The Warrens
The Lapina Burrows
A faction of Krystara's rabbit-folk live here in the dark burrows of the Underworld.

A Bunny Thing Happened
Travel into the Tezca's homeland, the Warrens.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Hero: While we were exploring the Underworld...
Hero: Tezca suddenly appeared...
Tezca: Hi there! Did you know we're close to my homeland?
Hero: Homeland?
Tezca: That's right. My people, the Lapina, come from down here.
Hero: Really?
Tezca: Yep! I've been away a long time though - let's see if we're welcome.
Hero: Okay.
Approach the Warrens.Trickster: Oh! Travellers! Follow me!Trick or Treat: Trickster, Jackelope, Trickster, Spring Imp
Enter the Warrens.Trickster: You look lost! Let me help you!Tricks Galore: Trickster, Trickster, Trickster, Trickster
Tezca: So... It looks like I'm NOT welcome.
Hero: So it seems.
Tezca: That's disappointing, but not terribly surprising.
Hero: Why?
Tezca: We're not supposed to return here.
Hero: Oh?
Tezca: In case we lead things back. My people are not great warriors.
Hero: I see.

Show me the Bunny!
Look around for any friends of Tezca.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Tezca: Well, now that we're here, I wonder if I can find any friends.
Hero: Very well.
Tezca: Let's look around. Try not to be seen though.
Hero: Okay.
Tezca: If anyone spots you, act like a rabbit.
Hero: Okay... I guess.
Search the Warrens.Bunnicorn: Squeeee!Night of the Lepus: Bunnicorn, Trickster, Jackelope, Bunni'Nog
Investigate the adorable bunnies.Bunnicorn: Squeeeeeeee!Mostly Harmless: Bunnicorn, Bunnicorn, Bunnicorn, Trickster
Tezca: Well, we didn't find any friends.
Hero: I noticed.
Tezca: But we did find some adorable Bunnicorns.
Hero: Adorable?
Tezca: Yes... Look at their eeky peeky little earsies.
Hero: They bit me.
Tezca: Oh, that. Well yes. Okay, let's move on then.
Hero: Okay.

Bunny Side Up
Approach High Priestess Luna.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Tezca: Maybe we should look for High Priestess Luna.
Hero: Who's she?
Tezca: Luna rules my people. She'll help us out.
Hero: Okay.
Tezca: Or try to kill us... Hard to say.
Hero: I see.
Tezca: We Lapina can be a bit fickle like that.
Hero: I've noticed.
Look for the Lapina Temple.Lapina Knight: Halt!Bunny Knight: Trickster, Lapina Knight, Bunnicorn, Lapina Knight
Approach the Temple.Lapina Knight: You may not see Luna!Lapina Guards: Lapina Knight, Lapina Knight, Trickster, Lapina Knight
Tezca: Okay, well we found the temple.
Hero: That's good.
Tezca: But we've beaten up the guards.
Hero: That's bad.
Tezca: But now we can see High Priestess Luna.
Hero: Good?
Tezca: But... Pretty sure she'll want to kill us now.
Hero: Bad then.

Bunny, I'm Home!
Meet High Priestess Luna.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Hero: We entered the Lapina Temple.
Hero: As expected, we were NOT welcome.
Tezca: High Priestess Luna! We come in peace!
Hero: We do!
Tezca: These are my friends. They won't harm us.
Hero: We promise.
Tezca: And... She's not buying it, is she?
Hero: Nope.
Meet High Priestess Luna.Luna: You returned? And brought enemies?Luna: Trickster, Lapina Knight, Bunnicorn, Luna
Tezca: Well, that was a disappointing homecoming.
Hero: It was.
Tezca: Still, we Lapina always appear where we're needed most.
Hero: Even here?
Tezca: Everywhere. We are the instruments of the Gods, keeping the balance.
Hero: I see.
Tezca: I can only surmise that balance has been restored.
Hero: If you say so.