The Shattered Lands
These once-noble tribes of Gurakk were corrupted into Orcs by the powers of chaos.


Arcane Lava


Skill bonus:

Damsel in Distress
Save a Gurrak named Dark Song who is being chased by Orcs.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Hero: As I crossed into Grosh-Nak...
Hero: ...I met a young Gurakk named Dark Song.
Dark Song: Have you seen any Orcs?
Hero: Orcs?
Dark Song: They're chasing me.
Hero: Why?
Dark Song: It's a long story. Will you help me?
Hero: Sure.
Help Dark Song fight the Orcs.Hobgoblin: There she is! Get her!Orcish Pursuers: Orc, Orc, Orc, Hobgoblin
Help with some tougher foes.Cyclops: Catch her!The Rear Guard: Orc, Ogre, Cyclops, Cyclops
Dark Song: You fought bravely.
Hero: Thank you.
Dark Song: I wonder...
Hero: Wonder what?
Dark Song: You look like you enjoy a good fight.
Hero: Always!
Dark Song: Ha! As do I. Interested in something more dangerous?
Hero: Of course.

Stop the Orcs trying to capture Dark Song.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Dark Song: You're wondering what all this is about, aren't you.
Hero: I am.
Dark Song: It all started with Gar'Nok.
Hero: Who?
Dark Song: He's an Orcish Warlord. He raided my village.
Hero: Oh?
Dark Song: And I think he fell in love with me...
Hero: I see.
Stop the Orcs.Summoner: I've found her!The Little Ones: Cyclops, Cyclops, Boar Rider, Summoner
Stop some Ogres too.Ogre: Gar'Nok wants YOU, girl!The Big Ones: Ogre, Ogre, Orc, Orc
Dark Song: See? These Orcs are trying to take me back to Gar'Nok!
Hero: So it seems.
Dark Song: And for the record, I HATE Gar'Nok!
Hero: Okay.
Dark Song: And I definitely do NOT want to marry him!
Hero: I get it.
Dark Song: Gurakk and Orcs may be related, but we're not proud of it.
Hero: I understand.

Laying Low
Try to find somewhere to hide from Gar'Nok's Orcs.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Dark Song: I REALLY want to kill that Orc!
Hero: But?
Dark Song: But, I think we should lay low for a while.
Hero: Okay.
Dark Song: Maybe he'll lose interest if he can't find me.
Hero: Maybe...
Escape from the Orcs.Ettin: She'll be here somewhereA Search Party: Ogre, Cyclops, Cyclops, Ettin
Find somewhere to hide.Boar Rider: Find the Girl!Another Search Party: Goblin, Hobgoblin, Boar Rider, Boar Rider
Dark Song: Argh! Why won't he leave me alone!
Hero: He's persistent.
Dark Song: Persistent? He's INSANE! He once sent me this poetry...
Hero: Poetry?
Dark Song: "Your red eyes remind me of Blood...
Hero: ...
Dark Song: Blood! Kill! Meat! I love you! Blood!"
Hero: Oh dear.

You've been discovered. Should you escape or not?
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Dark Song: Surprise! He sent more Orcs to find me!
Hero: So I see.
Dark Song: Well, it looks like another fight.
Hero: It does.
Dark Song: Maybe we should let them capture us though.
Hero: Why?
Dark Song: We might find out what Gar'Nok is up to.
Hero: I see.
Escape from the Orcs again.Orc: Woo! I've found her!Spotted: Orc, Orc, Orc, Orc
Allow the Orcs to capture you.Drake Rider: You're not getting away THIS time!Caught!: Cyclops, Ettin, Orc, Drake Rider
Dark Song: Okay. They've got us.
Hero: Indeed they do.
Dark Song: So now let's see where they take us.
Hero: Yes.

