Deep Huntsman
Skittering Charge
(13 Green/Brown)
Explode [Magic + 1] Green or Purple Gems. Then Curse and Web the first Enemy.
(Deep Strength, Dark Ancestry, Spider Mount)
MAX ⚔️13
Shadow Weave
(10 Red/Purple)
Deal [(Magic / 2) + 7] damage to all enemies. Web a random enemy.
(Regeneration, Slippery, Snare)
MAX ⚔️16
Giant Spider
(13 Blue/Green)
Transform a selected Mana color to Purple. Summon a Spider Swarm.
(Magic Link, Big, Venomous)
MAX ⚔️10
Tomb Spider
Snaring Hunt
(12 Red/Brown)
Web and place a Hunter's Mark on the first enemy. Deal [Magic + 3] damage to them. If there are 13 or more Purple Gems, Death Mark the enemy.
(Slippery, Stalker, Magic Spirit)
MAX ⚔️16
- Beast General
4 unique Beast troops - Duke of Spiders
3 unique Zhul'Kari troops