Drifting Sands
The Endless Desert
Once home to an ancient civilization, all that remains here is buried beneath the sand.


Arcane Mountain



Skill bonus:

Brotherly Love
Help Tyri find her brother in the Drifting Sands.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Hero: Tyri approached me with an urgent request.
Hero: She can be difficult to ignore...
Tyri: We need to go to the Drifting Sands. Now!
Hero: We do?
Tyri: It's my brother. I'm afraid he's in trouble?
Hero: Really?
Tyri: Well, no. I heard he's looking for treasure. But we should go anyway!
Hero: Okay...
Enter the Drifting Sands.Dust Devil: Begone! There is nothing here for you!Dust to Dust: Rock Worm, Sabertooth Lion, Salamander, Dust Devil
Search for Tyri's brother.Chimera: Rawrrr!Djinn and Tonic: Roc, Dust Devil, Djinn, Chimera
Tyri: Marid? Is that you under all those clothes?
Hero: Marid?
Marid: Yes it is, Tyri. It's what they wear out here.
Hero: I see.
Tyri: Well that hat looks silly! Tell us what you're up to.
Hero: Please do.
Marid: I've been searching for a treasure. I'd expected you to turn up.
Hero: I can believe that.

Spirited Away
Help Marid defend against the spirits of the Drifting Sands.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Marid: I've been hunting this treasure for some time.
Hero: Really?
Marid: I have a map that shows the way to where it is buried.
Hero: Great!
Tyri: Ooh! I LIKE buried treasure the best!
Hero: I bet you do.
Marid: But there seem to be spirits trying to stop me.
Hero: We'll help.
Hold fast against the spirits.Skeleton: Begone, intruders!Old Bones: Skeleton, Skeleton, Ghoul, Dust Devil
Defeat the leader of the spirits.Djinn: If you seek the treasure, you will die.Djinn Fizz: Zombie, Banshee, Djinn, Djinn
Marid: Thank you. I couldn't have done that alone.
Hero: You're welcome.
Tyri: See? Good thing your sister was here to help!
Hero: Tyri...
Marid: Actually, I was talking to your friend...
Hero: Ouch.
Tyri: Oh, really? We'll see about that.
Hero: Enough!

Mother Knows Nest
Find the first clue in Marid's map - the Nest of the Rocs.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Marid: The first place we need to find is the Nest of the Rocs.
Hero: Okay.
Marid: I believe it may be up on that rocky outcrop in the distance.
Hero: I agree.
Tyri: Well that's obvious. Is the treasure up there?
Hero: Tyri...
Marid: No, but we'll need to climb it to see the second clue.
Hero: Let's go.
Climb the rocky outcrop.Salamander: Hissssss!Roc and Roll: Roc, Roc, Roc, Salamander
Search for the Roc's Nest.Roc: Cacawwwww!Roc-A-Bye: Roc, Pegasus, Sabertooth Lion, Chimera
Marid: Ahhh! What a view! I can see for miles.
Hero: Indeed.
Tyri: The only view I care about has lots of gold in it.
Hero: Tyri...
Marid: These magnficent golden sands aren't to your liking then?
Hero: Haha.
Tyri: I can't spend sand, brother!
Hero: Come on, you two.

Shark Alert
Find the second clue in Marid's map - the Ocean with No Water.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Marid: The map says to cross the Ocean with no Water.
Hero: Hmmm...
Marid: I believe it refers to the flat sandy plain down there
Hero: Good thinking.
Tyri: We needed to climb up here to figure that out?
Hero: Well, yes!
Marid: Indeed, Tyri. Down below, all the sand looks the same.
Hero: Let's go.
Travel to the flat sandy plain.Dust Devil: Death awaits you here!Sandy Shore: Dust Devil, Salamander, Hag, Sand Shark
Cross the sands.Sand Shark: Rawwrrrr!Sea of Sand: Sand Shark, Sand Shark, Sand Shark, Sand Shark
Marid: Sharks? In the desert? I don't like this place at all!
Hero: I agree.
Tyri: Oh, come on brother! That was fun!
Hero: Tyri...
Marid: I never much liked your idea of fun, Tyri.
Hero: Nor did I.
Tyri: You're both so boring! Come on! Let's see what else is out here.
Hero: Okay...

