Kingdom Under the Waves
Few Merfolk from Merlantis ever travel to the lands above the waves.


Arcane Swamp


Skill bonus:

Beside the Seaside
Sail as ambassadors to Merlantis, and meet Azura.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Hero: I received a summons from Azura of Merlantis.
Hero: Few had ever travelled to the sunken city.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Har! Merlantis, eh? Ye'll be needin'a ship!
Hero: I will.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: And my ship be as sturdy as Grapplepot's bosom!
Hero: That's sturdy!
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Settled then. Let's find the treasure... I mean... Merlantis!
Hero: Hmmm... Okay.
Sail from Blackhawk.Bonnie Rose: Ahoy, Lil' Johnny! Going somewhere?Bonny Weather: Mimic, Merchant Prince, Pirate, Bonnie Rose
Search for Merlantis.Captain Skullbeard: I've found ye again, Lil' Johnny!Never Say Die: Ship Cannon, Deck Hand, Sharkey, Captain Skullbeard
Azura: Welcome to my home, Merlantis. I am Azura. Please follow me.
Hero: Thank you.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Merlantis? It's beneath the waves. How do we be gettin' down there?
Hero: Yes, how?
Azura: Stay close by me. I will cast a spell so you may breathe underwater.
Hero: Wow.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Aiieee! I ain't no fish, woman! That be unnatural!
Hero: Oh, grow up!

The Proving Ground
Azura has a test for you. Follow her to the Proving Ground.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Azura: You no doubt wonder why I have asked you here.
Hero: Indeed.
Azura: My people have a problem. Have you heard of the Leviathan?
Hero: Johnny?
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Glub blob dulp blub blub bolb.
Hero: Breathe, man!
Azura: Follow me now. We will head to the Proving Grounds.
Hero: Okay.
Follow Azura.Kuotani: Look! Air breathers!Sea Floor Scavengers: Giant Crab, Siren, Kuotani, Troglodyte
Enter the Proving Ground.Waverider: You will not enter this place!Wet and Wild: Waverider, Sea Troll, Hippocampus, Merlion
Azura: Very good. We have arrived. Are you ready for battle?
Hero: I am.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: A battle o' wits? I be wittier than a Goblin Chariot Seller.
Hero: I'm not so sure.
Azura: It will be a great series of battles, to test your courage.
Hero: Very well.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Well there ain't nobody got more courage than Lil' Johnny Bronze!
Hero: Oh, dear.

Trial by Water
Clear the caves at the Proving Grounds.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Azura: There are caves around the Proving Grounds.
Hero: So I see.
Azura: Choose three. You must face what is inside.
Hero: Very well.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Har! And what do we be gettin' if we win? Treasure?
Hero: Don't be greedy!
Azura: You will earn the right to help the Merfolk of Merlantis.
Hero: Okay.
Enter the first cave.Hydra: A Water Hydra?Cave Creatures: Sea Troll, Hippocampus, Hippocampus, Hydra
Search the second cave.Psion: The Creature from the Deeps.From Watery Depths: Giant Toad, Troglodyte, Nyx, Psion
Clear all the third cave.Venoxia: A Poison Wyrm.Deadly Denizens: Giant Crab, Hippocampus, Merlion, Venoxia
Azura: Your skill at battle is truly impressive.
Hero: Thank you.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Har! There ain't nothin' Lil' Johnny won't do with his hook for victory.
Hero: Ewww.
Azura: Be that as it may, you face a greater challenge still.
Hero: What is it?
Azura: Follow me and I will explain.
Hero: Very well.

Beyond the Sea
Learn more about what the Merfolk of Merlantis need.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Azura: As we approach Merlantis I will tell you a tale.
Hero: Very well.
Azura: Beyond the Blood Reef there once lived many monstrous creatures.
Hero: I see.
Azura: Few were as fierce as the serpent Leviathan. Then one day a darkness came.
Hero: A darkness?
Azura: It caused a famine. And when only one monster remained, he crossed the reef.
Hero: Leviathan!
Travel back to Merlantis.Kuotani: Swim away! It is nearby!Kuotani Creepers: Kuotani, Kuotani, Hippocampus, Merlion
Discuss a treaty with Azura.Siren: Wound them! Perhaps that will distract it!The Lovely Lure: Waverider, Waverider, Siren, Siren
Azura: Traditionally our peoples do not converse much. We never trade.
Hero: I know.
Azura: If you can rid us of the Leviathan, we would change that.
Hero: I see.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Trade? Ye want to make an honest man o' me?
Hero: Johnny...
Azura: You are the one who keeps talking treasure, Little Johnathan.
Hero: Dude, she called you...

