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Level 1055 Hero (Whitehelm)
Member of none for 2204d.
Currently undefeated in 10 battles.
+11 +13 +7 +7


814 found.
Troop Role
Troop Type
Base Rarity
<3 Pet Broken Spire 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Abhorath Troop Karakoth Defender Daemon Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Abject of Despond Troop Sin of Maraj Warlock Daemon Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Abynissia Troop Blighted Lands Generator Daemon Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Acolyte Troop Karakoth Generator Human-Mystic Rare 24 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 27 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Adakite Troop Hellcrag Striker Dragon-Construct Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Adana Rifle Weapon Adana Striker Missile Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Aegis of Hellcrag Weapon Hellcrag Striker Shield Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Aegis of Urskaya Weapon Urskaya Warrior Shield Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Agave Troop Drifting Sands Striker Elemental-Wildfolk Rare 35 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 3 0 16 2400
Ahries Troop Khaziel Assassin Construct Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Ahrimas Troop Karakoth Striker Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Alastair Troop Khetar Warrior Undead-Knight Epic 3 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 8 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Alchemist Troop Adana Generator Human Rare 14 ∕ 50 Legendary 18 3 37 37 1200
Alderfather Troop Forest of Thorns/Primal Rift Warmaster Elemental-Fey Legendary 3 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 3 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Algorak the Slayer Troop Mist of Scales Striker Naga Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Amarok Troop Broken Spire Assassin Elemental-Beast Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Amaru Troop Mist of Scales Striker Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Amber Partizan Weapon Merlantis Generator Polearm Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Amethyst Band Weapon Forest of Thorns Generator Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Amira Troop Leonis Empire Assassin Wargare-Rogue Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 18 0 0 13 1600 66 8 8 8 12 1
Ancestor Brodir Troop Maugrim Woods Warmaster Undead-Wargare Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Ancient Golem Troop Drifting Sands Warrior Mystic-Construct Ultra-Rare 10 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 16 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Ancient Horror Troop Karakoth Striker Daemon Ultra-Rare 8 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 18 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Angel of Death Weapon Whitehelm Striker Sword Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Anglerfin Troop Merlantis Assassin Merfolk-Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Angry Mob Troop Whitehelm Generator Human Ultra-Rare 6 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 30 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Ankh of Nefertani Weapon Dhrak-Zum Support Relic Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Ankhekt Troop Khetar Striker Undead Epic 1 ∕ 10 Legendary 19 3 0 10 900
Ankhnum Troop Khetar Mage Divine-Monster Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Anointed One Troop Darkstone Warrior Human Epic 2 ∕ 10 Legendary 18 0 0 9 1600 66 8 8 8 12 1
Anthea Troop Divinion Fields Generator Centaur-Mystic Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 12 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Anu's Sceptre Weapon Sword's Edge Generator Staff Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Anubite Warrior Troop Khetar Warmaster Monster-Mystic Ultra-Rare 12 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 14 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Anvil of Might Weapon Khaziel Support Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Apophisis Troop Khetar Warmaster Undead-Monster Epic 3 Mythic 20 0 0 66 8 8 8 12 1
Apothecary Troop Khaziel Generator Dwarf-Mystic Ultra-Rare 11 ∕ 25 Legendary 19 3 26 15 800
Aquaticus Troop Merlantis Striker Elemental-Mystic Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Arachnaean Watcher Troop Zhul'Kari Defender Elf-Knight Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Arachnaean Weaver Troop Zhul'Kari Warlock Elf-Monster Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Arachnataur Troop Zhul'Kari Striker Elf-Monster Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Aranaean Bloom Weapon Zhul'Kari Generator Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Aransi the Guardian Troop Zhul'Kari Generator Beast-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Arboreal Crystal Weapon Glacial Peaks Generator Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Arcane Golem Troop Hall of Guardians/Whitehelm Defender Construct Ultra-Rare 1 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 15 3 0 40 2750
Arcanus Troop Silverglade Warrior Elf-Knight Epic 3 ∕ 10 Legendary 18 3 0 8 1600
Arcanus' Blade Weapon Silverglade Striker Sword Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Archdruid Troop Forest of Thorns Support Elemental-Elf Ultra-Rare 11 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 15 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Archer Class Forest of Thorns Elf 1 20 3 0
Archmagus Class Silverglade Mystic 0 0
Archon Statue Troop Whitehelm Defender Divine-Construct Rare 11 ∕ 50 Legendary 18 3 0 40 1200
Archproxy Yvendra Troop Zhul'Kari Warmaster Divine-Elf Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Arctic Fox Troop Stormheim Generator Beast Common 43 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 58 2090 42 12 6 4 1
Arcturion Troop Dhrak-Zum Generator Elemental-Daemon Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Argos Troop Pan's Vale Warlock Wildfolk-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Armored Boar Troop Grosh-Nak Striker Beast Common 38 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 63 2090 42 12 4 1
Armored Boarlet Troop Grosh-Nak Striker Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Arrow of Slaying Weapon Forest of Thorns Striker Bow Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Artema Troop Divinion Fields Warrior Centaur Legendary 5 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 0 1 1000
Ascendance Troop Whitehelm Support Divine Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Asha Troop Dragon's Claw Generator Dragon-Mystic Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 13 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Assassin Class Mist of Scales Naga 1 20 1 0 60 12 16 2
Astral Mother Troop Divinion Fields Mage Divine-Centaur Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Astral Spirit Troop Divinion Fields Striker Undead-Centaur Ultra-Rare 12 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 14 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Athame of Shadows Weapon Darkstone Striker Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Atlanta Troop Divinion Fields Mage Human-Rogue Epic 1 Mythic 15 0 0 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Aurai Troop Forest of Thorns Assassin Fey-Beast Common 1 ∕ 10 Rare 15 0 0 185 2090 24 104 60 30
Auraio Pet Forest of Thorns 1 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 30 210 105
Auspecia Troop Divinion Fields Support Centaur-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Autumnal Imp Troop Primal Generator Elemental Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Avenging Falchion Weapon Blackhawk Striker Sword Rare 1 Rare 1 0 0 21
Avina Troop Ghulvania Assassin Human Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 18 0 0 11 1600 66 8 8 8 12 1
Axe of Chaos Weapon Pridelands Striker Axe Ultra-Rare 1 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 28
Axe of Dhrak-Zum Weapon Dhrak-Zum Warrior Axe Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Axe of Leeching Weapon Ghulvania Generator Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Axe of the North Weapon Urskaya Generator Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Axe of the Spire Weapon Broken Spire Warrior Axe Epic 1 Epic 1 0 0 36
Axe of the Storm Weapon Stormheim Warrior Axe Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Axolotl Troop Merlantis Generator Merfolk-Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Aziris Troop Khetar Warmaster Undead-Mystic Epic 4 ∕ 10 Legendary 18 3 21 7 1600
Azura Troop Merlantis Generator Merfolk-Mystic Epic 1 ∕ 10 Legendary 18 1 0 10 1600 50 8 12 1
Ba'el Troop Darkstone Warlock Daemon Epic 3 Mythic 20 3 0
Baat Jaam Dao Weapon Shentang Striker Sword Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Baba Yaga Troop Urskaya Warlock Fey-Mystic Epic 6 ∕ 10 Legendary 19 1 0 5 900 50 8 12 1
Baby Beard Pet Khaziel 1 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 30 195 98
Baby Dragon Troop Dragon's Claw Warmaster Dragon Common 38 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 63 2090
Bahir Troop Drifting Sands Assassin Monster Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Baihu Troop Shentang Striker Divine-Beast Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Baldr Troop Stormheim Warmaster Giant Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Bandit Troop Pridelands Striker Human-Rogue Common 33 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 68 2090 42 12 4 1
Bane Jaw Troop Wild Plains Assassin Undead-Wargare Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Banshee Troop Ghulvania Generator Undead-Fey Rare 27 ∕ 50 Legendary 18 3 0 24 1200
Baphomet Troop Blighted Lands Assassin Daemon-Centaur Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Barbarian Class Grosh-Nak Orc 0 0
Barbearius Troop Maugrim Woods Warrior Urska Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Bard Class Pan's Vale Wildfolk 1 20 0 0 78 12 10 10 16 2
Bardzoi Pet Pan's Vale 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Barghast Troop Sin of Maraj Striker Daemon-Beast Epic 8 ∕ 5 Epic 18 0 0 8 1600 66 8 8 8 12 1
Barkly Pet Nexus 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Basilisk Troop Mist of Scales Assassin Monster-Beast Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Basilisk Fang Weapon Mist of Scales Striker Dagger Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Bastion of Will Weapon Pridelands Defender Shield Ultra-Rare 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 1 28
Bastite Priestess Troop Khetar Generator Divine-Monster Rare 27 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 24 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Bat Cat Pet Ghulvania 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Bat Swarm Troop Ghulvania Mage Beast Rare 43 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 8 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Baz Bonebeater Troop The Vault Striker Gnome Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0 0 0 16 6020 66 8 8 8 12 1
Bear Totem Weapon Urskaya Striker Relic Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Beastly Bow Weapon Pridelands Generator Bow Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Beastly Claw Weapon Urskaya Striker Polearm Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Beastmaster Torbern Troop Urskaya/Werewoods Warmaster Beast-Human Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Beelz Pet Sin of Maraj 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Beetle Blade Troop Drifting Sands/The Deep Hive Assassin Wildfolk Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Behemoth Troop Pridelands Mage Monster Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 0 5 1000
Berengari Troop Urskaya Striker Urska Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Berserker Troop Stormheim Striker Giant Ultra-Rare 10 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 26 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Bile Blackheart Troop Blackhawk/The Black Heart Generator Daemon-Rogue Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Billy Kid Pet Pan's Vale 1 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 30 195 98
Bin Chicken Pet Suncrest 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Birchthorn Troop Bright Forest Striker Elemental-Fey Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Bishop Troop Whitehelm Support Divine-Human Ultra-Rare 9 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 17 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Black Beast Troop Zaejin Support Beast Ultra-Rare 17 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 9 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Black Beast-kin Pet Zaejin 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Black Björn Troop Urskaya Striker Urska Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Black Dagger Weapon Zaejin Striker Dagger Rare 1 Rare 1 0 0 21
Black Manacles Weapon Darkstone Assassin Jewellery Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Black Mane's Claw Weapon Pridelands Generator Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Blackfire Cannon Troop Dhrak-Zum Striker Construct Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Blackheart's Horn Weapon Blackhawk Assassin Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Blade Dancer Troop Pan's Vale Warrior Wildfolk Ultra-Rare 2 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 24 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Blade of Guilt Weapon Sin of Maraj Assassin Sword Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Blade of Justice Weapon Shentang Striker Sword Ultra-Rare 1 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 28
Blade of Morning Weapon Suncrest Generator Sword Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Blade of Nefertani Weapon Sword's Edge Striker Sword Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Blade of the Sands Weapon Drifting Sands Striker Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Bladewing Troop Stonesong Eyrie/Suncrest Assassin Stryx-Rogue Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Blast Cannon Troop Khaziel Warlock Mech Ultra-Rare 18 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 8 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Blightwing Troop Blighted Lands Striker Daemon-Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Blind Guardian Troop Darkstone Warlock Monster-Mystic Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Blood-Drinker Weapon Darkstone Warlock Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Bloodkeeper Weapon Ghulvania Striker Sword Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Bloodthirsty Axe Weapon Khetar Warrior Axe Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Bloody Axe Weapon Grosh-Nak Striker Axe Rare 1 Rare 1 0 0 21
Boar Rider Troop Zaejin Warrior Goblin-Beast Rare 28 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 23 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Bogstrider Troop Mist of Scales Generator Elemental-Monster Common 42 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 1 0 59 2090 32 8 4 1
Bombardier Troop Khaziel Striker Dwarf Rare 21 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 30 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Bombot Troop Adana Mage Mech Common 54 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 47 2090 42 12 4 1
Bone Daemon Troop Blighted Lands Warrior Undead-Daemon Ultra-Rare 11 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 3 0 15 2750
Bone Dragon Troop Khetar Warmaster Undead-Dragon Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 1 0 5 1000 60 12 16 2
Bone Golem Troop Silver Necropolis/Silverglade Defender Undead-Construct Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 18 2 0 14 1600 28 4 1
Bone Naga Troop Mist of Scales Mage Undead-Naga Ultra-Rare 10 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 16 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Bone Scorpion Troop Khetar Generator Undead-Beast Common 18 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 83 2090 42 12 4 1
Bone Shield Weapon Khetar Striker Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Bone-Biter Troop Stormheim Striker Giant Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Bonebinder Troop Dhrak-Zum Warmaster Dwarf-Mystic Ultra-Rare 7 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 19 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Bonebound Dredge Troop Dhrak-Zum Warmaster Undead-Dwarf Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Bonescraper Weapon Grosh-Nak Generator Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Bonicorn Pet Silverglade 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Bonnie Rose Troop Blackhawk Striker Human-Rogue Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 18 3 34 13 1600
Book of Brambles Weapon Zhul'Kari Generator Tome Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Book of Secrets Troop Karakoth Warmaster Construct-Mystic Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Boom-Boom Weapon Zaejin Generator Missile Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Bor'Gakk Troop Grosh-Nak Striker Orc-Centaur Epic 3 ∕ 10 Legendary 19 3 0 8 900
Borealis Troop Glacial Peaks Warlock Dragon Legendary 3 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 3 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Boris Karlruff Pet Khetar 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Bow of Betrayal Weapon Maugrim Woods Striker Bow Ultra-Rare 1 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 28
Bow of Thorns Weapon Forest of Thorns Warrior Bow Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Brawlmaster Bur'Nakh Troop Grosh-Nak Generator Orc Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Brian the Clucky Troop Zaejin Warlock Beast-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Brian the Lucky Troop Zaejin Support Human-Knight Epic 4 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 7 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Bright Beetle Pet Primal 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Broken Guard Weapon Pridelands Support Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Broken Spire Weapon Weapon Broken Spire Striker Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Broker of Greed Troop Sin of Maraj Support Daemon-Rogue Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Bronzelock Pistol Weapon Blackhawk Generator Missile Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Brownie Troop Bright Forest Generator Fey Common 51 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 50 2090 42 12 4 1
Buckee Pet Maugrim Woods 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Bugbear Troop Zaejin Striker Goblin-Orc Rare 33 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 18 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Bul'Tauros Troop Divinion Fields Mage Centaur Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 16 1 0 12 2650 50 8 12 1
Bulb-Biter Pet Merlantis 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Bulette Troop Wild Plains Assassin Beast-Monster Rare 40 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 11 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Bull's Edge Weapon Wild Plains Warrior Axe Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Bullroarer Weapon Wild Plains Support Relic Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Bullserker Troop Wild Plains Striker Tauros Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Bullseye Weapon Divinion Fields Striker Bow Epic 1 Epic 1 0 0 36
Bullygnoll Troop Wild Plains Assassin Tauros-Wargare Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Bunni'Nog Troop Pan's Vale Assassin Beast-Wildfolk Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Bunnicorn Troop Pan's Vale/The Warrens Generator Wildfolk-Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Bunnilope Pet Pan's Vale 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Bunny Biter Pet Mist of Scales 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Bunny Chick Pet Suncrest 2 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 29 210 105
Burning Ocularen Troop All-Seeing Eye/Darkstone Striker Elemental-Monster Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Burning Scythe Weapon Blighted Lands Mage Scythe Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Cactnid Kid Pet Leonis Empire 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Cane Sword Weapon Sword's Edge Generator Sword Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Caprinicus Troop Pan's Vale Striker Wildfolk-Mystic Epic 1 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 15 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Captain Macaw Troop Blackhawk Assassin Stryx-Rogue Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Captain Skullbeard Troop Blackhawk Generator Undead-Rogue Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Captain's Cutlass Weapon Blackhawk Generator Sword Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Carlson Marshall Troop Adana Striker Human Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Carmella Troop Ghulvania Striker Undead Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 18 0 0 12 1600 66 8 8 8 12 1
Carnex Troop Adana Warrior Mech Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 5 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Carrion Crow Troop Khetar Striker Undead-Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Cat Burglar Troop City of Thieves/Leonis Empire Striker Raksha-Rogue Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Cat Sith Troop Bright Forest Warlock Fey-Beast Ultra-Rare 3 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 23 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Cat's Paw Weapon Pridelands Generator Mace Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Catterfly Troop Bright Forest Generator Fey-Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Cauldron Weapon Zaejin Support Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Cedric Sparklesack Troop The Vault Warmaster Gnome Legendary 4 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 105 2 1000
Celestasia Troop Whitehelm Support Divine-Dragon Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 5 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Celestial Flask Weapon Bright Forest Generator Relic Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Celestial Staff Weapon Whitehelm Support Staff Ultra-Rare 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 1 28
Centaur Scout Troop Divinion Fields Striker Centaur Common 22 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 79 2090 42 12 4 1
Centuragon Troop Divinion Fields Assassin Monster-Centaur Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Cernunnos Troop Glacial Peaks Striker Fey Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Chain Flail Weapon Ghulvania Striker Mace Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Chalcedony Troop Hellcrag Striker Daemon-Construct Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Chalice of Eyes Weapon Darkstone Support Relic Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Chalice of the Peaks Weapon Glacial Peaks Warrior Relic Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Champion of Anu Troop Sword's Edge Defender Human-Knight Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Champion of Gaard Troop Sword's Edge Defender Human-Knight Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Chaos Blade Weapon Blighted Lands Striker Sword Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Chaos Hound Troop Lyrasza's Lair/Shentang Warmaster Undead-Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Charonas Troop Hell Gate/Maugrim Woods Generator Daemon-Undead Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Charred Blade Weapon Broken Spire Generator Sword Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Chief Dargon Troop Fang Moor/Khetar Defender Naga-Monster Legendary 4 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 0 0 2 1000 78 12 10 10 16 2
Chief Stronghorn Troop Wild Plains Assassin Tauros Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 0 4 1000
