Dripping Caverns
Home of the Oozes
Corruption from Krystara has seeped into the rocks here, creating all manner of corrupt monsters.

Spurious Squids
Investigate the caverns.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Hero: As we traveled along...
Hero: Lil’ Johnny Bronze took an interest in some caves.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Arrrr! Do ye see these caves, do ye?
Hero: I do.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: There be treasure in caves such as this.
Hero: And monsters...
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Aye! But don’t ye worry. Lil’ Johnny knows all about such things!
Hero: Very well.
Enter the caverns.Rock Squid: *Rumble*Squid Squad: Lasher, Green Slime, Gelatinous Cube, Rock Squid
Fight off the defenders.Rock Squid: *Rumble*Squid Goals: Rock Squid, Rock Squid, Gelatinous Cube, Green Slime
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Terrible creatures! But I can verily smell the treasure here!
Hero: What were they?
Lil' Johnny Bronze: We call ‘em... arrr.... Rock Squids!
Hero: Really?
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Oh, aye! Rock Squids! Did ye know one ate me hand once?
Hero: Wait, what?
Lil' Johnny Bronze: It be truth! Rock Squids! Jumped out at me from a lady’s bodice. Chomp!
Hero: Okay...

Mysterious Mantles
Look for treasure.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Keep an eye out for treasure! And hands off any bodices!
Hero: Okay.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: This particular cave will have danger below!
Hero: Below you say?
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Aye this wet slimy floor will have... will have...
Hero: Will have what?
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Floor Mantles! They’ll eat the pants right off ye!
Hero: Right...
Search for the treasure.Cloakmantle: Screeee!They’re Decloaking: Rock Squid, Green Slime, Cloakmantle, Cloakmantle
Keep an eye out above.Cloakmantle: Screeee!The Cloak Room: Cloakmantle, Cloakmantle, Cloakmantle, Cloakmantle
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Did I say danger below? Arrr... I meant danger above!
Hero: I bet you did.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: These were Cloak Mantles. Lil’ Johnny were a little confused, ye see.
Hero: Oh?
Lil' Johnny Bronze: On account o’ the last time I encountered these, I were upside down!
Hero: I see...
Lil' Johnny Bronze: It be truth! They swarmed me! Ate me pants AND me hand!
Hero: Okay...

Obscure Ochres
Follow Lil’ Johnny’s directions.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Arrr! Lil’ Johnny knows where we are now!
Hero: Oh, really?
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Aye! I’ve seen this place on an old map! I knows it well.
Hero: Of course you do.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: They call this place... The Dripping Caverns!
Hero: How original.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: An these passages should be nice and clear. You lead! I’ll follow.
Hero: Oh, very well.
Keep searching for the treasure.Ochre Jelly: *Gurgle*Dessert: Rock Squid, Rock Squid, Cloakmantle, Ochre Jelly
Fight off the jellies.Ochre Jelly: *Glug*Second Dessert: Rock Squid, Ochre Jelly, Ochre Jelly, Ochre Jelly
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Arrr! Will ye look at that. He’s hired some jellies to guard the caverns!
Hero: Who has?
Lil' Johnny Bronze: The king o’ the caverns... King Bob!
Hero: Bob? Really?
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Aye! King Bob! An old enemy o’ mine.
Hero: Let me guess...
Lil' Johnny Bronze: I fought him once - many years ago - and he cut off me hand!
Hero: Got it in one.

Search for the King.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Now, ye best be wary. King Bob is cunning!
Hero: Uh huh.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Aye! That he be! I bet he’s been watching us all this time.
Hero: Okay.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: But remember, he’s wealthier than a goblin with a golden gorbil.
Hero: I hope so.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: So cosh him on the noggin, grab his booty, and set sail!
Hero: Very well.
Confront King Bob.Shoggorath: I am not Bob! I am Shoggorath!King of the Jellies: Rock Squid, Cloakmantle, Ochre Jelly, Shoggorath
Lil' Johnny Bronze: King Bob was lookin’ a little unwell there. A bit redder than I remember.
Hero: You mean Shoggorath?
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Aye! Must’ve changed ‘is name. And added a few eyes. Suits him, don’t ye think?
Hero: Bob, indeed...
Lil' Johnny Bronze: We settled the score though. Owed him one after he took me leg.
Hero: You said your hand!
Lil' Johnny Bronze: I were pickin’ me toenails at the time ye see. He got both. Besides....BOOTY!
Hero: Booty indeed.