Magic Spirit 04/02/2018 () 19 29 10 39 0%
Tome of Evil Common Karakoth Warmaster Daemon-Construct 10 Purple/​Purple Death Curse: Summon, Cause Death Mark Accursed, Daemonic Pact, Magic Link 01/22/2018 () 10 27 21 48 0%
Totec Epic Suncrest Defender Stryx-Knight 12 Yellow/​Brown Wise Shield: Increase Armor, Barrier, Barrier (sometimes) (all allies) Any storm Song of Light, Armored, Spell Armor 06/06/2022 (0.0.0) 19 17 23 40 25%
Totem Guardian Rare Maugrim Woods Support Wargare-Construct 11 Green/​Brown Totemic Ward: Create Any, Barrier Wargare Wargare Shield, Wargare Bond, Barkskin 03/07/2019 () 9 21 32 53 32%
Tourmaline Mythic Hellcrag Warlock Daemon-Knight 22 Green/​Red/​Brown Eye of Hellcrag: Deal Damage (all), Decrease Mana (all) Stone Pact, Infernal Armor, Hellcrag Guards 08/05/2022 (0.0.0) 17 28 23 51 0%
Tracker Ultra-Rare Maugrim Woods Generator Wargare 11 Green/​Brown On the Hunt: Create Green, Create Red, Summon Eagle Eye, Armor Piercing, Nature Link 04/22/2019 () 19 19 15 34 0%
Treachery Common Guardians Assassin Naga-Construct 11 Blue/​Blue Treacherous Strike: Deal Damage Blue target Frozen Hatred, Stoneskin, Gift of Treachery 12/16/2019 () 19 25 23 48 50%
Treant Ultra-Rare Forest of Thorns Defender Fey-Elemental 12 Blue/​Green Barkskin: Remove Gems, Increase Armor, Increase Attack Nature Heart, Big, Stoneskin 10/28/2014 () 18 22 18 40 50%
Treasure Gnome Common The Vault Generator Gnome 9 Red/​Red Grab and Go: Destroy Gems, Generate Gold, Run Away Greedy, Jinx, Agile 02/20/2018 () 17 24 10 34 0%
Trickster Rare Pan's Vale/The Warrens Generator Wildfolk-Rogue 11 Green/​Purple Trick Shot: Explode Gems, Troop Order Deep Vitality, Agile, Swift 12/28/2018 () 18 23 12 35 0%
Trihorn Ultra-Rare Drifting Sands Striker Monster 11 Red/​Brown Horn Ram: Deal Damage, Troop Order Clobber, Thick Hide, Impervious 03/02/2020 () 19 15 19 34 19%
Triton Legendary Merlantis Striker Merfolk 16 Blue/​Purple Mighty Trident: Deal Damage, Increase Magic Merfolk Merfolk Bond, Song of Ice, Sea of Hope 08/22/2022 (0.0.0) 14 34 20 54 0%
Trk'Nala Epic Grosh-Nak Warmaster Orc 12 Red/​Yellow Tireless Pursuit: Convert Green to Skull, Cause Hunter's Mark Orc Armor, Agile, Empowered 07/11/2022 (0.0.0) 19 29 10 39 0%
Troglodyte Common Darkstone Assassin Merfolk-Monster 11 Brown/​Brown Hooked: Deal Damage, Cause Duststorm Stone Heart, Immune, Stone Aura 03/29/2017 () 16 27 24 51 0%
Troubadour Common Pridelands Generator Raksha 10 Yellow/​Yellow Inspiring Ballad: Create Any (ally) Air Heart, Mana Shield, Song of Light 03/08/2022 (0.0.0) 17 24 10 34 0%
Tuliao Epic Shentang Support Elf 13 Green/​Yellow Enchanted Art: Enchanted, Generate Mana Elf Bond, Revered, Sky Ancestry 01/27/2020 () 19 27 12 39 0%
Turtle Cannon Epic Zaejin Defender Beast-Construct 11 Blue/​Brown Cannonball!: Explode Gems, Create Green Thick Head, Aflame, Stoneskin 01/14/2019 () 19 15 25 40 50%
Tuskar Ultra-Rare Pridelands Striker Wildfolk 11 Green/​Brown Tusks of War: Deal Damage, Heal Nature Heart, Regeneration, Big 03/07/2019 () 15 37 6 43 0%
Tuskor Epic Merlantis Striker Merfolk-Wildfolk 12 Blue/​Green Mighty Harpoon: Deal Damage Ascension boss Water Heart, Thick Hide, Godslayer 06/22/2020 () 19 25 15 40 19%
Tutankhatmun Epic Khetar Warlock Undead-Beast 12 Blue/​Green Feline Disdain: Cause Cursed, Cause Death Mark, Destroy Gems Cursed Touch, Stealthy, Undying 12/30/2019 () 21 25 10 35 0%