Child of Summer Troop Bright Forest Generator Fey Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Chimera Troop Pridelands Striker Monster Ultra-Rare 3 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 23 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Choker of Zhul'Kari Weapon Zhul'Kari Warrior Jewellery Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Chomp Chomp Chomp Pet Wild Plains 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Chromite Sphinx Troop Obsidian Depths Warlock No Troop Type Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Chupacabra Troop Suncrest Assassin Monster Common 34 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 67 2090 42 12 4 1
Cindi Savagelips Troop The Vault Generator Gnome Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0 0 0 16 6020 66 8 8 8 12 1
Claw Dancer Troop Pridelands Striker Raksha-Rogue Ultra-Rare 6 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 20 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Cloakmantle Troop Dripping Caverns/Grosh-Nak Warlock Elemental-Monster Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Clockwork Knight Troop Adana Generator Mech-Knight Ultra-Rare 12 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 14 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Clockwork Sphinx Troop Adana Support Mech Rare 34 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 17 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Cloudstalker Troop Wild Plains Striker Tauros Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 13 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Cobaltine Wand Weapon Shentang Striker Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Cobra's Curse Weapon Mist of Scales Generator Dagger Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Cockatrice Troop Maugrim Woods Generator Monster Rare 30 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 21 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Cocoon Troop Zhul'Kari Warmaster Beast Rare 29 ∕ 25 Epic 15 0 0 47 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Coin Purse Troop The Vault Support Construct Common 10 ∕ 5 Common 15 0 0 181 2090 42 12 4 1
Compact Cookie Pet Whitehelm 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Consort of Darkness Troop Darkstone Assassin Daemon-Rogue Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Copycat Troop Glacial Peaks/Mirrored Halls Generator Fey Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Coral Golem Troop Merlantis Defender Elemental-Construct Ultra-Rare 16 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 10 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Corben Half-Elf Troop Leonis Empire Generator Elf-Rogue Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Corpse Mare Troop Ghulvania Generator Undead-Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Corrupt Magus Troop Karakoth Warlock Human-Mystic Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Corrupt Sorceress Troop Darkstone Generator Human-Mystic Ultra-Rare 20 ∕ 25 Legendary 19 0 0 6 800 60 14 6 6 6 3
Corrupt Troll Troop Darkstone Generator Elemental-Giant Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Corrupted Urska Troop Urskaya Warmaster Daemon-Urska Ultra-Rare 7 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 19 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Corsair Class Blackhawk Rogue 0 0
Couatl Troop Dragon's Claw Generator Dragon Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 12 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Courage Troop Guardians Generator Elemental-Construct Common 84 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 17 2090 24 104 60 30
Court Jester Troop Sword's Edge Generator Human Ultra-Rare 9 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 27 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Crab Man Troop Bright Forest/Sunken Fleet Striker Elemental-Monster Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Crabbie Pet Merlantis 2 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 29 195 98
Crag Hammer Weapon Hellcrag Generator Hammer Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Craghound Troop Hellcrag Striker Beast-Construct Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Crazed Troll Troop Lyrasza's Lair/Shentang Generator Elemental-Giant Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Creeper Troop Blighted Lands Striker Daemon-Monster Common 44 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 57 2090
Creeping Death Weapon Khetar Warlock Scythe Mythic 1 Mythic 1 0 0 55
Crescendo Weapon Pan's Vale Mage Relic Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Crimson Agent Troop Maugrim Woods Generator Human-Knight Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Crimson Arrow Troop Shentang Assassin Urska-Rogue Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Crimson Bat Troop Ghulvania Mage Undead-Monster Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 1 0 4 1000 60 12 16 2
Crimson Batling Pet Ghulvania 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Crimson Insignia Weapon Maugrim Woods Striker Jewellery Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Crossbow of Exile Weapon Wild Plains Striker Bow Ultra-Rare 1 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 28
Crossbownes Pet Blackhawk 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Crown of Horns Weapon Stormheim Generator Mace Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Crude Club Weapon Broken Spire Striker Mace Common 1 Common 1 0 0 15
Crypt Hound Troop Crypt Keepers/Sword's Edge Warlock Undead-Beast Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Crypt Keeper Weapon Ghulvania Assassin Mace Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Crystal Axe Weapon Drifting Sands Generator Axe Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Crystal Point Weapon Silverglade Generator Sword Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Crysturtle Troop Merlantis Generator Elemental-Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Cthyryzyx Troop Karakoth Striker Daemon Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Cu Sith Troop Bright Forest Striker Fey-Beast Ultra-Rare 19 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 7 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Cunning Troop Guardians Assassin Raksha-Construct Common 0 ∕ 5 Common 0
Cursebreaker Axe Weapon Grosh-Nak Striker Axe 0 0 0 0 1
Cursebreaker Bow Weapon Forest of Thorns Striker Bow 0 0 0 0 1
Cursebreaker Hammer Weapon Broken Spire Striker Hammer 0 0 0 0 1
Cursebreaker Javelin Weapon Merlantis Striker Missile 0 0 0 0 1
Cursebreaker Sword Weapon Sword's Edge Striker Sword 0 0 0 0 1
Cursebreaker Wand Weapon Silverglade Striker Staff 0 0 0 0 1
Cursed Blade Weapon Zhul'Kari Striker Dagger Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Cursed Effigy Troop Dhrak-Zum Defender Construct Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Cursed Gnome Troop The Vault Generator Gnome Common 0 ∕ 5 Common 0 0 0 191 4265 42 12 4 1
Cyclops Troop Grosh-Nak Assassin Orc-Giant Rare 38 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 13 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Cyrene Troop Merlantis Warlock Merfolk-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Czernobog Troop Hellcrag Defender Daemon-Construct Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Daemon Gnome Troop The Vault Assassin Gnome-Daemon Common 0 ∕ 5 Common 0 0 0 191 4265 42 12 6 4 1
Daemon's Leash Weapon Dhrak-Zum Striker Mace Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Daemonic Khopesh Weapon Blighted Lands Striker Sword Rare 1 Rare 1 0 0 21
Daemonomicon Weapon Karakoth Warmaster Tome Mythic 1 Mythic 1 0 0 55
Dagger of Maugrim Weapon Maugrim Woods Warrior Dagger Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Dagger of Scales Weapon Mist of Scales Warrior Dagger Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Dagger of the East Weapon Broken Spire Striker Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Dagger of the Sands Weapon Drifting Sands Warrior Dagger Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Dagger of the Void Weapon Karakoth Striker Dagger Ultra-Rare 1 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 28
Dagger of Zaejin Weapon Zaejin Warrior Dagger Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Daisy's Cudgel Weapon Pan's Vale Generator Mace Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Dancing Daggers Weapon Drifting Sands Mage Dagger Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Dandy Lion Troop Forest of Thorns Warlock Elemental-Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Dao Troop Leonis Empire Warlock Elemental-Mystic Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Dark Dryad Troop Forest of Thorns/Primal Rift Support Elemental-Fey Rare 10 ∕ 25 Epic 15 0 0 66 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Dark Golem Troop Obsidian Depths Generator No Troop Type Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Dark Hammer Weapon Khaziel Striker Hammer Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Dark Helmut Pet Blighted Lands 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Dark Knight Troop Dark Court/Ghulvania Warlock Fey-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Dark Maiden Troop Zhul'Kari Generator Elf Rare 31 ∕ 50 Legendary 19 3 5 20 700
Dark Master Troop Darkstone Warmaster Human-Knight Rare 18 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 33 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Dark Monolith Troop Blighted Lands Defender Daemon-Construct Legendary 5 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 0 0 1 1000 78 12 10 10 16 2
Dark Priestess Troop Ghulvania Warmaster Elf-Mystic Ultra-Rare 10 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 3 0 16 2750
Dark Smith Troop Duergaroth/Karakoth Warrior Dwarf Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Dark Smith Drenza Troop Khaziel Assassin Dwarf Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Dark Song Troop Grosh-Nak Striker Orc Epic 8 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 3 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Dark Staff Weapon Zhul'Kari Striker Staff Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Dark Sword Weapon Darkstone Assassin Sword Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Dark Troll Troop Karakoth Generator Elemental-Giant Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Darkborn Warlock Troop Nexus/Umbral Nexus Mage Elemental-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Darkfire Spear Weapon Broken Spire Warlock Polearm Ultra-Rare 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 1 28
Darkshot Weapon Zhul'Kari Striker Bow Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Daughter of Ice Troop Glacial Peaks Generator Fey Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Dawn Bird Pet Suncrest 2 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 29 195 98
Dawnbringer Weapon Bright Forest Mage Sword Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Dawnstone Weapon Suncrest Support Jewellery Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Dead Gauntlet Weapon Khetar Generator Jewellery Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Death Troop Apocalypse Warlock Undead-Daemon Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Death Knell Weapon Ghulvania Striker Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Death's Grasp Weapon Drifting Sands Mage Scythe Epic 1 Epic 1 0 0 36
Deathblade Troop Blackhawk/The Black Heart Assassin Elf-Rogue Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Deathclaw Troop Ghulvania Striker Undead-Beast Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Deathdealer Weapon Dhrak-Zum Assassin Axe Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Deathknight Class Ghulvania Undead 1 20 1 0 60 12 16 2
Deathspire Weapon Blighted Lands Mage Scythe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Deck Hand Troop Blackhawk Generator Human-Rogue Rare 11 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 40 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Deep Borer Troop Khaziel Generator Mech-Dwarf Rare 34 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 17 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Deep Dwarf Troop Duergaroth/Karakoth Generator Dwarf Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Deep Elven Rogue Troop Eldrazhor/Zhul'Kari Warlock Elf-Rogue Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Deep Golem Troop Duergaroth/Karakoth Defender Daemon-Construct Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Deep Huntsman Troop Eldrazhor/Zhul'Kari Generator Elf-Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Deep Magus Troop Eldrazhor/Zhul'Kari Mage Elf-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Deepstone Weapon Khaziel Generator Jewellery Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Defiance Troop Guardians Assassin Urska-Construct Common 0 ∕ 5 Common 0
Dementicore Troop Lyrasza's Lair/Shentang Warlock Monster Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Deminaga Troop Depths of Sin/Sin of Maraj Generator Daemon-Naga Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Dervish Class Drifting Sands Monster 0 0
Desdaemona Troop Blighted Lands Assassin Daemon-Rogue Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Desdaemona's Bolt Weapon Blighted Lands Striker Bow Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Desert Mantis Troop Leonis Empire Generator Wildfolk-Monster Ultra-Rare 5 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 21 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Desert Troll Troop Drifting Sands Generator Elemental-Giant Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Desert Worm Troop Drifting Sands Striker Monster Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Despond Troop Sin of Maraj Mage Daemon Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Destruct-o-bot Troop Adana/Tinker Town Assassin Dwarf-Mech Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Detect-o-bot Troop Adana/Tinker Town Support Mech Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Devil's Bane Weapon Maugrim Woods Assassin Sword Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Devourer Troop Zhul'Kari Warlock Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Diabolist Class Blighted Lands Daemon 0 0
Dimetraxia Troop Darkstone Mage Dragon Epic 9 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 2 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Dinotaur Pet Wild Plains 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Dire Boar Troop Grosh-Nak Striker Beast Rare 32 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 19 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Dire Cub Troop Maugrim Woods Support Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Dire Rose Pet Forest of Thorns 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Dire Wolf Troop Maugrim Woods Striker Beast Common 68 ∕ 100 Legendary 18 3 5 33 1000
Divine Ishbaala Troop Leonis Empire Warmaster Divine-Human Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 18 4 1000
Divine Protector Weapon Whitehelm Generator Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Diviner Troop Shentang Generator Divine-Elf Ultra-Rare 7 ∕ 25 Legendary 18 3 13 19 1400
Divinia Troop Dragon's Claw Generator Divine-Dragon Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 27 5 1000
Djinn Troop Drifting Sands Support Elemental Rare 18 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 33 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Dokkalfar Troop Zhul'Kari Warmaster Elf-Mystic Epic 2 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 9 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Domovoi Troop Urskaya Support Fey Rare 30 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 21 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Doom of Darkness Troop Shentang Warlock Doom Common 3 ∕ 10 Rare 15 0 0 183 2090 24 104 60 30
Doom of Flame Troop Blighted Lands Warlock Doom Common 1 ∕ 10 Rare 15 0 0 185 2090 24 104 60 30
Doom of Ice Troop Glacial Peaks Warlock Doom Common 1 ∕ 10 Rare 15 0 0 185 2090 24 104 60 30
Doom of Light Troop Suncrest Warlock Doom Common 2 ∕ 50 Epic 15 0 0 149 2090 24 104 60 30
Doom of Nature Troop Bright Forest Warlock Doom Common 22 ∕ 10 Rare 15 0 0 164 2090 24 104 60 30
Doom of Stone Troop Dhrak-Zum Warlock Doom Common 17 ∕ 25 Ultra-Rare 15 0 0 159 2090 24 104 60 30
Doomclaw Troop Urskaya Assassin Daemon-Urska Mythic 1 Mythic 20 0 0 24 64 16 21 21 4
Doomed Axe Weapon Drifting Sands Mage Axe 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Baton Weapon Urskaya Generator Staff 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Blade Weapon Dhrak-Zum Mage Sword 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Breaker Weapon Zaejin Striker Hammer 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Cauldron Weapon Karakoth Support Relic 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Chronicle Weapon Divinion Fields Generator Tome 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Club Weapon Broken Spire Mage Mace 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Codex Weapon Grosh-Nak Generator Tome 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Crossbow Weapon Sin of Maraj Mage Bow 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Dagger Weapon Pridelands Assassin Dagger 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Dirk Weapon Merlantis Assassin Dagger 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Focus Weapon Dragon's Claw Generator Staff 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Gavel Weapon Broken Spire Striker Hammer 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Glaive Weapon Maugrim Woods Mage Polearm 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Hammer Weapon Stormheim Striker Hammer 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Helm Weapon Khetar Support Jewellery 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Kris Weapon Blackhawk Assassin Dagger 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Libram Weapon Shentang Generator Tome 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Magi Weapon Sin of Maraj Generator Staff 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Mask Weapon Silverglade Support Jewellery 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Maul Weapon Wild Plains Striker Hammer 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Opus Weapon Adana Generator Tome 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Poignard Weapon Bright Forest Assassin Dagger 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Potions Weapon Zhul'Kari Support Relic 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Ram Weapon Zhul'Kari Striker Hammer 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Rod Weapon Pan's Vale Generator Staff 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Runestones Weapon Darkstone Support Jewellery 1 1 6 0
Doomed Sai Weapon Suncrest Assassin Dagger 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Scripture Weapon Whitehelm Generator Tome 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Scythe Weapon Ghulvania Mage Scythe 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Sledge Weapon Khaziel Striker Hammer 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Staff Weapon Blighted Lands Generator Staff 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Statue Weapon Glacial Peaks Support Relic 1 1 6 0
Doomed Tanto Weapon Nexus Assassin Dagger 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Tome Weapon Khetar Generator Tome 0 0 0 0 1
Doomed Wand Weapon Stormheim Generator Staff 0 0 0 0 1
Doomsayer Class Sin of Maraj Daemon 0 0
Doppelganger Troop Glacial Peaks/Mirrored Halls Warlock Fey Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Dr. Sno Pet Stormheim 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Draakulis Troop Ghulvania Mage Undead Mythic 0 Mythic 0
DRACOS 1337 Troop Adana Warlock Mech-Dragon Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 5 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Dragon Cruncher Troop Drifting Sands Assassin Giant Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Dragon Eggs Troop Dragon's Claw Warmaster Dragon Common 37 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 64 2090
Dragon Fire Weapon Dragon's Claw Warlock Staff Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Dragon Knight Troop Sword's Edge Striker Human-Knight Ultra-Rare 10 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 26 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Dragon Oak Weapon Forest of Thorns Striker Bow Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Dragon Slayer Weapon Drifting Sands Striker Polearm Epic 1 Epic 1 0 0 36
Dragon Spirit Troop Dragon's Claw Mage Dragon-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Dragon Tales Weapon Dragon's Claw Generator Tome Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Dragon Turtle Troop Blackhawk Defender Dragon-Beast Ultra-Rare 6 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 30 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Dragon's Eye Weapon Dragon's Claw Generator Jewellery Mythic 1 Mythic 1 10 0
Dragon's Talon Weapon Dragon's Claw Striker Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Dragonator 8000 Weapon Adana Warlock Missile Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Dragonette Troop Dragon's Claw Warlock Dragon Rare 27 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 24 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Dragonguard Class Dragon's Claw Dragon 1 20 0 0 78 12 10 10 16 2
Dragonian Monk Troop Dragon's Claw Support Mystic-Dragon Ultra-Rare 4 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 22 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Dragonian Rogue Troop Dragon's Claw Generator Dragon-Rogue Ultra-Rare 6 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 20 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Dragonian Sage Troop Dragon's Claw Support Dragon-Mystic Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Dragonkitty Pet Dragon's Claw 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Dragonmoth Troop Dragon's Claw Striker Dragon-Beast Ultra-Rare 6 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 20 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Dragonpuppy Pet Dragon's Claw 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Dragotaur Troop Dragon's Claw Warrior Dragon-Centaur Rare 34 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 17 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Drake Troop Grosh-Nak Striker Dragon-Beast Rare 23 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 28 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Drake Rider Troop Grosh-Nak Generator Orc-Dragon Ultra-Rare 6 Mythic 15 0 0 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Draugr Troop Silver Necropolis/Silverglade Generator Undead-Elf Rare 4 ∕ 5 Rare 16 3 0 87 2050
Draxxius Troop Karakoth Warmaster Undead-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Dread Steed Troop Ghulvania Generator Undead-Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Dream Catcher Weapon Divinion Fields Mage Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Drill Shooter Weapon Adana Generator Missile Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Droggo Troop Dragon's Claw Generator Dragon-Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Droid-bot Pet Adana 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Drowned Sailor Troop Bright Forest/Sunken Fleet Generator Elemental-Undead Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Druid Troop Maugrim Woods Striker Wargare-Mystic Ultra-Rare 9 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 27 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Dryad Troop Forest of Thorns Generator Fey-Elemental Rare 22 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 29 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Dullahan Troop Ghulvania Assassin Undead-Knight Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Durgan Ironfall Troop Khaziel Support Dwarf Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Duskbringer Weapon Khetar Mage Sword Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Dust and Sand Weapon Drifting Sands Warlock Sword Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Dust Devil Troop Drifting Sands Warlock Elemental Rare 28 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 23 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Dusty Tome Weapon Zhul'Kari Generator Tome Rare 1 Rare 1 0 0 21
Dwarf Lord Troop Khaziel Striker Dwarf Rare 35 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 16 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Dwarven Gate Troop Khaziel Defender Dwarf-Construct Common 38 ∕ 100 Legendary 18 3 0 63 1000
