
Scorching Blast
(11 Green/Red)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to an Enemy and Burn them.
(Elemental Bond, Pyromania, Fireproof)
MAX ⚔️13
Marsh Raptor

Take Down
(11 Green/Yellow)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to the weakest Enemy, boosted by Blue Allies. If the Enemy dies, create 8 Blue Gems. [4x]
(Monster Bond, Water Link, Venomous)
MAX ⚔️11
Twisted Hero

Fallen Valor
(10 Red/Yellow)
Create 5 Red and 5 Purple Gems. Give [Magic + 1] points of a random Skill to a random Ally.
(Undead Bond, Doom, Undying)
MAX ⚔️9