Love Potion No. 9
Stop the Orc Summoners from feeding a Love Potion to Dark Song.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Dark Song: Ugh! They want me to drink a potion.
Hero: A potion?
Dark Song: I won't be drinking ANYTHING they give me.
Hero: Good plan.
Dark Song: I have no idea what they've put in it...
Hero: Yeah.
Dark Song: Come on. We need to change their mind.
Hero: Let's do it.
Stop Dark Song drinking the potion.Summoner: Drink this, Girl!Drink This!: Goblin Shaman, Ettin, Summoner, Summoner
Keep the Summoners away from Dark Song.Summoner: Gar'Nok says to drink up!A Wicked Brew: Summoner, Summoner, Summoner, Summoner
Dark Song: Well, that's the Summoners taken care of.
Hero: Indeed.
Dark Song: And at least we know what Gar'Nok was up to.
Hero: We do?
Dark Song: Trying to trick me with Love Potions. Hmph!
Hero: Orcs, eh?
Dark Song: If he were a REAL Warlord, he wouldn't need a potion.
Hero: I agree.

Leave Me Be
Send a message to Gar'Nok by destroying the Orc camp.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Dark Song: We need to get out of this Orc Camp.
Hero: About time!
Dark Song: And I think we need to send Gar'Nok a message.
Hero: A message?
Dark Song: But this message won't be poetry!
Hero: Ha!
Dark Song: So we're going to burn some things down.
Hero: Great.
Attack the Orc camp.Hobgoblin: No! You can't escape!Orc Guards: Drake Rider, Boar Rider, Hobgoblin, Summoner
Destroy the Orc camp.Goblin: Help! They're destroying EVERYTHING!Orcs on the Run: Orc, Cyclops, Goblin, Ettin
Dark Song: Orc huts sure are pretty when they burn!
Hero: They are.
Dark Song: I hope Gar'Nok gets the hint.
Hero: So do I!

Love Letter
Turn away Gar'Nok's messengers.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Dark Song: Ugh! Orcs! Heading this way!
Hero: So I see.
Dark Song: What is it now? More messages from Gar'Nok?
Hero: I don't know.
Dark Song: Let's crack their skulls together anyway...
Hero: Okay.
Dark Song: ...and see what they have to say.
Hero: Lead on!
Defeat Gar'Nok's scouts.Summoner: Gor'Nak has a message for you.First Messenger: Cyclops, Cyclops, Summoner, Summoner
Defeat Gar'Nok's messengers.Summoner: Take Gar'Nok's message!Second Messenger: Orc, Orc, Drake Rider, Drake Rider
Dark Song: Gar'Nok thinks I burnt a village to show my LOVE for him?
Hero: What?
Dark Song: Listen! More poetry...
Hero: Okay.
Dark Song: "You burn for me! I burn for you! Burning!
Hero: ...
Dark Song: Fire! Kill! Meat! I love you! Burning!"
Hero: Oh dear.

Run for the Border
Try to escape from Grosh-Nak.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Dark Song: We need to get out of here.
Hero: Leave Grosh-Nak?
Dark Song: Gar'Nok is never going to stop. He's insane.
Hero: Orcs...
Dark Song: I thought I could make him stop, but I can't.
Hero: Okay.
Dark Song: We'll head for the Mist of Scales.
Hero: Lead on.
Head for the border.Drake Rider: You can run, but you can't hide!The Pursuers: Ogre, Cyclops, Boar Rider, Drake Rider
Try to leave Grosh-Nak.Goblin Shaman: You won't get away from ME!Goblin Hunters: Goblin, Goblin Shaman, Goblin, Hobgoblin
Dark Song: We're almost to the border.
Hero: Good.
Dark Song: The Gurakk and the Orcs were once related, you know.
Hero: Really?
Dark Song: We lived apart, but our tribes were close kin.
Hero: What happened?
Dark Song: The forces of Chaos corrupted them. After that...
Hero: I see.

Grosh-Nak Shuffle
Avoid ambushes at the border of Grosh-Nak.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Dark Song: Now we just need to make it out of Grosh-Nak.
Hero: Indeed.
Dark Song: Gar'Nok's warriors will be waiting for us.
Hero: I know.
Dark Song: He won't give me up easily.
Hero: Let's go!
Look out for ambushes.Cyclops: I've got my EYE on you! Hehehe...Keep an Eye Out: Cyclops, Cyclops, Cyclops, Boar Rider
Avoid the Orc ambush.Hobgoblin: Surprise!Goblin Surprise: Goblin Shaman, Goblin Shaman, Hobgoblin, Hobgoblin
Stop Dark Song being captured.Drake Rider: Now! You'll be coming with us!Not Drakes Again: Drake Rider, Drake Rider, Drake Rider, Drake Rider
Luther: They captured Dark Song!
Hero: No!
Luther: We need to get her back.
Hero: Yes, we do.
Luther: They'll be headed straight for Gar'Nok.
Hero: Let's follow.

