The Seat of High Magic
The Archmages of Silverglade command the oldest and most powerful magic in Krystara.


Arcane Plains



Skill bonus:

Royal Audience
Save the Princess, and find out what she is up to.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Hero: I traveled to Silverglade to visit the Royal Family...
Hero: ...I had never expected it to be so easy.
Tassarion: Up ahead! I believe that is the Princess Elspeth!
Hero: So it is!
Tassarion: She's surrounded by... Bears?
Hero: Trouble?
Tassarion: Indeed... I pity the bears...
Hero: Let's help.
Defeat the bears!Barbearius: Rawrrr!Furry Fury: Ranger, Druid, Warg, Barbearius
Save Princess Elspeth from the beasts!Wulfgarok: Grrrrr! Aroooo!Wolf in Wolf's Clothing: Fenrir, Forest Guardian, Spirit Fox, Wulfgarok
Princess Elspeth: Ewww... I just wanted the fur, not the bears!
Hero: Ahem...
Princess Elspeth: Oh, like, did my father send you or something?
Hero: Not exactly.
Tassarion: Princess, we were just traveling to visit your father!
Hero: That's right.
Princess Elspeth: Oh, Tassarion! Good! You can help me get to the Mist of Scales.
Hero: Uh oh...

Quest for Shoes
Help Princess Elspeth obtain an artifact from the Mist of Scales.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Tassarion: Princess, I fear it's quite a way to the Mist of Scales.
Hero: Indeed it is.
Princess Elspeth: As if! People go there all the time, Tassarion!
Hero: But...
Princess Elspeth: And it has like Snake People or something, right?
Hero: Well, yes...
Princess Elspeth: So, duh, snakeskin! I can totally get new shoes!
Hero: Oh, no.
Snakeskin makes great shoes!Marilith: Invadersss! Prepare to die!Snake Eyes: Marilith, Naga Queen, Marsh Raptor, Poison Master
Escape from the High Elves.Elven Bard: Princess! Come back at once!Royal Rescue: Silver Drakon, Unicorn, Enchantress, Elven Bard
Tassarion: Princess, why are there Elves chasing you?
Hero: Yes, why?
Princess Elspeth: It's just like my father or something, Tass. I can call you Tass, right?
Hero: Your father?
Princess Elspeth: He like maybe wants me to come home. I don't know.
Hero: You don't know?
Princess Elspeth: Whatever. He's totally boring, and I have stuff to do!
Hero: Okay.

Help Princess Elspeth obtain some rare materials from the Wild Plains.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Tassarion: Princess, please! We must get you back home!
Hero: I agree.
Princess Elspeth: How about no? Besides I have like things to do and stuff.
Hero: Like what?
Princess Elspeth: The Wild Plains... I need some leather.
Hero: For what?
Princess Elspeth: Duh! New shoes aren't any use by themselves!
Hero: Of course...
Evade Elspeth's attendants.Enchantress: Stop, Princess! Please!Royal Handmaidens: Unicorn, Unicorn, Enchantress, Enchantress
Minotaur leather is soft and supple!Soothsayer: Elven trespassers! Begone!Leathergoods: Minogor, Soothsayer, Gorgon, Winged Bison
Tassarion: I feel like we've been catching and skinning half the realm.
Hero: I know.
Tassarion: Unfortunately, Princess Elspeth is a force of nature.
Hero: An annoying one!
Tassarion: Patience, my friend. We need to keep her out of trouble.
Hero: Do we have to?
Princess Elspeth: Oh, Tass! I totally need you to book passage for Darkstone!
Hero: Here we go!

