The Land of Ancient Gods
The towers of Warlocks dot the ruined land of Karakoth, as their masters search for ancient secrets.


Arcane Death



Skill bonus:

A Wandering Madman
Help Ferit stop the Slavers on their way to the Tower of High Sorcery.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Hero: As I travelled into the shattered lands of Karakoth,
Hero: I happened upon a madman, wandering the wasteland.
Ferit: You! You are not from here. Who are you?
Hero: An adventurer.
Ferit: You don't smell of sorcery and madness... this is good...
Hero: Why?
Ferit: You can help me stop the slavers... I can taste it!
Hero: Lead on.
Defeat the Slavers' guards.Acolyte: It's an attack! Stop them!The Golem Guards: Golem, Golem, Acolyte
Defeat the Slavemaster and free the slaves.Reaver: You seek to stop us? Never!The Slavemaster: Golem, Night Terror, Reaver
Ferit: Thank you. The slaves are free.
Hero: My pleasure.
Ferit: The Slavers. They never stop. Always more.
Hero: Dark Elves?
Ferit: Dark Elves... Humans... Naga... All greedy.
Hero: But not you?
Ferit: No, Not me. I will see them all burn.
Hero: Then I'll help.

One More Slaver to Cross
Help Ferit defeat another band of slavers
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Ferit: Slavers are nearby. I see it in the wind.
Hero: The wind?
Ferit: The black winds of Karakoth share many secrets.
Hero: Really?
Ferit: You must learn to listen - to hear the magic.
Hero: I'll try..
Ferit: Now come. We must turn blood into freedom.
Hero: Lead on...
Defeat another group of Slavers.Scale Guard: Ssstop! Sssubmit and we will ssspare you lives!Snakes Alive: Golem, Acolyte, Scale Guard, Scale Guard
Defeat another Slavemaster.Poison Master: That wasss a missstake!Snakes Not So Alive: Mist Stalker, Mist Stalker, Scale Guard, Poison Master
Ferit: Naga! Their blood is cold, but it still buys freedom.
Hero: Yes it does.
Ferit: Do you sense why I do this, stranger?
Hero: No, I don't.
Ferit: Slaves are power. Power breeds madness. Madness rules here.
Hero: What?
Ferit: No slaves means no power. No power means no madness.
Hero: Oh...

The Crimson Death
Break into the Crimson Warlock's tower and defeat him.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Ferit: Now we go to the Crimson Tower.
Hero: What's there?
Ferit: The Crimson Warlock. He must die.
Hero: Why?
Ferit: The stones of Karakoth whisper his name.
Hero: Okay...
Ferit: Their songs wish for his passing.
Hero: Lead on, then...
Break into the Crimson Tower.Acolyte: You bring gifts for my master?Breaking and Entering: Golem, Golem, Acolyte, Acolyte
Defeat the Crimson Warlock.Warlock: Bow before me, worms!Woe to the Warlock: Acolyte, Acolyte, Acolyte, Warlock
Ferit: It is done. His twisted soul has joined the Old Gods.
Hero: What did he do?
Ferit: I... I do not remember. But I DO remember this place.
Hero: The Tower?
Ferit: Yes... The colors have a familiar taste to them.
Hero: Hmm...
Ferit: They taste of danger. Come! We must go!
Hero: As you say.

Search for the Past
Seek out any clues about Ferit's past in the Viridian Tower.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Ferit: I... I think I am searching for something.
Hero: What, exactly?
Ferit: I don't remember. My sanity perhaps?
Hero: Perhaps.
Ferit: The stones will not tell me. Nor will the wind.
Hero: Hmm...
Ferit: But Viridian Tower is nearby. Perhaps there...
Hero: Lead on...
Enter Viridian Tower.Scale Guard: Halt! Nobody enters the Viridian Tower today.The Viridian Gate: Scale Guard, Scale Guard, Golem, Golem
Seek answers from the Viridian Warlock.Warlock: You? Vair? You dare to come back here? Die!Viridian Secrets: Golem, Golem, Poison Master, Warlock
Ferit: The Warlock. He seemed to know me.
Hero: He called you Vair.
Ferit: Perhaps it was my name once. Perhaps...
Hero: Not any more?
Ferit: No. Now I am Ferit. But this place...
Hero: What of it?
Ferit: Its stones tell me I did something here. Something terrible.
Hero: Let's leave.

