Dwarven Gate

(10 Blue)
Gain [Magic + 3] Armor, boosted by Dwarven Allies. All other allies gain Barrier and 5 Mana. [1:1]
(Dwarf Shield, Repair, Stoneskin)
MAX ⚔️0
Dwarven Slayer

Glorious Death
(18 Red/Yellow)
Deal [Magic + 40] damage to an enemy and die gloriously. Can only be cast once (obviously).
(Dwarf Bond, Frenzy, Impervious)
MAX ⚔️11
Dwarf Lord

Ancestral Axe
(9 Blue/Brown)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to an Enemy. If the Enemy dies, give 8 Armor to all Allies.
(Dwarf Bond, Reinforced, Fortitude)
MAX ⚔️7
- Dwarf General
4 unique Dwarf troops - Duke of Stone
3 unique Khaziel troops