Rock Troll
Rock Smash
(12 Red/Purple)
Double the number of Brown on the Board. Then create 3 Brown Gems. [1:1]
(Indigestible, Knockout, Stoneskin)
MAX ⚔️12
Burning Sands
(13 Red/Yellow)
Deal [Magic + 8] scatter damage. Burn a random Enemy.
(Fire Link, Insulated, Aflame)
MAX ⚔️12
Soldier of Wrath
Abyss Strike
(10 Blue/Red)
Deal [Magic + 1] true damage to an enemy, boosted by Red Gems. [3:1]
(Bountyhunter, Infernal Armor, Omen of Fire)
MAX ⚔️8
Burning Fury
(18 Yellow/Brown)
Transform Blue Gems to Brown and Yellow to Skulls. Enrage all allies and Burn all enemies.
(Fireproof, Infernal Armor, Cataclysm)
MAX ⚔️19
- Lord of Sin
2 unique Sin of Maraj troops