Servants of the Hive Mind
A surprisingly advanced race of creatures, all controlled by the malicious Hive Mind.

Deep Deep Trouble
Search below Drak-Zum.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Gemhammer: Ye know what? Me Dwarven nose is tinglin'!
Hero: Why's that?
Gemhammer: We must be almost below me home o' Drak-Zum.
Hero: Really?
Gemhammer: Aye! An' that means we'd be below the Ice Rift where Glaycion was.
Hero: Oh!
Gemhammer: We should explore. Who knows what monsters are here!
Hero: Okay...
Help Gemhammer search.Mind Eater: Screeeee!What Lurks Below: Wall of Tentacles, Mind Eater, Quasit, Tzathoth
Investigate the Citadel.Mind Eater: Screeeee!A Strange Citadel: Mind Eater, Mind Eater, Mind Eater, Mind Eater
Gemhammer: Daemons! And strange little brain monsters!
Hero: It was weird.
Gemhammer: Aye! 'Twas weird indeed! Ne'er smashed one o' those before.
Hero: No.
Gemhammer: And a big ol' palace to boot. I wonder what's inside.
Hero: Me too.
Gemhammer: Only one way to find out... let's go!
Hero: After you...

Mind Your Business
Investigate the citadel.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Gemhammer: We should smash some more brain monsters!
Hero: We should?
Gemhammer: Aye! They're brain monsters! They're obvious evil.
Hero: Because?
Gemhammer: 'Cause I've ne'er met anythin' good with its brain on the ootside.
Hero: Ah...
Gemhammer: Now c'mon! Let's get to smashin'!
Hero: Okay.
Approach the citadel.Illithian Colossus: Who dares enter Illithia?Roaming Minds: Illithian Colossus, Illithian Colossus, Mind Eater, Mind Eater
Approach the gate.Illithian Colossus: Illithia is not for the likes of you!Guarded Minds: Illithian Colossus, Illithian Colossus, Illithian Colossus, Mind Eater
Gemhammer: Oo, those were some big ugly tentacle faces!
Hero: They were.
Gemhammer: An' now we ken this place is called Illithia.
Hero: Indeed.
Gemhammer: I wonder what other monsters are inside.
Hero: Really?
Gemhammer: Oh, aye! More squishy brains 'n tentacles, I hope!
Hero: Oh dear.

Mind Over Matter
Learn about the Illithians.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Gemhammer: Will ye look at that! They have tentacley mages in here!
Hero: So they do.
Gemhammer: Oo, I need to give 'em a good squishin'.
Hero: I bet you do.
Gemhammer: Aye, well they be evil too, ye know.
Hero: Because?
Gemhammer: Nothin' with tentacles is ever good. Ye know that, ye galoot!
Hero: I guess...
Squish some Illithians.Illithian Servitor: Stop! The Hive Mind commands it!Tentacley Mages: Illithian Colossus, Illithian Colossus, Illithian Servitor, Mind Eater
Squish some more Illithians.Illithian Servitor: We serve the Hive Mind. You cannot defeat it.More Tentacley Mages: Illithian Colossus, Illithian Servitor, Illithian Servitor, Mind Eater
Gemhammer: Oo, they mentioned a Hive Mind. I donna know what that is.
Hero: Nor do I.
Gemhammer: I bet it's their king... or queen... or whatever.
Hero: Possibly.
Gemhammer: Probably a tentacle brain beast with a hundred eyes 'n five dongers.
Hero: Dongers?
Gemhammer: Aye, dongers... those things at the back o' yer throat. Dongers.
Hero: Oh...

Never Mind
Challenge the Hive Mind.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Gemhammer: Will ye get a load o' this thing! It's uuuuuuuugly!
Hero: I agree.
Gemhammer: Also, brains, tentacles and one eye... evil fer sure.
Hero: Probably...
Gemhammer: An' I bet it's controllin' all those other ones too.
Hero: Yep.
Gemhammer: We squish IT, an' we can stroll right on out.
Hero: Let's squish!
Defeat the Hive Mind.Hive Mind: You will do my bidding.The Mega Mind: Illithian Colossus, Illithian Colossus, Mind Eater, Hive Mind
Gemhammer: That were as satisfyin' as smackin' a squirrel with a scimitar.
Hero: Ewww...
Gemhammer: Slayin' some monsters with me friends. That's what makes a girl happy.
Hero: Okay.
Gemhammer: But this is a big citadel, so I'm wonderin'...
Hero: What, exactly?
Gemhammer: If there's any more happiness to be found, aye?
Hero: Let's find out.