You're Fired!
Find the third clue in Marid's map - where the Fire Spirits Dance.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Marid: We're up to the final clue - where the Fire Spirits Dance.
Hero: Fire spirits?
Marid: I can't see anything that looks like a Fire Spirit though.
Hero: Nor can I.
Tyri: Don't be silly! Let's just wait until sunset, then follow the light.
Hero: Good idea.
Marid: Sometimes you're pretty smart, sis... Sometimes.
Hero: Indeed she is.
Follow the lights.Ifrit: In light there is only death for you!Fire Alarm: Golem, Chimera, Chimera, Ifrit
Find the fire spirits.Ifrit: Let us embrace you all!Fire and the Flame: Ifrit, Ifrit, Salamander, Salamander
Marid: I wonder why the Fire Spirits were dancing here.
Hero: Yes.
Tyri: Not because they were happy. They certainly didn't seem happy.
Hero: Agreed.
Marid: Maybe the treasure is buried here somewhere.
Hero: Perhaps.
Tyri: Well I hope you both brought shovels!
Hero: *sigh*

That Which was Lost
Survive a sandstorm and search for the treasure.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Marid: It looks like a storm is whipping up.
Hero: Yes it does.
Marid: The sandstorms out here can be brutal. We should lay low.
Hero: Okay.
Tyri: What? A little bit of wind isn't going to stop ME!
Hero: What?
Marid: Tyri! No, don't go out in that! Curse that girl!
Hero: That's Tyri.
Survive the sandstorm.Ifrit: We will not forget your trespass!Sands of Time: Roc, Dust Devil, Ifrit, Chimera
Regain your bearings.Dust Devil: To sand we all return...Discovery!: Dust Devil, Dust Devil, Dust Devil, Dust Devil
Marid: There are worse things in these storms than just sand.
Hero: So I see.
Marid: Now we need to find Tyri, wherever she is.
Hero: Let's look.
Marid: I hope she's okay. She'll get herself killed one day.
Hero: Perhaps.
Marid: It's like the Gods are looking after her sometimes, I swear.
Hero: I know.

That Which was Found
Open the Vault Doors. The treasure awaits!
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Hero: We searched for Tyri for an entire day...
Hero: ...then suddenly...
Tyri: Hi there!
Hero: Tyri!
Tyri: I found something uncovered in the storm!
Hero: What?
Marid: A door? A Vault door? This is it! The treasure!
Hero: Let's open it.
Open the Vault doors.Ifrit: This place is not for you, mortals!The Vault: Fortress Gate, Archon Statue, Archon Statue, Ifrit
Marid: Whatever inside was well-guarded.
Hero: It was.
Tyri: Oh I bet that's just the beginning.
Hero: Really?
Marid: Tyri is right. There will be other guardians, stronger ones.
Hero: I see.
Tyri: Don't worry Marid, Daemons and Dragons are our specialty!
Hero: Come on.

Djinny Djinn Djinn
Save Tyri from herself. Get rid of the magic lamp she found.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Marid: Tyri? What did you just pick up?
Hero: What?
Tyri: Oh, it's just a lamp. It's so pretty though! It needs polishing.
Hero: Tyri, no!
Tyri: Look how it shines up! It's like magic!
Hero: Oh, dear.
Marid: Tyri! Put the lamp down. Please!
Hero: Please!
Deal with Tyri and the Lamp.Djinn: 2000 Years I have been trapped!Djinn Smash: Grave Knight, Archon Statue, Banshee, Djinn
Get the Lamp from Tyri.Djinn: Finish them, my servants!Golem in the Gears: Golem, Roc, Salamander, Ancient Horror
Hide the Lamp.Djinn: They will steal what is ours! Stop them!Djinn Royale: Archon Statue, Dust Devil, Bone Dragon, Djinn
Tyri: You didn't have to take it and hide it!
Hero: Yes we did.
Marid: Djinns are dangerous, Tyri. This one was crazy.
Hero: She was.
Tyri: She might have given me a wish. It would have been grand.
Hero: Tyri...
Tyri: I would have wished you two weren't so boring!
Hero: Come on.

All My Vault
Explore a little deeper into the Vault.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Marid: Okay. This time we go forward... carefully, okay?
Hero: Got it.
Tyri: Hey! There's a big pit over here! I wonder if...
Hero: Wait!
Marid: There she goes again. She'll be the death of me.
Hero: I know.
Marid: And more guardians? Take them first. Tyri can wait.
Hero: Okay.
Fight the Vault's guardians.Banshee: Ahhhh! Mortal flesh!High Spirits: Golem, Revenant, War Sphinx, Banshee
Rescue Tyri... Again.Salamander: Hissssss!Snake Pit: Rock Worm, Serpent, Skeleton, Salamander
Marid: Tyri, please! Behave! If father was here...
Hero: Haha!
Tyri: Well he's not! Even if he was, he couldn't catch me!
Hero: Come on.
Marid: He never wanted to. You were always his favorite.
Hero: Hmmm...
Marid: Now if you can behave for a little, we'll get this treasure.
Hero: Good idea.

Maw's the Pity
See what else lurks in the vault.
Complete this quest to gain an Income Bonus in this Kingdom.
Marid: Did anyone else feel the ground move?
Hero: Yes.
Tyri: That's just your heart pounding with the thought of TREASURE!
Hero: No...
Marid: We should take care. There's danger here. I feel it.
Hero: I agree.
Tyri: Oh, don't be so silly, both of you! Let's go.
Hero: Wait!
Defend yourselves.The Great Maw: It looks HUNGRY!Om Nom Nom: Rock Worm, Rock Worm, Rock Worm, The Great Maw
Marid: That is the biggest creature I've ever seen.
Hero: I know.
Marid: Wait! Where's Tyri?
Hero: I don't know.
Marid: That thing... Did it swallow her?
Hero: I hope not!
Marid: Quickly! We need to follow it!
Hero: Let's go.

