Horned Asp

Venom Splash
(11 Red/Purple)
Deal [Magic + 4] splash damage to an Enemy. Inflict Bleed and Poison on all Enemies hit by this spell.
(Razor Teeth, Deep Magic, Swift)
MAX ⚔️9

Medusa Eye
(10 Yellow/Purple)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to an Enemy. Then Curse, Stun and Poison them.
(Bountyhunter, Arcane, Fast)
MAX ⚔️9

Noxious Gas
(16 Green/Purple)
Create 9 Green and 9 Blue Gems, then deal [Magic + 4] true damage to all Enemies.
(Nature Brand, Arcane, Miasma)
MAX ⚔️18
- Beast Captain
3 unique Beast troops - Lord of Scales
2 unique Mist of Scales troops