Twinkle Berry Epic Bright Forest Striker Fey-Dragon 13 Green/​Purple Berry Blast: Convert Purple to Green, Deal Damage Fireproof, Arcane, Mana Shield 03/21/2022 (0.0.0) 17 31 12 43 0%
Twisted Hero Ultra-Rare Blighted Lands Support Undead 10 Red/​Yellow Fallen Valor: Create Red, Create Purple, Increase Random Stat (ally) Undead Bond, Doom, Undying 03/08/2016 () 15 19 24 43 0%
Tyran and Rex Epic Drifting Sands Striker Human-Monster 12 Blue/​Brown Dino Dash: Randomly: Deal Damage, Enraged, Destroy Gems Ascension boss Leader, Thick Hide, Godslayer 03/02/2020 () 19 23 17 40 19%
Tyri Epic Zhul'Kari Generator Elf-Rogue 8 Green/​Purple Treasure Hunt: Destroy Gems, Generate Gold, Generate Treasure Maps Greedy, Stealthy, Wood Ancestry 10/28/2014 () 21 25 10 35 0%
Tzathoth Epic Karakoth Assassin Daemon 11 Green/​Purple Ring of Tentacles: Cause Devour, Cause Web, Deal Damage Indigestible, Daemonic Pact, Agile 11/06/2017 () 19 27 12 39 0%
Ubastet Mythic Pridelands Assassin Divine-Raksha 24 Red/​Yellow/​Brown Ultimate Savagery: Deal Damage, Lethal Damage (sometimes) Kill Raksha Bond, Fiery Death, Pride Prowess 06/01/2018 () 25 24 11 35 0%
Ulf Harrigan Legendary Sword's Edge Striker Human-Knight 16 Blue/​Brown Howling Volley: True Damage, Summon Damaged Knight Bond, Armored, True Banding 04/26/2021 () 14 27 27 54 25%
Ulf's Mascot Ultra-Rare Sword's Edge Striker Beast-Knight 11 Green/​Brown Flank Attack: Bleed (sometimes), Deal Damage Knight Bond, Armored, Banding Armor 04/26/2021 () 19 29 6 35 25%
Ulfr Huntsmaster Epic Maugrim Woods Striker Wargare 12 Green/​Yellow Lunar Hunt: Deal Damage, Cause Stun, Cause Hunter's Mark Ascension boss Focus, Fast, Godslayer 10/14/2019 () 19 26 13 39 0%
Ullor Mythic Glacial Peaks Warlock Divine-Fey 24 Blue/​Purple/​Brown Wither: Decrease Attack, Decrease Magic, Decrease Mana Fey Bond, Insulated, Ancient Chill 09/03/2021 () 17 28 23 51 0%
Umberwolf Legendary Ghulvania Warlock Undead-Beast 16 Red/​Purple Shadow Hunt: Cause Death Mark, Cause Hunter's Mark, Deal Damage, Transform (self) Stealthy, Undying, Penumbra 10/30/2017 () 20 29 12 41 0%
Umbral Portal Legendary Umbral Nexus/Nexus Generator Elemental-Construct 16 Yellow/​Purple Void Rift: Create , Summon Deep Shield, Inscribed, Umbral Aura 12/03/2021 (0.0.0) 16 32 18 50 0%
Umbraxis Epic Darkstone Striker Daemon 12 Red/​Brown Shadow Realm: Deal Damage, Cause Silence Ascension boss Daemon Bond, Stealthy, Godslayer 10/15/2018 () 19 29 10 39 0%
Umenath Mythic Pridelands Assassin Divine-Raksha 25 Green/​Red/​Brown Hunting Prowess: Deal Damage, Increase Attack, Create Skull Kill Eagle Eye, Agile, Huntress 01/03/2020 () 24 24 13 37 0%
Undead Drake Rare Blighted Lands/Fell Roost Generator Undead-Dragon 10 Blue/​Yellow Grave Breath: Explode Gems, Cause Bonestorm Deep Strength, Undying, Plague Touch 06/05/2020 () 14 27 16 43 0%
Undine Mythic Merlantis Warmaster Divine-Merfolk 20 Blue/​Green/​Red Ocean's Ruler: Deal Damage, Submerged, Cause Silence Merfolk Merfolk Bond, Mana Shield, Tidal King 04/06/2018 () 16 30 23 53 0%
Unicorn Ultra-Rare Silverglade Support Beast-Mystic 11 Green/​Purple Purify: Cleanse (ally), Enchanted (ally), Heal (ally) Beast Bond, Revered, Arcane 03/07/2019 () 15 35 8 43 0%
