Sword Dance
(12 Green/Red)
Deal 6 true damage to all Enemies. Destroy [Magic + 3] Gems. Gain 6 Attack.
(Siege, Fire Link, Frenzy)
MAX ⚔️18
Naga Queen
Snake Charm
(12 Green/Brown)
Convert all Yellow Gems to Red. Give [Magic] Life to all Allies, boosted by Gems transformed. [3:1]
(Naga Bond, Water Link, Venomous)
MAX ⚔️11
Marsh Raptor
Take Down
(11 Green/Yellow)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to the weakest Enemy, boosted by Blue Allies. If the Enemy dies, create 8 Blue Gems. [4x]
(Monster Bond, Water Link, Venomous)
MAX ⚔️12
Poison Master
Venom Flask
(12 Blue/Purple)
Explode [Magic + 1] Green Gems, and Poison 2 random Enemies.
(Sturdy, Alert, Venomous)
MAX ⚔️6
- Naga Captain
3 unique Naga troops - King of Scales
4 unique Mist of Scales troops