Archon Statue

(10 Green/Brown)
Deal [Magic + 3] damage to the strongest Enemy. If I am wounded, deal 8 more damage.
(Undead Slayer, Stone Spirit, Stoneskin)
MAX ⚔️8

Rock Barrage
(14 Red/Brown)
Deal [Magic + 4] splash damage to an enemy, boosted by all allies' Attack. Explode 2 Gems. [3:1]
(Deep Shield, Spell Armor, Stoneskin)
MAX ⚔️15
Ethereal Sentry

Deny Passage
(10 Yellow/Brown)
Increase an ally's Attack by their Armor. Create a Lightstorm. [1:1]
(Deep Shield, Armored, Spell Block)
MAX ⚔️7
Arcane Golem

Arcane Strength
(13 Yellow/Purple)
Explode a gem. Stun a random enemy for every Yellow Gem destroyed. Gain [Magic + 1] Attack. [1:1]
(Deep Strength, Spell Armor, Stoneskin)
MAX ⚔️11
- Construct General
4 unique Construct troops - Duke of the Guardians
3 unique Hall of Guardians troops