Threat Assessment
Learn all you can about the Leviathan.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: If we be goin' to stop this rapacious reptile, we'd best learn about it first.
Hero: Good thinking.
Azura: Then we should travel where it has hunted.
Hero: Very well.
Azura: But be warned, there are tribes of Kuotani and Waveriders there.
Hero: I see.
Azura: They will not be pleased to see another trespasser.
Hero: Let's go.
Find others who have seen it.Sharkey: It's right behind us! Swim away!Fish and Ships: Waverider, Hippocampus, Sharkey, Sharkey
Get a good description of it.Kuotani: Fools! Out of our way! It's huge!Other Fish to Fry: Serpent, Kuotani, Siren, Vodyanoi
Find out what it likes.Lamprey: Hssss!Lotsa Lamprey: Lamprey, Lamprey, Lamprey, Lamprey
Azura: And what did you learn?
Hero: Quite a lot!
Lil' Johnny Bronze: We know it's as big and fat as a Dwarf's purse!
Hero: Huge, in fact.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: And it has a bigger appetite than the Great Maw's mother-in-law.
Hero: Indeed!
Lil' Johnny Bronze: And we also know it's partial to a bit o' tasty Lamprey.
Hero: We can set a trap.

Something to Prove
Trap the Leviathan in the caves at the Proving Ground.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: So we be trappin' this beastie in the caves at the Proving Ground?
Hero: We do... be...
Azura: I will drive in a herd of Lamprey to attract it.
Hero: Great idea.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Har! And we'll knock it senseless, and drop a mountain on it!
Hero: More or less.
Azura: Then let us begin.
Hero: Very well.
Fight the Leviathan.Leviathan: It's Big. Really REALLY big!The Real Threat: Nyx, Nyx, Nyx, Leviathan
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Harhar! That beastie be trapped like a sailor in a selkie's den!
Hero: Indeed.
Azura: Merlantis is eternally grateful to both you, and Little Johnathan..
Hero: You're welcome.
Azura: Now we should return to my city and discuss trade.
Hero: Very well.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Aye! Treasure for everyone, but mostly for Lil' Johnny!
Hero: Come on.

One for the Ladies
Help Lil' Johnny Bronze impress Azura by taking the Kraken's treasure.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: I have something to confess.
Hero: What's that?
Lil' Johnny Bronze: That Azura... She's a fine wench. Do ye think her and me...
Hero: Not really!
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Oh, ye do? That makes Lil' Johnny's black piratical heart sing!
Hero: Oh, dear.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: I'll be needin' a gift though. Something grand. A Kraken's treasure?
Hero: A what?
Find a Kraken.Merlion: Rawrrrr!Treasures of the Deep: Giant Crab, Giant Crab, Sea Troll, Merlion
Get its treasure.Kraken: So Many Tentacles!Pearl of Wisdom: Troglodyte, Vodyanoi, Lamprey, Kraken
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Lady Azura! I've been struck down by yer beautiful blue skin.
Hero: Here we go.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: 'Tis bluer than a freshly-drowned Goblin. So I've brought ye this gift.
Hero: Embarrassing...
Azura: It is beautiful, Little Johnathan, but entirely inappropriate.
Hero: Awkward...
Azura: We are trade partners, not lovers. Please take it back.
Hero: Oh, well.

Dress to Impress
Help Lil' Johnny Bronze impress Azura by showing how brave he is.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: That be only a setback in me courtship o' the fair Azura.
Hero: Really?
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Oh, aye, I know her type. She be admirin' courage, not petty baubles.
Hero: But...
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Come on! Let's be showin' her how brave Lil' Johnny really is.
Hero: How?
Lil' Johnny Bronze: We bring her back the head of a Behemoth!
Hero: If you insist.
Travel back to land.Tuskar: Look what crawled out of the sea!Tilting at Tuskars: Chimera, Sand Shark, Tuskar, Tuskar
Defeat a Behemoth.Behemoth: If this doesn't impress her...Bravery Becomes Him: Sunsail, Sabertooth Lion, Chimera, Behemoth
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Lady Azura! I understand why ye found my previous gift distasteful.
Hero: He doesn't really.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Ye be a lady of actions. No mere trinkets could impress ye.
Hero: Chariot wreck...
Lil' Johnny Bronze: So I've brought ye the head of a Behemoth, to prove my dedication and courage.
Hero: Here we go...
Azura: Get that out of here! In Merlantis we hunt for food, not for sport!
Hero: Okay. Come on.

