Indrajit's Palace
Palace of the Daemon Raksha
Indrajit and his servants are regarded with much suspicion. They deal in all manner of unsavory goods.

All Alone in the Moonlight
Defeat the strange hunters attacking you.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Hero: I awoke one morning...
Hero: ...And I couldn’t remember where I was.
Lady Sapphira: You’re awake! Are you okay?
Hero: You’re a vampire!
Lady Sapphira: I’m Sapphira. Don’t you remember me?
Hero: No. Keep your distance.
Lady Sapphira: There’s no time. We’re being attacked. Protect yourself!
Hero: Okay!
Fight the hunters.Hellclaw Hunter: We have the memories.Hunters and Collectors: Hellcat, Barghast, Chimera, Hellclaw Hunter
Defeat the hunters.Hellclaw Hunter: Get the memories to Indrajit.Hunt Club: Hellcat, Barghast, Hellclaw Hunter, Hellclaw Hunter
Lady Sapphira: At least you remember how to fight!
Hero: Who attacked us?
Lady Sapphira: It’s a long story, but they were Daemon Raksha Hunters.
Hero: Hunters?
Lady Sapphira: Servants of a creature called Indrajit. They are hunting US.
Hero: And who are you?
Lady Sapphira: I am Lady Sapphira. An old friend of yours.
Hero: Okay...

Let Your Memory Lead You
Follow Lady Sapphira towards the palace.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Lady Sapphira: I suppose you’re wondering about your memory.
Hero: I am.
Lady Sapphira: The servants of Indrajit stole it.
Hero: My memories?
Lady Sapphira: Yes - they deal in many unsavoury things - stolen memories are but one.
Hero: I see.
Lady Sapphira: We must travel to Indrajit’s palace and retrieve them.
Hero: Very well.
Defeat the Daemon Raksha.Hellclaw Mage: Indrajit demands you stop!On the Prowl: Hellcat, Hellclaw Hunter, Hellclaw Hunter, Hellclaw Mage
Enter the palace.Hellclaw Mage: Enter Indrajit’s palace and you will die!Cat Fight: Hellclaw Mage, Hellclaw Mage, Hellclaw Mage, Hellclaw Hunter
Lady Sapphira: Well this is the palace. Do you remember it?
Hero: Not at all.
Lady Sapphira: We were here 3 days ago, guests of Indrajit.
Hero: Really?
Lady Sapphira: Indeed. He seemed kind at first, until we left.
Hero: What happened?
Lady Sapphira: He sent hunters after us to steal your memories. They caught us while we slept.
Hero: I see.

And I Mustn’t Give In
Battle to Indrajit’s Tower.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Lady Sapphira: We will need to fight our way to Indrajit’s Tower.
Hero: Very well.
Lady Sapphira: His strongest servants, the Hellclaw Warriors, guard the way.
Hero: I don’t fear them.
Lady Sapphira: That’s because you don’t remember them.
Hero: Ahh...
Lady Sapphira: But I fear we have little choice. Indrajit will have the memories by now.
Hero: Lead on.
Fight Indrajit’s warriors.Hellclaw Warrior: There they are! Indrajit warned us about you.Random Encounter: Hellclaw Hunter, Hellclaw Mage, Hellclaw Mage, Hellclaw Warrior
Defeat the palace guard.Hellclaw Warrior: None may enter here unbidden.Fearless Felines: Hellclaw Warrior, Hellclaw Warrior, Hellclaw Warrior, Hellclaw Warrior
Lady Sapphira: Do you still not remember any of this? Or me?
Hero: Sorry, no.
Lady Sapphira: You once saved my life, in my home of Whitehelm.
Hero: I saved a Vampire?
Lady Sapphira: You did. We are not all evil.
Hero: I can see that.
Lady Sapphira: This is my chance to return that favour.
Hero: Thank you.

Let the Memory Live Again
Reclaim your memories from Indrajit.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Lady Sapphira: This is it - Indrajit awaits.
Hero: He’ll pay for this.
Lady Sapphira: It will be good to see you as yourself once again.
Hero: I hope so.
Lady Sapphira: Oh it will. The lands of Krystara owe you a thousand debts.
Hero: Really?
Lady Sapphira: You are a hero, my friend. Without equal.
Hero: We’ll see if that’s true.
Defeat Indrajit.Indrajit: Your memories are mine!Indrajit: Hellclaw Warrior, Hellclaw Mage, Indrajit, Hellclaw Hunter
Hero: The memories were stored in a crystal orb.
Hero: Sapphira smashed it.
Lady Sapphira: Have your memories returned?
Hero: No... Who were you again?
Lady Sapphira: No! It hasn’t worked! This is TERRIBLE!
Hero: Sapphira... I’m joking...
Lady Sapphira: Well... You’re back to normal then, I see.
Hero: I am. And thank you.