

Contents are limited to items present on Xbox One. Statistics are for PC/Mobile version and may not match.


Shattered Plains of the Wingless Dragons

This shattered land is home to an ancient cursed race of Dragons.
Conversation Character

Those Who Can’t Fly

Investigate the strange wingless Dragons.

Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Hero: As we traversed the Underworld...
Hero: ...We discovered a strange shattered land.
Dimetraxia: Do you see those creatures up ahead?
Hero: Vaguely.
Dimetraxia: Tell me what you see. My eyes are not what they once were.
Hero: Big... lizards?
Dimetraxia: They are not wingless Dragons are they?
Hero: Let’s find out.
  • Get up close to the wingless Dragons.
    Horned Wyrm: Graaarrrr!
    Get a Little Closer: Sluagh, Dementicore, Drake, Horned Wyrm
  • Approach the wingless Dragons.
    Horned Wyrm: Rawwrrrr!
    Closer Still: Horned Wyrm, Horned Wyrm, Horned Wyrm, Horned Wyrm
Dimetraxia: Wingless Dragons... It is as I feared.
Hero: Oh?
Dimetraxia: We refer to them as Wyrms. They are cursed creatures.
Hero: Cursed?
Dimetraxia: It is a long story. But first may I ask a favor?
Hero: Of course.
Dimetraxia: I would like to try and help them. I will explain as we go.
Hero: Very well.
Conversation Character

Those Who Won’t Listen

Try to talk with the Wyrms.

Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Dimetraxia: The Wyrms are beastial creatures, but they were not always thus.
Hero: Really?
Dimetraxia: There is a chance I may be able to talk with them.
Hero: Okay.
Dimetraxia: The Horned Wyrms who attacked us seem beyond help.
Hero: I agree.
Dimetraxia: But the glowing Wyrms ahead may be able to communicate.
Hero: Let’s go.
  • Approach the glowing Wyrms.
    Nether Wyrm: Rarrrgggghhh!
    A Light in the Darkness: Drake, Horned Wyrm, Horned Wyrm, Nether Wyrm
  • Try to talk to the glowing Wyrms.
    Nether Wyrm: Rawwwrrrrr!
    Deaf Ears: Horned Wyrm, Nether Wyrm, Nether Wyrm, Nether Wyrm
Dimetraxia: I suppose I should tell you the story of the Wyrms.
Hero: Yes, please.
Dimetraxia: They were once supporters of Elemaugrim the Black, many centuries ago.
Hero: I see.
Dimetraxia: But at the time they were real Dragons like myself.
Hero: What happened?
Dimetraxia: It is a sorry tale... I weep just thinking about it… I shall continue shortly.
Hero: Very well.
Conversation Character

Those Who Block the Way

Search for the leader of the Wyrms.

Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Dimetraxia: I fear if I am to help them, I must find their leader.
Hero: Leader?
Dimetraxia: Their minds are broken, but perhaps the strongest amongst them is still sane.
Hero: Perhaps.
Dimetraxia: I do not know his name; the legends do not speak it.
Hero: I see.
Dimetraxia: But this Great Wyrm may be the key to helping them.
Hero: Very well.
  • Search for a trail to the Wyrms' leader.
    Terra Wyrm: Graaarrrrrr!
    Wyrm Sign: Terra Wyrm, Nether Wyrm, Nether Wyrm, Horned Wyrm
  • Follow the trail.
    Terra Wyrm: Raaawwwrrr!
    Crystal Guardians: Terra Wyrm, Horned Wyrm, Nether Wyrm, Terra Wyrm
Dimetraxia: It is time to continue the story of the Wyrms.
Hero: Okay.
Dimetraxia: One day, ages past, the spirits of Maugrim Woods rose up against Elemaugrim.
Hero: I see.
Dimetraxia: Many Dragons had grown sick of his cruelty, and fled.
Hero: I don’t blame them.
Dimetraxia: Elemaugrim cursed them. They lost their wings, and were cast out of Krystara.
Hero: Down here!
Conversation Character

The One Who Was Lost

Confront the Great Wyrm.

Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Dimetraxia: So, here they have lived all these centuries, flightless in despair.
Hero: So it seems.
Dimetraxia: The loss of their wings has driven them mad. They have shattered this land.
Hero: Indeed.
Dimetraxia: Let us confront this Great Wyrm. Perhaps I can help him.
Hero: How, exactly?
Dimetraxia: I do not know. Perhaps if we showed him the way back to Krystara?
Hero: Let’s see!
  • Can the Great Wyrm speak?
    The Great Wyrm: It has been too long...
    The Great Wyrm: Terra Wyrm, Horned Wyrm, The Great Wyrm, Nether Wyrm
Dimetraxia: Alas, even the Great Wyrm is little more than a beast.
Hero: It’s sad.
Dimetraxia: It is a sad thing. They were brave creatures once.
Hero: Not any more.
Dimetraxia: No, now they are just an echo of the Dragons they once were.
Hero: True.
Dimetraxia: I shall weep for them, as I have wept for so many of my kind.
Hero: As shall I.
Last updated: 07/20/2022 © Lyya (
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