Dragon's Claw
Birthplace of Dragons
High atop these mountains live many Dragons, and their servants, the Dragonians.
Asha, Baby Dragon, Couatl, Divinia, Dragon Eggs, Dragon Spirit, Dragonette, Dragonian Monk, Dragonian Rogue, Dragonian Sage, Dragonmoth, Dragotaur, Droggo, Egg Thief, Elemaugrim, Essencia, Hoard Mimic, Horned Wyrm, Ishtara, Lady Garnetia, Lord Ember, Matron Dragotani, Nether Wyrm, Peryton, Red Ahriman, Sabellius, Sylfrostenath, Terra Wyrm, Thaumaris, The Dragon Soul, The Great Wyrm, Tihamata, Visk, VolthrenaxClasses
Arcane Storm
Skill bonus:
Lost and Found
Defeat the Guardian of Dragon's Claw.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Hero: I had always wanted to climb the Dragon's Claw...
Hero: ...But a strange sight awaited us at its base.
Visk: Begone, Daemons! I will not succumb to your madness!
Hero: Daemons!
Visk: You cannot trick me! Viskandarius-y-Amon is not so easily fooled!
Hero: But...
Visk: Very well. I shall drive you back to the Abyss!
Hero: Not again...
Defeat the Dragonian.Visk: Begone! Spawn of evil!The Last Guardian: Visk, Dragotaur, Dragotaur, Dragotaur
Visk: You have bested me, Daemon. My life is forfeit.
Hero: Wait! No!
Visk: Take my head. But make it quick, I beseech you.
Hero: No!
Raven: No, no, no! You have it all wrong, friend Dragon. We are not Daemons.
Hero: That's right.
Visk: Then you will not kill me? This is highly irregular.
Hero: That's us!
Dragons and Dungeons
Explore the nearby Dragon Dens.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Visk: My name is Viskandarius-y-Amon, and I am on a quest.
Hero: Your name...
Visk: You may call me Visk. I seek a way to save my people.
Hero: Save them?
Raven: Friend Dragon, we are renowned scholars. Maybe we can help.
Hero: Raven...
Visk: Scholars? Perhaps you could examine the dens nearby.
Hero: Of course.
Explore the first Den.Rock Troll: Get out! My cave!Rocky Den: Rock Worm, Rock Worm, Rock Troll, Rock Worm
Explore the second Den.Wyvern: Screeee!Misty Den: Wyvern, Mist Stalker, Marsh Raptor, Hydra
Visk: The Dragons who lived here were consumed by a madness.
Hero: I see.
Visk: I seek a cure for it, but I am a warrior. Fortunately YOU are scholars.
Hero: About that...
Raven: Indeed! Scholars we are! But I think we will need more information.
Hero: We will?
Raven: Friend Dragon, can you tell us if there are any eggs in these caves.
Hero: Raven...
Free Range Eggs
Search for some Dragon eggs.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Visk: There will be eggs deeper in the caves. Why do you ask?
Hero: Yes, why?
Raven: As every scholar knows, eggs contain residual traces of magic.
Hero: What?
Raven: My extensive training tells me magic is at work here.
Hero: Oh, boy.
Visk: You are very wise, great scholars! Follow me.
Hero: Very well.
Search the dens.Dragonette: Rawrrr!Sunny Side Up: Dragon Eggs, Dragon Eggs, Dragon Eggs, Dragonette
Find all the eggs.Baby Dragon: Squeee!The Nursery: Baby Dragon, Baby Dragon, Baby Dragon, Baby Dragon
Visk: Here, we have found the nursery. What do you see?
Hero: Raven?
Raven: Very good, friend Dragon. Now we must collect all the eggs.
Hero: What?
Visk: You did not say anything about taking the eggs!
Hero: Hmmm...
Raven: Did I not? My mistake, I apologize. We will examine the eggs as we travel.
Hero: Come on then.
As Driven Snow
Collect fresh spring water to help with a cure.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Visk: So, noble scholars, what must we do now?
Hero: Hmmm....
Raven: We need some fresh spring water! I believe we can concoct a cure.
Hero: We can?
Visk: You can! Oh great scholars! It was fortune that brought us together!
Hero: Perhaps...
Visk: I can lead you to a spring. But its guardians will be crazed and dangerous.
Hero: Lead on.
Travel to the Dragon Spring.Dragotaur: You dare bring outsiders?Hope Springs Eternal: Dragotaur, Dragonette, Dragonmoth, Baby Dragon
Collect some water.Borealis: This place is sacred!Spring Into Action: Sea Troll, Dragon Eggs, Dragonmoth, Borealis
Raven: Ah! Pure mountain spring water... Very refreshing.
Hero: But, the cure?
Visk: You are drinking it? What about the cure?
Hero: Yes...
Raven: Ah, friend Dragon. This glorious water clears my head.
Hero: Raven...
Raven: NOW, we can start our search for the cure. And I know just what I need!
Hero: Let's go.