Dwarven Hunter Troop Khaziel Striker Dwarf Ultra-Rare 12 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 14 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Dwarven Miner Troop Khaziel Generator Dwarf Common 34 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 67 2090 42 12 4 1
Dwarven Slayer Troop Stormheim Striker Dwarf Ultra-Rare 1 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 25 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Dwarven Zombie Troop Dhrak-Zum Generator Undead-Dwarf Rare 26 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 25 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Dynamite Goat Troop Zaejin Generator Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Eagle Eye Weapon Bright Forest Striker Bow Epic 1 Epic 1 0 0 36
Eagle Owl Troop Suncrest Striker Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Earth Dreamer Troop Forest of Thorns Support Elemental-Fey Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Earth's Fury Weapon Grosh-Nak Support Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Earthcaller Troop Wild Plains Striker Tauros-Mystic Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 18 3 0 12 1600
Ebon's Hammer Weapon Sword's Edge Generator Hammer Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Egg Thief Troop Dragon's Claw Generator Human-Rogue Ultra-Rare 6 ∕ 25 Legendary 18 3 37 20 1400
Eggsplosion Weapon Dragon's Claw Generator Relic Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Eir Stoneshatter Troop Glacial Peaks Striker Fey Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Elder Bow Weapon Forest of Thorns Striker Bow Rare 1 Rare 1 0 0 21
Eldrazi Wand Weapon Zhul'Kari Striker Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Eldritch Guardian Troop Karakoth Striker Daemon-Construct Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Eldritch Minion Troop Karakoth Generator Daemon Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Elemaugrim Troop Dragon's Claw Mage Daemon-Dragon Mythic 1 Mythic 20 3 15
Elemental Balance Weapon Nexus Generator Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Elemental Bow Weapon Forest of Thorns Generator Bow Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Elemental Reach Weapon Nexus Striker Polearm Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Elementalist Class Nexus Elemental 0 0
Elf-Eater Troop Grosh-Nak Assassin Giant Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 12 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Elliot Pet Dragon's Claw 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Elven Bard Troop Silverglade Support Elf-Mystic Rare 23 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 28 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Elwyn Troop Pan's Vale Striker Human Epic 1 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 10 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Emerald Blade Weapon Silverglade Generator Sword Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Emerald Tear Weapon Silverglade Defender Jewellery Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Emperina Troop Khaziel Support Dragon Epic 1 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 10 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Emperina's Tooth Weapon Khaziel Striker Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Emperinazara Troop Emperinazar/Khaziel Warmaster Goblin-Naga Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Emperor Khorvash Troop Leonis Empire Warrior Human-Monster Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 1 0 5 1000 60 12 16 2
Emperor Liang Troop Shentang Support Elf Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 0 0 4 1000 78 12 10 10 16 2
Enchantress Troop Silverglade Mage Elf-Mystic Ultra-Rare 10 ∕ 25 Legendary 19 3 0 16 800
Enraged Kurandara Troop Urskaya Assassin Daemon-Boss Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Envoy of Pride Troop Sin of Maraj Striker Daemon Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Envy Troop Sin of Maraj Striker Daemon Rare 30 ∕ 50 Legendary 18 0 0 21 1200 48 10 4 4 4 2
Erinyes Troop Blighted Lands Warmaster Daemon Epic 1 ∕ 10 Legendary 18 0 0 10 1600 66 8 8 8 12 1
Essence of Evil Weapon Darkstone Generator Relic Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Essencia Troop Dragon's Claw Support Dragon-Mystic Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Eternal Flame Weapon Divinion Fields Generator Relic Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Eternal Sentinel Troop Hellcrag Warlock Construct Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Ethereal Sentry Troop Hall of Guardians/Whitehelm Support Construct Rare 2 ∕ 5 Rare 15 0 0 89 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Ethereal Shield Weapon Silverglade Defender Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Ettin Troop Broken Spire Generator Giant-Mystic Rare 40 ∕ 50 Legendary 18 0 0 11 1200 48 4 10 4 4 2
Euryali Troop Mist of Scales Mage Divine-Naga Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Evil Éclair Pet Silverglade 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Excavator Troop Khaziel Generator Dwarf Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Executioner Troop Darkstone Assassin Human Rare 25 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 26 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Experimental Elixir Weapon Zaejin Generator Relic Ultra-Rare 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 1 28
Exploadstool Troop Amanithrax/Zaejin Generator Elemental Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Eye of Orion Weapon Divinion Fields Generator Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Eye of Xathenos Weapon Khetar Assassin Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Eye Pod Pet Darkstone 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Eyelet Pet Karakoth 1 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 30 195 98
Facestick Weapon Zaejin Striker Mace Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Faemark Troop Forest of Thorns Striker Elf Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Faerie Gobmother Troop Zaejin Mage Fey-Goblin Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Faery Ring Weapon Bright Forest Generator Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Falabella Pet Divinion Fields 4 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 27 195 98
Falchion of Kings Weapon Dhrak-Zum Striker Sword Ultra-Rare 1 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 28
Falconer Troop Leonis Empire Warmaster Beast-Human Ultra-Rare 7 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 19 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Fallen Valdis Troop Dhrak-Zum Mage Undead-Mystic Mythic 1 Mythic 15 0 0 4300 24 64 16 21 21 4
Famine Troop Apocalypse Assassin Daemon-Mystic Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Fangblade Troop Mist of Scales Striker Naga-Knight Rare 31 ∕ 50 Legendary 18 1 0 20 1200 36 6 4 4 2
Farsight Orb Weapon Suncrest Generator Jewellery Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Faunessa Troop Pan's Vale Support Wildfolk-Mystic Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Fel'Dras Troop Grosh-Nak Striker Orc Epic 4 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 7 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Fell Dragon Troop Blighted Lands/Fell Roost Assassin Daemon-Dragon Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Fell Dragon Egg Troop Blighted Lands/Fell Roost Warlock Daemon-Dragon Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Fell Ward Weapon Blighted Lands Defender Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Fennekit Pet Maugrim Woods 3 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 28 195 98
Fenrir Troop Maugrim Woods Support Wargare-Beast Epic 7 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 9 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Ferit Troop Karakoth Warlock Human-Rogue Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 18 1 0 12 1600 50 8 12 1
Ferocity Troop Guardians Assassin Tauros-Construct Common 0 ∕ 5 Common 0
Festival Cow Troop Wild Plains Support Beast Common 51 ∕ 50 Epic 15 0 0 100 2090 42 4 12 4 1
Festival Staff Weapon Shentang Generator Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Fey Cap Troop Bright Forest Warlock Elemental-Fey Rare 17 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 34 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Fey Test Weapon Weapon Suncrest Support Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Fey Wand Weapon Bright Forest Mage Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Feyrie Pet Bright Forest 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Fiend Fire Weapon Blighted Lands Mage Scythe Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Fiery Claw Weapon Pridelands Assassin Dagger Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Finesse Troop Guardians Assassin Stryx-Construct Common 0 ∕ 5 Common 0
Finley Troop Pridelands Generator Human Epic 2 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 9 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Fire and Ice Weapon Dhrak-Zum Mage Sword Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Fire Bomb Troop Broken Spire Generator Elemental Common 56 ∕ 100 Legendary 18 3 24 45 1000
Fire Giant Troop Stormheim Assassin Elemental-Giant Ultra-Rare 8 ∕ 25 Legendary 19 3 0 18 800
Fire Lizard Troop Broken Spire Generator Elemental-Beast Rare 20 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 31 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Fire Ruby Staff Weapon Wild Plains Mage Staff Mythic 1 Mythic 1 10 0
Fire Spirit Troop Broken Spire/Fire Rift Generator Elemental Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Fire Staff Weapon Blighted Lands Striker Staff Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Fire Sword Weapon Adana Assassin Sword Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Fireborn Eagle Troop Nexus Striker Elemental-Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Fireborn Warrior Troop Nexus Warrior Elemental-Knight Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Firefly Weapon Divinion Fields Generator Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
First Mate Axelubber Troop Blackhawk Generator Orc-Rogue Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Fist of Heaven Weapon Whitehelm Generator Hammer Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Fist of Zorn Troop Grosh-Nak Warmaster Orc-Mystic Epic 2 Mythic 19 3 20 900
Flail of Gaard Weapon Sword's Edge Generator Mace Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Flame Cannon Troop Adana Mage Mech Ultra-Rare 18 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 8 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Flame Maiden Troop Stormheim Striker Elemental-Giant Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Flame of Anu Troop Leonis Empire Striker Divine-Beast Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Flame Soul Weapon Pridelands Mage Polearm Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Flame Troll Troop Broken Spire Generator Elemental-Giant Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 18 0 0 11 1600 66 8 8 8 12 1
Flaming Oni Troop Zaejin Generator Daemon-Goblin Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Flaming Skeleton Troop Ghulvania Striker Elemental-Undead Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Flammifer Weapon Broken Spire Generator Bow Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Flesh Golem Troop Ghulvania Generator Undead-Construct Ultra-Rare 7 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 29 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Fleshripper Weapon Zaejin Assassin Scythe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Fleur de Leon Weapon Leonis Empire Striker Hammer Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Flintlock of Blackhawk Weapon Blackhawk Warrior Missile Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Flora Fawn Troop Silverglade Generator Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Florian Troop Bright Forest Generator Elemental-Fey Ultra-Rare 6 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 20 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Flutter Pet Drifting Sands 2 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 29 195 98
Fomorian Troop Stormheim Generator Giant Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Forbidden Tome Weapon Dhrak-Zum Warlock Tome Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Forest Guardian Troop Maugrim Woods Warmaster Divine-Beast Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 5 4 1000
Forest Troll Troop Forest of Thorns Generator Elemental-Giant Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 18 3 0 13 1600
Forgemistress Troop Silverglade Striker Elf Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Fortress Gate Troop Broken Spire Defender Construct Common 28 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 73 2090 42 12 4 1
Fountain of Stars Troop Bright Forest Support Construct-Fey Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Fredi Fretfiddler Troop The Vault Warmaster Gnome Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0 0 0 16 6020 66 8 8 8 12 1
Freki the Wild Troop Maugrim Woods Assassin Wargare Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Freya Troop Glacial Peaks Striker Fey Epic 3 ∕ 10 Legendary 19 2 0 8 900 28 4 1
Frog Prince Pet Zaejin 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Frost Archer Troop Glacial Peaks Striker Fey Rare 31 ∕ 50 Legendary 18 3 0 20 1200
Frost Giant Troop Stormheim Striker Elemental-Giant Rare 24 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 27 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Frost Lizard Troop Glacial Peaks Generator Elemental-Beast Ultra-Rare 22 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 4 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Frost Reaver Weapon Stormheim Striker Axe Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Frost Staff Weapon Glacial Peaks Striker Staff Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Frost Sword Weapon Blackhawk Assassin Sword Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Frostfeather Troop Glacial Peaks Mage Elemental-Beast Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Frostfire Jewel Weapon Stormheim Striker Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Frostfire Troll Troop Frostfire Keep/Stormheim Generator Elemental-Giant Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Frostfire Witch Troop Frostfire Keep/Stormheim Striker Elemental-Elf Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Frostfire Wraith Troop Frostfire Keep/Stormheim Defender Elemental-Undead Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Frostling Troop Glacial Peaks Warlock Elemental-Beast Common 41 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 60 2090 42 12 4 1
Frostmage Class Glacial Peaks Fey 1 20 2 0 34 6 2
Frozen Shieldbreaker Troop Dhrak-Zum Striker Undead-Dwarf Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Frozen Soul Weapon Urskaya Striker Polearm Epic 1 Epic 1 0 0 36
Fundingus Troop Zaejin Generator Elemental-Goblin Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Fungomancer Troop Amanithrax/Zaejin Warlock Elemental-Mystic Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Fury Troop Hell Gate/Maugrim Woods Striker Daemon Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Gaard's Avatar Troop Whitehelm Mage Divine-Knight Mythic 1 Mythic 20 3 13
Gaard's Wall Weapon Whitehelm Defender Shield Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Gael Spiritwhisperer Troop Sin of Maraj Warlock Human-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Game Warden Troop Sword's Edge Warmaster Human Common 0 ∕ 5 Common 0
Gar'Nok Troop Grosh-Nak Warmaster Orc Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 3 0 4 3450
Gargantaur Troop Grosh-Nak Assassin Daemon-Orc Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Gargoyle Troop Hall of Guardians/Whitehelm Assassin Construct Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Gargurgle Pet Primal 1 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 30 195 98
Garland Staff Weapon Pan's Vale Support Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Garuda Troop Suncrest Mage Elemental-Stryx Legendary 3 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 3 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Gate of Souls Troop Blighted Lands Defender Daemon-Construct Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Gelatinous Cube Troop Karakoth Assassin Monster Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 12 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Gemhammer Troop Dhrak-Zum Assassin Dwarf Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 12 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
General Suladin Troop Leonis Empire Warrior Human Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Genie's Lamp Troop The Vault Support Construct Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0 0 0 6 3450 78 24 10 18 2
Geomancer Class Hellcrag Construct 0 0
Ghiralee Troop Adana Striker Human Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Ghost's Bane Weapon Dhrak-Zum Striker Sword Epic 1 Epic 1 0 0 36
Ghoul Troop Ghulvania Striker Undead Common 40 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 61 2090 42 12 4 1
Giant Crab Troop Merlantis Striker Beast Common 68 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 33 2090 42 12 4 1
Giant Spider Troop Zhul'Kari Generator Beast Ultra-Rare 12 ∕ 25 Legendary 18 2 14 14 1400 26 8 3
Giant Toad Troop Darkstone Striker Beast Common 26 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 75 2090 42 12 4 1
Giant Toadstool Troop Zaejin Warlock Monster Common 36 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 65 2090 42 12 4 1
Giant's Mace Weapon Broken Spire Striker Mace Rare 1 Rare 1 0 0 21
Giantini Pet Stormheim 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Gimlet Stormbrew Troop Khaziel Generator Dwarf Epic 4 ∕ 10 Legendary 19 3 13 7 900
Ginormous Cleaver Weapon Stormheim Generator Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Glacial Crystal Weapon Glacial Peaks Generator Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Glade Warden Troop Forest of Thorns Striker Elf Common 35 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 66 2090 42 12 4 1
Glaive of Many Goats Weapon Pan's Vale Generator Polearm Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Glaive of Storms Weapon Stormheim Striker Polearm Ultra-Rare 1 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 28
Glass Golem Troop Glacial Peaks/Mirrored Halls Defender Fey-Construct Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Glaycion Troop Dhrak-Zum Defender Daemon-Monster Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 2 10 5 1000 34 6 2
Glitterclaw Troop Bright Forest Warlock Fey-Dragon Legendary 3 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 0 0 3 1000 78 12 10 10 16 2
Gloom Leaf Troop Forest of Thorns Warrior Fey-Elemental Legendary 6 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 0 1000
Glory Gnome Troop The Vault Generator Gnome Common 0 ∕ 5 Common 0 0 0 191 4265 42 12 4 1
Glowing Core Weapon Broken Spire Generator Relic Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Glutmaw Troop Sin of Maraj Assassin Daemon-Beast Ultra-Rare 8 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 15 0 0 33 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Gluttony Troop Sin of Maraj Assassin Daemon Ultra-Rare 13 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 13 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Gnoll Troop Wild Plains Assassin Wargare Rare 23 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 28 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Gob-Chomper Troop Broken Spire Assassin Giant Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 12 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Gobblekin Pet Zaejin 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Goblette Troop Zaejin Support Goblin Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Goblin Troop Zaejin Striker Goblin Common 41 ∕ 100 Legendary 16 0 0 60 1760 42 12 4 1
Goblin Bomber Troop Zaejin Generator Goblin Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Goblin Crusher Weapon Broken Spire Assassin Hammer Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Goblin King Troop Zaejin Warmaster Goblin Legendary 3 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 3 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Goblin Rocket Troop Zaejin Striker Goblin-Mech Ultra-Rare 5 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 3 0 21 2750
Goblin Shaman Troop Zaejin Generator Goblin-Mystic Rare 23 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 28 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Gobmother's Wand Weapon Zaejin Generator Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Gobsticker Weapon Zaejin Generator Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Gog and Gud Troop Broken Spire Warrior Giant Legendary 5 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 1 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Gold Ring Troop The Vault Support Construct Rare 17 ∕ 10 Ultra-Rare 15 0 0 69 2400 48 18 8 4
Golden Cog Weapon Adana Support Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Golden Sun Weapon Leonis Empire Striker Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Golem Troop Karakoth Defender Monster-Construct Common 49 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 52 2090 42 12 4 1
Gor'Thrum Troop Grosh-Nak Generator Orc-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Gorbil Troop Zaejin Assassin Beast Ultra-Rare 17 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 9 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Gorgon Troop Wild Plains Defender Tauros-Monster Ultra-Rare 7 ∕ 25 Legendary 18 0 0 19 1400 60 14 6 6 6 3
Gorgotha Troop Khaziel Defender Daemon Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 26 5 1000
Grand Inquisitor Troop Whitehelm Striker Divine-Human Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 13 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Grasping Grimoire Weapon Karakoth Generator Tome Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Grave Knight Troop Ghulvania Assassin Undead-Knight Ultra-Rare 16 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 10 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Grave Seer Troop Crypt Keepers/Sword's Edge Generator Undead-Mystic Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 18 3 0 14 1600
Gravitas Troop Whitehelm Striker Divine-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Gray Malkin Pet Nexus 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Greed Troop Sin of Maraj Support Daemon Rare 34 ∕ 50 Legendary 18 3 105 17 1200
Greedy Gift Pet Divinion Fields 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Green Golem Troop Forest of Thorns/Primal Rift Defender Elemental-Construct Ultra-Rare 6 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 20 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Green Seer Troop Forest of Thorns Generator Fey Epic 6 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 10 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Green Slime Troop Karakoth Generator Elemental-Monster Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 12 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Griff Stonefeather Troop Dhrak-Zum Striker Dwarf-Beast Epic 3 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 8 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Griffling Pet Sword's Edge 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Griffon Knight Troop Sword's Edge Generator Knight-Beast Rare 48 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 3 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Grimcorn Troop Silverglade Assassin Beast-Mystic Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Grimlet Pet Apocalypse 3 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 28 195 98
Grimmoira Troop Glacial Peaks Warlock Fey-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Grudgekeeper Weapon Khaziel Generator Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Gruz the Undefeated Troop Darkstone Warrior Human Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Guardian Crown Weapon Whitehelm Defender Jewellery Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Guardian Halberd Weapon Urskaya Striker Polearm Rare 1 Rare 1 0 0 21
