City of Thieves
A Hive of Scum and Villainy
Rules by the King of Thieves, this run-down city is home to thousands of cutthroats and scoundrels.

Welcome to the Streets
Investigate the City of Thieves.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Hero: We encountered an oddly out-of-place city.
Hero: Raven seemed to know something about it.
Raven: What is this doing down here in the Underworld?
Hero: What?
Raven: Ah, my friend, you do not know of this city then?
Hero: No idea.
Raven: It is the City of Thieves. It... moves around. And today it is here! Come!
Hero: Okay...
Greet the Thieves.Street Thief: Raven? Get him!Riff raff, Street Rat!: Street Thief, Bandit, Street Thief, Bandit
Don't get robbed.Street Thief: They look rich! Get them!Scoundrel, Take that!: Street Thief, Street Thief, Street Thief, Merchant Prince
Raven: Well. That was not the reception I was hoping for.
Hero: You seem surprised.
Raven: Indeed, my friend, indeed! The King of Thieves and I, we are great friends.
Hero: Really?
Raven: It is true! He rules this strange place, and we go way back.
Hero: I don't want to know.
Raven: Wise, my friend. Very wise. Let us see if we can find him.
Hero: Very well.

Alley... Oops!
Explore the alleyways.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Raven: We are looking for a very dark alley - the darker the better.
Hero: Of course we are.
Raven: Dark alleys are best kind, my friend!
Hero: What's there?
Raven: There we will find a secret entrance!
Hero: Ahhh...
Raven: And it will lead us my old companion, the King of Thieves.
Hero: I see.
Find a nice dark alley.Cat Burglar: Raven? You're not welcome here!Alley Cats: Cat Burglar, Street Thief, Bandit, Street Thief
Look for a secret entrance.Cat Burglar: Stop them! They've found the door!The Cat Door: Cat Burglar, Cat Burglar, Street Thief, Street Thief
Raven: And... Here it is! One secret door. Not so secret any more!
Hero: True.
Raven: They seemed to know me, but do not worry, my friend.
Hero: Why not?
Raven: I am somewhat... famous here. No doubt this is simple jealousy.
Hero: No doubt.
Raven: When we meet the King of Thieves, all that will change!
Hero: I bet it will.

Tomb Sweet Tomb
Make your way past the Tombs to the King.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Raven: Now we must ever-so-quietly sneak past the Tombs.
Hero: Tombs?
Raven: This city was built on an old burial site. There is ancient Maraji magic here.
Hero: I see.
Raven: And the... colorful characters here have been pillaging it for years.
Hero: Hmmm...
Raven: But once we are past them, the King's throneroom awaits.
Hero: Very well.
Sneak past the tombs.Tomb Robber: Raven? Down here?When Crypt Doors Creak: Tomb Robber, Street Thief, Cat Burglar, Street Thief
Escape the Tomb Robbers.Tomb Robber: Hey! Find your own tomb to pillage!And Tomb Doors Quake: Tomb Robber, Tomb Robber, Cat Burglar, Street Thief
Raven: Ah, there you are! I thought I had lost you.
Hero: What are you carrying?
Raven: Oh, this? Nothing. Just some trinkets I found on the way.
Hero: In the tombs?
Raven: Why yes, now that you mention it... in the Tombs.
Hero: I see.
Raven: It is funny, the number of trinkets you find in tombs, no?
Hero: No...

A King's Treasure
Meet the King of Thieves.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Raven: Aha! The throneroom at last!
Hero: What now?
Raven: Now, we respectfully greet his majesty, King of Thieves.
Hero: Really?
Raven: But... If he seems in any way hostile, I have a suggestion.
Hero: What's that?
Raven: Grab as much treasure as you can, and run!
Hero: Here we go.
Greet the King.King of Thieves: Hands off my treasure!The Throne of Thieves: King of Thieves, Tomb Robber, Cat Burglar, Street Thief
Raven: I think that went rather well, my friend.
Hero: But...
Raven: The King seemed pleased to see me again.
Hero: No he didn't!
Raven: I also have a large sack of his gold and gems.
Hero: So I see.
Raven: What do say we try to find him again so I can return them?
Hero: Really?