Fireborn Eagle
Fiery Wings
(11 Red/Yellow)
Deal [Magic + 3] damage to an Enemy, and Burn them. If the Enemy dies, create 2 Elemental Stars and gain an extra turn.
(Fireproof, Fire Heart, Born of Fire)
MAX ⚔️11
Horrid Strike
(12 Yellow/Purple)
Transform a selected Mana color to Red. Deal [Magic + 1] damage to a random enemy.
(Daemon Bond, Fireproof, Aflame)
MAX ⚔️15
Burning Sands
(13 Red/Yellow)
Deal [Magic + 8] scatter damage. Burn a random Enemy.
(Fire Link, Insulated, Aflame)
MAX ⚔️14
Scorching Blast
(11 Green/Red)
Deal [Magic + 4] damage to an Enemy and Burn them.
(Elemental Bond, Pyromania, Fireproof)
MAX ⚔️15
- Beast Captain
3 unique Beast troops - Elemental Captain
3 unique Elemental troops