Guardian Hammer Weapon Whitehelm Generator Hammer Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Guardian of the Fields Troop Divinion Fields Defender Beast-Knight Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Guardian Pillar Troop Striker No Troop Type Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Guppy Pet Merlantis 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Hack Job Weapon Zaejin Generator Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Hag Troop Darkstone Warlock Human-Mystic Rare 15 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 36 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Hairy Hoarder Pet Dhrak-Zum 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Halberd of Might Weapon Stormheim Striker Polearm Ultra-Rare 1 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 28
Half-Mane Troop Pridelands Striker Raksha Rare 27 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 24 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Halfgrim Half-Giant Troop Stormheim Striker Giant-Human Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 12 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Hammer of Force Weapon Forest of Thorns Assassin Hammer Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Hammer of Khaziel Weapon Khaziel Warrior Hammer Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Hammer of Shentang Weapon Shentang Warrior Hammer Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Hammer of Urskaya Weapon Urskaya Striker Hammer Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Hammerclaw Troop Merlantis/Sea of Sorrow Defender Merfolk-Monster Ultra-Rare 5 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 15 0 0 36 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Hammerhead Troop Blackhawk Striker Merfolk Common 34 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 67 2090 42 12 4 1
Hamsterthalamus Pet Dhrak-Zum 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Hare-o-Plane Pet Pan's Vale 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Harpy Troop Stonesong Eyrie/Suncrest Support Stryx Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Harpy Eagle Troop Suncrest Striker Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Harpy Mage Troop Stonesong Eyrie/Suncrest Generator Stryx-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Hatir & Skroll Troop Maugrim Woods Warmaster Elemental-Beast Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Hatir Ascendant Troop Maugrim Woods Warmaster Beast-Boss Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Haunted Guardian Troop Sword's Edge Generator Undead-Knight Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Hawthorn Troop Nexus Warrior Elemental Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Head Cleaver Weapon Wild Plains Striker Axe Epic 1 Epic 1 0 0 36
Heart of Rage Troop The Vault Support Construct Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0 0 0 6 6710 78 24 10 18 2
Heart of Xathenos Weapon Blighted Lands Mage Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Helgor the Guardian Troop Blighted Lands Defender Daemon-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Hellblade Weapon Maugrim Woods Striker Sword Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Hellcackle Troop Zaejin Striker Daemon-Goblin Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Hellcat Troop Blighted Lands Generator Daemon-Beast Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 18 1 5 13 1600 50 8 12 1
Hellclaw Hunter Troop Indrajit's Palace/Pridelands Striker Daemon-Raksha Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Hellclaw Mage Troop Indrajit's Palace/Pridelands Generator Daemon-Raksha Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Hellclaw Rager Troop Pridelands Assassin Daemon-Raksha Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Hellclaw Warrior Troop Indrajit's Palace/Pridelands Warrior Daemon-Raksha Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Hellhound Troop Blighted Lands Striker Daemon-Beast Rare 29 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 22 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Hellkitty Pet Pridelands 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Hellpuppy Pet Blighted Lands 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Hellspawn Troop Karakoth Assassin Daemon Ultra-Rare 9 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 27 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Hellstone Gate Troop Hellcrag Defender Daemon-Construct Common 0 ∕ 5 Common 0
Herald of Blight Troop Blighted Lands Striker Daemon-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Herald of Chaos Troop Blighted Lands Warrior Daemon-Knight Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Herald of Damnation Troop Blighted Lands Generator Daemon-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Herald of Torpor Troop Hellcrag Warlock Daemon-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Herald of Woe Troop Blighted Lands Warrior Daemon-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Herdmaster Troop Divinion Fields Generator Centaur Ultra-Rare 16 ∕ 25 Legendary 19 1 0 10 800 46 8 6 6 3
Herne Troop Divinion Fields Warrior Centaur Epic 3 ∕ 10 Legendary 18 1 0 8 1600 50 8 12 1
Heronath Troop Suncrest Support Stryx-Mystic Rare 22 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 29 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Hex Rat Troop Dark Pits/Mist of Scales Mage Wildfolk-Mystic Epic 1 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 10 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Hierophant Class Bright Forest Fey 0 0
High King Irongut Troop Zaejin Assassin Goblin Mythic 1 Mythic 20 3 0
High Paladin Troop Whitehelm Warrior Divine-Knight Ultra-Rare 11 ∕ 25 Legendary 18 3 0 15 1400
High Priestess Ch'azka Troop Suncrest Mage Divine-Stryx Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Hind Troop Silverglade Striker Fey-Centaur Ultra-Rare 4 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 22 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Hippocampus Troop Merlantis Support Merfolk-Beast Rare 27 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 24 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Hippogryph Troop Forest of Thorns Assassin Beast Rare 35 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 16 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Hive Mind Troop Dhrak-Zum/Illithia Support Monster Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Hoagi Humbucker Troop The Vault Warrior Gnome Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0 0 0 16 6020 66 8 8 8 12 1
Hoard Mimic Troop Dragon's Claw Support Monster-Construct Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Hobgoblin Troop Zaejin Warrior Goblin Ultra-Rare 3 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 23 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Hoglet Pet Shentang 5 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 26 195 98
Holiday Shrub Pet Silverglade 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Holy Avenger Weapon Leonis Empire Striker Sword Epic 1 Epic 1 0 0 36
Holy St. Astra Troop Whitehelm Support Divine-Human Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Holy Symbol Weapon Whitehelm Assassin Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Honeydipper Weapon Drifting Sands Striker Polearm Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Honor Troop Guardians Generator Elemental-Construct Common 94 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 7 2090 24 104 60 30
Hoodoo Doll Pet Sin of Maraj 1 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 30 195 98
Hook Sword Weapon Shentang Generator Sword Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Hope's Crescent Weapon Maugrim Woods Assassin Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Horncleaver Weapon Wild Plains Generator Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Horned Asp Troop Fang Moor/Khetar Striker Naga-Beast Rare 15 ∕ 50 Legendary 17 0 0 36 1650 48 10 4 4 4 2
Horned Guardian Troop The Labyrinth/Wild Plains Defender Tauros-Construct Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Horned Hag Troop Darkstone Warmaster Daemon-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Horned Wyrm Troop Dragon's Claw/Wyrmrun Warrior Dragon Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Horse Lord Troop Divinion Fields Striker Centaur Ultra-Rare 6 Mythic 15 0 0 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Hot Head Pet Khetar 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Hound of Yao Guai Troop Shentang Defender Daemon Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Howler Pet Ghulvania 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Huanglong Troop Shentang Mage Divine-Dragon Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Humility Troop Guardians Generator Elemental-Construct Common 84 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 17 2090 24 104 60 30
Hunter's Spear Weapon Pridelands Striker Polearm Common 1 Common 1 0 0 15
Hydra Troop Wild Plains Mage Monster Legendary 3 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 3 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Hyena Troop Wild Plains Warmaster Beast Common 32 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 69 2090 42 12 4 1
Hyndla Frostcrown Troop Stormheim Warmaster Elemental-Giant Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 0 0 4 1000 78 12 10 10 16 2
Ice Aegis Weapon Stormheim Warlock Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Ice Arrow Weapon Maugrim Woods Assassin Bow Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Ice Dagger Weapon Glacial Peaks Assassin Dagger Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Ice Goblin Troop Dhrak-Zum Warlock Goblin Ultra-Rare 7 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 19 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Ice Golem Troop Glacial Peaks Defender Elemental-Construct Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 12 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Ice Jelly Pet Grosh-Nak 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Ice Orca Troop Glacial Peaks Striker Elemental-Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Ice Sapphire Weapon Glacial Peaks Generator Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Ice Troll Troop Dhrak-Zum Generator Elemental-Giant Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 18 1 0 14 1600 50 8 12 1
Ice Witch Troop Stormheim Striker Fey-Mystic Epic 2 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 9 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Ice Worm Troop Dhrak-Zum Generator Monster Common 43 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 58 2090 42 12 4 1
Ice Wraith Troop Stormheim Striker Elemental-Undead Rare 41 ∕ 50 Legendary 19 3 0 10 700
Icespire Shaman Troop Stormheim Mage Giant-Mystic Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Icy Glaive Weapon Dhrak-Zum Striker Polearm Rare 1 Rare 1 0 0 21
Idol of Darkstone Weapon Darkstone Warrior Relic Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Ifrit Troop Drifting Sands Mage Elemental Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Igneus Troop Broken Spire Generator Giant-Mystic Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Illithian Colossus Troop Dhrak-Zum/Illithia Defender Monster-Giant Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Illithian Servitor Troop Dhrak-Zum/Illithia Mage Monster-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Imp of Love Troop Primal Warlock Elemental Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Imperial Jewel Weapon Dragon's Claw Mage Jewellery Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Incubus Troop Blighted Lands Warlock Daemon Ultra-Rare 7 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 19 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Indolator of Sloth Troop Sin of Maraj Defender Daemon-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Indrajit Troop Indrajit's Palace/Pridelands Mage Daemon-Raksha Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Indrajit's Claw Weapon Pridelands Striker Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Infernal King Troop Blighted Lands Warmaster Daemon Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Infernal Voulge Weapon Karakoth Generator Polearm Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Infernus Troop Broken Spire Mage Divine-Elemental Mythic 1 Mythic 20 3 100
Innkeeper Troop Sword's Edge Support Human Common 40 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 61 2090 42 12 4 1
Iron Wave Weapon Merlantis Generator Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Ironbark Troop Forest of Thorns Warrior Elemental Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 13 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Ironhawk Troop Adana Warmaster Construct-Mech Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Ironjaw Troop Depths of Sin/Sin of Maraj Defender Daemon-Construct Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Ishtara Troop Dragon's Claw Mage Divine-Dragon Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Itsy Bitsy Drider Pet Zhul'Kari 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Itty Bitty Yeti Pet Glacial Peaks 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Ixchel Troop Suncrest Striker Stryx Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Jack-o-Lantern Weapon Sin of Maraj Warlock Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Jackelope Troop Glacial Peaks Generator Beast Rare 27 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 24 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Jaguar Warrior Troop Suncrest Warrior Raksha Ultra-Rare 22 ∕ 25 Legendary 19 2 0 4 800 26 8 3
Jakal the Guardian Troop Khetar Generator Undead-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Jar of Eyes Weapon Darkstone Generator Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Jarl Firemantle Troop Stormheim Generator Elemental-Giant Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Javelin of Suncrest Weapon Suncrest Warrior Missile Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Javelin of War Weapon Zaejin Striker Missile Ultra-Rare 1 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 28
Jelly Shot Weapon Grosh-Nak Generator Missile Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Jewel Gnome Troop The Vault Support Gnome Common 0 ∕ 5 Common 0 0 0 191 4265 42 12 4 1
Jotnar Stormshield Troop Stormheim Warrior Divine-Giant Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Joust Mouse Pet Mist of Scales 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Judge of the Dead Troop Hell Gate/Maugrim Woods Mage Daemon-Undead Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Justice Troop Guardians Generator Elemental-Construct Common 85 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 16 2090 24 104 60 30
Kalika Troop Nexus Mage Elemental-Mystic Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Kartek the Climber Troop Pridelands Striker Raksha Epic 1 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 15 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Keeper of Lore Troop Karakoth Warlock Human-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Keeper of Souls Troop Khetar Warmaster Undead Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 0 4 1000
Keg's Crusher Weapon Dhrak-Zum Generator Hammer Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Keghammer Troop Stormheim Assassin Dwarf Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Kelp Weed Pet Ghulvania 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Kelpie Troop Dark Court/Ghulvania Striker Fey-Monster Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Kendrala Bloodjewel Troop Blackhawk Striker Elf-Rogue Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Kerberos Troop Maugrim Woods Assassin Daemon-Beast Legendary 4 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 1 4 2 1000 60 12 16 2
Ketras the Bull Troop Wild Plains Warrior Divine-Tauros Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Keystone Weapon Sin of Maraj Support Relic Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Kharybdis Troop Merlantis Assassin Beast-Giant Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Khatib Tahir Troop Leonis Empire Support Human Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Khopesh of Misery Weapon Khetar Striker Sword Ultra-Rare 1 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 28
Khopeshi Troop Leonis Empire Warlock Human Common 22 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 79 2090 42 12 4 1
King Avelorn Troop Forest of Thorns Mage Elf Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 0 5 1000
King Bloodhammer Troop Dhrak-Zum Warmaster Undead-Dwarf Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 1 0 5 1000 60 12 16 2
King Bloodwood Troop Forest of Thorns Warrior Elemental-Fey Mythic 0 Mythic 0
King Gobtruffle Troop Amanithrax/Zaejin Generator Elemental-Goblin Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
King Heliodor Troop Nexus Warmaster Elemental Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
King Highforge Troop Khaziel Warmaster Dwarf Legendary 5 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 0 1 1000
King Mikhail Troop Urskaya Warrior Urska-Knight Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 0 4 1000
King Minos Troop The Labyrinth/Wild Plains Mage Tauros Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
King Oberron Troop Bright Forest Support Fey Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
King of Thieves Troop City of Thieves/Leonis Empire Warrior Human-Rogue Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
King Silenus Troop Pan's Vale Warrior Wildfolk Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 5 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
King's Crown Troop The Vault Support Construct Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 62 30 16 6
King-Chopper Weapon Grosh-Nak Generator Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Kingslayer Weapon Stormheim Striker Sword Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Kit Sith Pet Bright Forest 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Kitsune Troop Maugrim Woods Striker Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Kitterfly Pet Silverglade 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Knight Class Sword's Edge Knight 1 20 0 0 78 24 10 18 2
Knight Captain Troop Sword's Edge Support Human-Knight Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Knight Coronet Troop Sword's Edge Defender Human-Knight Ultra-Rare 13 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 23 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Knight's Sword Weapon Leonis Empire Striker Sword Common 1 Common 1 0 0 15
Knuckle Smasher Weapon Grosh-Nak Striker Mace Epic 1 Epic 1 0 0 36
Kobold Troop Emperinazar/Khaziel Striker Goblin-Naga Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Kobold Kitty Pet Khaziel 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Kobold Knight Troop Emperinazar/Khaziel Defender Goblin-Naga Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Kobold Magi Troop Emperinazar/Khaziel Mage Goblin-Naga Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Kobra Troop Mist of Scales Striker Naga-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Korag's Invention Weapon Dhrak-Zum Generator Missile Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Kraken Troop Blackhawk Assassin Monster Legendary 3 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 5 3 1000
Krampus Troop Maugrim Woods Assassin Monster Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Kris Knife Weapon Mist of Scales Striker Dagger Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Kruarg the Dread Troop Grosh-Nak Warmaster Daemon-Monster Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 5 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Krys-hook Weapon Leonis Empire Generator Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Kryshound Troop Dhrak-Zum Generator Construct-Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Krysta's Scythe Weapon Nexus Generator Scythe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Krystenax Troop Silverglade Mage Dragon Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 5 4 1000
Kuotani Troop Merlantis Striker Merfolk Rare 37 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 14 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Kurandara Troop Urskaya Assassin Daemon Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Kurandarito Pet Urskaya 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Lady Anariel Troop Forest of Thorns Support Elf-Mystic Epic 2 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 9 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Lady Estelle Troop Bright Forest Support Fey-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Lady Garnetia Troop Dragon's Claw Striker Dragon-Knight Epic 1 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 15 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Lady Ironbeard Troop Khaziel Assassin Dwarf-Knight Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 18 3 0 12 1600
Lady Morana Troop Crypt Keepers/Sword's Edge Defender Undead-Knight Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 5 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Lady Sapphira Troop Whitehelm Assassin Undead Epic 9 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 2 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Lamashtu Troop Blighted Lands Generator Daemon-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Lamia Troop Mist of Scales Warlock Naga-Mystic Ultra-Rare 13 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 1 0 13 2750 46 8 6 6 3
Lamplet Pet Leonis Empire 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Lamprey Troop Merlantis Assassin Monster Ultra-Rare 11 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 25 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Lance Knight Troop Sword's Edge Generator Human-Knight Common 66 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 35 2090 42 12 4 1
Lance of Divinity Weapon Dragon's Claw Striker Polearm Ultra-Rare 1 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 28
Lapina Explorer Troop Pan's Vale Striker Wildfolk Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Lapina Knight Troop Pan's Vale/The Warrens Warrior Wildfolk-Knight Epic 1 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 15 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Lasher Troop Khaziel Striker Elemental-Monster Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Last Harbor Weapon Bright Forest Assassin Mace Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Lava Elemental Troop Broken Spire Defender Elemental Ultra-Rare 17 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 9 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Lava Scorpion Troop Broken Spire/Fire Rift Warrior Elemental-Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Lava Spire Axe Weapon Broken Spire Striker Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Lava Spire Shield Weapon Broken Spire Striker Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Lava Troll Troop Broken Spire Generator Elemental-Giant Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Leafette Pet Silverglade 5 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 26 195 98
Leanansidhe Troop Dark Court/Ghulvania Mage Fey-Mystic Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Leio Troop Pridelands Defender Raksha-Beast Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Lemure Troop Hell Gate/Maugrim Woods Warlock Daemon Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Leocorn Troop Pridelands Support Beast-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Leonis Tower Troop Leonis Empire Defender Tower Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Leprechaun Troop Bright Forest Generator Fey Ultra-Rare 10 ∕ 10 Epic 18 3 51 26 1400
Leshy Troop Urskaya Warlock Elemental-Fey Common 25 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 76 2090 42 12 4 1
Leviathan Troop Merlantis Mage Merfolk-Dragon Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 4 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Libertini Pet Whitehelm 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Life and Death Weapon Silverglade Warlock Staff Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Light Staff Weapon Shentang Striker Staff Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Light Sword Weapon Suncrest Assassin Sword Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Lightborn Paladin Troop Nexus/Umbral Nexus Defender Elemental-Knight Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Lightning Rod Weapon Adana Striker Polearm Ultra-Rare 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 1 28