Fangs for the Memory
Investigate why the Naga are so active in Karakoth at the moment.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Ferit: Too many Naga. Something is coming.
Hero: What?
Ferit: I don't know, but we are all trapped in a web.
Hero: A web?
Ferit: As one twists, we all feel the ripples.
Hero: I see...
Ferit: Come. Let us hunt some Naga.
Hero: Lead on.
Investigate what the Naga are up to.Acolyte: These Stalkers and slaves are for my master. Leave us!Stalking the Stalkers: Mist Stalker, Mist Stalker, Mist Stalker, Acolyte
Capture a group of Naga entering Karakoth.Poison Master: You! Vair! You are still alive?Naga Naga Everywhere: Mist Stalker, Scale Guard, Scale Guard, Poison Master
Ferit: Vair! Who is this Vair? I do not remember.
Hero: I don't know.
Ferit: Neither do the stones, the wind, or the voices.
Hero: But the Naga...
Ferit: Yes, the Naga may know. And when I learn who I was...
Hero: What then?
Ferit: Then I may find my sanity.
Hero: Okay.

Secrets in the Mist
Travel into the Mist of Scales, seeking more information from the Naga.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Ferit: We must cross into the mists.
Hero: It looks dangerous.
Ferit: It is. The mist warns us, and welcomes us.
Hero: After you then.
Ferit: Come. These Naga have secrets we must pry loose.
Hero: Lead on.
Cross the border to the Mist of Scales.Mist Stalker: Hissssssss!Border Crossing: Mist Stalker, Mist Stalker, Scale Guard, Scale Guard
Seek some Naga who might know Ferit.Lamia: Vair? Surely you don't need MORE slaves?The Maid of the Mists: Scale Guard, Scale Guard, Poison Master, Lamia
Ferit: Is it possible? Was I once a Slaver?
Hero: Maybe.
Ferit: No! I do not remember. But it cannot be!
Hero: As you wish.
Ferit: Still, this does not taste of truth. The voices are in conflict.
Hero: I see...
Ferit: Let us return to Karakoth. There are slaves to set free.
Hero: Okay.

A Drop in the Market
Raid the Karakoth Slave Market to free the slaves.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Ferit: I have searched long enough for answers.
Hero: And?
Ferit: They make me uneasy. We must free more slaves.
Hero: How?
Ferit: We will attack the central Slave Market!
Hero: Good plan.
Set the Golems loose upon the Slave Market.Golem: Command me!Lot 1: Golems: Golem, Golem, Golem, Golem
Release some Night Terrors too.Night Terror: Graaarrrr!Lot 2: Night Terrors: Night Terror, Night Terror, Night Terror, Night Terror
Defeat Dark Elven Slavers and free their captives.Dark Maiden: You cannot attack us here!Lot 3: Dark Elven Slaves: Reaver, Reaver, Reaver, Dark Maiden
Ferit: So many slaves. Why do they need this many?
Hero: I don't know.
Ferit: The Warlocks are planning something.
Hero: Are you sure?
Ferit: The voices tell me. They do not lie.
Hero: Okay.

Unearthed Arcana
Discover what the Warlocks are up to in the north of Karakoth.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Ferit: The wind has changed, it smells of power.
Hero: What does that mean?
Ferit: In the north, they are seeking him.
Hero: Seeking who?
Ferit: I do not know, but we must hurry. They must be stopped.
Hero: Okay.
Search the ancient ruins.Warlock: Keep away! The secrets here are MINE!Archaeology 101: Golem, Acolyte, Dark Maiden, Warlock
Investigate what the Warlock was digging up.Ancient Horror: Gthsgh Argchuach Ulghoth!Horrors of the Past: Ancient Horror, Ancient Horror, Ancient Horror
Ferit: That creature... it was a herald of the Old Gods.
Hero: Old Gods?
Ferit: They ruled Krystara aeons ago. Do you not feel them?
Hero: No, I don't.
Ferit: Their power is what draws the Warlocks here.
Hero: I see.
Ferit: The slaves, the Old Gods... all part of the web...
Hero: Okay.

Old Tomes, New Plans
Break into the Great Library of the Cerulean Tower to uncover the Warlocks' plans.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Ferit: This Library... I have been here before too.
Hero: Really?
Ferit: But there are no slavers here, not in this place.
Hero: Strange...
Ferit: No matter. The answers we seek are here, I can smell them.
Hero: Okay.
Get into the Great Library.Warlock: Vair! What are you doing back here?The Angry Librarians: Golem, Golem, Warlock, Warlock
Search the tomes to find what is happening.Acolyte: No! Stop! We'll lose control!Long Overdue: Acolyte, Acolyte, Acolyte, Ancient Horror
Ferit: Aha! I sense what they are planning now.
Hero: What's that?
Ferit: They are summoning one of the Old Gods.
Hero: Oh, dear.
Ferit: They will feed the slaves to it, and it will burst into this world.
Hero: Oh, no!
Ferit: It's strange. This has happened before. I can feel it.
Hero: Okay.

