Stone Giant

(10 Blue/Green)
Remove all Red Gems. Deal [Magic + 3] damage to a random Enemy, boosted by Gems removed. [3:1]
(Giant Bond, Big, Stoneskin)
MAX ⚔️12
Skrymir the Lofty

Cloud Song
(14 Yellow/Purple)
Cleanse and Barrier an ally and give them [(Magic x 2) + 2] Life. Move them to the front of the team.
(Alert, Huge, Bright Death)
MAX ⚔️13
Jotnar Stormshield

Thunder Javelin
(22 Blue/Red/Yellow)
Deal [Magic + 5] true damage to an Enemy, boosted by Barriered Allies and Giant Allies. [7x]
(Giant Bond, Huge, Storm Shield)
MAX ⚔️20
- Elemental Captain
3 unique Elemental troops - Giant General
4 unique Giant troops - Duke of Giants
3 unique Stormheim troops