Lil' Freedom Pet Guardians 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Lil' Johnny Bronze Troop Blackhawk Warmaster Human-Rogue Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 18 1 0 12 1600 50 8 12 1
Lil' Kerby Pet Maugrim Woods 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Limpet-bot Troop Adana Generator Mech Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Lion and Tiger Weapon Leonis Empire Warlock Sword Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Lion Prince Troop Leonis Empire Warrior Knight-Beast Rare 33 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 18 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Lion's Claw Weapon Leonis Empire Striker Sword Epic 1 Epic 1 0 0 36
Little Bang Pet Zaejin 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Little Lupus Pet Maugrim Woods 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Living Quartz Troop Khaziel Warmaster Elemental Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Lockstone Weapon Grosh-Nak Warlock Relic Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Lord Archimedus Troop Forest of Thorns Mage Monster-Beast Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Lord Belanor Troop Forest of Thorns Striker Elf-Beast Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Lord Ehrondil Troop Silverglade Striker Elf-Mystic Epic 1 Mythic 20 3 0
Lord Ember Troop Dragon's Claw Generator Dragon-Knight Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 18 3 10 13 1600
Lord Ironbeard Troop Khaziel Assassin Dwarf Epic 2 ∕ 10 Legendary 18 3 4 9 1600
Lost Grimoire Weapon Karakoth Generator Tome Epic 1 Epic 1 0 0 36
Love Panda Pet Shentang 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Loyalty Troop Guardians Generator Elemental-Construct Common 60 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 41 2090 24 104 60 30
Lucifria Troop Blighted Lands Striker Daemon-Rogue Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Lucky Pet Zhul'Kari 2 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 29 195 98
Lucky Ox Pet Shentang 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Luna Troop Pan's Vale/The Warrens Mage Wildfolk-Mystic Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Lupine's Edge Weapon Maugrim Woods Generator Sword Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Lust Troop Sin of Maraj Warlock Daemon-Mystic Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 0 0 4 1000 78 12 10 10 16 2
Lute of the Vale Weapon Pan's Vale Warrior Relic Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Luther Troop Broken Spire Support Human-Knight Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Lyrasza Troop Lyrasza's Lair/Shentang Mage Urska-Mystic Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Lyriath Troop Suncrest Support Stryx Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Mace of Claws Weapon Dragon's Claw Generator Mace Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Mace of Ghulvania Weapon Ghulvania Warrior Mace Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Mace of Grosh-Nak Weapon Grosh-Nak Warrior Mace Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Mace of Malice Weapon Zhul'Kari Striker Mace Ultra-Rare 1 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 28
Mad Prophet Troop Drifting Sands Support Human-Mystic Common 37 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 64 2090 42 12 4 1
Magma Dragon Troop Broken Spire/Fire Rift Mage Elemental-Dragon Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Magmapillar Pet Broken Spire 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Magnus Troop Darkstone Mage Human Legendary 3 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 5 3 1000
Maid of Envy Troop Sin of Maraj Striker Daemon Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Malcandessa Troop Zhul'Kari Generator Elf-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Mambasira Troop Mist of Scales Striker Daemon-Naga Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Mammoth Troop Urskaya Striker Beast Common 32 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 69 2090 42 12 4 1
Man-at-Arms Troop Sword's Edge Support Human-Knight Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Mang Weapon Grosh-Nak Warlock Sword Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Manticore Troop Leonis Empire Warrior Monster Ultra-Rare 4 ∕ 25 Legendary 18 0 0 22 1400 60 6 14 6 6 3
Manticore Cub Troop Leonis Empire Warlock Monster Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Manticore Protector Troop Leonis Empire Striker Monster-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Manticub Pet Leonis Empire 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Mantis Shrimp Troop Merlantis Striker Merfolk Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Marid Troop Drifting Sands Striker Human-Rogue Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 13 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Marilith Troop Mist of Scales Generator Daemon-Naga Epic 6 ∕ 5 Epic 18 2 0 10 1600 28 4 1
Marsh Raptor Troop Mist of Scales Striker Monster Ultra-Rare 17 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 9 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Marsh Strangler Troop Mist of Scales Striker Elemental Rare 38 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 13 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Martlet Pet Suncrest 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Mask-supial Pet Divinion Fields 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Matron Dragotani Troop Dragon's Claw Generator Dragon-Centaur Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Matron Velenne Troop Eldrazhor/Zhul'Kari Assassin Elf Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
McMimic Pet Zaejin 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Mecha Axe Weapon Adana Generator Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Mecha Gnome Troop The Vault Warlock Mech-Gnome Common 0 ∕ 5 Common 0 0 0 191 4265 42 12 4 1
Mecha Rat Troop Adana Warmaster Mech-Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Mechamare Troop Whitehelm Generator Mech-Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Mechanist Class Adana Mech 1 20 3 0
Mechataur Troop The Labyrinth/Wild Plains Warrior Tauros-Mech Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Mechweaver Troop Zhul'Kari Generator Mech-Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Medea Troop Karakoth Mage Human-Mystic Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Medusa Troop Mist of Scales Striker Naga-Monster Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Medusa Tome Weapon Mist of Scales Generator Tome Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Medusa's Blade Weapon Mist of Scales Striker Sword Ultra-Rare 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 1 28
Medusa’s Ring Weapon Mist of Scales Striker Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Megavore Troop Blackhawk Assassin Merfolk-Monster Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Meira Dawn Troop Maugrim Woods Striker Human-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Memories of Stone Weapon Karakoth Warlock Tome Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Mephisquideles Pet Karakoth 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Merchant Prince Troop Darkstone Generator Human Ultra-Rare 22 ∕ 25 Legendary 19 3 0 4 800
Merchant's Blade Weapon Leonis Empire Striker Sword Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Mercy Troop Whitehelm Generator Divine Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 18 3 13 11 1600
Merknight Troop Merlantis Defender Merfolk-Knight Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Merlion Troop Merlantis Warlock Merfolk-Beast Ultra-Rare 7 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 19 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Mermaid Troop Merlantis Striker Merfolk Rare 25 ∕ 50 Legendary 19 1 0 26 700 36 6 4 4 2
Mershark Troop Merlantis/Sea of Sorrow Striker Merfolk Rare 5 ∕ 25 Epic 15 0 0 71 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Mervorax Troop Merlantis Generator Merfolk-Monster Rare 13 ∕ 25 Epic 15 0 0 63 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Metztli Troop Suncrest Warlock Undead-Stryx Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Micro Muffin Pet Bright Forest 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Micro Muffin Pro Pet Bright Forest 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Micro Muffin X Pet Bright Forest 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Midge Swarm Troop Wild Plains Mage Beast Rare 24 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 27 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Mimic Troop Blackhawk Support Monster-Construct Ultra-Rare 13 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 23 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Mimicophagus Pet Khetar 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Mind Eater Troop Dhrak-Zum/Illithia Striker Monster Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Minfernus Pet Broken Spire 2 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 29 195 98
Mini Maw Pet Drifting Sands 3 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 28 195 98
Mini Mimic Pet Blackhawk 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Mini Moa Pet Suncrest 5 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 26 195 98
Minirino Pet Divinion Fields 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Minishroom Pet Zaejin 3 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 28 195 98
Miniskito Pet Drifting Sands 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Minitaur Pet Wild Plains 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Minito Mori Pet Sword's Edge 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Minnow Pet Bright Forest 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Minogor Troop Wild Plains Assassin Tauros-Beast Ultra-Rare 4 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 22 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Minos' Cleaver Weapon Wild Plains Generator Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Mirror Mimic Pet Glacial Peaks 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Mirror Orb Weapon Glacial Peaks Support Relic Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Mirror Shield Weapon Mist of Scales Support Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Mist Stalker Troop Mist of Scales Striker Monster Rare 22 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 29 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Mistralus Troop Stormheim Mage Elemental-Fey Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Mithrilion Troop Khaziel Defender Construct Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Moa Troop Divinion Fields Striker Beast Common 62 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 39 2090 42 12 4 1
Moira Cragheart Troop Dhrak-Zum Striker Dwarf Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Moist Owlette Pet Nexus 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Moloch Troop Whitehelm Warlock Daemon Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 4 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Moneylender Troop Leonis Empire Generator Human Rare 35 ∕ 50 Legendary 18 3 36 16 1200
Mongo Troop Wild Plains Support Tauros Epic 2 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 9 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Monk Class Shentang Elf 0 0
Monkey Disciple Troop Shentang Support Divine-Wildfolk Rare 23 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 28 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Monster Muncher Troop Leonis Empire Assassin Giant Epic 1 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 15 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Moon Mage Troop Silverglade Mage Elf Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Moon Moon Pet Ghulvania 2 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 29 195 98
Moon Phoenix Troop Silverglade Mage Beast-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Moon Rabbit Troop Shentang Generator Beast-Mystic Epic 2 Mythic 15 0 0 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Moonblade Weapon Maugrim Woods Striker Polearm Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Moonsinger Troop Maugrim Woods Generator Wargare Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Moonstone Trinket Weapon Hellcrag Generator Relic Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Morterra Troop Khetar Striker Human-Mystic Epic 4 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 7 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Morthani's Scythe Weapon Ghulvania Mage Scythe Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Morthani's Will Troop Ghulvania Warlock Divine-Undead Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Mortlach Stoutbeard Troop Khaziel Striker Dwarf Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Mosasaurus Troop Blackhawk Assassin Monster Ultra-Rare 8 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 18 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Moshu the Guardian Troop Shentang Generator Elf-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Moth Mage Troop Drifting Sands/The Deep Hive Mage Wildfolk-Mystic Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Mother of Darkness Troop Darkstone Assassin Daemon-Rogue Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Mountain Crusher Weapon Khaziel Generator Hammer Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Mummified King Troop Khetar Striker Undead Ultra-Rare 12 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 14 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Mushroom Man Troop Amanithrax/Zaejin Defender Elemental Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Musketeer Troop Adana Striker Human Common 44 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 57 2090 42 12 4 1
Mystery Egg Weapon Dragon's Claw Generator Relic Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Mystic Manuscript Weapon Bright Forest Generator Tome Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Myzmer Troop Karakoth Assassin Daemon-Monster Common 7 ∕ 10 Rare 15 0 0 179 2090 24 104 60 30
Nabassu Troop Hellcrag Striker Daemon-Construct Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Naga Queen Troop Mist of Scales Generator Naga Ultra-Rare 8 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 18 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Nagatrap Troop Mist of Scales Striker Elemental-Monster Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Narwhale Troop Blackhawk Striker Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Natura's Star Weapon Nexus Warrior Missile Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Nature Staff Weapon Merlantis Striker Staff Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Nature Sword Weapon Silverglade Assassin Sword Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Nature Weird Troop Nexus Mage Elemental Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Nature's Wrath Weapon Glacial Peaks Striker Staff Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Natureborn Hunter Troop Nexus Generator Elemental Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Natureborn Warden Troop Nexus Striker Elemental Common 0 ∕ 5 Common 0
Natureborn Wolf Troop Nexus Striker Elemental-Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Nax Troop Pan's Vale Support Wildfolk-Mystic Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Necrezza Troop Khetar Warlock Human-Mystic Epic 2 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 9 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Necrocorn Troop Silver Necropolis/Silverglade Support Undead-Beast Ultra-Rare 4 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 17 3 0 37 1900
Necromancer Class Khetar Undead 1 20 0 0 78 12 10 10 16 2
Nereida Troop Merlantis Striker Merfolk Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Nether Wyrm Troop Dragon's Claw/Wyrmrun Warmaster Dragon Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Netherhound Troop Karakoth Generator Daemon-Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Nexus Portal Troop Nexus Generator Elemental-Construct Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Night Dagger Weapon Leonis Empire Assassin Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Night Hag Troop Darkstone Warlock Undead-Mystic Epic 2 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 9 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Night Spider Troop Zhul'Kari Generator Beast-Rogue Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Night Terror Troop Zhul'Kari Striker Monster Rare 36 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 3 0 15 2400
Night-Slayer Troop Pridelands Striker Raksha Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Nightarrow Troop Blackhawk/The Black Heart Assassin Elf-Rogue Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Nightmare Troop Blighted Lands Generator Daemon-Beast Common 26 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 75 2090
Nightshade Troop Crypt Keepers/Sword's Edge Warlock Divine-Undead Rare 2 ∕ 10 Ultra-Rare 15 0 0 84 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Nightwing Troop Divinion Fields Generator Beast-Mystic Epic 4 Mythic 20 3 0
Nimbus Bow Weapon Suncrest Generator Bow Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Nimue Troop Merlantis Warmaster Merfolk-Mystic Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 0 0 5 1000 78 12 10 10 16 2
Ninja Cat Pet Darkstone 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Nobend Brothers Troop Zaejin Warlock Goblin-Rogue Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 18 2 0 12 1600 28 4 1
Nocturnia Troop Blighted Lands/Fell Roost Striker Daemon-Dragon Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Norbert’s Turnip Weapon Zaejin Generator Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Northrender Troop Stormheim Generator Human Common 27 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 74 2090 42 12 4 1
Nosferatu Troop Ghulvania Warrior Undead Epic 4 ∕ 10 Legendary 18 0 0 7 1600 66 8 8 8 12 1
Null Sphere Weapon Karakoth Warlock Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
NUTCRKR 1225 Troop Adana Generator Mech-Knight Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Nyar'Mel Troop Duergaroth/Karakoth Striker Daemon Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Nymph Troop Pan's Vale Warlock Fey-Elemental Rare 13 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 38 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Nysha's Skull Weapon Darkstone Warmaster Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Nyx Troop Pan's Vale Generator Elemental-Fey Ultra-Rare 8 ∕ 25 Legendary 18 0 0 18 1400 60 6 14 6 6 3
Oaken Crown Weapon Forest of Thorns Generator Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Obregonia Troop Drifting Sands Mage Elemental-Dragon Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Obsidian Depths Faction Weapon Weapon Hellcrag Generator Tome Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Obsidian Golem Troop Broken Spire Defender Elemental-Construct Ultra-Rare 6 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 20 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Obsidiaxas Troop Obsidian Depths Mage No Troop Type Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Obsidius Troop Dhrak-Zum Mage Daemon-Elemental Mythic 1 Mythic 15 0 0 4300 24 64 16 21 21 4
Ocea's Tome Weapon Nexus Generator Tome Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Ocean's Protector Weapon Blackhawk Defender Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Ochre Jelly Troop Dripping Caverns/Grosh-Nak Warmaster Elemental-Monster Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Ocularen Troop All-Seeing Eye/Darkstone Generator Monster Epic 7 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 4 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Ocularen Leech Troop All-Seeing Eye/Darkstone Warrior Monster Ultra-Rare 6 ∕ 10 Epic 15 3 0 30 2750
Ograk Shaman Troop Broken Spire Warlock Giant-Mystic Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Ogre Troop Broken Spire Generator Giant Common 40 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 61 2090 42 12 4 1
Ogress Troop Broken Spire Defender Giant Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Ogrikin Pet Grosh-Nak 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Ogryn Troop Grosh-Nak Assassin Orc-Giant Common 1 ∕ 10 Rare 15 0 0 185 2090 24 104 60 30
Old Man Oakroot Troop Bright Forest Warrior Fey Epic 2 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 9 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Oneiros Troop Divinion Fields Warlock Daemon-Centaur Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Onyx Gargoyle Troop Obsidian Depths Striker No Troop Type Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Onyx Sword Weapon Stormheim Striker Sword Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Oracle Class Divinion Fields Centaur 1 20 3 0
Orb of Winter Weapon Glacial Peaks Mage Relic Mythic 1 Mythic 1 0 0 55
Orbweaver Class Zhul'Kari Elf 1 20 0 0 78 12 10 10 16 2
Orc Troop Grosh-Nak Warrior Orc Common 58 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 43 2090
Orc King's Club Weapon Grosh-Nak Striker Mace Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Orc Veteran Troop Grosh-Nak Warrior Orc Ultra-Rare 22 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 4 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Order and Chaos Weapon Sword's Edge Assassin Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Orion Troop Divinion Fields Assassin Fey-Centaur Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 5 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Orion's Herald Troop Divinion Fields Warmaster Centaur Common 42 ∕ 100 Legendary 18 3 0 59 1000
Orpheus' Discord Weapon Leonis Empire Warlock Sword Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Orpheus' Lute Weapon Pan's Vale Support Relic Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Orpheus' Verse Weapon Leonis Empire Generator Tome Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Orrery Troop Divinion Fields Mage Construct-Mystic Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Ostryx Troop Suncrest Support Stryx-Mystic Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Owl Rider Troop Forest of Thorns Striker Elf-Beast Ultra-Rare 15 ∕ 25 Legendary 19 3 0 11 800
Owlbear Troop Forest of Thorns Striker Beast-Monster Rare 25 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 26 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Owlbunny Pet Forest of Thorns 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Owleth Troop Suncrest Warlock Stryx-Mystic Rare 29 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 22 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Ozzie Pet Drifting Sands 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
P4-NTH4 Troop Adana Assassin Mech-Beast Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Paladin Troop Whitehelm Striker Divine-Knight Rare 35 ∕ 50 Legendary 18 3 0 16 1200
Pan Troop Pan's Vale Striker Wildfolk-Beast Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Pan's Lute Weapon Pan's Vale Warlock Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Pandaska Guard Troop Shentang Striker Urska Rare 23 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 28 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Pandaska Mage Troop Shentang Warlock Urska-Mystic Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Parrot Troop Blackhawk Warlock Beast Rare 41 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 10 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Patience Troop Whitehelm Striker Divine-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Pavos Dawnwind Troop Suncrest Striker Stryx-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Peace Pigeon Pet Whitehelm 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Pearl of Wisdom Weapon Merlantis Generator Jewellery Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Peasant Troop Sword's Edge Generator Human Common 63 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 38 2090 42 12 4 1