Don't Be So Sappy
Complete the cure with some sap from a Forest Dragon.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Visk: You said we may now create a cure. It is urgent. Let us begin!
Hero: I agree.
Raven: Of course, but we will need to find a Forest Dragon. We need its sap.
Hero: Really?
Raven: Indeed. There is wisdom in their ancient blood. Wisdom cures madness.
Visk: Aha! I knew I was right to trust you!
Hero: I'm not so sure.
Climb up to the woods.Dragonmoth: Cawww!Over Hill and Wood: Treant, Marsh Raptor, Wyvern, Dragonmoth
Find a Forest Dragon.Sylvanimora: Do not touch me!The Forest Dragon: Treant, Green Seer, Baby Dragon, Sylvanimora
Raven: Ah... Look at its sap; it hardens like emeralds!
Hero: Emeralds?
Visk: So it does. You are wise to know this.
Hero: I wonder...
Visk: When the Madness first infested our god, the Dragon Soul, I thought us all lost.
Hero: But now?
Visk: YOU are our saviors! My people will be restored.
Hero: Let's hope so.
Madness Spreads
Keep safe from all the mad Dragons.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Visk: The madness is spreading. It is just like before.
Hero: How so?
Visk: Our God, the Dragon Soul, was infected by the Darkness.
Hero: Infected?
Raven: You have a GOD here? On this mountain?
Hero: A God?
Visk: Yes. It drove him mad. And then it spread... we must protect ourselves.
Hero: I agree.
Avoid the Serpents.Couatl: Hisssss!Over the Rainbow: Dragonette, Dragonette, Couatl, Couatl
Avoid the small Dragons.Dragonmoth: Cawwww!Dragon Madness: Dragon Eggs, Dragonmoth, Couatl, Dragon Eggs
Avoid the Bone Dragons.Bone Dragon: Rawrrrr!Bone Crazy: Dragotaur, Baby Dragon, Bone Dragon, Bone Dragon
Visk: We seem to be safe, noble scholars.
Hero: For now.
Visk: The eggs.. Have you had a chance to study them?
Hero: Raven?
Raven: The eggs? Ah, yes... The eggs. Apologies. It has been so hectic.
Hero: That's true.
Raven: But... I am VERY curious to hear more about this GOD!
Hero: I bet you are.
Hunters and Collectors
Avoid the Dragonians chasing you.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Visk: I sense Dragonians on our trail.
Hero: Again?
Visk: I am a warrior, noble scholars. I sense such things.
Hero: I see.
Raven: Your God's madness, where did it come from?
Hero: Yes, where?
Visk: From the Blighted Lands. But we must prepare for battle.
Hero: Okay.
Avoid the hunters.Dragotaur: Halt! Thieves!More Madness: Dragotaur, Dragonette, Wyvern, Marsh Raptor
Avoid the rogues.Dragonian Rogue: We want what you've stolen!Sneaky, Sneaky: Dragon Eggs, Dragon Eggs, Dragon Eggs, Dragonian Rogue
Visk: We are safe for now, great scholars.
Hero: Thank you.
Raven: They called us thieves. Such an insult!
Hero: As if...
Raven: Anyway, friend Dragon, this God of yours, his lair is nearby?
Hero: Good question.
Visk: He lives atop the highest peak, in a cave filled with precious stones.
Hero: Oh dear...
Madness Calls
Defeat the powerful Dragons who have been drawn here by the madness.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Raven: Friend dragon, I think the solution is clear.
Hero: Here it comes...
Raven: We must seek out your God, in his magnificent cave.
Hero: Of course.
Visk: I trust you, noble scholar. And I can lead you there.
Hero: Okay.
Visk: But first we must deal with this madness. It calls to more of my kind.
Hero: Very well.
Defeat Borealis.Borealis: Face the power of ice.A Call to Arms: Borealis, Emperina, Shadow Dragon, Couatl
Defeat Sylvanimora.Sylvanimora: Face the power of nature.Wood Fire: Sylvanimora, Celestasia, Sheggra, Dragonmoth
Defeat Venoxia.Venoxia: Face the power of poison.Darkness Arise: Venoxia, Dimetraxia, Venbarak, Bone Dragon
Visk: I fear we must hurry, the chaos is spreading.
Hero: I agree.
Visk: And the emerald sap, it will cure this madness?
Hero: I hope so.
Raven: The emeralds? Oh... The emeralds! Yes, of course, friend Dragon.
Hero: Hmmm...
Raven: You may trust me like a brother. Now, lead on to this cave.
Hero: Let's go.
Rogue Two
Wait for the Dragonian hunters to catch up.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Hero: We began to climb the mountain.
Hero: As always, I was suspicious of Raven.
Visk: Bad news, noble scholars. More hunters, with Wyverns, on our tails.
Hero: Oh?
Raven: We should hurry. Pursuits make me nervous.
Hero: Agreed.
Visk: No. I am a warrior. I will stand and fight to save my God!
Hero: Very well.