Urielle the Guardian Epic Whitehelm Generator Divine-Knight 16 Green/​Yellow Radiant Seal: Cleanse (ally), Heal (ally), Create , Extra Turn (sometimes) Death Touch, Spell Armor, Holy Armor 09/13/2021 () 17 29 15 44 25%
Urska Dragoon Ultra-Rare Urskaya Warrior Urska-Knight 11 Green/​Brown Bloodrage: Deal Damage, Enraged (sometimes) (self) Damaged, Kill Urska Shield, Reinforced, Armored 10/22/2018 () 18 15 24 39 25%
Urska Druid Rare Urskaya Generator Elemental-Urska 10 Yellow/​Brown Druidcraft: Cause Entangle, Create Green Bountyhunter, Mech Slayer, Nature Link 10/26/2018 () 16 32 7 39 0%
Urska Savage Ultra-Rare Urskaya Striker Urska 11 Green/​Brown Trophy Hunter: Deal Damage Dragon Monster Slayer, Daemon Slayer, Dragon Slayer 09/11/2017 () 18 24 15 39 0%
Urska Wanderer Ultra-Rare Stormheim Striker Urska-Knight 12 Green/​Red Chilling: Deal Damage, Cause Frozen Insulated, Shatter, Armored 03/07/2019 () 18 18 22 40 25%
Urskatyr Rare Urskaya Warrior Urska-Knight 13 Red/​Brown Last Stand: Heal, Increase Attack, Enraged Reinforced, Frenzy, Armored 03/07/2019 () 16 14 26 40 25%
Urskayan Blue Ultra-Rare Urskaya Generator Beast 11 Blue/​Yellow Vicious Gaze: Create Red, Enraged (all allies) Grudge, Insulated, Fast 04/29/2019 () 18 26 13 39 0%
Urskula Legendary Urskaya Mage Urska-Mystic 15 Green/​Yellow Rage Bolt: Deal Damage (all), Enraged (all allies), Increase Attack (all allies) Urska Bond, Arcane, Northern Clans 10/22/2018 () 18 29 16 45 0%
Ursuvius Legendary Urskaya Mage Elemental-Urska 17 Red/​Brown Magma Rage: Deal Damage (all) Raging, Stoneskin, Burning Embers 03/01/2021 () 22 29 8 37 50%
Uvhash-Ka Legendary Karakoth Warmaster Daemon 16 Blue/​Green Beyond the Veil: Convert Purple to Doomskull, Create Doomskull, Summon Daemon Bond, Impervious, Malady Curse 04/18/2022 (0.0.0) 20 25 16 41 0%
Valiant Pyrea Epic Nexus Striker Elemental 12 Red/​Purple Flaming Sphere: Deal Damage, Increase Magic Ascension boss Fire Brand, Born of Fire, Godslayer 12/13/2021 (0.0.0) 17 31 12 43 0%
Valkyrie Rare Stormheim Generator Divine 10 Red/​Yellow Valhalla: Convert Any to Blue, Generate Souls Divine Bond, Water Heart, Water Link 02/01/2015 () 14 18 27 45 0%
Valor Epic Sword's Edge Assassin Divine-Knight 13 Blue/​Red Heroism: Deal Damage, Heal (ally) Daemon, Kill Divine Bond, Daemon Slayer, Armored 05/01/2016 () 15 23 25 48 25%
Valraven Common The Vault Generator Undead-Beast 10 Yellow/​Yellow Feast and Flee: Explode Gems, Run Away Alert, From Dark, Undying 06/03/2019 () 20 17 13 30 0%
Vampire Lord Rare Ghulvania Warrior Undead 11 Purple/​Brown Lifeblood: True Damage, Remove Gems, Heal Knight Slayer, Life Drain, Undying 10/28/2014 () 17 26 12 38 0%
Van Kane Epic Ghulvania Assassin Human 12 Blue/​Brown Hunt Evil: Deal Damage, Cursed (sometimes), Silence (sometimes) Undead Undead Slayer, Warded, Armor Piercing 07/27/2020 () 15 23 25 48 0%
Vanguard Ultra-Rare Sword's Edge Generator Centaur-Knight 11 Blue/​Red Tourney: Destroy Gems, Create Yellow Centaur Shield, Fast, Armored 04/30/2018 () 18 19 18 37 25%
Vanya Soulmourn Legendary Silverglade/Silver Necropolis Mage Undead-Mystic 15 Yellow/​Purple Blessing of Death: Deal Damage (all), Summon Deep Magic, Undying, Ancient Blessing 04/12/2019 () 16 24 25 49 0%