On the Nose
Escort Princess Elspeth to pick up some ingredients from Darkstone.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Princess Elspeth: This boat ride is totally boring.
Hero: Not long now.
Princess Elspeth: I like heard they make potions here and stuff. Right Tass?
Hero: Of a kind.
Tassarion: Yes, Princess, but we'll need to sneak in and meet with the Hags.
Hero: I hate Darkstone.
Princess Elspeth: Whatever. Just like get me the best-smelling potion, okay?
Hero: As you wish.
Travel to Darkstone.Dark Master: A High Elf? You will make a fine prize!Icky Stuff: Remnant, Giant Toad, Dark Master, Watcher
Obtain a sweet-smelling potion from the Hags.Night Hag: We make potions, not PERFUME!Parfumiers: Anointed One, Hag, Corrupt Sorceress, Night Hag
Princess Elspeth: Awesome! You guys are the best!
Hero: Thanks... I think.
Tassarion: If we can just get her what she needs, she'll go home.
Hero: Okay.
Tassarion: If we lose her, she'll get herself killed.
Hero: I'd risk it...
Tassarion: It's not entirely her fault - the product of a palace upbringing, I'm afraid.
Hero: I see.

Grand Theft Chariot
The Princess seems very needy. Help her obtain a new chariot from Adana.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Princess Elspeth: Tass! I like totally need a chariot!
Hero: A chariot?
Princess Elspeth: Like from that place with all the metal and gears.
Hero: Adana?
Tassarion: Princess, I'm not sure your father will buy a chariot for you...
Hero: I wouldn't.
Princess Elspeth: I don't know... Whatever! Let's just get one!
Hero: To Adana!
Evade the Silverglade Royal Guard.Swordmaster: Princess! Your father commands you to come home!Stop Right There: Swordmaster, Elven Bard, Swordmaster, Elven Bard
Adana definitely makes the best chariots!Royal Engineer: You can't just TAKE a chariot!Lots of Bots: Tankbot 2000, Alchemist, Royal Engineer, Bombot
Princess Elspeth: Like how does it work, Tass? Where do the horses go?
Hero: Horses... Really?
Tassarion: It's from Adana, Princess. It needs fuel.
Hero: Correct.
Princess Elspeth: Well, I want like Centaurs or something to pull it.
Hero: Centaurs?
Princess Elspeth: Duh! Everyone else has Unicorns, and I want to be different!
Hero: Very well!

My Little Centaur
Apparently a chariot is not enough. Find some worthy steeds.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Princess Elspeth: So like, how much do Centaurs cost?
Hero: You can tell her.
Tassarion: You can't just buy Centaurs, Princess.
Hero: Wait for it...
Princess Elspeth: As if! You can buy like anything, Tass!
Hero: There we go!
Princess Elspeth: I'll just like ask them or something.
Hero: This won't end well.
Centaurs would obviously be the best steeds.Bul'Tauros: Pull a Chariot? You've got to be joking.Pony Club: Centaur Scout, Herdmaster, Star Gazer, Bul'Tauros
Escape from the Silvermaiden.The Silvermaiden: Princess! By Krystenax, you will return this instant!Things Just Got Real: The Silvermaiden, Swordmaster, Thorn Knight, Enchantress
Princess Elspeth: Centaurs are lame anyway.
Hero: Hmm...
Tassarion: I'm a little concerned, my friend.
Hero: About?
Tassarion: The Silvermaiden... she invoked the name of Krystenax.
Hero: Krystenax?
Tassarion: The Dragon protector of the royal family. The King is not happy.
Hero: I can see why.

Sir Shines-a-Lot
What's a chariot without an entourage. Recruit some Knights for Elspeth.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Princess Elspeth: If Centaurs want to be all huffy, I'll totally get some Knights.
Hero: For what?
Princess Elspeth: Duh! Because they're like awesome!
Hero: Okay...
Tassarion: Princess, we DO need to think about getting you home.
Hero: I agree!
Princess Elspeth: Tass! I WANT SOME KNIGHTS! Like NOW!
Hero: Oh, very well!
Send the Enchantresses home.Enchantress: This is not a request! Come with us!Things Just Got Real: The Silvermaiden, Swordmaster, Thorn Knight, Enchantress
Ally with some Knights.Knight Coronet: Best me in combat, and I'll accompany you!In Shining Armor: Knight Coronet, Griffon Knight, Dragon Knight, Wolf Knight
Princess Elspeth: Knights are WAY better than Centaurs anyway.
Hero: As you say.
Princess Elspeth: So now, I'm thinking I totally need a pet!
Hero: A pet?
Tassarion: Princess... Your father...
Hero: Yes!
Princess Elspeth: My father is like the worst, Tass. He can totally wait.
Hero: Very well.

