Blighted Lands
The Abyssal Portal
The Blighted Lands contain a portal to the Abyssal Realm, home of Daemons. They are ruled by the Infernal King.


Arcane Dark



Skill bonus:

Patience is a Virtue
Travel to the Blighted Lands to speak with its King.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Hero: I received a strange invitation...
Hero: ...scrawled in red ink on a stained parchment.
Hero: It was an invitation to the Blighted Lands...
Hero: ...to meet its King.
Hero: I sailed there, and landed on its shore...
Hero: ...but there were no signs of life.
Enter the Blighted Lands.Warlock: Welcome to the Blight! Now die!Welcome Wagon: Quasit, Twisted Hero, Acolyte, Warlock
Search for signs of life.Ice Witch: Aha! Another has come here!Ice and Fire: Quasit, Hellhound, Succubus, Ice Witch
Herald of Chaos: My Master bids you welcome.
Hero: Does he now.
Herald of Chaos: He has heard of your exploits.
Hero: I see.
Herald of Chaos: He wishes to speak with you.
Hero: Very well.
Herald of Chaos: There are however some formalities to observe.
Hero: Lead on.

Fear is the Killer
You must be found worthy to speak with the King.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Herald of Chaos: Now... To approach my Master, you must be worthy.
Hero: Worthy?
Herald of Chaos: First he will test you. Then he will meet with you.
Hero: And if I fail?
Herald of Chaos: Do NOT fail. That is all I shall say.
Hero: Hmm... Very well.
Herald of Chaos: First, you must face what you fear the most.
Hero: Clowns?
Face your fears.Goblin Rocket: Yeeehaaaaw!That Most Feared: Goblin, Hobgoblin, Goblin Shaman, Goblin Rocket
Defeat your fears.Boar Rider: This is the Hero we have to kill!Sheer Terror: Goblin, Goblin Shaman, Hobgoblin, Boar Rider
Herald of Chaos: You fear... Goblins?
Hero: Doesn't everyone?
Herald of Chaos: Truth be told, I am terrified of them too.
Hero: My point exactly.
Herald of Chaos: But my Master knows all your fears. He knows everything.
Hero: Your Master?
Herald of Chaos: The Infernal King. Come. Pass this next test. You will meet him.
Hero: Very well.

Burn Away your Sins
You must stand within the flames to prove your worth to the Infernal King.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Herald of Chaos: We have arrived at the next test.
Hero: Oh, good.
Herald of Chaos: You must stand within the flames.
Hero: What!?
Herald of Chaos: Only those purified by fire may behold my Master.
Hero: Really?
Herald of Chaos: It is written.
Hero: Oh well, then...
Enter the fire.Salamander: Hissssss!Burning Agony: Ifrit, Ifrit, Hellhound, Salamander
Withstand the fire.Summer Imp: Burn! Burn! Burn!Flames of Fear: Quasit, Hellhound, Flame Cannon, Summer Imp
Herald of Chaos: You are unharmed?
Hero: Surprised?
Herald of Chaos: Many have perished here.
Hero: I see.
Herald of Chaos: Your resolve is strong. I admire that.
Hero: Thank you.
Herald of Chaos: Now follow me. The next test awaits.
Hero: Of course it does...

Death is Eternal
Complete another test. Apparently this one shows how you face death...
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Herald of Chaos: Now you must face death!
Hero: Death? Really?
Herald of Chaos: My Master says it is the ultimate test of character.
Hero: Okay...
Herald of Chaos: Creatures from beyond the grave will...
Hero: Oh, Undead?
Herald of Chaos: Yes. You must face them and defeat them.
Hero: I've got this.
Face the Undead.Wight: Life is pain.Death Walks: Skeleton, Grave Knight, Vampire Lord, Wight
Defeat the Undead.Bone Dragon: Rawrrrr!Death Waits: Flesh Golem, Revenant, Succubus, Bone Dragon
Herald of Chaos: You did not flinch once.
Hero: I don't flinch much.
Herald of Chaos: It almost seems a shame...
Hero: What does?
Herald of Chaos: Nothing. I should not have spoken.
Hero: Lead on.

The Truth is Out There
Allow the Herald of Chaos to reveal the truth to you.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Herald of Chaos: I cannot allow this charade to continue.
Hero: Charade?
Herald of Chaos: These tests. They are NOT tests. You deserve to know.
Hero: Know what?
Herald of Chaos: Come. I will show you. Follow me and observe.
Hero: Very well.
Defeat the Twisted Hero.Twisted Hero: Another one, brothers!Hero's Fall: Quasit, Hellhound, Warlock, Twisted Hero
Defeat the abomination.Cthyryzyx: Ctharglhthcth!Truth or Dare: Ancient Horror, Succubus, Terraxis, Cthyryzyx
Herald of Chaos: The first creature you fought - he was once a Hero like you.
Hero: What happened?
Herald of Chaos: My Master invited him here. The tests wore him down.
Hero: And then?
Herald of Chaos: When he was weakened, my master twisted his soul.
Hero: Oh...
Herald of Chaos: And from his pain was born that abomination you fought.
Hero: I see.