The Maw the Merrier
Follow the Great Maw back to its lair, looking for Tyri.
Complete this quest to unlock a new Challenge.
Marid: It might seem like Tyri and I fight a lot.
Hero: You do.
Marid: But I'd never let her come to harm!
Hero: I know.
Marid: If that creature has eaten her, I'll cut it open myself.
Hero: Let's go.
Follow the Great Maw.Dust Devil: The treasure is sacred!Dust Busters: Rock Worm, Dust Devil, Djinn, Salamander
Enter the Great Maw's lair.Ifrit: Go no further!Fire Trail: Golem, Ancient Horror, Ifrit, Sand Shark
Marid: Maybe this creature guards the treasure.
Hero: Perhaps.
Marid: Ha! That would be right... So typical!
Hero: What's that?
Marid: It's headed back to its lair.
Hero: So?
Marid: I do all the work, and Tyri gets to the treasure before I do.
Hero: Too true!

Cough Her Up!
Defeat The Great Maw, rescue Tyri, and get the treasure.
Complete this quest to unlock Marid.
Marid: The creature's lair! We are here!
Hero: At last.
Marid: I hope Tyri is okay. But there's only one way to find out.
Hero: Indeed.
Marid: As my sister would say: Frontal Assault!
Hero: Lead on.
Free Tyri from the Great Maw.The Great Maw: It STILL looks hungry!The Great Maw: Rock Worm, Ifrit, Sand Shark, The Great Maw
Tyri: That's the last time I travel in a Worm's belly!
Hero: I bet.
Tyri: I beat you to the treasure though, brother!
Hero: Ha!
Marid: So you did! And look at it! Rare spices! Thousands of years old!
Hero: I see.
Marid: And now I will join you both! Tyri needs someone to keep an eye on her!
Hero: Welcome!

The Elemental Dungeons
Help Tyri decipher her treasure map.
Complete this quest to unlock the Dungeon feature.
Tyri: Guess what I've found?
Hero: Enlighten me.
Tyri: I've found a TREASURE MAP! But there's a problem...
Hero: Which is?
Tyri: I can't make any sense of it. But I KNOW it's a treasure map.
Hero: Why is that?
Tyri: It has a big red X on it, silly! Now help me out!
Hero: Oh, very well.
Follow the map into the desert.Dust Devil: You will die in here, mortals!Blast from the Past: Dust Devil, Dust Devil, Dust Devil, Dust Devil
Search for the Dungeons.The Great Maw: He looks HUNGRY!Dungeon Doors: Dwarven Gate, Dwarven Gate, The Great Maw, Dwarven Gate
Defeat the Dungeon Guardians.Gog and Gud: Who? What? Where? Oh... food!Elements in Harmony: Ice Golem, Gog and Gud, Djinn, Ifrit
Tyri: Oooo! I want to visit this place every day!
Hero: Why?
Tyri: I can smell JEWELS inside! Lots of pretty shiny Jewels.
Hero: You can smell them?
Tyri: Of course I can! They smell like very expensive candy.
Hero: Okay...
Tyri: You could use these jewels to make things, but not if I get them first!
Hero: Interesting.

Dervish Training
Search for the secrets of the Dervish with Marid.
Unlock the Dervish Hero Class
Marid: I discovered an old tome in these ancient ruins.
Hero: Really?
Tyri: Yeah... But I took all the treasure.
Hero: I believe that.
Marid: Hmph! Anyway, it contains the secrets of the Dervishes.
Hero: Dervishes?
Marid: The Spinning Warriors of the desert! Care to read it with me?
Hero: Sure!
Learn to spin.Marid: Start spinning!You Spin Me Right Round: Ancient Golem, Rock Spirit, Ifrit, Djinn
Spin Faster.Marid: Faster! Spin like the Dust Devils!Baby, Right Round: Dust Devil, Dust Devil, Dust Devil, Dust Devil
Use your swords while spinning.Marid: Now, use your blades on these Cacti!Like a Dervish, Baby: Saguaro, Senita, Agave, Sandrunner
Awaken the monster within!Marid: Now, forget who you are and fight!Right Round Round Round: The Great Maw, Desert Troll, Sand Shark, Desert Mantis
Marid: So, it seems they would spin for hours...
Hero: I'm so dizzy.
Marid: ... Until they literally forgot who they were...
Hero: Like I've done.
Marid: ... And awakened the monster within them...
Hero: My monster's still spinning.
Marid: I think we've learned to be dervishes, my friend!
Hero: I'm gonna throw up.