Here, Kitty, Kitty!
Every entourage needs cute pets. Visit the Pridelands to find one.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Princess Elspeth: So they have like cats in the Pridelands, right?
Hero: Kind of...
Tassarion: They're not cats, Princess, they are Raksha.
Hero: Exactly.
Princess Elspeth: Whatever, Tass. I totally need one though.
Hero: Really?
Princess Elspeth: A Princess and her cat are like SO regal, right?
Hero: Alright.
Obtain a pet Raksha.Rakshanin: We are NOT pets!Pet Shop Boys: Rex Warrior, Sabertooth Lion, Shadow-Hunter, Rakshanin
Escape the Royal Guard again.Swordmaster: Princess! Please! Your father is furious!They Never Stop: Thorn Knight, Enchantress, Unicorn, Swordmaster
Princess Elspeth: This Sabertooth is like SO awesome!
Hero: I'm glad.
Tassarion: I believe we can begin getting the Princess home...
Hero: I hope so.
Tassarion: ...if we can just navigate Zaejin, Pan's Vale, Maugrim Woods...
Hero: Let's go.
Tassarion: ...and the wrath of her father, the King!
Hero: Yeah.

A True Masterpiece
And now it's a painting... For some obscure reason the Princess wants it from Zaejin.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Princess Elspeth: Oh, Zaejin! I totally need a painting!
Hero: Here? Of what?
Princess Elspeth: Duh! Of ME, silly! Goblins are like the best artists!
Hero: I doubt that.
Tassarion: I dread to think what they paint with...
Hero: Me too.
Princess Elspeth: Eww, Tass, you're so gross. Come on, then!
Hero: Okay then.
Sneak past the High Elves.Elven Bard: Not Zaejin, Princess!The Chasers: Swordmaster, Elven Bard, Silver Drakon, Unicorn
Get the Goblins to draw Elspeth.Sir Snothelm: Draw you? But first we fight!Vincent van Goblin: Sir Snothelm, Hobgoblin, Goblin Shaman, Goblin Rocket
Princess Elspeth: This painting of me is like so post-modern!
Hero: Post what?
Tassarion: It looks a Goblin sneezed into a Troll's dinner
Hero: Haha!
Princess Elspeth: Tass! That's like an awful thing to say!
Hero: Still true!
Princess Elspeth: I'm going to see the Bards in Pan's Vale. You can come or not.
Hero: We're coming.

I Want a Puppy!
Why would a Princess settle for just one pet? Now it's off to Maugrim Woods for another.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Princess Elspeth: I totally need another pet!
Hero: Oh, no!
Tassarion: Princess, please, I urge you. We will visit Pan's Vale...
Hero: Yes.
Tassarion: ...But then we must get you home to your father.
Hero: I agree.
Princess Elspeth: Whatever! I want a puppy. You can come to Maugrim Woods, or not.
Hero: Okay, okay.
Can you house-train a Wargare?Ranger: A pet for an Elf? You will DIE for this insult!Can We Keep Him?: Cockatrice, Ranger, Warg, Spirit Fox
Evade the Silvermaiden again.The Silvermaiden: By Krystenax, your father DEMANDS you return!Just Got Really Real: The Silvermaiden, Swordmaster, Elven Bard, Enchantress
Tassarion: Princess, that was almost a disaster. We need to go back NOW!
Hero: I agree.
Princess Elspeth: That was like an outrage! I'm so mad right now!
Hero: We all are...
Princess Elspeth: And look at me... I'm a mess!
Hero: So maybe...
Princess Elspeth: I so don't care. I'm going to see the bards anyway!
Hero: Not again...

