

Contents are limited to items present on PlayStation 4. Statistics are for PC/Mobile version and may not match.

Fang Moor

The Setauri Wetlands

The Setauri are an ancient race, survivors of the fall of Khet.
Conversation Character

And What’s Moor...

Search the strange moor Dark Song has discovered.

Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Hero: As we explored deeper...
Hero: ...We discovered a strange moor.
Dark Song: This land looks very dark and ominous.
Hero: It does.
Dark Song: Nothing good ever lived in a swamp like this.
Hero: I agree.
Dark Song: So... We should go in?
Hero: Of course!
  • Enter the moor.
    Horned Asp: Hisssss!
    Asp Alert: Sea Troll, Marsh Raptor, Mist Stalker, Horned Asp
  • Defeat the monsters.
    Horned Asp: Hisssss!
    Asps Abound: Bogstrider, Horned Asp, Sea Troll, Horned Asp
Dark Song: Those snakes - Horned Asps. I’ve seen them before.
Hero: Where?
Dark Song: As you know, the Gurakk are wanderers.
Hero: Yes.
Dark Song: After our God was slain, we had no home.
Hero: Indeed.
Dark Song: I am certain I saw pictures of these creatures in Khetar.
Hero: Khetar...
Conversation Character

A Secret Society

Learn more about the Setauri.

Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Dark Song: You looked startled when I mentioned Khetar.
Hero: I was.
Dark Song: The Gurakk wander far and wide.
Hero: So it seems.
Dark Song: I believe these creatures belonged to the Setauri.
Hero: Setauri?
Dark Song: From old Khet... Naga... They worshipped Set.
Hero: I see.
  • Make contact with the Setauri.
    Setauri: Sssstop! Outsssidersss!
    The Lost Tribe: Bogstrider, Setauri, Horned Asp, Horned Asp
  • Defend yourself against the Setauri.
    Setauri: You cannot be allowed to essscape!
    Setauri Secrets: Settite Warrior, Setauri, Setauri, Horned Asp
Hero: The Setauri were definitely not friendly.
Hero: So... Diplomacy was out.
Dark Song: I feared as much. Tales say they were a cruel race.
Hero: What else?
Dark Song: The tales mentioned powerful Shamans of Set.
Hero: I see.
Dark Song: And an immortal ruler, named Chief Dargon.
Hero: Scary.
Conversation Character

The Cult of Set

Defeat the powerful Setauri Shamans.

Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Dark Song: This building ahead must be Set's Temple.
Hero: I agree.
Dark Song: Do you think we should storm it?
Hero: Of course!
Dark Song: It may be dangerous. Set was a powerful God.
Hero: Was?
Dark Song: Khet fell 2000 years ago. Who knows what is left.
Hero: Let’s find out.
  • Assault the Temple.
    Shaman of Set: O mighty Ssset! Dessstroy them!
    Set's Shaman: Swamplash, Setauri, Shaman of Set, Horned Asp
  • Slay the Shamans.
    Shaman of Set: O mighty Ssset! Ssslay them all!
    Secret Sect of Set: Wall of Bones, Setauri, Shaman of Set, Shaman of Set
Dark Song: I found hieroglyphs in the Temple.
Hero: And?
Dark Song: They tell of how the Setauri came to this place.
Hero: How?
Dark Song: When Khet fell, the Shamans opened a portal.
Hero: To here?
Dark Song: Indeed. Chief Dargon led them through.
Hero: I see.
Conversation Character

The Mighty Dargon

Defeat Chief Dargon.

Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Dark Song: Something is approaching.
Hero: What?
Dark Song: We have summoned Chief Dargon.
Hero: About time.
Dark Song: Take care! Not only is he powerful...
Hero: Oh?
Dark Song: But he rides an indestructible Stone Raptor.
Hero: Indestructible... Ha!
  • Defeat the immortal Setauri leader.
    Chief Dargon: Ride them down!
    Immortal Chief: Chief Dargon, Setauri, Shaman of Set, Horned Asp
Hero: We had dealt a blow to the Setauri...
Hero: ...But the tunnels of Set's Temple stretched on.
Dark Song: Do you think that’s the last of them?
Hero: I doubt it.
Dark Song: They are a resilient race. They survived the fall of Khet.
Hero: I know.
Dark Song: If they are lucky, they may even survive you...
Hero: We’ll see.
Last updated: 07/20/2022 © Lyya (
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