Lyrasza's Lair
Tower of the Mad Mage
Deep within the Underworld a mad mage was imprisoned in a broken tower.

Sweet Dreams are made of this
Consult with Baba Yaga.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Baba Yaga: Have you been dreaming of me again?
Hero: I have.
Baba Yaga: Good. We have a special connection, you and I.
Hero: Is that a good thing?
Baba Yaga: It means you are lucky! I will always be there to guide you.
Hero: Sounds good to me.
Baba Yaga: Now come, my pretty! We must ensure Lyrasza remains banished.
Hero: Lyr-what?
Tame the puppies.Chaos Hound: BORK BORKHungry Hungry Hounds: Chaos Hound, Chaos Hound, Quasit, Goblin
Maybe they can't be tamed...Chaos Hound: BORK BORK BORK BORKPuppy School: Chaos Hound, Chaos Hound, Chaos Hound, Chaos Hound
Baba Yaga: Hmmm, it is as I feared.
Hero: What is?
Baba Yaga: These hounds can't be tamed. They reek of arcane magic.
Hero: Oh dear.
Baba Yaga: The same magic that corrupted the Urska and toppled King Mikhail's court.
Hero: I remember.
Baba Yaga: We must see how deep this corruption has spread.
Hero: Agreed.

Counting Bears
Enter Lyrasza's Lair.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Baba Yaga: This is not the first time I have been to the Underworld.
Hero: Really?
Baba Yaga: Many dreams ago I fought to imprison Lyrasza here.
Hero: Why?
Baba Yaga: She was another bear gone mad with power, but far stronger than those in Urskaya.
Hero: I see.
Baba Yaga: And now, with the Underworld cracked open like an egg, I fear she may escape her prison.
Hero: That's not ideal.
Explore the Lair.Dementicore: GROWLSQUAWKROAR!Manticores Gone Wild: Dementicore, Dementicore, Manticore, Manticore
Stop the corruption.Dementicore: ROARSQUAWKGROWL!Manticores Gone Wilder: Dementicore, Dementicore, Dementicore, Dementicore
Baba Yaga: You fought well, my pretty.
Hero: Thanks.
Baba Yaga: Aaaah, to be young again. I was quite the beauty in the springtime of my youth!
Hero: If you say so.
Baba Yaga: If only I had been born a few decades later, or you a few earlier.
Hero: Uh....
Baba Yaga: Think of all the fun we could have had, my pretty!
Hero: I guess?

To Troll or Not to Troll
Track Lyrasza.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Baba Yaga: The protections I put in place are weakening.
Hero: That can't be good.
Baba Yaga: It's not! The magic grows stronger the deeper we get.
Hero: Which means?
Baba Yaga: More corrupted beasts and crazed monsters!
Hero: Our favourite.
Baba Yaga: Trolls! Prepare to fight!
Hero: I'm always ready!
Ambush the trolls.Crazed Troll: BEGONE SOCIAL JUSTICE ADVENTURER!Wield the Banhammer: Crazed Troll, Flame Troll, Ogre, Flame Troll
Finish them off!Crazed Troll: IT WAS MY DOG THAT CHEATED I SWEAR!Ban Them From Existence: Crazed Troll, Crazed Troll, Golem, Rock Troll
Baba Yaga: I can see this is not the first time you have battled trolls.
Hero: And it won't be my last.
Baba Yaga: They don't make sense at the best of times, so pay them little mind, my pretty.
Hero: Good advice.
Baba Yaga: Then here is some more. Don't become bitter when you don't get what you think you deserve.
Hero: Wise words.
Baba Yaga: Now come, we must protect the Overworld from Lyrasza!
Hero: Lead the way.

Bear a Hand
Imprison Lyrasza (Again).
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Baba Yaga: I see no beauty in slaying Lyrasza, my pretty.
Hero: Oh?
Baba Yaga: Panda Urska are the rarest of all Urskas.
Hero: I see.
Baba Yaga: However, Lyrasza is dangerous. We must protect her and we must protect Krystara.
Hero: How do we do that?
Baba Yaga: I will reinforce the spells binding her to this place while you distract her.
Hero: I'll do my best.
Distract Lyrasza.Lyrasza: I won't be imprisoned again!Poke the Bear: Dementicore, Chaos Hound, Crazed Troll, Lyrasza
Baba Yaga: Well done, my pretty! You make an old woman feel young again!
Hero: Glad to hear it.
Baba Yaga: Don't we have such fun, you and I?
Hero: I guess.
Baba Yaga: Do not fear, I will never be far from you, my pretty.
Hero: That's kinda creepy...
Baba Yaga: Look for me in your dreams, I will be sure to visit you...
Hero: Um....