Dark Troll

(12 Red/Brown)
Double the number of Purple on the Board. Then create 3 Purple Gems. Gain [Magic + 3] Soul(s). [1:1]
(Warded, Troll Regeneration, Death Touch)
MAX ⚔️12

Hell Mouth
(10 Green/Red)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to a random enemy and either Burn or Disease them.
(Beast Bond, Frenzy, Aflame)
MAX ⚔️9
Void Portal

The Summoning
(12 Red/Purple)
All Daemon Allies gain 2 Magic. If my Souls are 12 or more, summon a random Daemon.
(Mystic Bond, Inscribed, Impervious)
MAX ⚔️0
- Duke of Magic
3 unique Karakoth troops