Leader of the Pack
Defeat the Infernal King's First Lieutenant.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Herald of Chaos: My Master has grown strong over the centuries.
Hero: Really?
Herald of Chaos: I fear that with your soul in his possession he would become unstoppable.
Hero: Hmmm...
Herald of Chaos: With your help, we could stop this. Weaken him.
Hero: How so?
Herald of Chaos: We must destroy his 3 Lieutenants. The first is a Hellhound Alpha.
Hero: Very well.
Search for the Hellhound Alpha.Hellhound: Arrooooo!Hounds of Hell: Hellhound, Hellhound, Hellhound, Hellhound
Defeat the Hellhound Alpha.Hellhound: Arrooooo!The Alpha: Dire Wolf, Ancient Horror, Mist Stalker, Hellhound
Herald of Chaos: Very good. When the other two are defeated you can escape.
Hero: What about you?
Herald of Chaos: My life was forfeit when I told you the truth.
Hero: But...
Herald of Chaos: You cannot defeat the Infernal King. He is immortal.
Hero: We'll see...

Foul Temptress
Travel to the Tower of the Second Lieutenant.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Herald of Chaos: My Master's second lieutenant is a Succubus.
Hero: What's that?
Herald of Chaos: A Daemon who can control your mind.
Hero: I see.
Herald of Chaos: She lives with her Handmaidens in a tower nearby.
Hero: Let's go.
Approach the Succubus' Tower.Lamia: Welcome!Her Minions: Spider Queen, Succubus, Hag, Warlock
Enter the Tower.Succubus: Stay with us!Girls' Day Out: Succubus, Succubus, Succubus, Succubus
Herald of Chaos: I have not seen anyone with your skill for centuries.
Hero: Really?
Herald of Chaos: I have been in my Master's employee for a LONG time.
Hero: How long?
Herald of Chaos: Since the rise of the Humans in the Middle Kingdoms.
Hero: Oh...
Herald of Chaos: I sometimes wish he had twisted and broken ME instead.
Hero: Don't say that.

Even Fouler Temptress
Defeat the Infernal King's Second Lieutenant.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Herald of Chaos: The Succubus Queen, Liana, waits above us.
Hero: Let's go.
Herald of Chaos: Wait. Do not underestimate her.
Hero: I won't.
Herald of Chaos: It was SHE who entrapped me for the King all those centuries ago.
Hero: I see.
Herald of Chaos: I was a Hero very much like you... once.
Hero: Come on.
Defeat Liana's handmaidens.Dark Maiden: Stop! The mistress is busy!Handmaidens: Lamia, Star Gazer, Dark Maiden, Succubus
Defeat Liana, the Succubus Queen.Succubus: Really? He has sent me a plaything?Her Highness: Lamia, Star Gazer, Dark Maiden, Succubus
Herald of Chaos: Thank you. I feel like a weight has been lifted from me.
Hero: Good.
Herald of Chaos: It has been so long, but her spell has been weakening.
Hero: I see.
Herald of Chaos: Now, my mind is clearer already.
Hero: Good.

Where Dragons Fall
Travel to the Fell Dragon Peaks in search of the Third Lieutenant.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Herald of Chaos: The final lieutenant is a Fell Dragon.
Hero: Fell Dragon?
Herald of Chaos: The Infernal King can twist and break a Dragon just like a man.
Hero: Oh, I see.
Herald of Chaos: The result is a Fell Dragon - a dangerous beast.
Hero: I can imagine.
Herald of Chaos: We seek Venbarak. His body was broken, but his mind remained.
Hero: Let's go.
Travel to the peaks.Ancient Horror: Cthargsharhh!Peaked Too Early: Roc, Rock Worm, Terraxis, Ancient Horror
Climb the mountain.Twisted Hero: Brothers!Peaked Too Late: Salamander, Marsh Raptor, Watcher, Twisted Hero
Herald of Chaos: This is it. Venbarak will be up there somewhere.
Hero: Good.
Herald of Chaos: He was a magnificent creature when he arrived centuries ago.
Hero: Really.
Herald of Chaos: His scales all glistening red, he arrived with his mate.
Hero: That's sad.
Herald of Chaos: Her name was Dimetraxia. She escaped, but he did not.
Hero: Very sad.

Venbarak Awakened
Defeat Venbarak, the Infernal King's Final Lieutenant.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Herald of Chaos: Now we must search for Venbarak's Lair.
Hero: Okay.
Herald of Chaos: Be warned. He is the most dangerous of the lieutenants.
Hero: Very well.
Herald of Chaos: But with him gone, the King will be weakened for a long time.
Hero: But not forever.
Herald of Chaos: Not forever, no. As I said, he is immortal.
Hero: Hmmm...
Search for Venbarak's Lair.Terraxis: Raawwrr!Peak-A-Boo: Cthyryzyx, Marsh Raptor, Terraxis, Warlock
Defeat Venbarak.Venbarak: Herald! What have you done!The Fell Dragon: Green Slime, Ancient Horror, Terraxis, Venbarak
Herald of Chaos: It is done! You are truly a Hero. Now you can escape.
Hero: No.
Herald of Chaos: But... There is nothing more for you here.
Hero: I said no.
Herald of Chaos: What... You mean to strike at the Infernal King? I warned you...
Hero: Save your breath.
Herald of Chaos: You are brave, my friend, but perhaps also a little foolish.
Hero: Perhaps.

