Wall of Bones

Broken Bones
(10 Purple)
Gain [Magic + 1] Armor, boosted by Undead allies and Enemies. All other allies gain 5 Attack and Mana. [2x]
(Undead Shield, Infernal Armor, Undying)
MAX ⚔️0

Eternal Punishment
(14 Yellow/Brown)
Summon 2 Quasits. Transform a selected Mana color to Purple.
(Accursed, Dark Death, Jinx)
MAX ⚔️13
Gelatinous Cube

(14 Yellow/Purple)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to an enemy. 50% chance to devour them, if they are Webbed or Entangled.
(Sturdy, Indigestible, Regeneration)
MAX ⚔️10

Green Eyes
(12 Green/Red)
Deal [Magic + 2] damage to the 2 strongest enemies, boosted by enemies at full Life or full Mana. [4x]
(Anti-Magic, Stealthy, Omen of Nature)
MAX ⚔️8