Tinker Town
Where Tinker Dwarves Dwell
Tink Steamwhistle, the most revered ancestor of the Tinker Dwarves, has built a huge mechanical city here (and gone mad).

Technically Speaking
Explore with Sparkgrinder.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Hero: As we were traveling just north of the great fire rift...
Hero: ...Sparkgrinder suddenly got very excited.
Sparkgrinder: I can smell oil! Greasy oil! Lovely oil! Can you smell it?
Hero: Umm... No...
Sparkgrinder: And gears! I can feel them turning. Steam too!
Hero: Okay...
Sparkgrinder: Follow me, follow me! You'll see. There something nearby!
Hero: Lead on.
Follow Sparkgrinder.Detect-o-bot: Beep-boop!Lots of Bots: Tankbot 2000, Sentry Bot, Detect-o-bot, P4-NTH4
Search for oil... and gears?Detect-o-bot: Beep-boop-ding!Detect-o-rama: Detect-o-bot, Detect-o-bot, Detect-o-bot, Detect-o-bot
Sparkgrinder: Did you see those bots? How exciting! How wonderful!
Hero: The ones I smashed?
Sparkgrinder: So advanced! Amazing! I need to get one and take it apart.
Hero: Okay...
Sparkgrinder: I wonder what makes them tick down here.
Hero: Steam? Oil?
Sparkgrinder: Some kind of strange inferno-volcanic energy I'll bet.
Hero: Right...

Grinding Gears
Look for the machinery.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Sparkgrinder: Now I can HEAR the gears! Can you?
Hero: Not really.
Sparkgrinder: There is something nearby. Underground? In a valley maybe?
Hero: Interesting...
Sparkgrinder: I need to the find it. Its creator... Must be a GENIUS!
Hero: Settle down.
Sparkgrinder: Come on! Come on! The things we could learn!
Hero: Very well.
Follow Sparkgrinder.Smash-o-bot: Beep-boop-smash!Just Smashing: Smash-o-bot, Detect-o-bot, Detect-o-bot, Tankbot 2000
Look for the gears.Smash-o-bot: Beep-boop-crush!Super Smash: Smash-o-bot, Smash-o-bot, Smash-o-bot, Detect-o-bot
Sparkgrinder: Those bots - they were so intricate, and so strong!
Hero: I was almost squished.
Sparkgrinder: I must find the inventor. Do you think he's a Dwarf too?
Hero: I'm sure he is.
Sparkgrinder: It'll be so exciting. A great meeting of the minds!
Hero: Should I be scared?

Tinker Town
Enter Tinker Town with Sparkgrinder.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Sparkgrinder: There it is! There it is! A city of Tinker Dwarves like me!
Hero: Oh dear...
Sparkgrinder: We have to go down there. We have to meet them.
Hero: I'm not so sure.
Sparkgrinder: It'll be grand! Stupendous! They're my brothers... and sisters!
Hero: Maybe...
Sparkgrinder: We'll sing songs, and create robots, and blow stuff up!
Hero: I can't wait.
Follow Sparkgrinder.Destruct-o-bot: Stand still! Prepare to be captured!Tinker Cavalry: Smash-o-bot, Smash-o-bot, Detect-o-bot, Destruct-o-bot
Enter Tinker Town.Destruct-o-bot: King Tink commands you to stop!Tink's Defenders: Smash-o-bot, Detect-o-bot, Destruct-o-bot, Destruct-o-bot
Sparkgrinder: Oh the hydraulics on those ride-on bots. How superb!
Hero: Yeah.
Sparkgrinder: Could their creator be this Tink Steamwhistle they mentioned?
Hero: Possibly.
Sparkgrinder: I bet it is. I can't wait to meet him!
Hero: They tried to kill us.
Sparkgrinder: I'm sure it was a misunderstanding. Everybody loves Tinker Dwarves.
Hero: If you say so.

The Tinker King
Meet Tink Steamwhistle.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Sparkgrinder: Alright. I've calculated a path to where their King should be.
Hero: Okay.
Sparkgrinder: Why, I bet he makes me his royal inventor on the spot.
Hero: A bet? Really?
Sparkgrinder: And the things I could learn from him too!
Hero: We'll see.
Sparkgrinder: I haven't felt a tingle like this since that time with the spouting and the lightning storm.
Hero: Let's go then.
Approach the King.Tink Steamwhistle: For Great Science!The Tinker King: Smash-o-bot, Detect-o-bot, Destruct-o-bot, Tink Steamwhistle
Sparkgrinder: Well, I never! How rude!
Hero: Indeed.
Sparkgrinder: He didn't even want to talk at all. Royalty!
Hero: I know, right.
Sparkgrinder: I wanted to show him the plan for Giga-Carnex 3.0
Hero: You WHAT?
Sparkgrinder: I know I've perfected him this time. Cats beware!
Hero: Come on...