Pegaset Pet Divinion Fields 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Pegasus Troop Divinion Fields Striker Beast Rare 33 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 18 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Pendant of the Empire Weapon Leonis Empire Warrior Jewellery Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Penglong Troop Shentang Mage Divine-Dragon Epic 2 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 9 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Penguin Troop Stormheim Assassin Beast Common 1 ∕ 10 Rare 16 0 0 185 1760 24 104 60 30
Penitent Troop Whitehelm Warlock Human Common 56 ∕ 100 Legendary 18 3 0 45 1000
Persistence Troop Guardians Assassin Wargare-Construct Common 0 ∕ 5 Common 0
Peryton Troop Dragon's Claw Assassin Monster Common 7 ∕ 10 Rare 15 0 0 179 2090 24 104 60 30
Pet Gnome Troop The Vault Warmaster Gnome Common 0 ∕ 5 Common 0 0 0 191 4265 42 12 4 1
Pet-o-bot Pet Adana 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Petrahulk Troop Hellcrag Defender Daemon-Construct Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Petrified Golem Troop Hellcrag Support Construct Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Pharaoh Hound Troop Khetar Generator Beast Rare 30 ∕ 50 Legendary 19 2 5 21 700 20 6 2
Pharaoh Nefertani Troop Khetar Assassin Undead Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Pharos-Ra Troop Khetar Assassin Divine-Undead Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Phoenicia Troop Suncrest Mage Elemental-Stryx Mythic 2 Mythic 15 0 0 4300 24 64 16 21 21 4
Phoenix Crossbow Weapon Suncrest Striker Bow Rare 1 Rare 1 0 0 21
Phylactery Weapon Khetar Support Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Piercing Lance Weapon Maugrim Woods Striker Polearm Rare 1 Rare 1 0 0 21
Pigsticker Weapon Zaejin Striker Dagger Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Pinguin Pet Stormheim 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Piper Troop Pan's Vale Striker Wildfolk Rare 39 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 12 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Pirate Troop Blackhawk Support Human-Rogue Rare 28 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 23 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Pirate's Signet Weapon Blackhawk Generator Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Piscea Troop Merlantis Generator Merfolk Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Pistol of Adana Weapon Adana Warrior Missile Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Pit Knife Weapon Mist of Scales Warlock Dagger Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Pixie Troop Bright Forest Warlock Fey Rare 17 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 34 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Plague Troop Apocalypse Warlock Daemon-Fey Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Plague Rat Troop Dark Pits/Mist of Scales Generator Wildfolk Ultra-Rare 7 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 29 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Plaguecrafter Troop Blackhawk/The Black Heart Warlock Elf-Rogue Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Plaguelord Class Darkstone Human 1 20 3 0
Plainsjumper Troop Divinion Fields Generator Beast Rare 32 ∕ 50 Legendary 19 3 0 19 700
Plumed Staff Weapon Suncrest Generator Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Plunder and Peril Weapon Blackhawk Striker Missile Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Poison Master Troop Mist of Scales Generator Naga Rare 17 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 34 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Possessed Urska Troop Urskaya Striker Daemon-Urska Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Pox Hare Troop Pan's Vale Striker Wildfolk Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Prancer Pet Maugrim Woods 1 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 30 195 98
Prey Seeker Weapon Dragon's Claw Striker Bow Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Pride Troop Sin of Maraj Striker Daemon Epic 9 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 7 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Pride Guard Troop Leonis Empire Warrior Raksha-Knight Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Pride Hunter Troop Pridelands Warrior Raksha Common 48 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 53 2090
Priest Class Whitehelm Divine 1 20 0 0 78 24 10 18 2
Priest's Chalice Troop The Vault Support Construct Ultra-Rare 1 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 15 0 0 40 2750 54 24 12 5
Priest's Hammer Weapon Whitehelm Striker Hammer Common 1 Common 1 5 0
Priestess Troop Whitehelm Support Divine-Human Common 45 ∕ 100 Legendary 17 3 0 56 1400
Primal Axe Weapon Wild Plains Generator Axe Legendary 1 Legendary 1 8 0 9
Primal Rage Weapon Grosh-Nak Striker Mace Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Prince Azquila Troop Suncrest Warrior Stryx-Knight Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 13 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Prince Barislav Troop Urskaya Assassin Urska-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Prince Ethoras Troop Bright Forest Warmaster Elf-Knight Epic 1 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 10 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Princess Elspeth Troop Silverglade Warmaster Elf-Mystic Epic 2 ∕ 10 Legendary 16 0 1 9 2650 66 8 8 8 12 1
Princess Fizzbang Troop Zaejin Generator Goblin-Mystic Epic 8 ∕ 10 Legendary 19 1 0 3 900 50 8 12 1
Prism Staff Weapon Pan's Vale Mage Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Prismatic Orb Weapon Silverglade Support Jewellery Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Psion Troop Darkstone Warlock Daemon Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 16 5 1000
Puddling Pet Karakoth 2 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 29 210 105
Puka Troop Divinion Fields/Wild Court Generator Fey Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Puppy Pirate Pet Blackhawk 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Puppybot Pet Adana 1 Epic 10 0 0 25 155 78
Pyggra Troop Broken Spire Generator Monster Epic 3 ∕ 10 Legendary 18 0 22 8 1600 66 8 8 8 12 1
Pyrohydra Troop Wild Plains Warrior Elemental-Monster Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Qilin Troop Shentang Warmaster Divine-Beast Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 3 4 1000
Quasit Troop Blighted Lands Warlock Daemon Common 28 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 73 2090
Quatramanus Troop Whitehelm Striker Construct Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Queen Aurora Troop Silverglade Support Divine-Beast Mythic 2 Mythic 20 3 5
Queen Beetrix Troop Drifting Sands/The Deep Hive Generator Wildfolk-Mystic Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Queen Grapplepot Troop Zaejin Mage Goblin Legendary 4 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 0 2 1000
Queen Mab Troop Glacial Peaks Mage Fey Legendary 3 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 0 3 1000
Queen Moonclaw Troop Wild Plains Warmaster Wargare-Mystic Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Queen of Sin Troop Sin of Maraj Warmaster Daemon-Mystic Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Queen Sheggra Troop Warmaster Dragon-Boss Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Queen Titania Troop Bright Forest Mage Fey-Mystic Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 5 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Queen Xochi Troop Stonesong Eyrie/Suncrest Mage Stryx-Mystic Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Queen Ysabelle Troop Sword's Edge Support Human-Knight Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Queen's Herald Troop Sword's Edge Warrior Human-Knight Epic 3 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 8 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Quetzalma Troop Suncrest Mage Divine-Stryx Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Quetzantini Pet Suncrest 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Quickpaw Jack Troop Blackhawk Striker Wildfolk-Rogue Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Radiant Jewel Weapon Pan's Vale Generator Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Ragereaver Weapon Wild Plains Striker Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Ragnagord Troop Divinion Fields Generator Wildfolk Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 18 0 0 13 1600 66 8 8 8 12 1
Raksha Free-Blood Troop Pridelands Striker Raksha Ultra-Rare 6 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 20 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Rakshanin Troop Pridelands Assassin Raksha-Knight Ultra-Rare 14 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 12 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Ranger Troop Maugrim Woods Striker Wargare Rare 34 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 17 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Rat of Fortune Pet Shentang 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Rattigar Troop Dark Pits/Mist of Scales Striker Wildfolk Rare 13 ∕ 25 Epic 15 0 0 63 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Rattlebone Pet Khetar 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Raven Troop Mist of Scales Striker Human-Rogue Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 12 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Razorclaw Weapon Urskaya Generator Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Reaver Troop Zhul'Kari Striker Elf Common 36 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 65 2090 42 12 4 1
Red Ahriman Troop Dragon's Claw Mage Daemon-Dragon Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Red Cap Troop Divinion Fields/Wild Court Striker Fey Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Red Charlotte Troop Blackhawk Striker Rogue Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Redthorn Troop Forest of Thorns/Primal Rift Striker Elemental Epic 8 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 3 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Reflection of Good Weapon Silverglade Generator Relic Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Regent Khalif Troop Leonis Empire Mage Human-Mystic Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Remnant Troop Darkstone Warrior Undead Common 49 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 52 2090
Researcher Troop Adana Support Human Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Revenant Troop Khetar Assassin Undead Rare 29 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 22 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Revered Dragonkitty Pet Dragon's Claw 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Rex Warrior Troop Pridelands Striker Raksha Rare 30 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 21 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Rhinotaur Troop The Labyrinth/Wild Plains Generator Tauros-Wildfolk Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Rhynaggor Troop Broken Spire Warrior Elemental-Beast Epic 1 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 10 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Rhynax Troop Broken Spire Striker Elemental-Beast Rare 11 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 40 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Ridgeback Troop Wild Plains Generator Monster Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Rift Lynx Troop Pridelands Striker Beast Rare 36 ∕ 50 Legendary 19 3 0 15 700
Riftblade Weapon Forest of Thorns Warmaster Sword Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Roc Troop Drifting Sands Warrior Beast Common 60 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 41 2090
Rock Spirit Troop Drifting Sands Defender Elemental Ultra-Rare 8 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 18 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Rock Squid Troop Dripping Caverns/Grosh-Nak Defender Elemental-Monster Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Rock Troll Troop Khaziel Generator Elemental-Giant Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Rock Worm Troop Khaziel Generator Monster Common 39 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 62 2090 42 12 4 1
Rocki Pet Khaziel 2 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 29 195 98
Rockweiler Pet Dhrak-Zum 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Rogueling Troop Zaejin Striker Goblin-Rogue Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Rok'Gar the Guardian Troop Grosh-Nak Warmaster Orc-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Rope Dart Weapon Pridelands Warlock Missile Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Rose Bow Weapon Divinion Fields Generator Bow Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Rose's Pistol Weapon Blackhawk Striker Missile Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Rover-300 Troop Adana Generator Mech-Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Rowanne Troop Forest of Thorns Mage Fey-Elemental Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 18 0 0 11 1600 66 8 8 8 12 1
Royal Assassin Troop Mist of Scales Assassin Naga-Rogue Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Royal Engineer Troop Adana Warmaster Human Ultra-Rare 5 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 21 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Rubitressa Troop Pan's Vale Striker Wildfolk Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Ruby-biter Weapon Hellcrag Striker Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Runeforger Weapon Khaziel Generator Hammer Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Runepriest Class Khaziel Dwarf 1 20 0 0 78 12 10 10 16 2
Runesmith Troop Khaziel Support Dwarf-Mystic Ultra-Rare 17 ∕ 25 Legendary 18 0 0 9 1400 60 6 14 6 6 3
Runestone of Silverglade Weapon Silverglade Warrior Relic Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Runic Blade Weapon Khaziel Warrior Sword Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
S.O.L.A.R Troop Adana Warrior Mech Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Sabellius Troop Dragon's Claw Mage Dragon-Rogue Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Sabertooth Lion Troop Pridelands Striker Beast Rare 27 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 24 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Sacred Cub Pet Whitehelm 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Sacred Guardian Troop Whitehelm Defender Divine-Beast Ultra-Rare 10 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 26 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Sacred Treasure Troop The Vault Support Construct Mythic 1 Mythic 15 0 0 4300 90 32 12 24 3
Sacrifice Troop Guardians Generator Elemental-Construct Common 78 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 23 2090 24 104 60 30
Sacrificial Priest Troop Karakoth Warmaster Human-Mystic Ultra-Rare 6 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 20 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Sad Panda Pet Shentang 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Saga Troop Glacial Peaks Mage Fey-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Saguaro Troop Drifting Sands Warrior Elemental-Wildfolk Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 4 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Salamander Troop Pridelands Striker Elemental-Beast Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Sand Cobra Troop Leonis Empire Warlock Beast Common 31 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 70 2090 42 12 4 1
Sand Scuttler Troop Drifting Sands Defender Monster Rare 32 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 19 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Sand Shark Troop Drifting Sands Assassin Monster Ultra-Rare 11 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 15 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Sandrunner Troop Drifting Sands Striker Monster Ultra-Rare 22 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 4 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Sands of Time Weapon Drifting Sands Support Relic Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Sanguinia Troop Ghulvania Assassin Undead Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Sapphire Knight Troop Silverglade Generator Elf-Knight Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Satyr Troop Pan's Vale Striker Wildfolk-Rogue Common 45 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 56 2090 42 12 4 1
Satyr Hunter Troop Pan's Vale Generator Wildfolk Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Satyr Musician Troop Pan's Vale Warlock Wildfolk Ultra-Rare 2 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 24 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Savage Hunter Troop Wild Plains Assassin Wargare Rare 16 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 35 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Scale Guard Troop Mist of Scales Striker Naga Common 25 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 76 2090
Scaleguard Protector Weapon Mist of Scales Generator Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Scarab Blade Weapon Khetar Generator Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Scarab Knight Troop Drifting Sands/The Deep Hive Defender Wildfolk-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Scarab of Nefertani Weapon Drifting Sands Warlock Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Scarabi Troop Drifting Sands Striker Monster Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Scarlett Troop Maugrim Woods Assassin Human-Knight Epic 6 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 5 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Scavenger Troop Zaejin Striker Monster Rare 32 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 19 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Scorpius Troop Drifting Sands Assassin Monster Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Scout's Bow Weapon Divinion Fields Striker Bow Common 1 Common 1 0 0 15
Scrappy Pet Sword's Edge 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Screaming Tome Weapon Darkstone Generator Tome Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Scurvy Seadog Troop Blackhawk Generator Wargare-Rogue Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Scylla Troop Blackhawk Assassin Merfolk-Monster Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 1 28 5 1000 60 12 16 2
Scythe of Corruption Weapon Darkstone Mage Scythe Ultra-Rare 1 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 28
Scythe of Khetar Weapon Khetar Warrior Scythe Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Scythe of Sin Weapon Sin of Maraj Warrior Scythe Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Scythe of the Blight Weapon Blighted Lands Warrior Scythe Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Scythie McScytheface Weapon Sin of Maraj Striker Scythe Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Sea Troll Troop Darkstone Generator Elemental-Giant Epic 3 ∕ 10 Legendary 19 0 0 8 900 66 8 8 8 12 1
Sea Witch Troop Merlantis/Sea of Sorrow Generator Merfolk-Mystic Epic 5 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 6 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Second Claw Anhur Troop Pridelands Support Raksha-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Secrets of the Crypt Weapon Sword's Edge Warmaster Tome Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Sekhma Troop Pridelands Warmaster Raksha-Mystic Legendary 4 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 1 0 2 1000 60 12 16 2
Semi Deminaga Pet Sin of Maraj 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Senita Troop Drifting Sands Striker Elemental-Wildfolk Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Sentinel Class Urskaya Urska 1 20 3 0
Sentry Bot Troop Adana Support Mech Common 51 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 50 2090
Ser Cygnea Troop Sword's Edge Defender Human-Knight Epic 3 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 8 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Serpent Troop Stormheim Generator Beast Common 38 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 63 2090
Serpentine Dagger Weapon Mist of Scales Assassin Dagger Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Servant of the Dao Troop Leonis Empire Defender Elemental Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Serve and Protect Weapon Sword's Edge Defender Shield Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Setauri Troop Fang Moor/Khetar Warmaster Naga Ultra-Rare 14 ∕ 25 Legendary 18 0 0 12 1400 60 14 6 6 6 3
Settite Warrior Troop Khetar Mage Monster-Knight Ultra-Rare 7 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 19 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Shade of Kurandara Troop Urskaya Assassin Undead-Daemon Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Shade of Zorn Troop Grosh-Nak Striker Undead-Orc Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Shadow Dragon Troop Sword's Edge Generator Dragon Legendary 3 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 3 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Shadow Shot Weapon Ghulvania Warlock Bow Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Shadow-Hunter Troop Pridelands Assassin Raksha-Rogue Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Shadow-Hunter's Claw Weapon Pridelands Striker Dagger Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Shadowbeast Troop Darkstone Striker Beast-Rogue Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Shadowblade Troop Zhul'Kari Striker Elf-Rogue Ultra-Rare 1 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 25 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Shadowbringer Weapon Mist of Scales Striker Dagger Epic 1 Epic 1 0 0 36
Shahbanu Vespera Troop Drifting Sands Support Elemental-Mystic Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Shaman Class Wild Plains Tauros 1 20 1 0 60 12 16 2
Shaman of Set Troop Fang Moor/Khetar Generator Naga-Mystic Epic 2 Mythic 18 1 0 1600 50 8 12 1
Sharkey Troop Blackhawk Mage Merfolk-Rogue Ultra-Rare 8 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 18 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Sharki Pet Blackhawk 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Sharpfang Weapon Drifting Sands Generator Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Sharptooth Troop Drifting Sands Striker Monster Epic 3 Mythic 20 3 0
Shattered Blade Weapon Blighted Lands Mage Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Shatterflask Weapon Ghulvania Striker Relic Ultra-Rare 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 1 28
Shayle Troop Nexus Generator Elemental Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Sheggra Troop Broken Spire Warmaster Elemental-Dragon Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 5 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Sheggra's Heart Weapon Broken Spire Support Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Sheggra's Spine Weapon Broken Spire Generator Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Shelf on an Elf Pet Glacial Peaks 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Shield of the Edge Weapon Sword's Edge Warrior Shield Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Shield of Urskaya Weapon Urskaya Support Shield Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Shimmerscale Troop Bright Forest Striker Fey-Dragon Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Shimmerscale's Wing Weapon Bright Forest Support Shield Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Ship Cannon Troop Blackhawk Striker Construct Common 43 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 58 2090 42 12 4 1
Shock Hammer Weapon Adana Generator Hammer Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Shocktopus Troop Blackhawk Generator Merfolk-Mech Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Shoggorath Troop Dripping Caverns/Grosh-Nak Striker Elemental-Monster Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Shooting Star Weapon Divinion Fields Warlock Bow Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Shortlong Pet Shentang 1 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 30 195 98