Vargouille Ultra-Rare Ghulvania Generator Undead 12 Green/​Red Deathly Screech: Explode Gems, Cause Stun, Steal Life Divine Divine Slayer, Life Drain, Undying 06/11/2018 () 18 31 8 39 0%
Vash'Dagon Mythic Karakoth Warmaster Daemon 24 Blue/​Green/​Brown Madness Returns: Cause Devour (ally), True Damage (all), Summon (sometimes) Ally death Spell Armor, Impervious, Curse of Madness 04/05/2019 () 16 31 22 53 25%
Vassara Epic Mist of Scales Striker Naga 12 Red/​Purple Serpent's Gift: Deal Damage, Cause Charm Ascension castle Warded, Spell Armor, Siegebreaker 01/21/2019 () 15 29 19 48 25%
Venbarak Epic Blighted Lands Mage Daemon-Dragon 13 Blue/​Purple Breath of Decay: Deal Damage (all), Cause Disease (all) Immune, Magic Link, Virulence 03/20/2016 () 15 29 19 48 0%
Venoxia Legendary Mist of Scales Generator Dragon 16 Green/​Purple Noxious Gas: Create Green, Create Blue, True Damage (all), Increase Attack Nature Brand, Arcane, Miasma 10/28/2014 () 20 32 12 44 0%
Vernalis Mythic Bright Forest Support Divine-Fey 20 Blue/​Green/​Purple Growth: Increase Attack, Heal, Increase Magic Fey Bond, Nature Link, Enchanted Vines 06/04/2021 () 17 36 15 51 0%
Vidarr the Vast Legendary Stormheim Warrior Giant 16 Blue/​Brown The Tenderizer: Cause Devour (sometimes), Deal Damage Clobber, Thick Head, Vast 10/18/2021 (0.0.0) 18 23 22 45 0%
Villager Common Ghulvania Generator Human-Monster 9 Brown/​Brown Lycanthropy: Transform (self), Convert Yellow to Brown Immune, Alert, Stealthy 03/07/2019 () 17 27 7 34 0%
Vine Marten Ultra-Rare Forest of Thorns Generator Elemental-Beast 11 Purple/​Brown Dig Down: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage Nimble, Stealthy, Swift 03/11/2019 () 15 29 15 44 0%
Viper Legendary Mist of Scales Warlock Naga-Mystic 14 Green/​Red Viper's Kiss: Cause Charm, Deal Damage, Cause Poison Sturdy, Arcane, Serpent's Fang 06/04/2018 () 16 28 20 48 0%
Visk Epic Dragon's Claw Defender Dragon-Knight 13 Blue/​Red Flametongue: Deal Damage, Cause Burning Fireproof, Aflame, Stoneskin 03/07/2019 () 19 17 23 40 50%
Vlad the Unsated Epic Ghulvania Warrior Undead 13 Blue/​Purple Vampiric Thirst: Steal Life Life Drain, Undying, Magic Link 10/21/2019 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Vodyanoi Ultra-Rare Urskaya Assassin Elemental-Fey 10 Blue/​Purple Watery Grasp: Deal Damage Blue target Immune, Tangle, Water Spirit 03/07/2019 () 13 32 15 47 0%
Voice of Orpheus Mythic Leonis Empire Support Divine-Human 22 Red/​Yellow/​Purple Divine Song: Deal Damage, Cleanse (all allies), Generate Mana (all allies) Arcane, Impervious, Adagio 02/02/2018 () 19 36 11 47 0%
Void Portal Ultra-Rare Karakoth Warmaster Mystic-Construct 12 Red/​Purple The Summoning: Increase Magic, Summon (sometimes) Daemon Mystic Bond, Inscribed, Impervious 03/07/2019 () 0 31 42 73 0%
Void Wisp Rare Nexus/Umbral Nexus Warlock Elemental-Monster 12 Purple/​Brown Negative Energy: Steal Life, Steal Mana, Steal Magic Deep Magic, Stealthy, Born of Darkness 12/03/2021 (0.0.0) 16 26 14 40 0%
Volcanic Golem Ultra-Rare Broken Spire Defender Elemental-Construct 12 Red/​Brown Magma Barrier: Explode Gems, Burning, Increase Armor, Heal Pyromania, Fire Link, Stoneskin 02/08/2021 () 15 21 27 48 50%
Volthrenax Epic Dragon's Claw Mage Dragon 14 Blue/​Yellow Thunderblast: Explode Gems, Deal Damage (all) Huge, Mana Shield, Tough Scales 10/21/2019 () 19 21 19 40 30%