Puppet of Mine
Follow the Herald to the Infernal King.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Herald of Chaos: I have grave news. I fear the King knows your plan.
Hero: How?
Herald of Chaos: I can feel him in my mind, sifting through my thoughts.
Hero: Oh...
Herald of Chaos: I'm afraid... I must leave you... He... Calls me...
Hero: Wait!
Hero: But it was too late. The Herald was lost.
Hero: He turned and rode away...
Follow the Herald.Revenant: The King awaits you, Hero!Who Heralds the Herald?: Twisted Hero, Warlock, Acolyte, Revenant
Enter the Infernal King's Palace.Herald of Chaos: I cannot allow you to pass, my friend!Herald Me This: Golem, Twisted Hero, Twisted Hero, Herald of Chaos
Herald of Chaos: Thank you my friend. Again you have saved me.
Hero: Any time.
Herald of Chaos: The king sits beyond. He is waiting for you.
Hero: He'll be sorry.
Herald of Chaos: I pray you're right.
Hero: Oh, I am.

The Infernal Machine
Defeat the Infernal King.
Complete this quest to unlock the Herald of Chaos.
Herald of Chaos: Remember, he cannot be slain.
Hero: Really?
Herald of Chaos: He is a Lord of the Abyss. He is immortal.
Hero: Okay.
Herald of Chaos: But if you strike him down, perhaps there will be time...
Hero: Time?
Herald of Chaos: For us to escape before he rises again.
Hero: Let's find out!
Strike down the King.Infernal King: I cannot be defeated by a mortal!The King and I: Herald of Chaos, Succubus, Venbarak, Infernal King
Herald of Chaos: You are the greatest warrior I have ever seen.
Hero: Thank you.
Herald of Chaos: But now we must leave, with all haste.
Hero: Okay.
Herald of Chaos: I have known nothing but servitude for centuries.
Hero: Now you're free.
Herald of Chaos: Then I freely choose to serve and follow you.
Hero: Welcome aboard!

The Forge of Souls
Search for the fabled Soulforge.
Complete this quest to unlock the Soulforge feature.
Luther: I have some important news!
Hero: Oh?
Luther: A recent earthquake opened the way to something interesting.
Hero: Oh, really?
Luther: It's called the Soulforge. It's an ancient place of power.
Hero: Soulforge?
Luther: Yes! And we must get there before any Daemons find it.
Hero: Let's go!
Travel to the fissure.Twisted Hero: A mortal! Stop him!Twisted Fissure: Herald of Woe, Hellhound, Twisted Hero, Twisted Hero
Search for the Soulforge.Infernal King: You will NOT defeat me!Infernal Interruption: Succubus, Ifrit, Twisted Hero, Infernal King
Capture the Soulforge.Abynissia: Begone! The Soulforge is MINE!Forge Fires: Gate of Souls, Lamashtu, Venbarak, Abynissia
Luther: Victory! The Soulforge is yours!
Hero: Great!
Luther: It's said you may craft all manner of things here.
Hero: Like what?
Luther: Weapons, Traitstones, even Allies and Souls! However...
Hero: Yes?
Luther: You will need Jewels - from Tyri's Dungeon.
Hero: Very well.

Diabolist Training
Learn how to become a Diabolist with the Herald of Chaos.
Unlock the Diabolist Hero Class
Herald of Chaos: I must speak with you about my old Master.
Hero: The Infernal King?
Herald of Chaos: He and Abynissia have begun summoning many Daemons.
Hero: Hardly surprising.
Herald of Chaos: I fear they seek to bring a new Blight upon Krystara.
Hero: Ahh, I see.
Herald of Chaos: Perhaps if you could learn to control Daemons too?
Hero: We could stop them!
Obtain a Diabolist's Tome.Herald of Chaos: First, a Diabolist's Tome!Tome Alone: Wall of Tentacles, Hellspawn, Tome of Evil, Barghast
Control some Minor Daemons.Herald of Chaos: Now... Minor Daemons!Minor Details: Quasit, Myzmer, Warg, Nightmare
Control some Mid-Sized Daemons.Herald of Chaos: Something a little bigger?Monsters in the Middle: Soldier of Wrath, Cthyryzyx, Spider Queen, Sibyl of Lust
Control some Major Daemons.Herald of Chaos: Now... Major Daemons!Major Leagues: Dark Monolith, Terraxis, Infernal King, Hellcat
Herald of Chaos: You learned the art of controlling Daemons very swiftly.
Hero: I'm a quick study.
Herald of Chaos: In a thousand years or so, you may become a true Diabolist.
Hero: How long?
Herald of Chaos: A thousand years... Give or take a century.
Hero: Seriously?
Herald of Chaos: No. Tezca has been teaching me humor. Was that funny?
Hero: Not really.