Just Being Silly
Help Lil' Johnny Bronze in his last attempt to impress Azura.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: There be only one thing for Azura.
Hero: Just give up.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: She be a deep one alright. She lives fer her people.
Hero: What are you up to?
Lil' Johnny Bronze: If I be slayin' the Leviathan once and fer all...
Hero: Oh, no, no, no.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: She'll be seein' me fer who I truly am.
Hero: She already has.
Approach the Leviathan' s cave.Merlion: Rawrrrr!The Lion Guard: Merlion, Merlion, Merlion, Merlion
Fight the Leviathan.Leviathan: This is probably a bad idea.I Hate Snakes!: Lamprey, Sea Troll, Merlion, Leviathan
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Oops. Harhar! It got free, didn't it?
Hero: Yes it did!
Azura: What have you done? You foolish human!
Hero: My thoughts exactly.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Lil' Johhny will fix it milady; I'm a man o' me word.
Hero: You're an idiot.
Azura: And this is why we stopped trading with you in the first place. Imbeciles!
Hero: Okay, let's go.

Follow that Serpent
Track down the recently released Leviathan.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Azura: We have to stop it. It won't be fooled by a trap again.
Hero: I agree.
Azura: If it does any damage, I'm holding HIM personally responsible.
Hero: Me too.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: We'll fix it! It'll be easy as poking a parrot in his posterior. You'll see!
Hero: Easy as what?
Azura: It had better be! And I pity your parrots, Little Johnathan.
Hero: Let's go.
Find the trail.Waverider: Why did you release it?Snake Trails: Waverider, Siren, Kuotani, Sharkey
Chase the Leviathan.Kuotani: Foolish Air-Breathers!Water Spirit: Serpent, Hippocampus, Vodyanoi, Kuotani
Azura: At least we know where it is now.
Hero: We do.
Azura: It has retreated back to the reef to nurse its wounds. But it will be back.
Hero: Almost certainly.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Then we take it while it be weakened?
Hero: We do.

An Ambitious Trap
Make a plan to defeat the Leviathan.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Azura: We will need a new trap.
Hero: I agree.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Trolls! We need Sea Trolls!
Hero: Why?
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Monsters love 'em. They regenerate and keep you full for hours.
Hero: Ewww...
Azura: Very well, let us find some trolls.
Hero: Okay.
Get some bait.Waverider: You've already done enough damage.Hold the Trolls: Waverider, Sea Troll, Hippocampus, Merlion
Lie in wait.Vodyanoi: OooraoooA Really Big Trap: Troglodyte, Siren, Lamprey, Vodyanoi
Azura: This is it. The Leviathan is here.
Hero: So it is.
Azura: And there is nowhere for it to flee. The Blood Reef is behind it.
Hero: Good.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Har! And I will dedicate this battle to your beauty, Lady Azura.
Hero: Oh, my.
Hero: There was a brief awkward silence...
Hero: ...And we approached the Leviathan.

King of the Deep
Defeat the Leviathan once and for all.
Complete this quest to unlock Azura.
Azura: Are we ready?
Hero: I am
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Yar! We go on the count of three.
Hero: Very well.
Lil' Johnny Bronze: THREE!
Hero: Like father, like daughter.
Defeat the Leviathan.Leviathan: Definitely the last time!Leviathan!: Lamprey, Nyx, Hippocampus, Leviathan
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Har! In the end, 'twere easy as fallin' off me potty in a storm.
Hero: I'm not so sure.
Azura: Regarding trade... Are all your folk like HIM?
Hero: Surprisingly few.
Azura: Before I commit to anything, I would travel your lands and see for myself.
Hero: Very well.
Azura: Few Merfolk have ventured from the seas. It wil be enlightening.
Hero: You better believe it!

Tidecaller Training
Learn how to become a Tidecaller with Azura.
Unlock the Tidecaller Hero Class
Hero: I received a summons from Azura...
Hero: ...She seemed very concerned about something.
Azura: I have a matter of grave importance to discuss.
Hero: Go on.
Azura: Your friend, Little Jonathan, is persistent and bothersome.
Hero: That he is.
Azura: If I teach you the Tidecaller's secrets, will you help me send him far away?
Hero: Gladly!
Learn to control water.Azura: Control the Waters!Water, Water, Everywhere: Coral Golem, Water Elemental, Water Elemental, Water Elemental
Learn to breathe water.Azura: Breathe the water in!Water of Life: Waverider, Merlion, Water Elemental, Hippocampus
Control the creatures of the sea.Azura: Use the water to gain control!Troubled Water: Mervorax, Giant Crab, Sea Troll, Mosasaurus
Push back a giant creature.Azura: Now push back the Megavore!Moving Megavore: Mantis Shrimp, Mantis Shrimp, Water Elemental, Megavore
Lil' Johnny Bronze: Yarrr! Here ye be, Azura. I were lookin' for ye!
Hero: Here he comes!
Azura: Would you do a me a favor, Little Jonathan? Climb aboard your vessel?
Hero: And 3... 2... 1...
Hero: Azura and I summoned the Tidecaller's magic...
Hero: And Lil' Johny's boat was last seen near the Leonis Empire.
Azura: I sense the peace and quiet already. And YOU have learned well, Tidecaller!
Hero: My pleasure.