From Madness We Come
Travel back to the ancient ruins to stop the Warlocks summoning an Old God.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Ferit: We must head back to the ruin and stop them!
Hero: Okay.
Ferit: Many Warlocks will be going. It will be dangerous.
Hero: We'll get by.
Ferit: I have trod these stones before... too many times.
Hero: You have?
Ferit: My sanity is returning, my friend. I do not like it.
Hero: Hang in there.
Dispose of any Warlocks you find on the way.Warlock: Vair? On your way to the summoning, I see?An Old Friend: Night Terror, Night Terror, Acolyte, Warlock
Travel north to the ancient ruin.Warlock: Vair! I never thought we'd see you again!Slithering Along: Mist Stalker, Mist Stalker, Scale Guard, Warlock
Ferit: No... I remember...
Hero: That's great!
Ferit: No... No, it isn't. I was a Warlock.
Hero: Really?
Ferit: We summoned... I summoned this beast... Abhorath.
Hero: Oh...
Ferit: So many lives lost. My mind was lost with them.
Hero: I'm sorry.

Stop the ritual to release Abhorath, one of the Old Gods.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Ferit: No! I can't believe I was responsible for...
Hero: For what?
Ferit: So much death... So much suffering...
Hero: You've changed.
Ferit: I can never wash this stain from my hands.
Hero: You HAVE changed.
Ferit: Enough self pity. We must stop this ritual.
Hero: Okay!
Defeat the Guardians of the site.Golem: Stop!Guardians Galore: Golem, Mist Stalker, Golem, Night Terror
Defeat the various Warlocks' minions.Warlock: Back for more, Vair? Isn't it glorious!Minions Aplenty: Acolyte, Poison Master, Dark Maiden, Warlock
Disrupt the ritual.Warlock: Almost complete! Help us!Heralds Abound: Ancient Horror, Ancient Horror, Ancient Horror, Warlock
Ferit: There! It is done!
Hero: It's over?
Ferit: The Warlocks have fled. The ritual is broken.
Hero: Good.
Ferit: No lives will be sacrificed this day.
Hero: I'm glad.
Ferit: But how will I live with the things I've done...
Hero: I don't know.

To Madness We Return
Defeat Abhorath, the Old God, and allow Ferit to become mad once more.
Complete this quest to unlock Ferit.
Ferit: My friend, I have an unusual request.
Hero: Name it.
Ferit: Will you help me finish summoning Abhorath?
Hero: What? Why?
Ferit: I wish to gaze upon him and lose my sanity again.
Hero: I understand.
Ferit: There will be no sacrifices, so Abhorath will fight you.
Hero: I'll see it done.
Summon Abhorath and defeat him.Abhorath: Gthsgh Argchuach Ulghoth!Abhorath Abides: Ancient Horror, Ancient Horror, Ancient Horror, Abhorath
Ferit: The wind tells me you are my friend.
Hero: Ferit?
Ferit: Is that my name? It tastes like my name.
Hero: It is.
Ferit: The stones say I owe you a great debt.
Hero: We owe each other.
Ferit: Is that so? Well it seems we should travel together for a time.
Hero: My pleasure.

Sorcerer Training
Learn the secrets of becoming a Sorcerer from Ferit.
Unlock the Sorcerer Hero Class
Ferit: There are strange things in my head.
Hero: I know.
Ferit: But the voices tell me I must teach you these things
Hero: Oh...
Ferit: And I must teach you before they blow away.
Hero: I see.
Ferit: They say if you pass their tests, you will be a Sorcerer.
Hero: Then teach me.
Pass the Test of Sanity.Ferit: The voices say hold onto your sanity!Test of Sanity: Ancient Horror, Warlock, Acolyte, Cthyryzyx
Pass the Test of Madness.Ferit: The voices say embrace the madness!Test of Madness: Ancient Horror, Spider Queen, Green Slime, Wild Fang
Pass the Test of the Portal.Ferit: The voices say look into the Abyss!Test of the Portal: Ancient Horror, Fortress Gate, Winter Imp, The Silent One
Pass the Test of the Old Gods.Ferit: Behold the Old Gods!Test of the Old Gods: Kerberos, Ancient Horror, Cthyryzyx, Abhorath
Ferit: The voices are leaving me now.
Hero: Oh.
Ferit: But they have one last message for you.
Hero: What's that?
Ferit: They say you must balance madness and sanity as you gaze at the Abyss.
Hero: I see.
Ferit: And... and... they're gone. I'm sorry.
Hero: That's okay.