Fell Roost
The Lair of Corrupted Dragons
Corrupted by Daemons long ago, the Fell Dragons sought out a home in the Underworld.

A Mountain of Madness
Approach the strange mountain.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Hero: Up ahead in the distance...
Hero: ...We saw a shimmering purple mountain.
Visk: This mountain... I know what it is. My people tell tales of it.
Hero: Really?
Visk: It is the Fell Roost, home of Nocturnia, Mother of Fell Dragons.
Hero: Oh...
Visk: Yes. It is VERY dangerous. We should take care.
Hero: Or take a closer look.
Head towards the mountain.Undead Drake: Screeee!Mount Up!: Rock Troll, Lasher, Rock Worm, Undead Drake
Get a closer look at it.Undead Drake: Screee! Screee!Just Looking: Lava Elemental, Lasher, Undead Drake, Undead Drake
Visk: Just as I thought. Undead Drakes! It IS the Fell Roost. Give it wide berth.
Hero: Okay.
Raven: Fell Dragons you say, friend Visk? Tell me more.
Hero: Raven...
Visk: When Daemons began corrupting Dragons centuries ago...
Hero: Yes?
Visk: ...Many of them fled Krystara. They must have come down here.
Hero: So it seems.

Home to Roost
Enter the Fell Roost.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Visk: Please tell me we are avoiding the mountain. It is very dangerous.
Hero: I agree.
Raven: Friend Visk, I have a simple question for you.
Hero: Raven, don't...
Raven: Do you not think it is your duty to HELP these Dragons?
Hero: Oh, no...
Visk: Help them? Well... Yes! I suppose it is, isn't it.
Hero: Here we go.
Find a way into the mountain.Fell Dragon Egg: ...Mouth of Darkness: Creeper, Undead Drake, Undead Drake, Fell Dragon Egg
Search for the Fell Dragons.Fell Dragon Egg: ...The Egg Chamber: Undead Drake, Undead Drake, Fell Dragon Egg, Fell Dragon Egg
Visk: Raven, you have some of their eggs! Put them back at once.
Hero: Yes, Raven.
Raven: Apologies, my friends. I was concerned they were going cold.
Hero: Really?
Raven: Yes! Every life is precious my friends. As always, my only crime is caring too much.
Hero: I see.
Visk: Very well, but we will hand them over to Nocturnia when we meet her.
Hero: Indeed we will.

Lost in the Dark
Search for Nocturnia.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Visk: We must find Nocturnia as quickly as possible.
Hero: I agree.
Raven: What is the rush, my friends. There is much to see here.
Hero: Raven...
Visk: The rush? These creatures are my kin. We are disturbing them.
Hero: Exactly.
Raven: Do not worry then, friend Visk, I will explore every tunnel until she is found.
Hero: Hmmm...
Travel deeper into the Fell Roost.Fell Dragon: Leave us be!The Road to Fell...: Undead Drake, Fell Dragon Egg, Fell Dragon Egg, Fell Dragon
Search for Nocturnia's lair.Fell Dragon: We left your world behind once....Paved with Bad Intentions: Undead Drake, Fell Dragon Egg, Fell Dragon, Fell Dragon
Visk: Raven, where did you get that treasure?
Hero: Indeed. Where?
Raven: Friend Visk, I found it in a cavern. I think Nocturnia may have lost it.
Hero: A likely story.
Raven: She will be pleased when we return it, mark my words!
Hero: If...
Visk: Well then, I'm sure she will, Raven. Thank you.
Hero: * sigh *

How the Fell Have Fallen
Help Nocturnia, if you can.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Visk: Nocturnia's cavern is up ahead. What should I say to her?
Hero: Well...
Raven: Tell her you are here to rescue her. Ladies love that, or so I'm told.
Hero: Really, Raven!
Visk: They... They do? But what does that even mean.
Hero: Good question.
Raven: Details, Details! Visk, my friend, would I lead you astray?
Hero: Oh. yes...
Talk with Nocturnia.Nocturnia: How dare you disturb our slumber!Fell Queen's Nest: Undead Drake, Fell Dragon Egg, Fell Dragon, Nocturnia
Visk: Why did we even come down here? I've been no help at all.
Hero: Indeed.
Visk: And now you still have all that treasure and those eggs, Raven...
Hero: Yes, Raven.
Raven: I will hold onto them for when we meet Nocturnia next time.
Hero: Next time?
Visk: Next time? Let's just get out of here.
Hero: I agree.