Shrunken Head Pet Darkstone 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Shrynx Pet Khetar 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Shymera Pet Pridelands 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Sibyl of Lust Troop Sin of Maraj Generator Daemon-Mystic Ultra-Rare 11 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 25 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Sickle of Sin Weapon Sin of Maraj Generator Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Sifu Yuan Troop Shentang Striker Elf Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 12 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Sileni Guard Troop Pan's Vale Defender Wildfolk-Knight Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Silent Night Weapon Glacial Peaks Warlock Staff Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Silent Sentinel Troop Hall of Guardians/Whitehelm Defender Construct-Mystic Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Silver Drakon Troop Silverglade Striker Dragon Common 62 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 39 2090 42 12 4 1
Silver Oak Troop Silverglade Support Elemental-Mystic Ultra-Rare 7 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 19 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Silver Sword Weapon Silverglade Striker Sword Rare 1 Rare 1 0 0 21
Sins' Harvest Weapon Sin of Maraj Warmaster Scythe Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Sir Alamir Troop Whitehelm Generator Human-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Sir Botlet IV Pet Adana 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Sir Ebonheart Troop Sword's Edge Striker Knight Epic 6 ∕ 10 Legendary 19 3 0 5 900
Sir Gwayne Troop Sword's Edge Warmaster Human-Knight Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 13 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Sir Mordayne Troop Blighted Lands Striker Daemon-Knight Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Sir Quentin Hadley Troop Sword's Edge Warmaster Knight-Beast Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Sir Snothelm Troop Zaejin Warrior Goblin-Knight Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 13 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Sir Ted Pet Urskaya 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Sir Wulfric Troop Maugrim Woods Warrior Wargare-Knight Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Siren Troop Pan's Vale Striker Fey-Elemental Rare 32 ∕ 50 Legendary 18 3 0 19 1200
Sister Ebony Troop Darkstone Assassin Human-Rogue Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Sister of Nightmares Troop Darkstone Striker Human-Rogue Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Sister of Shadows Troop Darkstone Striker Human-Rogue Ultra-Rare 24 ∕ 25 Legendary 19 3 0 2 800
Sister Superior Troop Whitehelm Support Divine-Human Rare 26 ∕ 50 Legendary 18 3 0 25 1200
Skadi Troop Glacial Peaks Warlock Divine-Fey Mythic 1 Mythic 15 0 0 4300 24 64 16 21 21 4
Skeleros Troop Wild Plains Warmaster Undead-Tauros Epic 2 ∕ 10 Legendary 18 0 0 9 1600 66 8 8 8 12 1
Skeleton Troop Khetar Warmaster Undead Common 30 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 71 2090 42 12 4 1
Skeleton Key Weapon Zaejin Assassin Dagger Mythic 1 Mythic 1 10 0
Skroll Reborn Troop Maugrim Woods Warmaster Beast-Boss Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Skrymir the Lofty Troop Stormheim Support Elemental-Giant Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Skulk Fang Troop Mist of Scales Striker Naga-Rogue Common 43 ∕ 50 Epic 15 3 0 108 2090
Skull Cleaver Weapon Grosh-Nak Generator Axe Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Skullbeak Pet Blackhawk 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Skullblade Weapon Blackhawk Striker Sword Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Sky Goat Troop Pan's Vale Striker Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Sky Hero Weapon Shentang Generator Polearm Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Sky Scorpion Troop Drifting Sands Warlock Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Slay Bells Weapon Pan's Vale Striker Relic Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Slayer Class Dhrak-Zum Dwarf 0 0
Slayer Ghost Troop Dhrak-Zum Warrior Undead-Dwarf Rare 31 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 20 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Sledgepaw Troop Dark Pits/Mist of Scales Warrior Wildfolk-Giant Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 4 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Slightly Judgy Pet Maugrim Woods 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Slimeball Pet Karakoth 2 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 29 195 98
Sloth Troop Sin of Maraj Warlock Daemon Common 51 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 50 2090
Sluagh Troop Dark Court/Ghulvania Generator Fey-Monster Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Smallpaca Pet Wild Plains 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Smash-o-bot Troop Adana/Tinker Town Warrior Mech Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Smashedmouth Troop Zaejin Warrior Goblin-Giant Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Snake Charmer Troop Leonis Empire Generator Human Ultra-Rare 9 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 17 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Snakelet Pet Mist of Scales 1 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 30 195 98
Snow Bunny Pet Glacial Peaks 5 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 26 195 98
Snow Guardian Troop Glacial Peaks Striker Fey-Construct Ultra-Rare 6 Mythic 18 3 0 1400
Snow Panther Troop Glacial Peaks Generator Beast Rare 24 ∕ 25 Epic 15 0 0 52 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Snow Sprite Troop Glacial Peaks Warlock Fey Common 44 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 57 2090
Snow-Hunter Troop Glacial Peaks Assassin Raksha-Rogue Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 13 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Snowball Pet Urskaya 2 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 29 195 98
Snowy Owl Troop Stormheim Generator Beast Common 35 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 66 2090
Snowy Owlbear Troop Urskaya Striker Beast-Monster Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Sol'Zara Troop Grosh-Nak Assassin Orc-Mystic Legendary 3 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 7 3 1000
Solari Troop Whitehelm Generator Divine Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Soldier of Wrath Troop Sin of Maraj Warrior Daemon Rare 23 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 28 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Son of Tau Pet Pridelands 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Soothsayer Troop Wild Plains Generator Tauros-Mystic Rare 28 ∕ 50 Legendary 18 1 0 23 1200 36 6 4 4 2
Sorcerer Class Karakoth Daemon 1 20 1 0 60 12 18 2
Soul Blade Weapon Sword's Edge Striker Sword Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Soul Gnome Troop The Vault Striker Gnome Common 1 ∕ 5 Common 15 3 0 190 2090
Soul of Xathenos Weapon Ghulvania Warlock Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Soulreaper Weapon Blighted Lands Generator Scythe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Soultrap Weapon Darkstone Warlock Staff Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Southrender Troop Stormheim Striker Human Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Spark Rocket 2.0.16 Weapon Adana Striker Missile Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Sparkgrinder Troop Adana Support Dwarf Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Spear of the Pride Weapon Pridelands Warrior Polearm Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Spearmaster Troop Shentang Warrior Elf Ultra-Rare 6 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 20 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Spectral Colossus Troop Sword's Edge Defender Undead-Knight Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Spectral Knight Troop Crypt Keepers/Sword's Edge Assassin Undead-Knight Ultra-Rare 3 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 15 0 0 38 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Spell Spaniel Pet Silverglade 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Spell-Paw Troop Pridelands Generator Raksha-Mystic Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Spellblade Troop Shentang Striker Elf Rare 32 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 19 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Spellfire Weapon Darkstone Mage Staff Epic 1 Epic 1 0 0 36
Spider Knight Troop Zhul'Kari Striker Elf-Knight Common 32 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 69 2090
Spider Queen Troop Zhul'Kari Warlock Elf-Daemon Ultra-Rare 14 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 22 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Spider Swarm Troop Zhul'Kari Striker Beast Common 39 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 62 2090
Spider Totem Weapon Zhul'Kari Warlock Jewellery Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Spider's Kiss Weapon Zhul'Kari Striker Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Spiderling Pet Zhul'Kari 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Spiked Mace Weapon Grosh-Nak Generator Mace Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Spiked Manriki Weapon Shentang Striker Hammer Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Spinnerette Troop Zhul'Kari Mage Daemon-Beast Epic 4 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 7 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Spirit Fox Troop Maugrim Woods Warlock Fey-Beast Ultra-Rare 7 ∕ 25 Legendary 18 3 0 19 1400
Spirit Staff Weapon Merlantis Mage Staff Rare 1 Rare 1 0 0 21
Spiritdancer Troop Maugrim Woods Warmaster Wargare-Mystic Ultra-Rare 8 ∕ 25 Legendary 18 3 14 18 1400
Spiritmane Troop Pridelands Support Raksha-Mystic Ultra-Rare 10 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 16 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Spooky Imp Troop Primal Warlock Elemental Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 5 3450 78 24 10 18 2
Spring Emissary Troop Bright Forest Support Fey-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Spring Imp Troop Primal Mage Elemental Legendary 3 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 3 3450 78 24 10 18 2
Squidlet Pet Merlantis 1 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 30 210 105
Staff of Bright Forest Weapon Bright Forest Warrior Staff Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Staff of Insanity Weapon Shentang Warlock Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Staff of Madness Weapon Karakoth Mage Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Staff of Otherworlds Weapon Karakoth Generator Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Staff of St. Astra Weapon Whitehelm Support Staff Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Staff of Storms Weapon Suncrest Generator Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Staff of the Fields Weapon Divinion Fields Warrior Staff Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Staff of the Magus Weapon Silverglade Mage Staff Ultra-Rare 1 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 28
Staff of the Wild Weapon Wild Plains Warrior Staff Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Staff of Visions Weapon Divinion Fields Support Staff Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Staff of Whitehelm Weapon Whitehelm Warrior Staff Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Star Gazer Troop Divinion Fields Support Divine-Centaur Rare 44 ∕ 50 Legendary 19 3 0 7 700
Star Staff Weapon Divinion Fields Striker Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Starflower Troop Pan's Vale Mage Wildfolk-Mystic Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Starlight Pet Bright Forest 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Statue of St. Veritas Troop Whitehelm Defender Divine Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 18 0 0 13 1600 66 8 8 8 12 1
Steam Puppy Pet Adana 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Steam Turret Troop Adana Mage Mech Rare 29 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 22 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Steel Cobra Troop Mist of Scales Striker Construct-Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Stheno Troop Bright Forest Generator Fey-Naga Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Stinging Wind Weapon Drifting Sands Generator Missile Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Stone Aegis Weapon Khaziel Support Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Stone Giant Troop Broken Spire Defender Elemental-Giant Ultra-Rare 13 ∕ 25 Legendary 18 0 0 13 1400 60 14 6 6 6 3
Stone Mefyt Troop Hellcrag Warlock Daemon-Construct Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Stone Seeker Weapon Hellcrag Striker Bow Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Stone Slicer Weapon Dhrak-Zum Generator Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Stone Staff Weapon Drifting Sands Striker Staff Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Stone Sword Weapon Urskaya Assassin Sword Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Stone Viper Troop Mist of Scales Generator Beast-Construct Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Stone Zombie Troop Hellcrag Generator Undead-Construct Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Stone-Biter Troop Broken Spire Striker Giant Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Stone-Shaker Troop Pridelands Warrior Beast Epic 1 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 15 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Stoneborn Lion Troop Nexus Striker Elemental-Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Stoneflight Weapon Suncrest Assassin Hammer Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Stonehammer Troop Khaziel Defender Divine-Dwarf Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Storm Knight Troop Stormheim Warrior Giant-Knight Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Stormcaller Class Suncrest Stryx 0 0
Stormchaser Troop Wild Plains Generator Tauros-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Stormsinger Troop Suncrest Generator Elemental-Stryx Epic 6 ∕ 10 Legendary 19 0 13 5 900 66 8 8 8 12 1
Street Thief Troop City of Thieves/Leonis Empire Generator Human-Rogue Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
String of Teeth Weapon Grosh-Nak Support Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Stringfiddler Troop Zaejin Generator Goblin Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Strygik Troop Suncrest Warrior Stryx-Knight Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 12 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Succubus Troop Blighted Lands Warlock Daemon Rare 37 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 14 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Sulfur Slime Troop Broken Spire Generator Elemental-Monster Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Summer Aegis Weapon Bright Forest Generator Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Summer Imp Troop Primal Generator Elemental Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Summer Knight Troop Bright Forest Defender Fey-Knight Rare 23 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 28 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Summer's Fury Weapon Bright Forest Mage Sword Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Summer's Wonder Weapon Bright Forest Mage Staff Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Summoner Troop Grosh-Nak Warmaster Orc-Mystic Rare 30 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 21 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Sun and Moon Weapon Silverglade Mage Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Sun Chakram Weapon Pridelands Mage Missile Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Sun Disk Weapon Suncrest Warmaster Jewellery Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Suna Troop Bright Forest Warlock Divine-Fey Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Sunbird Troop Suncrest Mage Elemental-Beast Ultra-Rare 25 ∕ 25 Legendary 19 3 53 1 800
Sunbolt Javelin Weapon Shentang Striker Missile Rare 1 Rare 1 0 0 21
Sunsail Troop Pridelands Generator Beast Common 31 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 70 2090 42 12 4 1
Sunspear Class Pridelands Raksha 1 1 0 0 4100 78 12 10 10 16 2
Sunweaver Troop Wild Plains Support Undead-Tauros Epic 6 ∕ 5 Epic 18 1 0 10 1600 50 8 12 1
Swamp Rat Troop Mist of Scales Striker Elemental-Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Swampie Pet Mist of Scales 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Swamplash Troop Mist of Scales Assassin Elemental-Monster Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 14 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Swanmay Troop Suncrest Warmaster Beast-Human Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Sword Maiden Troop Silverglade Striker Elf Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Sword of Heroes Weapon Sword's Edge Striker Sword Common 1 Common 1 0 0 15
Swordmaster Troop Silverglade Striker Elf-Knight Rare 42 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 9 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Sycorax Troop Blackhawk Generator Elemental-Mystic Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Sylfrostenath Troop Dragon's Claw Mage Dragon Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Sylph Troop Suncrest Mage Stryx-Fey Ultra-Rare 14 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 12 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Sylvanimora Troop Forest of Thorns Mage Dragon Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 2 5 4 1000 34 6 2
Sylvasi Troop Pan's Vale Generator Fey-Wildfolk Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 13 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Sylvasi's Blades Weapon Pan's Vale Striker Sword Epic 1 Epic 1 0 0 36
Symbol of Anu Weapon Leonis Empire Warlock Jewellery Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Tai-Pan Troop Mist of Scales Generator Naga Epic 3 ∕ 10 Legendary 18 1 5 8 1600 50 8 12 1
Tailchaser Pet Pridelands 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Tal'Rae Troop Zhul'Kari Assassin Elf-Mystic Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Taloca Troop Suncrest Mage Elemental-Stryx Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 4 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Tanglebush Pet Zhul'Kari 1 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 30 195 98
Tankbot 2000 Troop Adana Defender Mech Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 12 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Tannenbaum Troop Silverglade Warrior Elemental-Fey Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Tarantella Troop Zhul'Kari Striker Elf-Mystic Epic 1 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 15 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Tartarus Troop Depths of Sin/Sin of Maraj Warrior Daemon Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Tassarion Troop Glacial Peaks Generator Elf-Mystic Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Tau Troop Sword's Edge Striker Raksha Epic 2 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 9 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Tauraeus Troop Wild Plains Mage Tauros-Beast Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Tauros Troop Wild Plains Striker Tauros Common 54 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 47 2090 42 12 4 1
Tears of the Sisters Weapon Hellcrag Support Relic Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
TED-1000 Troop Adana Warrior Mech Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Templar Troop Whitehelm Generator Human-Knight Rare 17 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 3 0 34 2400
Terra Wyrm Troop Dragon's Claw/Wyrmrun Defender Dragon Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Terraxis Troop Broken Spire Mage Daemon Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Tesla Troop Adana Mage Human Legendary 4 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 2 29 2 1000 34 6 2
Tezca Troop Suncrest Support Wildfolk-Mystic Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 12 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Thaumaris Troop Dragon's Claw Striker Dragon Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Thaumataur Troop Divinion Fields Warlock Centaur-Mystic Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
The Archdeva Troop Whitehelm Support Divine-Human Mythic 0 Mythic 0
The Archduke Troop Blighted Lands Assassin Daemon Mythic 0 Mythic 0
The Burrow Warden Troop Pan's Vale Warrior Wildfolk Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
The Chariot Troop Adana Support Construct Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Deep King Troop Merlantis/Sea of Sorrow Warrior Merfolk Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 4 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
The Devil Troop Blighted Lands Warlock Construct Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Devoted Troop Leonis Empire Generator Divine-Human Rare 24 ∕ 50 Legendary 18 2 0 27 1200 20 6 2
The Dragon Soul Troop Dragon's Claw Generator Dragon-Mystic Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 2 17 5 1000 34 6 2
The Edged Blade Weapon Sword's Edge Generator Sword Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
The Eighth Sin Weapon Sin of Maraj Warmaster Jewellery Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
The Emperor Troop Leonis Empire Support Construct Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Engineer's Drill Weapon Adana Generator Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
The Flesh Horror Troop Ghulvania Warrior Undead-Monster Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Fool Troop Zaejin Warlock Construct Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Frostfire King Troop Frostfire Keep/Stormheim Mage Elemental-Elf Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Gemini Troop Ghulvania Warlock Undead-Mystic Mythic 0 Mythic 0
The Ghost Queen Troop Ghulvania Assassin Undead Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Gray King Troop Ghulvania Warlock Undead Mythic 0 Mythic 0
The Great Maw Troop Drifting Sands Assassin Monster Legendary 3 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 0 0 3 1000 78 12 10 10 16 2
The Great Wyrm Troop Dragon's Claw/Wyrmrun Mage Dragon Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Infernal Machine Troop Depths of Sin/Sin of Maraj Warmaster Daemon-Construct Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
The Lord of Slaughter Troop Wild Plains Warmaster Wargare-Construct Mythic 0 Mythic 0
The Lovers Troop Nexus Support Construct Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Magician Troop Silverglade Support Construct Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Maraji Queen Troop Bright Forest/Sunken Fleet Warmaster Elemental-Construct Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Mirror Queen Troop Glacial Peaks/Mirrored Halls Assassin Fey Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Molten Dipper Weapon Hellcrag Generator Relic Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
The Moon Troop Maugrim Woods Warlock Construct Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Nightfall Blade Weapon Zhul'Kari Warlock Dagger Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
The Possessed King Troop Darkstone Warlock Daemon-Human Mythic 2 Mythic 20 3 99
The Scourge of Honor Troop Sin of Maraj Mage Daemon-Wildfolk Mythic 0 Mythic 0
The Silent One Troop Pan's Vale Warlock Daemon Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 5 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
The Silvermaiden Troop Silverglade Defender Elf-Knight Epic 2 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 9 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
The Sparkinator Troop Adana Defender Mech Mythic 0 Mythic 0
The Star Troop Bright Forest Support Construct Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Stonehammer Weapon Khaziel Striker Hammer Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
The Sun Troop Suncrest Support Construct Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Wendigo Troop Divinion Fields/Wild Court Mage Fey-Monster Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Werestag Troop Forest of Thorns Striker Beast-Monster Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Widow Queen Troop Zhul'Kari Mage Elf Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Wild King Troop Pan's Vale Warmaster Wildfolk Mythic 0 Mythic 0