Wait for the Rogues.Wyvern: Rawrrr!Moths to a Flame: Dragonmoth, Dragonmoth, Dragonmoth, Wyvern
Defeat the Rogues.Dragonian Rogue: Thief! Give us back the eggs.Roguelike: Dragotaur, Couatl, Dragonian Rogue, Dragonian Rogue
Visk: These hunters. They seemed to KNOW you...
Hero: Yes...
Raven: I am certain it was just this madness, no? They were confused.
Hero: Perhaps.
Visk: It's as if you have been here before...
Hero: Hmmm...
Raven: Friend Dragon, I would never lie to you. We are as brothers you and I.
Hero: I'm concerned.
Discover what Raven is up to.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Visk: Great scholars, please forgive my mistrust.
Hero: Of course.
Visk: I am but a humble warrior, and not wise in your ways.
Hero: I understand.
Visk: But before we visit my God, I would see this cure work.
Hero: Good idea.
Visk: Can we try it out on some of my smaller brethren, perhaps a Dragotaur?
Hero: Why not.
Try out the cure.Dragonette: Screee!Can He Fix It?: Wyvern, Dragonette, Baby Dragon, Dragon Eggs
Try out the cure again..Dragotaur: What are you doing?No He Can't!: Dragotaur, Dragonmoth, Dragon Eggs, Dragonian Rogue
Visk: This cure... It does not work. I do not understand.
Hero: Raven?
Raven: Ah, well, you see, I did not MEAN to mislead you.
Hero: Sure...
Raven: The cure was a white lie, so you would show us to the source.
Hero: It was?
Visk: A lie? You have told an untruth on purpose? I do not understand.
Hero: Nobody does.
Play to your Strengths
Fight your way to the Dragon Soul.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Visk: Great scholars, I am confused. Why have you lied to me?
Hero: Yes. Raven?
Raven: Friend Dragon, if you would but lead us to this wondrous cave, you will see.
Hero: Will he?
Visk: No! I have had enough! I am a warrior, and I must do a warrior's task!
Hero: What's that?
Visk: I must slay my God! Perhaps that will end this madness.
Hero: Here we go.
Ascend the mountain.Dragonian Rogue: Stop! Intruders!Ultimate Ascension: Dragonette, Wyvern, Bone Dragon, Dragonian Rogue
Crest the mountain.Dragotaur: No! Heretics! You must die!The Path to the Soul: Dragotaur, Dragotaur, Dragotaur, Dragotaur
Visk: Keep back! The cave is beyond the Temple. I will go alone!
Hero: Wait, no!
Raven: Beyond the Temple, you say? Aha!
Hero: Raven...
Visk: Where is he going? His cure does not work!
Hero: The cave.
Visk: But why would he do this thing? He cannot help.
Hero: I'll help.
Purification Ritual
Help Visk purify the Dragon Soul.
Complete this quest to unlock Visk.
Hero: We traveled past the temple, approching the cave.
Hero: It was glorious, but Raven was gone.
Visk: If only I had thought of this earlier.
Hero: Of what?
Visk: If a limb is poisoned, you cut it off to save the body.
Hero: Indeed.
Visk: And so it must be with a mad God. Kill it, and end the madness.
Hero: Let's find out.
Purify the Dragon Soul.The Dragon Soul: Feel the madness!The Dragon Soul: Dragotaur, Couatl, Dragon Eggs, The Dragon Soul
Visk: It is done. I feel the madness recede. But what of your friend?
Hero: He'll be back!
Raven: Do not fear, my friends. Eggs, emeralds, precious stones... All safe with me.
Hero: But...
Visk: Then you will give them back? They are not yours after all.
Hero: Haha!
Raven: I will safeguard them for now. You may accompany us to watch them too.
Hero: Let's go.
Dragonguard Training
Learn the ways of the Dragonguard with Visk.
Unlock the Dragonguard Hero Class
Visk: Noble scholar, I have a request.
Hero: Sure.
Visk: You insist on visiting my homeland, so I must ask...
Hero: Ask away!
Visk: Will you swear to keep the Dragons safe?
Hero: I will.
Visk: Then prepare yourself! I will teach you the ways of the Dragonguard!
Hero: Very well.
Learn to defend the skies.Visk: Watch the skies!Defend the Skies: Prince Azquila, Owleth, Heronath, Garuda
Learn to defend the earth.Visk: Do not trust the earth!Defend the Earth: Rock Troll, Rock Worm, Rock Worm, The Great Maw
Learn to defend the caves.Visk: Know the caves!Defend the Caves: Bat Swarm, Crimson Bat, Stone Giant, Moloch
Learn to defend the seas.Visk: And watch the seas!Defend the Seas: Sea Troll, Kuotani, Merlion, Leviathan
Visk: You have surprised me, noble scholar.
Hero: How so?
Visk: You are far more mistrustful and prepared than I thought.
Hero: Okay...
Visk: They are great qualities for a Dragonguard.
Hero: I see.
Visk: And now YOU are a Dragonguard too, and always welcome here!
Hero: Excellent!