Vor'Karn Epic Grosh-Nak Warrior Orc 12 Green/​Brown Savage Leap: Deal Damage, Increase Attack Ascension castle Orc Fury, Armored, Siegebreaker 07/09/2018 () 21 23 12 35 25%
Wall of Bones Common Khetar Defender Undead-Construct 10 Purple/​Purple Broken Bones: Increase Armor, Increase Attack (all allies), Generate Mana (all allies) Undead Undead Shield, Infernal Armor, Undying 04/09/2018 () 0 28 40 68 0%
Wall of Tentacles Epic Karakoth Defender Daemon-Construct 10 Green/​Purple Eldritch Fear: Increase Armor, Increase Magic (all allies), Generate Mana (all allies) Daemon Daemon Shield, Tangle, Infernal Armor 01/28/2019 () 0 45 31 76 0%
Wandering Monk Ultra-Rare Leonis Empire Assassin Human 12 Red/​Yellow Lion Mantra: Deal Damage, Cause Stun Stun Human Bond, Avenger, Knockout 03/07/2019 () 15 31 13 44 0%
War Mythic Apocalypse Warrior Daemon-Knight 20 Blue/​Red/​Brown Endless Conflict: Deal Damage, Cause Burning (all), Extra Turn (sometimes) Kill Armor Piercing, Infernal Armor, Aspect of War 05/25/2016 () 23 18 21 39 0%
War Cleric Ultra-Rare Whitehelm Support Divine-Human 12 Blue/​Yellow Smite the Wicked: Increase Attack (all allies), Deal Damage Daemon, Undead Divine Shield, Revered, Holy Armor 05/07/2018 () 18 22 18 40 40%
War Elephant Rare Leonis Empire Warmaster Beast-Knight 10 Green/​Brown Rallying Horn: Heal, Increase Magic, Create Skull Bountyhunter, Leader, Armored 06/12/2020 () 16 21 18 39 25%
War Goat Common Pan's Vale Generator Beast 6 Green/​Green Butt: Destroy Gems, Troop Order Beast Bond, Frenzy, Impervious 03/07/2019 () 17 21 13 34 0%
War Machine Epic Sin of Maraj Assassin Daemon-Construct 13 Red/​Brown Abyssal Machination: Deal Damage Divine Divine Slayer, Omen of Death, Stoneskin 05/16/2022 (0.0.0) 15 23 25 48 50%
War Sphinx Ultra-Rare Khetar Support Monster 7 Blue/​Purple The Riddle: Jumble Board, Extra Turn Water Brand, Regeneration, Impervious 10/28/2014 () 14 25 23 48 0%
War Wolf Rare Grosh-Nak Generator Beast 11 Blue/​Green War Snarl: Explode Gems, Create Red Bountyhunter, Pack Master, Armored 10/11/2019 () 18 16 18 34 25%
War'Drok Epic Grosh-Nak Striker Orc 12 Red/​Brown For the Warchief!: Deal Damage, Bleed (sometimes) Orc Fury, Bloodlust, Grudge 10/05/2020 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Warg Ultra-Rare Maugrim Woods Assassin Daemon-Beast 12 Red/​Purple Howl for Blood: Deal Damage, Generate Souls Beast Bond, Daemon Bond, Pack Master 03/07/2019 () 19 26 8 34 0%
Wargare Brute Ultra-Rare Maugrim Woods Defender Wargare 10 Blue/​Brown Clearing the Path: Destroy Gems, Heal, Cleanse (all allies) Nimble, Thick Hide, Spell Armor 12/16/2019 () 22 19 11 30 19%
Warhawk Common Leonis Empire Striker Beast 9 Red/​Red Bind Prey: Deal Damage, Extra Turn (sometimes) Hunters mark Focus, Swift, Agile 08/07/2017 () 16 21 13 34 0%
Warhound Rare Sword's Edge Warlock Beast 8 Green/​Yellow Howl: Decrease Attack, Explode Gems Beast Bond, Frenzy, Air Link 10/28/2014 () 16 25 16 41 0%
Warlock Rare Karakoth Striker Human-Mystic 8 Blue/​Brown Dark Channel: Remove Gems, Deal Damage Necromancy, Water Spirit, Daemonic Pact 10/28/2014 () 16 27 12 39 0%
Watch Mother Rare Darkstone/All-Seeing Eye Support Monster 11 Blue/​Yellow Eye See You: Randomly: Heal (all allies), Summon Regeneration, Deep Magic, Call Nature 09/06/2018 () 14 35 9 44 0%
