Shattered Plains of the Wingless Dragons
This shattered land is home to an ancient cursed race of Dragons.
![Conversation Character](/assets/conversation/K19_Char.png)
Those Who Can’t Fly
Investigate the strange wingless Dragons.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Hero: As we traversed the Underworld...
Hero: ...We discovered a strange shattered land.
Dimetraxia: Do you see those creatures up ahead?
Hero: Vaguely.
Dimetraxia: Tell me what you see. My eyes are not what they once were.
Hero: Big... lizards?
Dimetraxia: They are not wingless Dragons are they?
Hero: Let’s find out.
Get up close to the wingless Dragons.Horned Wyrm: Graaarrrr!Get a Little Closer: Sluagh, Dementicore, Drake, Horned Wyrm
Approach the wingless Dragons.Horned Wyrm: Rawwrrrr!Closer Still: Horned Wyrm, Horned Wyrm, Horned Wyrm, Horned Wyrm
Dimetraxia: Wingless Dragons... It is as I feared.
Hero: Oh?
Dimetraxia: We refer to them as Wyrms. They are cursed creatures.
Hero: Cursed?
Dimetraxia: It is a long story. But first may I ask a favor?
Hero: Of course.
Dimetraxia: I would like to try and help them. I will explain as we go.
Hero: Very well.
![Conversation Character](/assets/conversation/K19_Char.png)
Those Who Won’t Listen
Try to talk with the Wyrms.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Dimetraxia: The Wyrms are beastial creatures, but they were not always thus.
Hero: Really?
Dimetraxia: There is a chance I may be able to talk with them.
Hero: Okay.
Dimetraxia: The Horned Wyrms who attacked us seem beyond help.
Hero: I agree.
Dimetraxia: But the glowing Wyrms ahead may be able to communicate.
Hero: Let’s go.
Approach the glowing Wyrms.Nether Wyrm: Rarrrgggghhh!A Light in the Darkness: Drake, Horned Wyrm, Horned Wyrm, Nether Wyrm
Try to talk to the glowing Wyrms.Nether Wyrm: Rawwwrrrrr!Deaf Ears: Horned Wyrm, Nether Wyrm, Nether Wyrm, Nether Wyrm
Dimetraxia: I suppose I should tell you the story of the Wyrms.
Hero: Yes, please.
Dimetraxia: They were once supporters of Elemaugrim the Black, many centuries ago.
Hero: I see.
Dimetraxia: But at the time they were real Dragons like myself.
Hero: What happened?
Dimetraxia: It is a sorry tale... I weep just thinking about it… I shall continue shortly.
Hero: Very well.
![Conversation Character](/assets/conversation/K19_Char.png)
Those Who Block the Way
Search for the leader of the Wyrms.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Dimetraxia: I fear if I am to help them, I must find their leader.
Hero: Leader?
Dimetraxia: Their minds are broken, but perhaps the strongest amongst them is still sane.
Hero: Perhaps.
Dimetraxia: I do not know his name; the legends do not speak it.
Hero: I see.
Dimetraxia: But this Great Wyrm may be the key to helping them.
Hero: Very well.
Search for a trail to the Wyrms' leader.Terra Wyrm: Graaarrrrrr!Wyrm Sign: Terra Wyrm, Nether Wyrm, Nether Wyrm, Horned Wyrm
Follow the trail.Terra Wyrm: Raaawwwrrr!Crystal Guardians: Terra Wyrm, Horned Wyrm, Nether Wyrm, Terra Wyrm
Dimetraxia: It is time to continue the story of the Wyrms.
Hero: Okay.
Dimetraxia: One day, ages past, the spirits of Maugrim Woods rose up against Elemaugrim.
Hero: I see.
Dimetraxia: Many Dragons had grown sick of his cruelty, and fled.
Hero: I don’t blame them.
Dimetraxia: Elemaugrim cursed them. They lost their wings, and were cast out of Krystara.
Hero: Down here!
![Conversation Character](/assets/conversation/K19_Char.png)
The One Who Was Lost
Confront the Great Wyrm.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Dimetraxia: So, here they have lived all these centuries, flightless in despair.
Hero: So it seems.
Dimetraxia: The loss of their wings has driven them mad. They have shattered this land.
Hero: Indeed.
Dimetraxia: Let us confront this Great Wyrm. Perhaps I can help him.
Hero: How, exactly?
Dimetraxia: I do not know. Perhaps if we showed him the way back to Krystara?
Hero: Let’s see!
Can the Great Wyrm speak?The Great Wyrm: It has been too long...The Great Wyrm: Terra Wyrm, Horned Wyrm, The Great Wyrm, Nether Wyrm
Dimetraxia: Alas, even the Great Wyrm is little more than a beast.
Hero: It’s sad.
Dimetraxia: It is a sad thing. They were brave creatures once.
Hero: Not any more.
Dimetraxia: No, now they are just an echo of the Dragons they once were.
Hero: True.
Dimetraxia: I shall weep for them, as I have wept for so many of my kind.
Hero: As shall I.