Wedding Plans
Follow the Orcs who took Dark Song.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Luther: We're on their trail. They're not far ahead.
Hero: Good.
Luther: Are you ready for battle?
Hero: I am.
Luther: Good! They won't give her up without a fight.
Hero: Let's go.
Chase the Orcs who captured Dark Song.Orc: You'll be too late to stop the wedding.The Hunters...: Goblin, Goblin, Orc, Orc
Follow them to Gar'Nok's camp.Summoner: Fools! You'll never get Dark Song back!...Become the Hunted: Hobgoblin, Cyclops, Cyclops, Summoner
Luther: Curse them! They got away!
Hero: Grrr...
Luther: But at least we know where they're taking her.
Hero: Indeed.
Luther: We just need to get there in time to stop the wedding!
Hero: Let's go.

My Big Fat Orc Wedding
Stop the Wedding. Free Dark Song.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Luther: Alright, here they are!
Hero: I'm ready.
Luther: Let's rescue Dark Song before Gar'Nok appears.
Hero: Okay.
Luther: And if he DOES appear...
Hero: Yes?
Luther: ...Then he'll wish he hadn't!
Hero: Let's go.
Stop the wedding.Hobgoblin: Keep away! Gar'Nok will be angry!Here Comes the Bride: Hobgoblin, Hobgoblin, Hobgoblin, Drake Rider
Free Dark Song.Ettin: No! You're not Gar'Nok!The Best Man: Orc, Orc, Ettin, Summoner
Dark Song: Thank you, my friends!
Hero: You're welcome.
Dark Song: We SHOULD flee this place...
Hero: But?
Dark Song: But Gar'Nok won't stop coming after me... Ever.
Hero: I know.
Dark Song: We need to end this. Now.
Hero: Let's do it.

Defeat Gar'Nok so Dark Song can finally escape Grosh-Nak.
Complete this quest to unlock Dark Song.
Dark Song: Gar'Nok doesn't look happy.
Hero: So I see.
Dark Song: I guess nobody likes to be stood up at the altar.
Hero: No.
Dark Song: Especially if it's an altar to an evil god!
Hero: Indeed.
Dark Song: Let's finish this once and for all.
Hero: Okay.
Defeat Gar'Nok.Gar'Nok: Who invited YOU?Gar'Nok: Hobgoblin, Drake Rider, Cyclops, Gar'Nok
Dark Song: Good riddance! What a relief!
Hero: I know.
Dark Song: I think we can finally leave Grosh-Nak.
Hero: What now?
Dark Song: I owe you a huge debt, my friend.
Hero: It was nothing.
Dark Song: You have a good eye for battle. I'll join you.
Hero: Let's go!

Barbarian Training
Learn how to become a Barbarian with Dark Song.
Unlock the Barbarian Hero Class
Dark Song: I think it's about time you showed these Orcs how a real Barbarian behaves.
Hero: But...
Dark Song: Dont speak. I know what you're thinking.
Hero: You do?
Dark Song: You're thinking that you're not a real Barbarian.
Hero: How did you know?
Dark Song: Hush now! Listen to me! I will teach you all you need to know.
Hero: Okay.
Concentrate on your fighting.Dark Song: Fight more! Talk less!Not Talking the Talk: Orc Veteran, Orc, Goblin, Cyclops
Practise your battlecry.Dark Song: Yell like you mean it!Yelling the Yell: War Wolf, Drake Rider, Bor'Gakk, Orc Veteran
Use your head.Dark Song: Headbutting is fun!Using your Head: Dire Boar, Cyclops, Fist of Zorn, Fist of Zorn
Fight the big things first.Dark Song: Go big... Or go bigger!Orcish Optimism: Drake Rider, Fel'Dras, Gor'Thrum, Gar'Nok
Dark Song: Well done! You could teach Gar'Nok a thing or two.
Hero: I could?
Dark Song: For one... Mouths are for battlecries, not poetry.
Hero: Ahhh...
Dark Song: And heads are for butting, not thinking.
Hero: That worries me.
Dark Song: But you, my friend, truly have the makings of a Barbarian!
Hero: * Grunts *