Watcher Ultra-Rare Darkstone Warlock Monster 12 Purple/​Brown Piercing Gaze: True Damage, Decrease Mana Any status effect Daemon Bond, Stone Heart, Arcane 12/08/2015 () 18 24 15 39 0%
Water Elemental Epic Bright Forest/Sunken Fleet Mage Elemental 13 Blue/​Brown Flood: Deal Damage (all), Cause Stun (all) Deep Magic, Spell Armor, Water Link 05/17/2019 () 17 25 19 44 25%
Water Weird Epic Nexus Striker Elemental 12 Blue/​Purple Water Whip: Deal Damage, Generate Mana Ascension castle Aquatic, Born of Water, Siegebreaker 11/29/2021 (0.0.0) 17 31 12 43 0%
Waterborn Owl Ultra-Rare Nexus Striker Elemental-Beast 11 Blue/​Green Water Vision: Cause Frozen, Deal Damage, Create , Extra Turn (sometimes) Kill Insulated, Aquatic, Born of Water 11/29/2021 (0.0.0) 19 29 6 35 0%
Waterborn Priestess Epic Nexus Support Elemental-Divine 12 Blue/​Yellow Triumph of Water: Heal (all allies) Revered, Aquatic, Born of Water 11/15/2021 (0.0.0) 15 31 17 48 0%
Waverider Epic Merlantis Support Merfolk 10 Blue/​Yellow Protective Shell: Barrier (ally), Increase Armor (ally), Submerged (ally) Merfolk Shield, Icy Death, Armored 10/23/2017 () 15 25 23 48 25%
Wayfinder Ultra-Rare Maugrim Woods Assassin Wargare-Rogue 12 Green/​Red Cunning Trick: Deal Damage, Decrease Attack Green target Fast, Stealthy, Agile 03/07/2019 () 18 29 11 40 0%
Wazir Epic Leonis Empire Striker Human 12 Blue/​Purple Royal Seal: Deal Damage Ascension boss Human Bond, Greedy, Godslayer 08/13/2018 () 19 23 17 40 0%
Webspinner Legendary Zhul'Kari Mage Daemon 16 Blue/​Green Venom Weave: Cause Poison (all), Deal Damage (all), Create Green Sturdy, Snare, Lethal Toxin 10/28/2014 () 18 32 14 46 0%
Werebat Epic Ghulvania Striker Beast-Monster 13 Red/​Brown Bloody Fang: Steal Life, Death Mark Beast Bond, Life Drain, Lycanthropy 05/24/2021 () 17 33 10 43 0%
Werebear Ultra-Rare Urskaya/Werewoods Generator Beast 13 Green/​Purple Berserker Bear: Explode Gems, Transform (self), Enraged Deep Strength, Beast Bond, Thick Hide 01/17/2020 () 15 29 15 44 19%
Werebird Rare Urskaya/Werewoods Striker Beast 11 Red/​Yellow Raptor's Edge: Deal Damage, Transform (self) Deep Vitality, Eagle Eye, Fast 01/17/2020 () 18 23 12 35 0%
Werecat Epic Urskaya/Werewoods Assassin Beast 14 Green/​Red Feline Fury: Deal Damage, Create Red, Transform (self) Deep Vitality, Fire Spirit, Agile 01/17/2020 () 19 27 12 39 0%
Wererat Ultra-Rare Mist of Scales Assassin Beast-Monster 13 Green/​Red Gutter Swipe: Deal Damage Cursed Touch, Stealthy, Lycanthropy 06/28/2021 () 19 28 8 36 0%
Wereraven Epic Maugrim Woods Warlock Beast-Monster 12 Yellow/​Purple Mystic Feather: Decrease Mana (all), Create Banding Life, Song of Darkness, Lycanthropy 06/07/2021 () 17 33 10 43 0%
Wereshark Epic Merlantis Warlock Beast-Monster 12 Blue/​Brown Moon Tooth: Cause Devour (sometimes), Cause Bleed, Bleed (sometimes) Blue target Frenzy, Razor Teeth, Lycanthropy 07/19/2021 () 17 33 10 43 0%
Wereverine Epic Urskaya Striker Beast-Monster 12 Purple/​Brown Transforming Claw: Deal Damage, Lycanthropy (sometimes), Generate Mana (sometimes) Bloodlust, Fast, Lycanthropy 05/31/2021 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Werewolf Epic Ghulvania Generator Monster-Beast 14 Purple/​Brown Full Moon: Convert Purple to Blue, Deal Damage, Transform (self) Accursed, Regeneration, Agile 03/07/2019 () 19 27 12 39 0%
