Forest Troll

(12 Blue/Brown)
Double the number of Green Gems on the Board. Then create 3 Green Gems. [1:1]
(Tangle, Troll Regeneration, Barkskin)
MAX ⚔️14
Earth Dreamer

Crown of Leaves
(13 Green/Brown)
Give [Magic + 1] Attack and Life to the first Ally, boosted by Elementals, Elves, and Green Allies. [2x]
(Elemental Bond, Barkskin, Nature Link)
MAX ⚔️11
Lady Anariel

Elven Star
(13 Blue/Purple)
Create 8 Blue and 8 Green Gems. All allies gain [Magic + 1] Life.
(Elf Bond, Wood Ancestry, Nature Spirit)
MAX ⚔️14
King Avelorn

Woodland Ruler
(16 Blue/Green)
Deal [Magic + 1] damage to all Enemies, boosted by Elf, Elemental, and Beast Allies. Summon a Forest of Thorns troop. [3x]
(Nature Spirit, Wood Ancestry, Elven Kin)
MAX ⚔️19
- King of Thorns
4 unique Forest of Thorns troops