Meet the Band
Her accessories and entourage complete, the Princess can finally visit the bards of Pan's Vale.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Princess Elspeth: I just like want to see the Satyrs!
Hero: Okay.
Tassarion: I suggest we find the Satyrs for her as quickly as possible.
Hero: Okay.
Princess Elspeth: They will totally love me! Come on, Tass!
Hero: Very well.
Dance with the Blade Dancers.Blade Dancer: Such an ugly Elf! Can you dance with us?Groupies: Blade Dancer, Faunessa, Siren, Sylvasi
Meet the Band!Satyr Musician: Princess Elspeth? You're such a mess!Backstage Boys: Satyr Musician, Elven Bard, Siren, Blade Dancer
Princess Elspeth: That's... just... not... FAIR!
Hero: Yes, well...
Princess Elspeth: It's like EVERYBODY totally hates me.
Hero: Pretty much...
Tassarion: Are you ready to go home, Princess?
Hero: Please!
Princess Elspeth: I just like want a necklace. Then home. I promise.
Hero: Thank goodness.

Jewel in the Crown
The Princess is not happy. Only one thing will make her feel better... Gemstones!
Complete this quest to unlock Princess Elspeth.
Princess Elspeth: So, you need to like go in there and get me some Gems.
Hero: In there?
Tassarion: Princess, that is Krystenax's Glade! You can't...
Hero: Krystenax?
Tassarion: He is your father's ally! The royal Dragon!
Hero: Oh...
Princess Elspeth: Whatever, Tass. JUST GET ME THE GEMS!
Hero: Here we go...
Chip some Gemstones from Krystenax.Krystenax: I'm so SHINY!Shiny!: The Silvermaiden, Silver Drakon, Enchantress, Krystenax
Princess Elspeth: Awesome! And Krystenax will totally be fine... eventually.
Hero: Yeah.
Tassarion: So can we take you back to your father now, Princess?
Hero: Pretty please!
Princess Elspeth: As if! He's like SO boring. Regal this. Royal that.
Hero: No, no, no...
Princess Elspeth: I'm totally going to hang with you guys some more! You're cool!
Hero: Whatever...

Archmagus Training
Learn how to become an Archmagus with Princess Elspeth.
Unlock the Archmagus Hero Class
Princess Elspeth: We're like totally BFFs now, right?
Hero: Like... Totally?
Princess Elspeth: Then I have like the best surprise for you EVER.
Hero: Oh?
Princess Elspeth: Tass gave me this book. You should totally read it.
Hero: He GAVE it to you?
Princess Elspeth: Like, whatever. Just read it. It has spells or something.
Hero: Okay...
Read Tassarion's book.Princess Elspeth: Oh! Cast THAT spell on the bunnies!The Bunny Spell: Jackelope, Moon Rabbit, Trickster, Jackelope
Cast spells from Tassarion's book.Princess Elspeth: Ewww! Cast THAT spell on those bugs!The Bug Spell: Sand Scuttler, Desert Mantis, Giant Spider, Frostling
Cast more spells from Tassarion's book.Princess Elspeth: Oh, shiny! Cast another spell!The Shiny Spell: Ice Golem, Kryshound, Kryshound, Krystenax
Do as Elspeth says.Princess Elspeth: Now, MAKE ME SOME SHOES!The Shoe Spell: Glass Golem, Ice Golem, Glass Golem, Mimic
Princess Elspeth: Duh! That is SO not fair. These are NOT shoes.
Hero: Ummm...
Princess Elspeth: I wanted shoes! Not a BFF who's like an Archmagus!
Hero: About that...
Princess Elspeth: You're like totally dead to me.
Hero: Really?
Princess Elspeth: Yes, really. Now like take me shopping or something.
Hero: Whatever.