Wight Rare Khetar Warlock Undead 10 Blue/​Red Life Drain: Create Purple, Steal Life, Generate Souls Water Link, Life Drain, Undying 10/28/2014 () 14 12 29 41 0%
Wild Fang Epic Wild Plains Assassin Wargare 11 Blue/​Red Primal Fury: Randomly: Deal Damage, Increase All Stats Yellow target, Kill Stormy Hatred, Fast, Armored 01/24/2016 () 14 39 10 49 25%
Wild Knight Epic Divinion Fields/Wild Court Defender Fey-Knight 12 Green/​Brown Wild Armor: Explode Gems, Increase Attack, Heal, Barrier Deep Shield, Revenge, Barkskin 10/21/2019 () 17 21 23 44 32%
Will of Nysha Mythic Silverglade Mage Divine-Mystic 22 Yellow/​Purple/​Brown Arcane Ether: Steal Magic (all), Deal Damage (all) Magic Heart, Spell Block, Essence of Magic 03/06/2020 () 15 35 19 54 50%
Willi the Anchor Epic Blackhawk Support Goblin-Rogue 10 Blue/​Green Bilge Rats and Booty: Generate Gold, Submerged, Troop Order (self), Extra Turn Greedy, Water Heart, Banding Life 03/08/2021 () 15 31 17 48 0%
Willow Legendary Silverglade Mage Elemental-Beast 15 Green/​Brown Bramble Strike: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage (all) Nimble, Barkskin, Wild Growth 04/23/2018 () 16 36 13 49 32%
Wind Archer Ultra-Rare Suncrest Striker Stryx 11 Green/​Yellow Sky Snipe: True Damage, Destroy Gems From Light, Bright Death, Agile 12/24/2018 () 19 24 11 35 0%
Winged Bison Ultra-Rare Wild Plains Generator Beast 11 Green/​Yellow Migrate: Convert Purple to Red, Summon (sometimes) Thick Head, Thick Hide, Nature Link 03/07/2019 () 15 37 6 43 19%
Winter Imp Legendary Primal Mage Elemental 12 Blue/​Blue Frostbite: True Damage (all), Frozen (sometimes) (all) Kill Elemental Bond, Water Link, Chill 11/29/2015 () 22 29 8 37 0%
Winter Knight Rare Glacial Peaks Defender Fey-Knight 10 Blue/​Green Ice Armor: Explode Gems, Increase Armor, Barrier Water Heart, Chill Touch, Armored 05/25/2016 () 16 18 21 39 25%
Winter Wolf Ultra-Rare Glacial Peaks Warlock Elemental-Beast 12 Blue/​Purple Winter's Breath: Cause Frozen, Cause Hunter's Mark, Deal Damage, Create Blue Water Brand, Insulated, Shatter 05/25/2016 () 18 31 8 39 0%
Wisp Ultra-Rare Silverglade Warlock Fey-Mystic 10 Red/​Purple Mislead: Cause Dispel (all), Cause Charm, Jumble Board, Extra Turn Stealthy, Fey Bond, Swift 03/07/2019 () 18 31 8 39 0%
Wolf Knight Rare Sword's Edge Striker Wargare-Knight 8 Yellow/​Brown Hunt: True Damage Damaged Fireproof, Air Spirit, Armor Piercing 10/28/2014 () 14 21 23 44 0%
Wood Rhynax Rare Forest of Thorns Generator Elemental-Beast 11 Yellow/​Brown Forest Trample: Deal Damage, Convert Red to Green Bountyhunter, Big, Barkskin 03/15/2019 () 18 14 21 35 32%
Wraith Common Ghulvania Warrior Undead 7 Blue/​Blue Wraith Touch: Randomly: Steal Mana, Steal Life, Decrease Mana Undying, Death Touch, Chill Touch 06/05/2016 () 14 30 10 40 0%
Wrath Legendary Sin of Maraj Warmaster Daemon 18 Yellow/​Brown Burning Fury: Convert Blue to Brown, Convert Yellow to Skull, Enraged (all allies), Cause Burning (all) Fireproof, Infernal Armor, Cataclysm 08/24/2018 () 22 20 18 38 0%
Wrath Naga Epic Broken Spire/Fire Rift Striker Elemental-Naga 13 Green/​Red Flaming Trident: Deal Damage Deep Shield, Fireproof, Embers 02/04/2022 (0.0.0) 17 31 12 43 0%
