Rock Squid

Rock Tentacles
(11 Blue/Brown)
Remove [Magic + 1] Gems of the most used Enemy Mana Color. Gain 2 Armor for each Gem removed. [2x]
(Deep Shield, Sturdy, Stoneskin)
MAX ⚔️8
Rock Squid

Rock Tentacles
(11 Blue/Brown)
Remove [Magic + 1] Gems of the most used Enemy Mana Color. Gain 2 Armor for each Gem removed. [2x]
(Deep Shield, Sturdy, Stoneskin)
MAX ⚔️8
Gelatinous Cube

(14 Yellow/Purple)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to an enemy. 50% chance to devour them, if they are Webbed or Entangled.
(Sturdy, Indigestible, Regeneration)
MAX ⚔️10
Green Slime

(11 Blue/Green)
Create 5 Green Gems, then turn all Green Gems to Purple. Gain [Magic + 2] points to a random Skill.
(Nature Link, Sturdy, Jinx)
MAX ⚔️12
- Monster Captain
3 unique Monster troops - Lord of Magic
2 unique Karakoth troops