Emperina's Kobold Followers
This wayward group of Kobolds has found a new God to worship - the Dragon Emperina.

Meet the Kobolds!
Learn about Kobolds.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Hero: As we traveled through the northern reaches of the Underworld...
Hero: ...Emperina spied some strange creatures.
Emperina: Those small creatures... Are they Kobolds?
Hero: Kobolds?
Emperina: Yes... I've encountered their kind before. They are particularly obnoxious.
Hero: Oh?
Emperina: Let's just keep an eye on them, and try not to be seen.
Hero: Okay.
Observe the Kobolds.Kobold: Can it be? Emperina?Random Encounter: Drake, Dragonmoth, Dragonette, Kobold
Talk with the Kobolds.Kobold: Emperina? We're not worthy!Kobold Conversation: Drake, Dragonette, Kobold, Kobold
Emperina: That... didn't go as planned. I'd hoped they wouldn't spot us.
Hero: Oh well.
Emperina: I have a bad feeling about this.
Hero: Why?
Emperina: They seemed to know me. I may have met this tribe before.
Hero: What now?
Emperina: Let's get a closer look. I'm curious.
Hero: As you wish.

Reconnaisance Mission
Investigate the Kobold village.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Emperina: Their village is up near that waterfall.
Hero: I see.
Emperina: If we approach cautiously, we may go unnoticed.
Hero: Like before?
Emperina: Hmmph! They all look quite alike to me.
Hero: Me too.
Emperina: I want to see if I recognize any of them.
Hero: Very well.
Scout the Kobold village.Kobold Knight: Glory! Glory! Our God has arrived!Scouting Party: Kobold Knight, Kobold, Kobold, Drake
Approach a little closer...Kobold Knight: O Great Emperina! We worship you!Kobold Guards: Kobold Knight, Kobold Knight, Kobold, Kobold
Emperina: So I HAVE met this tribe before.
Hero: Whereabouts?
Emperina: In Khaziel, many years ago. I helped them escape the Dwarves.
Hero: Oh...
Emperina: And it is as I feared! That statue on the cliff...
Hero: What about it?
Emperina: It seems they remembered... And they built a statue to me in their village...
Hero: Haha!

Overprotective Fans
Defend against the Kobolds.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Emperina: You must be very careful!
Hero: Me? Why?
Emperina: I believe they may think I am their... God?
Hero: That's bad?
Emperina: If it's true, they may be jealous of you.
Hero: Really?
Emperina: They may even think you are a danger to me.
Hero: Oh...
Defend against the Kobolds.Kobold Magi: Protect Emperina! Kill her captors!Crazed Kobolds: Kobold Knight, Kobold, Kobold Magi, Kobold Magi
Make a tactical withdrawal.Kobold Magi: Great Emperina! Emperinazara awaits you!Too Many Magi: Kobold Magi, Kobold Magi, Kobold Magi, Kobold Magi
Emperina: Stop laughing. This is NOT funny. It is INTOLERABLE!
Hero: Haha... Sorry...
Emperina: They mentioned their leader's name... Emperinazara.
Hero: And that means?
Emperina: It is a corrupted form of draconic.
Hero: And it means?
Emperina: It means Emperina's Chosen... She is NO SUCH THING!
Hero: Okay.

Straight to the Top
Reason with the Kobold Queen.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Emperina: This Kobold Queen, Emperinazara, must be taught a lesson.
Hero: Very well.
Emperina: How dare she assume my name and my favor!
Hero: How dare she!
Emperina: Stop laughing NOW! This is NOT funny!
Hero: No. Not at all.
Emperina: Let us go and see what she has to say for herself.
Hero: Lead on!
Tell the Queen to stand down her troops.Emperinazara: Oh Great Emperina! EAT ME!!!The Kobold Queen: Kobold Knight, Kobold, Kobold Magi, Emperinazara
Emperina: She WANTED me to eat her?
Hero: So it seems.
Emperina: Emperina's Chosen was my chosen MEAL?
Hero: Looks that way!
Emperina: Kobolds... They are ridiculous creatures.
Hero: Couldn't agree more.
Emperina: And we shall not speak of this again, SHALL we!
Hero: My lips are sealed.