Wu Hao Epic Shentang Generator Elf-Mystic 12 Blue/​Yellow Divining Blade: Enchanted (ally), Increase Magic (ally), Create Any Sky Ancestry, Spell Armor, Mana Shield 01/31/2022 (0.0.0) 19 29 10 39 25%
Wulfgarok Mythic Maugrim Woods Assassin Wargare-Beast 22 Green/​Red/​Purple Fangs and Claws: Deal Damage, Cause Devour (sometimes) Wargare, Kill Invigorated, Impervious, First Wargare 03/07/2019 () 24 24 13 37 0%
Wyvern Ultra-Rare Grosh-Nak Striker Dragon 11 Green/​Brown Toxic Sting: Deal Damage, Cause Poison Dragon Bond, Sturdy, Fast 03/06/2016 () 19 29 6 35 0%
Xathenos Mythic Apocalypse Warlock Undead-Mystic 22 Yellow/​Purple/​Brown Dark Ritual: Steal Life, Steal Magic, Summon (sometimes) Kill Indigestible, Undying, Lord of Death 08/28/2017 () 17 30 21 51 0%
Xenith Legendary Hellcrag Warmaster Daemon-Construct 15 Red/​Purple Abyssal Watcher: Create Doomskull Construct Shield, Stoneskin, Evil Eye 07/18/2022 (0.0.0) 20 25 16 41 50%
Xerodar Legendary Darkstone/All-Seeing Eye Warrior Undead-Monster 15 Green/​Purple Undying Gaze: Deal Damage, Convert Yellow to Skull Undying, Deep Magic, Death Ray 09/06/2018 () 18 18 27 45 0%
Xiong Mao Epic Shentang Striker Divine-Urska 12 Green/​Yellow Palm Strike: Deal Damage, Barrier Ascension boss Revered, Agile, Godslayer 02/26/2018 () 17 27 17 44 0%
Yaga's Hut Epic Urskaya Assassin Fey-Construct 12 Purple/​Brown Giant Scratch: Deal Damage Silence Fey Shield, Invention, Barkskin 03/07/2019 () 17 21 23 44 32%
Yao Guai Legendary Shentang Warrior Elf-Daemon 15 Green/​Red Blade of Despair: Steal Magic, Deal Damage, Convert Purple to Red Infernal Armor, Mana Shield, Corruption 02/16/2018 () 18 27 18 45 0%
Yarrow Epic Darkstone Generator Human 12 Yellow/​Brown Mixology: Unknown(CountStatusEffects) (all), Convert Yellow to Purple, Create Purple Human Bond, Sturdy, Merchant 07/12/2021 () 17 44 0 44 0%
Yasmine's Chosen Mythic Forest of Thorns Mage Divine-Fey 21 Green/​Purple/​Brown Spirit of Nature: Deal Damage (all), Create Green Nature Spirit, Arcane, Wild Vines 09/01/2017 () 15 33 22 55 0%
Yeti Ultra-Rare Glacial Peaks Warrior Beast 11 Blue/​Brown Avalanche: Deal Damage Frozen Water Heart, Chill Touch, Water Link 05/29/2016 () 19 24 11 35 0%
Zephyros Epic Stormheim Mage Elemental-Giant 12 Blue/​Yellow Lightning Bolt: Destroy Gems, Deal Damage (all) Giant Bond, Huge, Air Link 12/27/2015 () 17 31 12 43 0%
Zhak Boomgrizzle Epic Khaziel Striker Dwarf 12 Yellow/​Brown Fire in the Hole!: Deal Damage, Explode Gems Ascension castle Dwarf Bond, Fortitude, Siegebreaker 10/29/2018 () 21 21 15 36 0%
Zhenniao Common Shentang Generator Fey-Beast 8 Green/​Green Poison Breath: Deal Damage, Cause Poison, Create Green Alert, Fast, Venomous 02/16/2018 () 14 30 10 40 0%
Zilopochtli Mythic Suncrest Assassin Stryx-Undead 25 Blue/​Green/​Purple Death Nectar: Deal Damage, Create Skull Any storm, Kill Death Touch, Undying, Dawn Slayer 05/01/2020 () 16 36 17 53 0%
Zombie Common Ghulvania Warrior Undead 8 Purple/​Purple Eat Brains: Heal, Remove Gems Undead Bond, Necromancy, Undying 10/28/2014 () 14 30 10 40 0%
Zuul'Goth Mythic Karakoth Assassin Boss 32 Blue/​Red/​Purple Annihilation: Cause Dispel, Lethal Damage, Cause Burning (all), Cause Frozen (all), Create Skull, One Shot Spells Jinx, Impervious, Manifestation 02/20/2018 () 18 29 20 49 0%
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