

Contents are limited to items present on Xbox One. Statistics are for PC/Mobile version and may not match.
Conversation Character

An Unusual Host

Help Lady Sapphira rid her castle of the invaders.

Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Hero: In Whitehelm, I saw a castle still burning...
Hero: So I investigated, and found a surprise!
Lady Sapphira: I am Vampire, but do not fear. We are not all monsters.
Hero: Really?
Lady Sapphira: Yes. You have come to my castle at an unfortunate time.
Hero: YOUR castle?
Lady Sapphira: Indeed. We were attacked. It makes no sense.
Hero: Let me help.
  • Find the invaders.
    Priestess: Look! They must be her thralls!
    Nobody Expects...: Paladin, Paladin, Priestess, Priestess
  • Chase the invaders from the castle.
    Paladin: Get back, unholy creatures!
    The Whitehelm Inquisition: Templar, Paladin, Paladin, Priestess
Lady Sapphira: Thank you. That was far more than I could have managed alone.
Hero: What happened?
Lady Sapphira: My people have lived in Whitehelm for centuries, in peace.
Hero: Seems strange.
Lady Sapphira: To an outsider perhaps, but it is the truth.
Hero: So why attack?
Lady Sapphira: I do not know. But this cannot go unanswered.
Hero: Okay.
Conversation Character

The Vampire Strikes Back

Strike a blow for Lady Sapphira by attacking a nearby temple.

Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Lady Sapphira: They have struck the first blow. Now it is our turn.
Hero: I see.
Lady Sapphira: In Elwind Village, not 10 miles from here, there is a Temple.
Hero: Okay.
Lady Sapphira: They burnt my home, so we will burn theirs!
Hero: Maybe...
Lady Sapphira: No maybes! Come! Follow me!
Hero: As you wish.
  • Defeat the Temple recruits.
    Templar: Recruits! Ready your weapons!
    Fresh Recruits: Peasant, Peasant, Templar, Templar
  • Burn the temple.
    Priestess: Run! It's the Vampire!
    Temple Defenders: Peasant, Paladin, Paladin, Priestess
Lady Sapphira: Ha! See how they like the flames now!
Hero: So, we're done?
Lady Sapphira: Done? We are just getting started!
Hero: But...
Lady Sapphira: No buts! You will want to TALK to them, yes?
Hero: Well... yes.
Lady Sapphira: That is YOUR way. My people, we believe in vengeance.
Hero: So I see.
Conversation Character

Relic Hunters

Take a sacred relic from the Whitehelm Temple.

Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Lady Sapphira: In the Temple is a Sacred Relic of Gaard.
Hero: It's burning!
Lady Sapphira: They took my valuables. We will take theirs!
Hero: But...
Lady Sapphira: No! I will not hear it. Come. Do not fear the flames.
Hero: Okay.
Lady Sapphira: And beware the Guardian, it will be dangerous!
Hero: Oh...
  • Defeat anyone still left in the Temple.
    Alchemist: They're here for the relic!
    The Inner Circle: Templar, Paladin, Alchemist, Priestess
  • Take the sacred relic from the Guardian.
    Sacred Guardian: Rawrrrr!
    The Guardian: Archon Statue, Archon Statue, Sacred Guardian
Lady Sapphira: The relic is ours! See how they like that!
Hero: Are we done?
Lady Sapphira: We are done HERE.
Hero: Ah, okay...
Lady Sapphira: One hundred years of peace, and they attack me!
Hero: A mistake.
Lady Sapphira: They do not yet comprehend how much of a mistake!
Hero: Okay.
Conversation Character

Green with Envoy

Wait for an envoy from Whitehelm to arrive and discuss the situation.

Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Lady Sapphira: NOW, we will parley with them.
Hero: Okay.
Lady Sapphira: Let them send an envoy. We will see what he has to say.
Hero: Shall we wait here?
Lady Sapphira: My castle is in ruins. Where else can we wait.
Hero: As you wish.
  • Wait for an envoy to arrive.
    Flesh Golem: Raaaarrrg!
    That's not an Envoy: Ghoul, Ghoul, Ghoul, Flesh Golem
  • Wait a little longer.
    Ancient Horror: Cthudh Gharakh Thothg!
    Worst Envoy Ever: Ancient Horror, Ancient Horror, Ancient Horror, Ancient Horror
Lady Sapphira: What is this? They send Ghouls and Daemons to attack us?
Hero: Strange...
Lady Sapphira: This is entirely wrong. These are not the tools of Whitehelm.
Hero: Then who?
Lady Sapphira: I do not know. Let us poke the hornet's nest.
Hero: And?
Lady Sapphira: We will see what comes out.
Hero: Okay.
Conversation Character

Watch the World Burn

Help Sapphira destroy the home of a nobleman to teach Whitehelm a lesson.

Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Lady Sapphira: I don't care who is behind this, Whitehelm must pay!
Hero: But...
Lady Sapphira: An attack cannot go unanswered.
Hero: I see.
Lady Sapphira: We will capture a Flame Cannon from the Adanite border.
Hero: And?
Lady Sapphira: We will raze a nobleman's estate to the ground.
Hero: Wow.
  • Capture a Flame Cannon.
    Musketeer: Invaders! Fire when ready!
    Cannonball Run: Musketeer, Musketeer, Steam Turret, Flame Cannon
  • Burn the nobleman's estate.
    Paladin: It's the Vampire! Kill her!
    Turret Defense: Peasant, Paladin, Paladin, Steam Turret
Lady Sapphira: It is done! The flames are quite beautiful, yes?
Hero: If you say so.
Lady Sapphira: Now we will see who is behind this.
Hero: We will?
Lady Sapphira: It is a matter of time before they show their true colors.
Hero: I hope so.
Conversation Character

Witch Hunt

Try to protect Sapphira from the forces of Whitehelm.

Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Lady Sapphira: What? They send an army against me?
Hero: So it seems.
Lady Sapphira: This is madness! Why not parley with us?
Hero: I don't know.
Lady Sapphira: If it's war they want, it's war they shall have!
Hero: But the odds...
Lady Sapphira: I care NOTHING for odds! They will pay for this!
Hero: Oh, dear...
  • Defend against the first wave.
    Paladin: Charge!
    Outgunned: Templar, Paladin, Paladin, Steam Turret
  • Defend against the second wave.
    Priestess: Capture the Vampire! We will try her.
    Outnumbered: Archon Statue, Archon Statue, Archon Statue, Priestess
Lady Sapphira: We cannot win this fight.
Hero: But...
Lady Sapphira: No. Let them take me. We will see who is behind this.
Hero: As you wish.
Lady Sapphira: This is not over. Seek me out before my trial.
Hero: I will.
Conversation Character

Trial by Combat

Try to save Sapphira's life in a Trial by Combat.

Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Lady Sapphira: Thank you for coming to see me. This is an outrage.
Hero: Outrage?
Lady Sapphira: They did not try me, so I demanded Trial by Combat.
Hero: And?
Lady Sapphira: They will force me to fight in full daylight! I will lose.
Hero: Can I help?
Lady Sapphira: If you fight for me, then we have a chance.
Hero: Okay.
  • Represent Sapphira in a Trial by Combat.
    Ogre: Crush them!
    The Dregs: Goblin, Ogre, Ettin, Owlbear
  • Win Sapphira's freedom.
    Ancient Horror: Cthudh Gharakh Thothg!
    The Main Course: Ghoul, Mist Stalker, Night Terror, Ancient Horror
Lady Sapphira: Daemons again! But you have won! Thank you.
Hero: You're welcome.
Lady Sapphira: I do not think our victory will be so easy, though.
Hero: No?
Lady Sapphira: They will not let me go without a fight; they are treacherous.
Hero: Hmmm...
Lady Sapphira: We must win our freedom. Come!
Hero: Okay.
Conversation Character

Cannot Take Our Freedom!

Help Sapphira escape from her prison.

Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Lady Sapphira: The Paladins, the Priestesses, the Archons. They are coming.
Hero: Okay.
Lady Sapphira: We cannot hope to stand against them!
Hero: Then we flee!
Lady Sapphira: The Lords of Whitehelm are honorable men. This makes no sense.
Hero: Nevertheless...
Lady Sapphira: You are right, we must escape. Lead the way.
Hero: Okay.
  • Escape the prison.
    Paladin: You have been sentenced to death!
    Holy Avengers: Templar, Paladin, Paladin, Sacred Guardian
  • Make it past the guards.
    Archon Statue: Stop! We command it!
    Guardians in Stone: Paladin, Archon Statue, Flame Cannon, Archon Statue
  • Get clear of your pursuers.
    Warlock: Moloch commands you stop! Now, witch!
    Outside Influence: Ancient Horror, Ancient Horror, Acolyte, Warlock
Lady Sapphira: Wait! They said a name... Moloch? Who is that?
Hero: I don't know.
Lady Sapphira: There was a Warlock there. This does not bode well.
Hero: I agree.
Lady Sapphira: Where Warlocks tread, chaos and madness follow.
Hero: What now?
Lady Sapphira: We must hunt these Warlocks. Come!
Hero: Okay.
Conversation Character

A Strange Proposal

Find the Warlocks, or let them find you!

Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Lady Sapphira: I have the trail of an Acolyte. We must follow him.
Hero: You can track?
Lady Sapphira: It is a trail of blood, of course I can follow it.
Hero: Okay.
Lady Sapphira: And when we finally catch these Warlocks...
Hero: Yes?
Lady Sapphira: We will learn their plans, and THEY will learn about pain.
Hero: Okay.
  • Follow the trail of an Acolyte.
    Acolyte: The Daemon Lord awaits you, witch!
    Acolyte Antics: Peasant, Peasant, Ancient Horror, Acolyte
  • Confront his Warlock master.
    Warlock: Moloch demands a bride! Submit now!
    Warlock Woes: Templar, Templar, Ancient Horror, Warlock
Lady Sapphira: What? The Bride of Moloch? This is an outrage!
Hero: What?
Lady Sapphira: They would give me to a Daemon!
Hero: Oh...
Lady Sapphira: The same Daemon they are using to control Whitehelm.
Hero: I see.
Lady Sapphira: Perhaps it is even controlling them. Who knows.
Hero: Okay.
Conversation Character

Thralls Galore

Track the Daemon across Whitehelm.

Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Lady Sapphira: Now I know that we seek a Daemon, I can sense its presence.
Hero: You can?
Lady Sapphira: Yes. It is very powerful. It is south of us, some days' travel.
Hero: South. Got it.
Lady Sapphira: But beware! As we get closer, it will have gathered many thralls.
Hero: I see.
Lady Sapphira: Bride of Moloch, indeed. We will send him back to the Abyss.
Hero: Lead on!
  • Travel south towards Moloch.
    Warlock: You are travelling the right way, witch!
    Thrall in the Family: Templar, Priestess, Paladin, Warlock
  • Defeat any Thralls you find.
    Acolyte: Ha! Moloch awaits, witch!
    Thrall you can Eat: Ghoul, Goblin, Ettin, Acolyte
Lady Sapphira: We are getting close now.
Hero: Good.
Lady Sapphira: This Moloch, he is a Daemon of Temptation.
Hero: What's that?
Lady Sapphira: He offers that which you most desire...
Hero: I see.
Lady Sapphira: And as you reach for it, he takes over your mind.
Hero: I'll be careful.
Conversation Character

The Road to Hell

Fight your way through to Moloch.

Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Lady Sapphira: Moloch's most powerful Thralls will surround him.
Hero: Okay.
Lady Sapphira: There is no other way but the path of blood.
Hero: I see.
Lady Sapphira: And if we falter for one instant...
Hero: Yes?
Lady Sapphira: He will steal our minds!
Hero: Lead on!
  • Defeat Moloch's most powerful Thralls.
    Warlock: Sapphira! We offer you the respect you deserve!
    Thrall by Myself: Stone Giant, Archon Statue, Ancient Horror, Warlock
  • Help Sapphira overcome Moloch's influence.
    Lady Sapphira: No! Stop! Moloch... Is right! We must submit!
    A Turn of Events: Archon Statue, Archon Statue, Ancient Horror, Lady Sapphira
Lady Sapphira: Thank you, my friend. I thought I was lost for a moment.
Hero: So did I.
Lady Sapphira: Curse my weakness. Moloch must die!
Hero: I agree.
Lady Sapphira: Then, come. He awaits.
Hero: Okay.
Conversation Character

Tempting Fate

Defeat Moloch, and free Whitehelm from his control.

Complete this quest to unlock Sapphira.
Lady Sapphira: Now, we must face Moloch!
Hero: Okay.
Lady Sapphira: Whitehelm must be freed from his grasp.
Hero: I'm ready.
  • Defeat Moloch.
    Moloch: Come to me, Sapphira! Be my bride!
    Moloch the Corrupter: Archon Statue, Archon Statue, Archon Statue, Moloch
Lady Sapphira: It is done. Thank you. My vengeance is complete.
Hero: You're welcome.
Lady Sapphira: Whitehelm will take time to heal.
Hero: What about you?
Lady Sapphira: Me? I will not be welcome here for some time, I think.
Hero: So, what next?
Lady Sapphira: You have been a good friend. It is time I returned the favor.
Hero: As you wish.
Conversation Character

Priest Training

Learn the secrets of becoming a Priest from Lady Sapphira.

Unlock the Priest Hero Class
Lady Sapphira: I would teach you the ways of the Priesthood.
Hero: Oh?
Lady Sapphira: The divine servants of Whitehelm have been corrupted.
Hero: Moloch...
Lady Sapphira: I will teach you how the Priesthood was many centuries ago.
Hero: Okay.
Lady Sapphira: But first, you must pass some trials.
Hero: Lead on.
  • Pass the Test of the Follower.
    Lady Sapphira: First you must know how to follow.
    Test of the Follower: Paladin, Templar, Priestess, Paladin
  • Pass the Test of the Leader.
    Lady Sapphira: You must also know how to lead.
    Test of the Leader: Berserker, Zephyros, Frost Giant, Jarl Firemantle
  • Pass the Test of Divinity.
    Lady Sapphira: You must know that which is divine.
    Test of Divinity: Archon Statue, Sacred Guardian, Priestess, Star Gazer
  • Pass the Test of Healing.
    Lady Sapphira: And you must channel the power of the Gods.
    Test of Healing: Sacred Guardian, Priestess, Emperina, Celestasia
Lady Sapphira: Very good! I believe the old Priesthood lives again!
Hero: Great!
Lady Sapphira: Just remember that a true priest is both follower and leader.
Hero: Okay.
Lady Sapphira: And although they channel a mighty power...
Hero: Yes?
Lady Sapphira: They must channel it with compassion.
Hero: Wise words.
Last updated: 07/20/2022 © Lyya (
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