Knight Coronet

(12 Blue/Yellow)
Remove all Purple Gems. Deal [Magic + 1] damage to the first Enemy, boosted by Gems removed. Then deal the same to the last Enemy. [2:1]
(Leader, Water Spirit, Stoneskin)
MAX ⚔️12
Wolf Knight

(8 Yellow/Brown)
Deal [Magic + 1] true damage to an Enemy. If the Enemy is wounded, deal 6 more damage.
(Fireproof, Air Spirit, Armor Piercing)
MAX ⚔️10
Dragon Knight

Dragon Blade
(12 Red/Brown)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to an enemy. If the enemy has a Dragon, deal 6 damage to all enemies.
(Dragon Slayer, Alert, Armored)
MAX ⚔️13
Queen Ysabelle

Royal Decree
(15 Blue/Green)
Deal damage to the first Enemy equal to an Ally's Attack, then give [Magic + 1] Attack and Armor to them . Give 3-8 Mana to all Allies other than myself. [1:1]
(Knight Bond, Armored, For the People)
MAX ⚔️20
- Human Captain
3 unique Human troops - Knight General
4 unique Knight troops - King of Blades
4 unique Sword's Edge troops