The Wild Queen Troop Pan's Vale Warmaster Elemental-Wildfolk Mythic 0 Mythic 0
The World Troop Mist of Scales Support Construct Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
The Worldbreaker Troop Divinion Fields Mage Dragon-Centaur Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Thief Class Zaejin Goblin 1 20 3 0
Thingamabob Weapon Merlantis Striker Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Thorn Knight Troop Forest of Thorns Striker Elf-Knight Ultra-Rare 13 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 13 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Thorn's Blade Weapon Nexus Striker Sword Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Thorodin Weapon Stormheim Striker Axe Mythic 1 Mythic 1 0 0 55
Thrall Troop Darkstone Generator Human Common 41 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 60 2090
Three Sisters Weapon Merlantis Striker Polearm Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Thunderbird Weapon Suncrest Striker Missile Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Thunderbolt Weapon Stormheim Striker Missile Epic 1 Epic 1 0 0 36
Thunderforge Troop Khaziel Support Dwarf-Construct Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Tian Yi Troop Shentang Warrior Wildfolk-Mystic Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Tide's Lash Weapon Nexus Mage Relic Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Tidecaller Class Merlantis Merfolk 0 0
Tigraki Warrior Troop Leonis Empire Striker Raksha-Knight Rare 41 ∕ 50 Legendary 19 2 0 10 700 20 6 2
Tihamata Troop Dragon's Claw Mage Elemental-Dragon Mythic 0 Mythic 0
TINA-9000 Troop Adana Warrior Mech Mythic 1 Mythic 15 3 15 4300
Tink Steamwhistle Troop Adana/Tinker Town Warmaster Dwarf-Mech Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Tinker's Buzzblade Weapon Adana Striker Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Tinseltail Troop Bright Forest Support Fey-Dragon Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 5 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Tiny Dancer Pet Whitehelm 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Tiny Tentacle Pet Blackhawk 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Tiny Torte Pet Blackhawk 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Tinycorn Pet Silverglade 2 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 29 195 98
Titan Class Stormheim Giant 1 20 3 0
Titan's Bane Weapon Dhrak-Zum Warrior Axe Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Titania's Fan Weapon Bright Forest Support Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Toadsqueezer Troop Zaejin Striker Goblin Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Tomb Knight Troop Khetar Defender Undead-Knight Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Tomb Lord's Crook Weapon Khetar Generator Staff Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Tomb Robber Troop City of Thieves/Leonis Empire Warmaster Human-Rogue Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Tomb Spider Troop Zhul'Kari Warlock Beast Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 13 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Tome of Evil Troop Karakoth Warmaster Daemon-Construct Common 28 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 73 2090
Tome of Karakoth Weapon Karakoth Warrior Tome Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Tome of Sin Weapon Sin of Maraj Warmaster Tome Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Tome of Spores Weapon Zaejin Mage Tome Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Tome of Wizardry Weapon Merlantis Generator Tome Ultra-Rare 1 Ultra-Rare 1 0 0 28
Torc of the Dragon Weapon Dragon's Claw Warrior Jewellery Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Totec Troop Suncrest Defender Stryx-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Totem Guardian Troop Maugrim Woods Support Wargare-Construct Rare 32 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 19 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Tourmaline Troop Hellcrag Warlock Daemon-Knight Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Toy Soldier Pet Sword's Edge 2 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 29 195 98
Tracker Troop Maugrim Woods Generator Wargare Ultra-Rare 2 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 15 0 0 39 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Treachery Troop Guardians Assassin Naga-Construct Common 0 ∕ 5 Common 0
Treant Troop Forest of Thorns Defender Fey-Elemental Ultra-Rare 11 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 15 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Treasure Gnome Troop The Vault Generator Gnome Common 0 ∕ 5 Common 0 0 0 191 4265 42 12 4 1
Trick and Treat Weapon Ghulvania Warlock Dagger Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Trickster Troop Pan's Vale/The Warrens Generator Wildfolk-Rogue Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Trickster's Shot Weapon Bright Forest Assassin Bow Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Trident of Merlantis Weapon Merlantis Warrior Polearm Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Trihorn Troop Drifting Sands Striker Monster Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Triton Troop Merlantis Striker Merfolk Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Trk'Nala Troop Grosh-Nak Warmaster Orc Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Troglodyte Troop Darkstone Assassin Merfolk-Monster Common 7 ∕ 10 Rare 15 0 0 179 2090 24 104 60 30
Trogpole Pet Darkstone 1 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 30 195 98
Troubadour Troop Pridelands Generator Raksha Common 0 ∕ 5 Common 0
Tuliao Troop Shentang Support Elf Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Turtle Cannon Troop Zaejin Defender Beast-Construct Epic 5 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 6 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Tuskar Troop Pridelands Striker Wildfolk Ultra-Rare 7 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 19 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Tuskor Troop Merlantis Striker Merfolk-Wildfolk Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Tutankhatmun Troop Khetar Warlock Undead-Beast Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Twigant Pet Forest of Thorns 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Twin Claws Weapon Pridelands Generator Mace Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Twinkle Berry Troop Bright Forest Striker Fey-Dragon Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Twisted Hero Troop Blighted Lands Support Undead Ultra-Rare 6 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 20 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Twisted Malice Weapon Broken Spire Striker Polearm Epic 1 Epic 1 0 0 36
Tyran and Rex Troop Drifting Sands Striker Human-Monster Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Tyri Troop Zhul'Kari Generator Elf-Rogue Epic 1 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 10 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Tzathoth Troop Karakoth Assassin Daemon Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Ubastet Troop Pridelands Assassin Divine-Raksha Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Ulf Harrigan Troop Sword's Edge Striker Human-Knight Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Ulf's Mascot Troop Sword's Edge Striker Beast-Knight Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Ulf's Wolves Weapon Sword's Edge Striker Bow Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Ulfr Huntsmaster Troop Maugrim Woods Striker Wargare Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Ullor Troop Glacial Peaks Warlock Divine-Fey Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Umberwolf Troop Ghulvania Warlock Undead-Beast Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 5 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Umbral Portal Troop Nexus/Umbral Nexus Generator Elemental-Construct Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Umbral Tome Weapon Nexus Mage Tome Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Umbraxis Troop Darkstone Striker Daemon Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Umenath Troop Pridelands Assassin Divine-Raksha Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Uncalico Jack Pet Leonis Empire 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Undead Drake Troop Blighted Lands/Fell Roost Generator Undead-Dragon Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Undine Troop Merlantis Warmaster Divine-Merfolk Mythic 1 Mythic 15 0 0 4300 24 64 16 21 21 4
Undine's Trident Weapon Merlantis Assassin Polearm Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Unicorn Troop Silverglade Support Beast-Mystic Ultra-Rare 13 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 13 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Urielle the Guardian Troop Whitehelm Generator Divine-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Urska Dragoon Troop Urskaya Warrior Urska-Knight Ultra-Rare 13 ∕ 25 Legendary 19 2 0 13 800 26 8 3
Urska Druid Troop Urskaya Generator Elemental-Urska Rare 22 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 29 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Urska Savage Troop Urskaya Striker Urska Ultra-Rare 5 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 21 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Urska Wanderer Troop Stormheim Striker Urska-Knight Ultra-Rare 10 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 26 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Urskatyr Troop Urskaya Warrior Urska-Knight Rare 29 ∕ 50 Legendary 18 1 0 22 1200 36 6 4 4 2
Urskayan Blue Troop Urskaya Generator Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Urskayan Crown Weapon Urskaya Generator Jewellery Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Urskine Pet Urskaya 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Urskine Cleaver Weapon Urskaya Generator Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Urskoala Pet Urskaya 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Urskula Troop Urskaya Mage Urska-Mystic Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 0 0 5 1000 78 12 10 10 16 2
Ursuvius Troop Urskaya Mage Elemental-Urska Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Uvhash-Ka Troop Karakoth Warmaster Daemon Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Valentiny Pet Whitehelm 3 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 28 195 98
Valiant Pyrea Troop Nexus Striker Elemental Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Valkyrie Troop Stormheim Generator Divine Rare 32 ∕ 50 Legendary 18 3 0 19 1200
Valor Troop Sword's Edge Assassin Divine-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Valraven Troop The Vault Generator Undead-Beast Common 1 ∕ 5 Common 15 3 0 190 2090
Vampire Lord Troop Ghulvania Warrior Undead Rare 24 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 27 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Van Kane Troop Ghulvania Assassin Human Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Vanguard Troop Sword's Edge Generator Centaur-Knight Ultra-Rare 6 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 20 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Vanya Soulmourn Troop Silver Necropolis/Silverglade Mage Undead-Mystic Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 0 5 1000
Vargouille Troop Ghulvania Generator Undead Ultra-Rare 4 ∕ 25 Legendary 18 0 0 22 1400 60 6 14 6 6 3
Vash'Dagon Troop Karakoth Warmaster Daemon Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Vassara Troop Mist of Scales Striker Naga Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 18 1 0 13 1600 50 8 12 1
Venbarak Troop Blighted Lands Mage Daemon-Dragon Epic 7 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 9 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Venoxia Troop Mist of Scales Generator Dragon Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 4 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Vernalis Troop Bright Forest Support Divine-Fey Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Vidarr the Vast Troop Stormheim Warrior Giant Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Vile Flask Weapon Mist of Scales Warlock Relic Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Villager Troop Ghulvania Generator Human-Monster Common 34 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 67 2090 42 12 4 1
Vine Marten Troop Forest of Thorns Generator Elemental-Beast Ultra-Rare 6 Mythic 20 0 0 60 6 14 6 6 3
Vine Whip Weapon Forest of Thorns Striker Relic Ultra-Rare 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 1 28
Viper Troop Mist of Scales Warlock Naga-Mystic Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 5 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Visk Troop Dragon's Claw Defender Dragon-Knight Epic 5 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 6 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Vlad the Unsated Troop Ghulvania Warrior Undead Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Vodyanoi Troop Urskaya Assassin Elemental-Fey Ultra-Rare 14 ∕ 25 Legendary 18 3 0 12 1400
Voice of Orpheus Troop Leonis Empire Support Divine-Human Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Void Portal Troop Karakoth Warmaster Mystic-Construct Ultra-Rare 8 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 18 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Void Wisp Troop Nexus/Umbral Nexus Warlock Elemental-Monster Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Volcan's Mace Weapon Nexus Striker Mace Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Volcanic Golem Troop Broken Spire Defender Elemental-Construct Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Volcanic Shield Weapon Dragon's Claw Support Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Volthrenax Troop Dragon's Claw Mage Dragon Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Vor'Karn Troop Grosh-Nak Warrior Orc Epic 2 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 9 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Wall of Bones Troop Khetar Defender Undead-Construct Common 39 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 62 2090
Wall of Oblivion Weapon Ghulvania Warlock Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Wall of Tentacles Troop Karakoth Defender Daemon-Construct Epic 4 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 7 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Wandering Monk Troop Leonis Empire Assassin Human Ultra-Rare 7 ∕ 25 Legendary 17 2 0 19 1900 26 8 3
War Troop Apocalypse Warrior Daemon-Knight Mythic 0 Mythic 0
War and Peace Weapon Khaziel Mage Polearm Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
War Cleric Troop Whitehelm Support Divine-Human Ultra-Rare 14 ∕ 25 Legendary 18 0 0 12 1400 60 6 14 6 6 3
War Corgi Pet Sword's Edge 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
War Elephant Troop Leonis Empire Warmaster Beast-Knight Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
War Goat Troop Pan's Vale Generator Beast Common 10 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 91 2090 42 12 4 1
War Kitty Pet Leonis Empire 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
War Machine Troop Sin of Maraj Assassin Daemon-Construct Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
War Sphinx Troop Khetar Support Monster Ultra-Rare 15 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 11 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
War Wolf Troop Grosh-Nak Generator Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
War'Drok Troop Grosh-Nak Striker Orc Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Warden Class Maugrim Woods Beast 1 1 0 0 4100 78 24 10 18 2
Warden's Gauntlets Weapon Maugrim Woods Generator Dagger Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Warg Troop Maugrim Woods Assassin Daemon-Beast Ultra-Rare 10 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 26 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Wargare Brute Troop Maugrim Woods Defender Wargare Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Warhawk Troop Leonis Empire Striker Beast Common 40 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 3 0 61 2090
Warhound Troop Sword's Edge Warlock Beast Rare 31 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 20 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Warlock Troop Karakoth Striker Human-Mystic Rare 18 ∕ 50 Legendary 16 1 0 33 2050 36 6 4 4 2
Warlord Class Broken Spire Giant 1 20 0 0 78 24 10 18 2
Warlord's Battlecry Weapon Broken Spire Striker Axe Mythic 0 Mythic 0 0 0 1 55
Warpriest Class Leonis Empire Human 1 20 3 0
Warrior's Axe Weapon Wild Plains Striker Axe Common 1 Common 1 0 0 15
Watch Mother Troop All-Seeing Eye/Darkstone Support Monster Rare 4 ∕ 25 Epic 15 0 0 72 2400 48 10 4 4 4 2
Watcher Troop Darkstone Warlock Monster Ultra-Rare 17 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 9 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Watchful Blade Weapon Hellcrag Generator Sword Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Water Elemental Troop Bright Forest/Sunken Fleet Mage Elemental Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Water Weird Troop Nexus Striker Elemental Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Waterborn Owl Troop Nexus Striker Elemental-Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Waterborn Priestess Troop Nexus Support Elemental-Divine Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Waverider Troop Merlantis Support Merfolk Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 12 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Wayfinder Troop Maugrim Woods Assassin Wargare-Rogue Ultra-Rare 12 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 14 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Wazir Troop Leonis Empire Striker Human Epic 2 ∕ 5 Epic 18 0 0 14 1600 66 8 8 8 12 1
Webspinner Troop Zhul'Kari Mage Daemon Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Weenie Wyvern Pet Grosh-Nak 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Werebat Troop Ghulvania Striker Beast-Monster Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Werebear Troop Urskaya/Werewoods Generator Beast Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Werebird Troop Urskaya/Werewoods Striker Beast Rare 0 ∕ 5 Rare 0
Werecat Troop Urskaya/Werewoods Assassin Beast Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Wererat Troop Mist of Scales Assassin Beast-Monster Ultra-Rare 0 ∕ 5 Ultra-Rare 0
Wereraven Troop Maugrim Woods Warlock Beast-Monster Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Wereshark Troop Merlantis Warlock Beast-Monster Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Wereverine Troop Urskaya Striker Beast-Monster Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Werewolf Troop Ghulvania Generator Monster-Beast Epic 5 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 11 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Whelp Pet Dragon's Claw 1 Ultra-Rare 5 0 0 30 195 98
White Aegis Weapon Whitehelm Support Shield Ultra-Rare 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 1 28
Whump! Weapon Broken Spire Generator Mace Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Wicked Scythe Weapon Mist of Scales Mage Scythe Rare 1 Rare 1 0 0 21
Wight Troop Khetar Warlock Undead Rare 22 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 29 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Wild Cleaver Weapon Wild Plains Generator Axe Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Wild Fang Troop Wild Plains Assassin Wargare Epic 4 ∕ 5 Epic 18 0 0 12 1600 66 8 8 8 12 1
Wild Hunter Weapon Divinion Fields Assassin Bow Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Wild Knight Troop Divinion Fields/Wild Court Defender Fey-Knight Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Wild Orb Weapon Silverglade Generator Relic Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Will of Nysha Troop Silverglade Mage Divine-Mystic Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Willi the Anchor Troop Blackhawk Support Goblin-Rogue Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Willow Troop Silverglade Mage Elemental-Beast Legendary 2 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 4 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Wimp Pet Blighted Lands 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Wind Archer Troop Suncrest Striker Stryx Ultra-Rare 9 ∕ 10 Epic 15 0 0 27 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Winged Bison Troop Wild Plains Generator Beast Ultra-Rare 18 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 8 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
Winter Imp Troop Primal Mage Elemental Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Winter Knight Troop Glacial Peaks Defender Fey-Knight Rare 16 ∕ 50 Legendary 18 3 0 35 1200
Winter Wolf Troop Glacial Peaks Warlock Elemental-Beast Ultra-Rare 14 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 12 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Winter's Woe Weapon Glacial Peaks Warlock Sword Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Wisp Troop Silverglade Warlock Fey-Mystic Ultra-Rare 20 ∕ 25 Legendary 19 3 0 6 800
Withering Touch Weapon Khetar Warlock Relic Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Wizard's Wand Weapon Karakoth Mage Staff Common 1 Common 1 0 0 15
Wolf Hammer Weapon Maugrim Woods Generator Hammer Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Wolf Knight Troop Sword's Edge Striker Wargare-Knight Rare 37 ∕ 50 Legendary 15 0 0 14 2400 48 4 10 4 4 2
Wood Rhynax Troop Forest of Thorns Generator Elemental-Beast Rare 12 Mythic 20 3 0
Wraith Troop Ghulvania Warrior Undead Common 24 ∕ 100 Legendary 17 3 0 77 1400
Wrath Troop Sin of Maraj Warmaster Daemon Legendary 4 ∕ 5 Legendary 19 3 31 2 1000
Wrath Naga Troop Broken Spire/Fire Rift Striker Elemental-Naga Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Wrenchmaster 5000 Weapon Adana Support Relic Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Writhing Staff Weapon Merlantis Warmaster Staff Legendary 1 Legendary 1 9 0
Wu Hao Troop Shentang Generator Elf-Mystic Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Wulfgarok Troop Maugrim Woods Assassin Wargare-Beast Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Wyrmling Pet Dragon's Claw 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Wyvern Troop Grosh-Nak Striker Dragon Ultra-Rare 7 Mythic 15 0 0 2750 60 6 14 6 6 3
X-Ball Pet Adana 0 Ultra-Rare 0 0 0 31 210 105
Xathenos Troop Apocalypse Warlock Undead-Mystic Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Xenith Troop Hellcrag Warmaster Daemon-Construct Legendary 0 ∕ 5 Legendary 0
Xerodar Troop All-Seeing Eye/Darkstone Warrior Undead-Monster Legendary 1 ∕ 5 Legendary 15 0 0 5 3450 78 12 10 10 16 2
Xiong Mao Troop Shentang Striker Divine-Urska Epic 2 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 9 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Yaga's Hut Troop Urskaya Assassin Fey-Construct Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 15 0 0 13 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Yao Guai Troop Shentang Warrior Elf-Daemon Legendary 2 Mythic 20 3 20
Yarrow Troop Darkstone Generator Human Epic 0 ∕ 5 Epic 0
Yasmine's Bow Weapon Forest of Thorns Striker Bow Legendary 1 Legendary 1 0 0 45
Yasmine's Chalice Weapon Forest of Thorns Support Relic Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Yasmine's Chosen Troop Forest of Thorns Mage Divine-Fey Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Yasmine's Pride Weapon Pan's Vale Support Shield Legendary 0 Legendary 0 0 0 1 45
Yeti Troop Glacial Peaks Warrior Beast Ultra-Rare 16 ∕ 25 Legendary 15 0 0 10 2750 60 14 6 6 6 3
Zephyros Troop Stormheim Mage Elemental-Giant Epic 3 ∕ 5 Epic 18 0 0 13 1600 66 8 8 8 12 1
Zephyros' Bolt Weapon Stormheim Mage Missile Epic 0 Epic 0 0 0 1 36
Zhak Boomgrizzle Troop Khaziel Striker Dwarf Epic 1 ∕ 10 Legendary 15 0 0 10 3100 66 8 8 8 12 1
Zhenniao Troop Shentang Generator Fey-Beast Common 23 ∕ 100 Legendary 15 0 0 78 2090 42 12 4 1
Zilopochtli Troop Suncrest Assassin Stryx-Undead Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Zombie Troop Ghulvania Warrior Undead Common 26 ∕ 100 Legendary 18 3 3 75 1000
Zuul'Goth Troop Karakoth Assassin Boss Mythic 0 Mythic 0
Last updated: 07/20/2022 © Lyya (
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