Thorn Knight

Thorn Blade
(10 Green/Purple)
Remove all Red Gems. Deal [Magic + 2] damage to the first Enemy, boosted by Gems removed. Entangle them. [3:1]
(Knight Bond, Wood Ancestry, Armored)
MAX ⚔️8
Green Seer

(10 Yellow/Purple)
Transform a selected Mana color to Green. Entangle a random enemy.
(Fey Bond, Revered, Alert)
MAX ⚔️9
Spring Imp

(12 Green)
Deal [Magic + 3] scatter damage. Entangle all Enemies. If an Enemy dies, gain 8 Magic.
(Elemental Bond, Nature Link, Seedling)
MAX ⚔️15

Twisting Vines
(12 Green/Brown)
Deal [Magic + 6] damage to an Enemy. If Enemy is Entangled, deal triple damage. Entangle the Enemy.
(Monster Bond, Nature Link, Huge)
MAX ⚔️10
- Lord of Thorns
2 unique Forest of Thorns troops