The Labyrinth
The Maze of King Minos
The exiled Minotaur, King Minos, built a maze in the Underworld to protect his treasure.

Into the Labyrinth
Enter the strange labyrinth.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Hero: We stumbled upon a strange labyrinth in the Underworld.
Hero: Sunweaver seemed to know something about it.
Sunweaver: This labyrinth looks familiar. There is an old story told by my people...
Hero: Oh?
Sunweaver: There was once a Tauros who tried to cheat death, and was exiled.
Hero: Interesting.
Sunweaver: The tales tell that he built a labyrinth just like this to hide in.
Hero: Let's find out.
Go left, right, left, left, right...Horned Guardian: Leave this place!The Horned Gate: Fortress Gate, Horned Guardian, Ferocity, Persistence
Then go right, straight, left, right, right...Horned Guardian: We will never open the gate!Horns Aplenty: Horned Guardian, Horned Guardian, Horned Guardian, Horned Guardian
Sunweaver: I wonder what they were guarding in here. Could it be his final resting place?
Hero: .... The old Tauros?
Sunweaver: His name was King Minos. He was a great warrior, a great leader, and a brilliant mind.
Hero: I see.
Sunweaver: He was... Until the fateful day when he thought he could live forever.
Hero: So you said.
Sunweaver: You know my kind, we embrace death. The way we die is as important as the way we live.
Hero: This is true.

Left or Right?
Search the labyrinth.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Sunweaver: If this is indeed the Labyrinth of King Minos, it will be difficult.
Hero: How difficult?
Sunweaver: The tales say he used it to hide from death.
Hero: Really?
Sunweaver: If it stopped death, even for a short time, our chances are not good.
Hero: Fair point.
Sunweaver: But if there is even a chance he is still alive, we must press on.
Hero: Very well.
Go left, left, right, straight, right...Rhinotaur: We will stop you!To the Point: Horned Guardian, Horned Guardian, Ferocity, Rhinotaur
Then go right, straight, right, left, left...Rhinotaur: You'll never find your way!The Pointy End: Horned Guardian, Rhinotaur, Rhinotaur, Rhinotaur
Sunweaver: The legends are true! Those Tauros have only one horn!
Hero: Why is that?
Sunweaver: They say Ketras himself cursed the followers of King Minos as they were banished.
Hero: Cursed them?
Sunweaver: Yes. Our horns are our pride. He cursed them to only have a single horn.
Hero: I see.
Sunweaver: They called them Rhinotaurs. These must be their descendants.
Hero: How terrible.

Which Way is Which?
Search for the labyrinth's center.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Sunweaver: Left, right, left, left... I'm afraid we are lost. This maze is never-ending.
Hero: So what now?
Sunweaver: There IS one perk of being a spirit...
Hero: What's that?
Sunweaver: I can consult with my ancestors. They may have some advice.
Hero: I hope they do.
Sunweaver: For now, let's continue. We might make progress.
Hero: Okay.
Go left, right, left, straight, straight...Mechataur: CLANK! WHIRRR!The Mechanical Bull: Horned Guardian, Rhinotaur, Rhinotaur, Mechataur
Then go right, right, left, straight, right...Mechataur: CLANG! GRIIIND! ZING!Exterminate!: Mechataur, Mechataur, Mechataur, Mechataur
Sunweaver: The ancestors told me something very troubling.
Hero: What's that?
Sunweaver: King Minos never crossed over. He must still be alive here.
Hero: Or a spirit like you.
Sunweaver: Have you seen any sign of him while I was gone?
Hero: Just these machines.
Sunweaver: Mechanical Tauros? King Minos must have built them.
Hero: Pretty clever.

Minos' Lair
Confront King Minos.
Complete this quest to earn 100 Souls.
Sunweaver: At last, the center of the maze lies ahead.
Hero: We made it.
Sunweaver: And to think - all these years, King Minos has hidden from death here.
Hero: Indeed.
Sunweaver: We must slay him and return his spirit to my ancestors.
Hero: Very well.
Sunweaver: Hopefully it will break the curse of the Labyrinth.
Hero: Let's find out.
Approach the center of the Maze.King Minos: I SHALL NEVER DIE!The Horned King: Horned Guardian, Rhinotaur, Mechataur, King Minos
Sunweaver: Finally. King Minos has been returned to the stars to rest with our ancestors.
Hero: That's good.
Sunweaver: I doubt he will have a good reception, at least not for a few centuries.
Hero: Oh?
Sunweaver: A noble death is important. And he DID kick and scream a lot.
Hero: He did rather.
Sunweaver: But what's more, I have another tale to tell the ancestors when it is MY time.
Hero: Me too.